Do you make resolutions? Or do you set goals?
Resolutions? They're usually pretty loose. This time of year so many people make resolutions like: "I want to lose weight" or "I want to get in shape". The thing with resolutions...there's never an end point. I read somewhere that only 10% of people who make resolutions actually keep them.
I'm a goal setter. If you're a regular reader, you probably already know that. The thing I like about goals is that they are objective and measurable. Goals are achievable. You do it, it's done.
I set 5 big goals at the beginning of 2015. Let's see how I did.
-Stay injury free. This was a huge, open goal. But totally measurable. Was I injured? Or not? I can honestly say that I ran 99% of this year injury free. Now I'm dealing with plantar fasciitis. I'd consider it a minor injury. I worked really hard with my coach Becky to strengthen my muscles and prevent any major injuries from happening. I don't know that I could have prevented PF. I consider this goal a win. I'm still running, after all...
-Run a sub-4 hour marathon. I did not achieve this goal. As hard as I trained for my 3rd Chicago marathon, prior to running the race, I revised my goal to finish under 4:30. During marathon training, I did not have one confidence building long run the entire summer. Instead of disappointing myself and letting all that hard work go to waste, I finished Chicago strong at 4:25:53. This in spite of struggling with a migraine and some shortness of breath. I paced myself well. Am I disappointed? Well, 4:00 is my BQ. But in light of how my training went and how I felt during the race? I was really happy about my finish time. But I won't lie. I still would love to BQ. This just wasn't my time.
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Chicago Marathon 2015 |
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Get Lucky half marathon Chicago 2015 |
There was the Great Western Half, where I finished at 1:55:37 and got 2d in my AG again!
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Great Western Half Marathon 2015 |
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My partner in crime this year, Sara with me at the Alpine Runners Half Marathon in September |
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Schaumburg Half Marathon |
-Grow my blog. Oh, my. 2015 was a great year for my blog. I've connected with some amazing master bloggers who have readily shared advice and guidance. I've had fun watching my readership grow. I'm still all about writing quality content and interacting with my readers. That has been really fun for me, and I've been able to meet more bloggers this year! I've met Susie from SuzLyfe!
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The Suz and me at the Chicago Marathon expo |
I also got to meet Zenaida Arroyo and Emily from Out and About.
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At the CARA Lakefront 10 miler: Erin, Marcia, Sara, Me, Zenaida, and Emily |
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Serving up the donuts for the ultra runners at Christmas in July: Kim, Michelle, Penny, Maggie, Teri, and Karen |
There have been more giveaways and relationships with product vendors. The book club hasn't gone crazy with readership but I've really enjoyed the author interviews, and some of them have been my most popular posts! I was thrilled to have a response from almost every author I've reached out to. Oh yeah, and I got my own domain name!
What's next? I'll share my upcoming goals for 2016 on Friday!
What do you think about goals vs resolutions? Do you set goals? Make resolutions? Did you meet your 2015 goals?
I'm linking up with DebRuns for Wednesday Word! Today's word is resolutions. Of course! Check out what everyone else is saying.
I'm also linking up with Julie at Running in a Skirt for the The Best of the Blogs! This is a good one..
And at Wild Workout Wednesday with Angelina Marie, Annmarie, Nicole, and Michelle!