Tuesday, February 21, 2017

If You Give a Runner a Genie...

If you were granted 3 wishes...3 running wishes, what would they be? Long-time readers probably can guess mine, but when I saw today's Tuesdays on the Run blog prompt, I thought, how fun!

My only problem...just 3 wishes? Ok, then, I'll have to be careful what I wish for!

So I was looking for images for this blog post and I won't tell you what came up when I googled "rub the magic lamp". For once, can we keep it clean, internet?

Anyways, I oh-so-innocently rubbed the genie lamp and he granted me three running wishes. What did I wish for?

The Impossible Dream 
I still want to qualify for Boston. You all know that. A run at the Boston Marathon would be the final medal in my marathon collection. I've got a marathon coming up in June. The course is flat, with a few rolling hills. I need good weather, too. Genie, can you grant me a happy ending? Or at least a 4:05 finish?

I feel like 30 but I've got the 55-59 age group going on...
Mission: Remission
This latest RA flare sent me back to the rheumatologist and onto a new medication. Optimistically, I'm hoping for complete resolution of my symptoms. I'll keep doing my part by eating right and behaving myself. Genie, can you banish my illness into remission?

Running with the boys:
What mother doesn't want to run with her grown children? My oldest son has started working out at the gym. He's running on the treadmill. My youngest son is conditioning for rugby, going out for "runs". But I can't get either of them to run with me....Genie?

Do wishes come true? You'll have to stick with me to see if it all works out. Of course, if the Genie can't grant these wishes, I can always use more running clothes!

My husband says I should wish to find 1 million dollars on the ground while I'm running! What would you wish for if you had a genie and a magic lamp? You get 3 wishes!

I'm linking this post with Tuesdays on the Run: Marcia, Erika, and Patti came up with this fun prompt!


  1. I haven't had time to read all the posts yet, but this is gonna be a fun link-up. My wishes were a little more profound...completely spacing off the access to unlimited time or money to do "all the races."

    1. I was going to ask for that but I'm focused on that first wish!

  2. I love your wishes and I hope they all come true! If possible, I think I'd ask the genie to give me more confidence about my running. I've been feling a little down lately...

    1. Running does that to us, doesn't it? When I feel that way, it's time to mix up my training.

  3. Yes! I love the purple card lol! Some days I feel exactly the same way! My teenager is starting to like running more. Middle child does not and my little boy shows some interest so we'll see! I would just like running friends of a group nearby. Since we've moved I feel a little more isolated not knowing the people here as well. I hope you have a great rest of the week Wendy!

    1. You never know where those running friends will pop up! Mine was at the gym where I train with Becky--she's the client after me.

  4. LOve this ! What a fun post! Hey.... maybe we could be each other's support during Grandma's??? ;)

    1. Well.... I have hopes of 4hr finish. But I KNOW i'll need that push. It doesn't have to be set in stone. In other words, if we're feeling it race day or not. Looking so forward to meeting up with everyone!

    2. Let's make a plan--I'd love the push and the company.

  5. I hope the new meds help you too! Love your optimism with the symptoms.

    1. I have to be optimistic! My doctor is and she wants me to run for arthritis!

  6. Two things: I love love love that meme about drinking with the kids rather than because of them. Gotta steal that. And second of all, I can't believe how big that girl's boobs are! The one wearing the pink top and shorts! They didn't have breast augmentation back then, did they? Or are they just dressed up like the 80's? Yeah, that must be it. Problem solved.

    1. I didn't even notice her boobs, but now that you mention it...

  7. I would only need one wish: to never be injured again!!! I feel like everything else would follow naturally (BQ, dream races, etc.) If I can have that, I'll donate my other two wishes to another runner. :)

    1. Isn't that the truth?! We can conquer the world if we stay healthy!

  8. Love these wishes! If the genie would at least grant me the wish to be injury-proof then I'd be one happy girl ;)

  9. I have to say, having lived back in the day when you saw people dressed like the picture you included, that those guys weren't attractive to me...those outfits elicited more of an "ewwwwww" reaction than anything else. Gross! Put on a pair of Op shorts and a surf t-shirt, dude. ;)

  10. I quickly realized 3 wishes weren't enough. I guess my first wish should have been unlimited wishes? I've run a few half marathons and 5ks with my oldest son. Good times! May ALL your wishes come true.

  11. I bet you BQ before no time.

    I would love to run with my stepsons. The oldest ran track in HS and is natural runner but has no interest.Then again I didn't at his age but I would have maybe if my mother or father ran.

  12. Awesome wishes! I'd wish for 1. Injury free running 2. With wish #1 granted, a return to running marathons 3. Unlimited travel so I could run Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, NYC, and London to finish my Marathon Majors quest - sure wish I'd set that as a goal years ago when I was actually running all the marathons...

  13. My wishes would be to be injury free, to be able to run during IVF, and to get back to at least the ballpark of how fast I used to be. That would be so lovely.

  14. If I can get my ITBS banished, there are a couple international cities I'd like to run in. Once I get my running up to par, maybe get my finances in check? I'm working on both not having to pay rent at the moment.

    1. I can't even think about my finances right now. My medications are so expensive!

  15. Since I'm at work, I'll refrain from googling "rub the magic lamp"!

    Good luck with your impossible dream -- you will get it!

  16. My wish would be injury free forever !

  17. Haha - this is awesome! I can see how teens wouldn't want to run with their mom. Maybe give them a few years? Or maybe they're just scared you'll outrun them!

    My 1 genie wish would be for my back problems to go away!

    1. My youngest says he needs "to sprint". Well I need speedwork too... :p

  18. What a fun topic! I'm going to have to write about this one myself. I'll tell you my first wish would be to run injury free forever!!

  19. LOL! You are the funniest! I am hoping for your remission wish too! Fingers crossed!

  20. I don't think I've ever found more than a penny, and rarely at that.

    It would be very cool to have built in running partners in the family!

  21. Oh yes, I've seen the "magic lamp" related pics Google has to offer! Don't stop believing in that Genie. You just never know...

  22. That pic... #perfection.

    You can get a BQ. You can get a BQ. You can get a BQ... I'm wishing it so hard for you!!

  23. I love this post! I think we all secretly have running wishes. I honestly think you could BQ--you are strong and amazing! I think my only wish is to continue to be active with all my sports without pain and injury! Running is the one that challenges that the most so I hang onto it loosely but deep down want it to be part of my life forever! I hope the new meds will help. Sending good energy to you, girl.

    1. My PR a few years ago was not that far off from my current BQ time. It all depends on my RA now.

  24. I bet that eventually you will get your kids to run with you! And I also think you can BQ. Hopefully you will also be able to figure out the RA stuff. I never even thought to wish for finding a million dollars while I run- thats a good idea for a wish!

    1. If the RA goes into remission, everything else will fall into place!

  25. Those are fantastic wishes ! I'm sure they can happen for you !

  26. A million dollars on the ground while running isn't a bad thought at all. I imagine you would need a flip belt to carry the loot home,

  27. Great wishes! I hope the RA one comes true at least. My kids won't run with me. We went hiking and they kept their own paces doing that too ...

  28. I wish my body would love running as much as my heart. Long runs have become harder for me without getting injured.Hope your wishes come true :)

    1. I love my long runs--I need my endurance to return. Fingers crossed on that one!

  29. I wish I would be injury free, would finally get down to my desired running weight and I would love to run a marathon all the way through! Right now I have none of those but I'm working on it.

    Problem with finding a million dollars on the ground is that I would feel guilty/obliged to turn it in! hahaha!

    I really hope your wishes come true :)

    1. See, that's what I told my husband. He had a good laugh at that...

  30. I'm falling behind with your posts bc of school and work. Darn it..I hate when my responsibilities get in the way of my fun. I love this post! The 🍷Card was on point! Here are my wishes : 1. I wish to stay injury free. 2. Graduate and pass my boards! 3. Be an awesome NP. Thanks for asking. 😁

    1. You will be an awesome NP!!! How much longer until you are done?

    2. May of 2020. I'm dual masters. Mph and Occ health NP. Yeah, I'm crazy like that. πŸ™ƒ

  31. What a fun topic!

    1) I'm borrowing yours: running with my boys. I hope they grow up to love running, and run with mom ;)

    2) Finish my first 100 miler successfully...successfully enough to want to do some more :P

    3) Qualify for and get into Western States :)

    1. If you qualify for Western States, I'll pace or crew you for part of it!

  32. If I got to pick my 3 they would be:
    1. Hit the lottery so the day job doesn't get in the way of my running.
    2. Run injury free forever!
    3. No more illnesses to slow me down, a cold or normal stuff is okay, but no craziness.

  33. 100% mine would be to run faster without more effort :), run as many years as I want with a smile, find a perfect running buddy

  34. I think your husband's suggestion is a good one! I certainly wouldn't mind that coming true. :-)

  35. I'd wish to be able to run injury free for the rest of my life. I like that your husband's wish was finding that money on the ground rather than the lottery. He's a smart thinker, you don't have to pay taxes on it that way!
