Friday, September 27, 2019

Got Runfessions?

It's the end of the month and you know what that means, at least for us running bloggers. Yep, it's time for runfessions! Do you runfess? Marcia opens up the runfessional on the last Friday of the month so we can cleanse our souls. Or our soles...

I runfess...WAIT! Do I even have any runfessions this month? As of this post, I've only run 48 miles for September. The month isn't over yet, but I don't anticipate more than another 10 miles over the weekend. Don't cry for me, though. By running fewer miles, running no longer feels like a chore. Quality over quantity. I'm enjoying my runs again and even better, I'm picking up speed. If you believe in signs, and I do, all signs point to staying the low mileage course and working on getting faster at the shorter distances.

I SUPfess... I may not have much in the way of runfessions but I do have other 'fessions! Earlier this month, I took my SUP out for a paddle on Lake Wisconsin. The water was like glass--more like ice, brrrr- and I paddled across the lake towards a house with a pier. I set up my phone on the boat lift to take a SUP selfie and as soon as I paddled away from the pier, a car pulled up to the house. Yikes! I paddled back to the pier, grabbed my phone, and put it in my pocket. I paddled away as quickly as I could, not realizing that I forgot to turn off the camera. When I finished, I had a hot phone, a drained battery, and 20 minutes of my pocket on film.

I waterskifess... my motto has always been to run ski outside my comfort zone. This past month, I pushed myself a little harder and I had a near wipeout on Lake Wisconsin. Fortunately, I caught myself in time but had to let go of the rope. Last weekend in Alabama, something similar happened, but I wasn't so lucky. Unable to recover, I did a face plant at 30 mph into Lake Jordan. Nothing hurt but my pride, although I did wake up with whiplash the next morning! Did I go again? You betcha!

I boatfess... Over the weekend, I hit my head multiple times on the top of Holly's boat while climbing aboard. One time I hit it so hard that I saw stars. You'd think I would have learned after the first time. I guess it takes me multiple times to learn a lesson.

I crossfess... This may surprise you, but I am not the most coordinated person around. CrossFit has presented me with lots of rewards but some technical challenges. Some of the lifts are like a dance move and we all know I can't dance. Monday's WOD had snatches, which I've been working on. I was doing pretty well with them but on one lift, after I got the bar over my head, I fell backward, landing on my ass and dropping the bar down in front of me. All I could do was laugh. Sammy Jo just shook her head. Let not even discuss how I conked myself in the head with a dumbbell yesterday.

Got coordination? Who me? I've got a few runfessions /via @oldrunningmom @teamarcia @fairytalesandfitness #crossfit #runchat #running #waterskiing

Seems like it's been a month of mishaps for me! Do you ever have a stretch of time where you're extra clumsy? What do you have to 'fess? 

I'm linking up with Marcia for Runfessions and with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness.


  1. OMG what are the chances you'd have the snatch gone wrong on video?! Glad you didn't hurt yourself! Thanks for fessing up!

    1. I was videoing myself so I could watch my technique. It really helps! But seriously, I'm glad I was able to bail on that one!

  2. I find I'm usually clumsy when I'm really tired (like I'll trip over my own feet). Otherwise not so much. I'm glad you're still ok with all that head bonking!

    My mileage is obviously pretty low too. I've been lucky to squeeze in 3 runs a week lately. Good thing I don't really care about my monthly mileage --not even when I am training for something. ;)

    1. I feel you on not being able to squeeze in 3 runs per week. How did I do 4-5 runs per week when I was training for something?

  3. Hah! you got some fine video footage -- from your pocket to your fall. You're 12 miles ahead of me and will probably be 5 more ahead of me by the end of the weekend. My 4 days "off" in England put a dent in my runing plans. As did running just plain sucking.

    1. Glad to know it isn't just me! I still love running, will always love running, but I'm loving other things too! Thank goodness!

  4. So funny on the SUP selfie fail. You had a week of bloopers! Low mileage over here too this month but ready to pic it up now just waiting for fall...

  5. Jeez, with all that head bumping and face planting you’d better get checked for concussion! I’m glad you’re enjoying your runs (and everything else).

  6. I'm glad that you didn't hurt yourself and that you were able to laugh it off!

    Speaking of hitting your time a few years ago I was getting up out of my seat on a plane and whacked my head pretty hard on the overhead compartment. Luckily there weren't many people around but man did that hit my pride, lol.

  7. "Waterskifess" - haha! I bet that's the first coining of that term. Love it.

    I know the snatch video is supposed to show your clumsiness but I'm afraid you just look like a badass! That looks heavy and I'm impressed!!

    I feel like I'm getting clumsier as I get older... is that a thing?

  8. I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself! I agree with Katie, I feel like I'm getting clumsier as I get older too!

  9. Yikes...ouch on all the mishaps. Totally sounds like something I'd do LOL

    1. Since I was doing all the fun things, the mishaps hurt way less than they could have!

  10. A very active and eventful month. Good thing you're a nurse and no what to look for with head injuries. I think we may be related. Lol.

  11. May I suggest you increase your health insurance coverage?

  12. Hey Wendy! My only runfession is that I ACTUALLY RAN PAIN-FREE last weekend! There is a local 5K every September for a local food bank that is 80s themed. This was the 4th annual event, and I was able to run the last .6 of it pain-free! I haven't run in over a year and a half because of knee pain, so this was exciting for me....I runfess that I am dreaming of getting back to running by the end of the year.....

    1. That's a good 'session! Fingers crossed that this trend continues for you!

  13. But I'm sure you have a most photogenic pocket!
    GLad to hear running has felt good for you

  14. Your SUP selfie story is hilarious! Thank you for sharing that with us! As far as low running mileage, I have stopped sharing most of my runs on IG because my mileage is potentially embarrassing. I am doing fewer miles and some weeks I don't even hit 10, but that's okay because that's whats working for me. Not everybody is a 50 mile per week runner!

    Coco seems to be enjoying your water ski wipe out! -M
