I've decided that while I'm posting my weekly marathon training, there's no need to do my monthly #RunThisYear recaps. That and also, since I've met all my goals except the one I'm currently pursuing makes me think that it would be kind of redundant to post both. But I'll put my monthly stats and year to date mileage at the end of the post, just to keep it all on the up and up! This post is chock full of info, so if you manage to stick with me, thanks in advance!
Anyways, how did the week go?
Monday: I was off work most of the week! That was really helpful for kicking off the training and getting my head in the game.
I had a 6 mile race pace run on the plan. My legs were super tired after that epic bike ride Saturday and my 10 miler on Sunday. I foam rolled like crazy Sunday night to convince my legs that they could do this. And they did. It was a hot and humid morning, but I got it done. 6 miles at 8:45 mins/mile. My dog wasn't as convinced though! She's 12 and doesn't quite get the need to push oneself.
Tuesday: I met Becky for a MetCon session. She had me row, slam ball, kettlebell swing, sit up, and hamstring curl AMRAP x 1 minute for 3 rounds. It was much harder than it looks. As you can see.
Wednesday: So sore from that CrossFit, I headed to yoga. Initially, everything was painful. But it turned out to be one of Kathy's usual amazing classes, and she hit all the high points. I walked out of the studio feeling taller and more mobile. Namaste.
Thursday: I had speedwork on the plan, mile repeats x 5. My goal was to hit sub 8 min/miles. I was really happy with this run. Not only did I average sub-8 for the 5 miles, I showed some nice consistency, especially with the last 4 miles.
Lots of reasons to be happy after this one!
After that I headed back to Becky for my 2d CrossFit session of the week. This one was fun. She initially had me throw the slam ball (15#) forward across the field. But on the way back, I had to throw it backwards over my head. I did that for 3 passes. Then I did squats, lifting a sandbag over my head alternating with GHD back extensions. Holy hamstrings! Finally, I did forward lunges with a bar for 3 laps.
Who says marathon training isn't fun?
Friday: Rest day and back to work. Oh, and I ate ALL THE FOOD today. Saw 27 patients too.
Saturday: I had 5 miles at RP on the plan. I also had a 5 mile virtual run to complete this weekend. So being the ultimate multitasker, I did kill two birds with one stone. I'll recap this race on Tuesday. But suffice to say that I hit my goal pace. Even on those really sore legs. Back to the foam roller for me!
Sunday was long run day. Becky had a 12 miler on the plan. When I got up at 6, it was already 75 degrees and 70% humidity. The sun was bright in the sky, and the weatherman was predicting a high of 90 today. I sat on the couch, drinking my coffee, and considered all this. I was also very tired, having been woken up by my dog twice, and then wondering when my oldest son was coming home. My dog left me a present on the kitchen floor, too. I guess I should have let her out when she woke me up...but somehow I felt like cleaning up poop was better than having a skunky dog.
That's my city in the background!
When I headed out the door for my run, I was already in a negative state of mind. Sometimes its better just to not think about it and go. I decided to run the bike path, and to shoot for a 9:30-10 min/mi pace. I started out slow, and let my legs loosen up. Already at mile 3, I stopped for water, and at mile 4, I needed to make a pit stop. Starting back up was hard! When I got to the end of the path, I needed another 3/4 mile to make it to 6. I pondered my options. Should I head into the forest preserve and make it a loop run or should I turn around at mile 6, and make it an out and back? When I thought about the loop, I reminded myself that it was all open field and that meant the sun would be killer. So I decided to turn around and retrace my route on the path, where there was a lot of shade. I started sipping my Tailwind at mile 6, and it seemed to give me wings for a bit. My splits on the back half were a little faster than I wanted, but as I was struggling mentally, I just couldn't get control of my legs to slow them down. The wind was at my back too, and that helped push me forward a little bit. I still wanted to quit on this run, but I kept telling myself I had to push through it. Talk about digging deep. Lots of negative thoughts were going through my mind, and it took a lot of strength to push them out, especially because I was dying out there. It was really hard to convince myself to keep going. I finished, though, and hobbled into the house. When I showered and recovered, I did some yoga to stretch it out, and I have to say that helped a ton.
Coming up next week:
Monday 6 miles at RP
Tuesday CrossFit
Wednesday Yoga
Thursday Speedwork and CrossFit
Friday Rest
Saturday 5 miles at RP
Sunday Bike!
Month end stats for July:
Running 94 miles
Cycling 99 miles
Year to date: 705
Finally, today's song that pushed me through the last mile:
How's your training going? Anyone else struggling with the heat? Got any songs for a tough run?
We lucked out here for three mornings! It was cooler, low humidty and comfortable. My runs were so much more enjoyable! I downloaded the new Breaking Benjamin album and listened to it in my solo run Thursday. I do love Panic at the Disco too!! Good choice!
It sounds like you had an awesome week training! Good job getting it all done and on the LR. I just signed up for my next event.. I have a 25K run /super hike in Sept.. now I have a 28 mile march in Oct... just made it official and registered (yikes)
It was so much cooler here this morning (68!) so I was really hoping for a good run, but alas, 100% humidity is still 100% humidity, even if it is at 68 degrees. BUT! I increased my post-injury long run by another mile to 6 miles so I was still happy. :)
Your dog is adorable. :) Mine are both 6 and aren't a big fan of pushing it either. When they get tired (which doesn't take long in this heat) they're like, "Nope, I'm done, I'm just gonna sit right here under this shade tree."
Great week....and great job sticking it through that humid 12 miler with tired legs... For a few months now I've been into this kind of cheesy song called "Masterpiece" by Jesse J....totally teeny-bopper song, but the lyrics actually get me every time.... "I still fall on my face sometimes, and I can't color inside the lines....but you haven't seen the best of me, I'm still working on my masterpiece..." It's kind of how I feel....I'm loving following your Chicago marathon plans...met a couple of girls this Saturday at LA leggers doing Chicago, too.
I was praying for lower humidity this morning. Oh, no way. 91%. But, I got it done - at a slow pace. I had a good laugh during my run. My phone hit on the song "Mama Told Me Not To Come" by Three Dog Night. Well, my kids replace the word "come" with "fart". It fits (open up the window and let some air into this room) and it is hilarious. I sang it out loud like my kids would. It definitely gave me a lift! Great week, Wendy! Keep on rocking it!
Sounds like your training is going well too! I love hearing what other people are listening to. And I would have been laughing about that too! Farts are funny. Yep, I'm immature.
Wow, awesome week of workouts! 5x1 miles would be tough. My coach had me doing 3 x 1 miles and I didn't even like that (I'm much rather do faster, shorter repeats like 400s or 200s - I think I'm figuring out that I'm more fast-twitch than slow-twitch). Nice work gettin it done!
Yeah, I'm not really thrilled to be back in the humidity after a week away. But I had a great 15-miler yesterday, so I'll not complain. I wish I had a Becky in my life! Your strength sessions sound awesome!
The heat is really getting to the point of unbearable, especially with the humidity. I struggled during my 11 miler on Sunday, but that's just how it is this time of year. It will cool down. Eventually.
Your long run so reminded me of mine this week. This weather can really make you miserable on a run, but you DID it! That's the best part, especially when it wasn't easy. Double points!
You are such an inspiration with your training! I would kill for those speeds! I too sometimes decide in the middle of a run to change up my route. I was glad to get in my 8 long miles on Saturday. Another notch closer to that 13 in 5 weeks. Hoping for a cool snap!
Phew! Sounds like you had a tough and sweaty week! Way to rock it out and make it through that long run. The heat is TOUGH! I just have to remind myself that it's ok to go slower in this heat and to drink LOTS of water. I also do my shorter runs on the 'mill.
I had a great 14 miler this weekend because the heat and humidity were not as bad in Chicago! It has been really humid, though, and the song that's been keeping me going is "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk The Moon. It makes me happy!
You.Are.A.Beast. Yowza!!!!! I don't have that grit-it-out attitude all the time.....I don't usually quit, but I do "give in" and walk if I've just had all I can take and have nothing left in the tank. But, I do love all the lessons learned from those tough moments. The tough stuff makes us so much stronger :-) Thanks for inspiring!!!!!
I'm not a quitter, but I won't lie, this has been a tough couple of weeks of workouts. I can't help but wonder if she's upped the ante on me. This is what I need to get to Boston, tho, right?
Great job knocking out that 5 miles as your virtual run, Wendy; that's fantastic! Yes, the heat continues to be horrible...I'm just waiting for October-ish; it takes awhile, you know? :) You're doing great!!!
Wow, I'm exhausted just reading this!! Great week for you!! I've definitely been struggling with the heat and hitting the treadmill. I haven't been able to drag my butt out of bed early enough to beat the heat so have had to resort to that unfortunatley, and it's only going to get worse. My hubby is starting a new job and has to go away for 5 weeks for training, that means ALL of my long runs will be on a treadmill....oy.
Every time I read your posts and you mention crossfit I'm more and more tempted to try it. My daughter even said she wouldn't mind us both going to the same gym. No drama about it. That must be a sign.
great week! If it gets any more humid I will become a puddle down here! I love my yoga class, there is no other class that makes you feel that incredible when done, AWWWWWW, namaste :) I keep adding 5 minutes to my long run- moving on up!
I had a really good 12 miler on Saturday because the humidity was below 50%. It was such an amazing feeling. (Don't get me wrong, it was still hot, but I didn't feel like I was dying). But yesterday my achilles started acting up during my run, so I cut that short and skipped today. I did some rolling with the Stick, s I'm hoping that will help tomorrow. I'm so over summer training.
Sounds like a great workout week. I really would love to try crossfit but it's too pricey for me at the moment. Do you have any suggestions for workouts I could do in my own gym? I am a trainer so I know the correct movement patterns for lifts and stuff so I would like more challenging workouts.
My coach is having me do a lot of HIIT-type workouts with a focus on the hamstrings and glutes. Think squats, lunges, that kind of stuff. With burpees. Yep.
You had a kick-ass workout week and I'm impressed by your zeal and stick to it... Your photos added a great visual dimension to the hard work you do. Kudos!
We lucked out here for three mornings! It was cooler, low humidty and comfortable. My runs were so much more enjoyable! I downloaded the new Breaking Benjamin album and listened to it in my solo run Thursday. I do love Panic at the Disco too!! Good choice!
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is supposed to be cooler for my 6. I'll have to check out that BB album!
DeleteIt sounds like you had an awesome week training! Good job getting it all done and on the LR. I just signed up for my next event.. I have a 25K run /super hike in Sept.. now I have a 28 mile march in Oct... just made it official and registered (yikes)
ReplyDeleteSounds like some fun challenges! What's the march for?
DeleteIt was so much cooler here this morning (68!) so I was really hoping for a good run, but alas, 100% humidity is still 100% humidity, even if it is at 68 degrees. BUT! I increased my post-injury long run by another mile to 6 miles so I was still happy. :)
ReplyDeleteYour dog is adorable. :) Mine are both 6 and aren't a big fan of pushing it either. When they get tired (which doesn't take long in this heat) they're like, "Nope, I'm done, I'm just gonna sit right here under this shade tree."
Dang good job on those mile repeats. Killed it!
I was flying high after that run...but today's run certainly brought me back to reality!
DeleteGreat week....and great job sticking it through that humid 12 miler with tired legs... For a few months now I've been into this kind of cheesy song called "Masterpiece" by Jesse J....totally teeny-bopper song, but the lyrics actually get me every time.... "I still fall on my face sometimes, and I can't color inside the lines....but you haven't seen the best of me, I'm still working on my masterpiece..." It's kind of how I feel....I'm loving following your Chicago marathon plans...met a couple of girls this Saturday at LA leggers doing Chicago, too.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check out that song! It's all about the right beat and the lyrics, really! I make no apologies for my running playlist!
DeleteI was praying for lower humidity this morning. Oh, no way. 91%. But, I got it done - at a slow pace. I had a good laugh during my run. My phone hit on the song "Mama Told Me Not To Come" by Three Dog Night. Well, my kids replace the word "come" with "fart". It fits (open up the window and let some air into this room) and it is hilarious. I sang it out loud like my kids would. It definitely gave me a lift! Great week, Wendy! Keep on rocking it!
ReplyDeleteSounds like your training is going well too! I love hearing what other people are listening to. And I would have been laughing about that too! Farts are funny. Yep, I'm immature.
DeleteWow, awesome week of workouts! 5x1 miles would be tough. My coach had me doing 3 x 1 miles and I didn't even like that (I'm much rather do faster, shorter repeats like 400s or 200s - I think I'm figuring out that I'm more fast-twitch than slow-twitch). Nice work gettin it done!
ReplyDeleteThe mile repeats really teach me to control my pace!
DeleteYeah, I'm not really thrilled to be back in the humidity after a week away. But I had a great 15-miler yesterday, so I'll not complain. I wish I had a Becky in my life! Your strength sessions sound awesome!
ReplyDeleteThe strength sessions are awesome but holy cow, am I sore! Money in the bank, I know!
DeleteWhat a great week of training! It sounds like you took full advantage of that time you had off from work. :)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed it!
DeleteGreat week. Don't you love the days off work when you can focus on your training? I usually workout as long as I want on those days lol.
ReplyDeleteI totally loved it! Can you imagine if that's all we had to do? It was so relaxing.
DeleteThe humidity is tough!!! I love summer but for running it really stinks!
ReplyDeleteI'd still rather run in the heat than in the cold!
DeleteLove that e bib! There is no stopping you!!
ReplyDeleteToday kind of slowed me down...!
DeleteI am tired just reading this. Gosh the humidity. It drains me. We have to be really strategic to get quality training in despite it.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the truth? I try to get up really early before it gets too hot. I feel like this training plan is tougher than last year. I'm tired...
DeleteGreat week!
ReplyDeleteThe heat is really getting to the point of unbearable, especially with the humidity. I struggled during my 11 miler on Sunday, but that's just how it is this time of year. It will cool down. Eventually.
It has been tough, for sure! But that makes for good runs in the fall.
DeleteLove how your training has a mix of everything. Love reading about the CrossFit work outs too ;)
ReplyDeleteI do love this training plan!
DeleteYour long run so reminded me of mine this week. This weather can really make you miserable on a run, but you DID it! That's the best part, especially when it wasn't easy. Double points!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't stop...I just needed to finish it!
DeleteYou are such an inspiration with your training! I would kill for those speeds! I too sometimes decide in the middle of a run to change up my route. I was glad to get in my 8 long miles on Saturday. Another notch closer to that 13 in 5 weeks. Hoping for a cool snap!
ReplyDeleteI shouldn't complain about our heat...you have it so much worse in the South!
DeletePhew! Sounds like you had a tough and sweaty week! Way to rock it out and make it through that long run. The heat is TOUGH! I just have to remind myself that it's ok to go slower in this heat and to drink LOTS of water. I also do my shorter runs on the 'mill.
ReplyDeleteI just can't bring myself to run on the 'mill in the summer!
DeleteWhat a seriously impressive week of workouts! Thanks for the motivation to get my butt into gear this week :)
ReplyDeleteI won't tell you how tired I am today...
DeleteI had a great 14 miler this weekend because the heat and humidity were not as bad in Chicago! It has been really humid, though, and the song that's been keeping me going is "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk The Moon. It makes me happy!
ReplyDeleteI had that one on my playlist for a while. But hearing it on the radio all the time kind of killed it for me!
DeleteYou.Are.A.Beast. Yowza!!!!! I don't have that grit-it-out attitude all the time.....I don't usually quit, but I do "give in" and walk if I've just had all I can take and have nothing left in the tank. But, I do love all the lessons learned from those tough moments. The tough stuff makes us so much stronger :-) Thanks for inspiring!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a quitter, but I won't lie, this has been a tough couple of weeks of workouts. I can't help but wonder if she's upped the ante on me. This is what I need to get to Boston, tho, right?
DeleteGreat work for you! You are doing AMAZING!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad tomorrow is a CF day! No running for 2 days. Who'd ever have thought I'd say that?
DeleteGreat job knocking out that 5 miles as your virtual run, Wendy; that's fantastic! Yes, the heat continues to be horrible...I'm just waiting for October-ish; it takes awhile, you know? :) You're doing great!!!
ReplyDeleteI shouldn't even complain about our heat, you've been enduring so much worse and it lasts so long!
DeleteWow, I'm exhausted just reading this!! Great week for you!! I've definitely been struggling with the heat and hitting the treadmill. I haven't been able to drag my butt out of bed early enough to beat the heat so have had to resort to that unfortunatley, and it's only going to get worse. My hubby is starting a new job and has to go away for 5 weeks for training, that means ALL of my long runs will be on a treadmill....oy.
ReplyDeleteYou love the treadmill! Plus you have that new sweet machine, so you should do ok!
DeleteEvery time I read your posts and you mention crossfit I'm more and more tempted to try it. My daughter even said she wouldn't mind us both going to the same gym. No drama about it. That must be a sign.
ReplyDeleteDone correctly, I think CrossFit can be amazingly awesome!
DeleteYou are a beast I am not lying. 6 miles, 12 miles all of these miles....WOW!!!!! Good for you.
ReplyDeleteI feel pretty beat up today! Going to bed as we speak.
DeleteI sure hope it isn't hot on marathon day! I had that once...and it didn't go well.
ReplyDeletegreat week! If it gets any more humid I will become a puddle down here! I love my yoga class, there is no other class that makes you feel that incredible when done, AWWWWWW, namaste :) I keep adding 5 minutes to my long run- moving on up!
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed at your training in the Florida humidity! I should stop whining about ours...it's so short lived!
DeleteI had a couple runs this week similar to your 12 miler. Just so hot and sticky... It makes us stronger though. Not just mentally but physically too!
ReplyDeleteYour doggy is so pretty. :)
Awww thanks! She's a sweet pup!
DeleteI had a really good 12 miler on Saturday because the humidity was below 50%. It was such an amazing feeling. (Don't get me wrong, it was still hot, but I didn't feel like I was dying). But yesterday my achilles started acting up during my run, so I cut that short and skipped today. I did some rolling with the Stick, s I'm hoping that will help tomorrow. I'm so over summer training.
ReplyDeleteI'm battling PF right now. I can't even believe it! Ugh! Hope your achilles calms down.
DeleteYou are amazing! Great week of training... you are so strong! :)
ReplyDeleteI need to stay strong. That's the plan!
DeleteYou seriously kill your workouts. :-D
ReplyDeleteI try! :p
DeleteSounds like a great workout week. I really would love to try crossfit but it's too pricey for me at the moment. Do you have any suggestions for workouts I could do in my own gym? I am a trainer so I know the correct movement patterns for lifts and stuff so I would like more challenging workouts.
ReplyDeleteMy coach is having me do a lot of HIIT-type workouts with a focus on the hamstrings and glutes. Think squats, lunges, that kind of stuff. With burpees. Yep.
DeleteYou had a kick-ass workout week and I'm impressed by your zeal and stick to it... Your photos added a great visual dimension to the hard work you do. Kudos!
ReplyDeleteThank you! The photos keep me honest, for sure!