Monday, May 30, 2022

Mini Book Reviews: May 2022

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I received a PRC of Sweet, Soft, Plenty Rhythm from Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for my review.

I'm wrapping up another good month of reading! At one point, I had 5 library holds come in at once--why does that happen? I had to let one of them go--I just couldn't read them all in the time I had. Fellow bookworms, do you get me? It's hard to pick a favorite this month. I went into a couple of the books not knowing much about them and not expecting much (Remarkably Bright Creatures, I'm looking at you) but after I finished, I had to stop once again to savor what I had just read. 

I hope you find something here that you might want to pick up!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Bouncing Back

After I ran the Ice Age Trail Race two weeks ago, I took the following week off from running and CrossFit. I ran 3 hard races in the span of 5 weeks and my body was begging me for a break. I also traveled with my husband to Alabama to attend my friend Holly's son's wedding. I didn't completely rest--there was some walking and pool running--but I didn't have a lot to share for my weekly recap. 

This week, I returned to running again, so I'm sharing some of the highlights from the past 2 weeks! Rest doesn't mean doing nothing, am I right? 

Monday's trail run

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Runfessions: Gunfessions

In light of yet another mass shooting this week, I've decided not to do my usual silly, irreverent, superficial runfessions. But I do have one runfession that I want to share.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Race Recap: Ice Age Trail Half Marathon

Finally!!! After 2 years of deferrals due to the pandemic and one DNS last fall because I broke my ankle and foot, I finally lined up for the Ice Age Trail Half Marathon. I fell in love with the IAT during the pandemic and have enjoyed exploring many of the segments in the southern half of Wisconsin. I did a lot of training on the hilly trails over the last couple of months and felt reasonably ready for the race. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Time for a Break

This week, we went from below normal temperatures and rain to above normal in one day.  With my upcoming Ice Age Trail Race on Saturday, I watched the forecast like a hawk. As happy as I am to see it warm up, I do not like to run in the heat. As the week went on, I reduced my mileage so as not to tax myself too much before Saturday's half.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The One Where I Promise NOT to Complain About the Weather

That title ought to get me a lot of views! HA!

When I sat down to write this, I promised myself that I wouldn't complain about the weather and I won't. Even though we had a week of rain and clouds. Even though I had the blahs and was feeling pretty anxious all week. 

Instead, I'm focusing on the positive things: 
  • We had a peek of the sun on Wednesday and Saturday brought full-on sunshine which did wonders for everyone's moods,
  • We are no longer in a drought,
  • My husband mowed the grass this week for the first time this year,
  • The leaves are starting to bloom on the trees,
  • I got a fun Brooks Run Happy package of spring/summer gear this week,
  • The forecast for next week has us warming up significantly. Even Saturday got us up into the 60s.
I stuck to my workout schedule which helped a lot. Here's to hoping the sunshine and warmth will help chase those blahs away. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Coffee Talk

Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link.

Let's catch up over coffee! What will you be having? I'm drinking a cup of Key West Sunrise from Cuban Coffee Queen, thanks to my oldest, who just returned from a weekend in Key West. If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that I was touched that he thought of me! Actually, he sent me pictures throughout his trip, which was really nice. 

The coffee is great. Of course, I'm having mine with a scoop of GLG collagen and a splash of half and half. Old habits die hard!

What would you tell me over coffee?

Monday, May 2, 2022

Race Recap: Tear Drop Half Marathon

For the past 2 years, I've put the Tear Drop Half Marathon on my must-run list. But the pandemic interfered with those plans. This year with everything opening back up, I was finally able to make it a date! I still had Delta credits from canceling a flight for last year's race. This is my friend Holly's favorite race and she was all in, so I signed up. It worked out well since I was already training for a hilly trail race, the Earth Day 15 miler. Ok, so that was happening the weekend before Tear Drop. But Tear Drop is a net downhill! What could go wrong? 

Spoiler alert: nothing went wrong, but running that trail race the week before probably didn't do me any favors. No matter. I had a fun time!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Mini Book Reviews: April 2022

Disclaimer: I received a PRC of An Island from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my review. As a member of Brooks Run Happy Team, I received a copy of Running with Purpose from Brooks Running. This post contains affiliate links.

I was fortunate this month to have a variety of different books! My hands-down favorite--which will probably be my favorite book of the year--was Lessons in Chemistry. Quirky, clever, and creative, I loved that the main character was a strong woman trying to make it in the very male-dominated science world. It was hard to start the next book--I just wanted to savor it and stay in her world. Has that ever happened to you with a book?

Don't Call it a Taper...

Another week of post-race recovery and...another week of training. In 2 weeks, I will finally line up for the Ice Age Trail half marathon, a race that for a variety of reasons has had to be postponed 3 times. I don't think I've ever trained so intensely for a half marathon before! I also don't think I've ever formally tapered for one either. But with back-to-back challenging races in the past 2 weeks, I need to give these legs a break while keeping them moving. As hard as I've been working, I won't deny that there is a certain satisfaction in watching my body respond to it!

This week, I was lucky to be scheduled for a week of continuing education and attended a virtual conference for pediatric nurse practitioners. If anything good has come out of the pandemic, it is some of these remote options. I really like learning this way instead of going to a live event. I'm so grateful to have had this downtime to recover from my race while I learn for my job. It worked out well!

Friday's run