Showing posts with label Weekly Rundown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekly Rundown. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

An Unintentional Cutback Week

I didn't mean to run fewer miles than usual this week. My weekly 'goal' mileage is around 20 miles. This week I ran about 15 miles. The cutback wasn't intentional--Mother Nature forced my hand. The weather continues to deliver bitter cold temperatures and brisk winds, which is as unpleasant as you might imagine. I'm no weather wimp, but my enthusiasm for all the things outdoors is wearing thin. Long distance runs are really tough when it's so cold.

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. We've been amping up our strength work at the gym and my legs are feeling the fatigue. Hopefully, between the strength work and the reduction in running miles, I'll see some strong spring runs! 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Mind Over Matter

'Tis the season when the motivation is low. The air is cold, the landscape is ugly- at least in the Midwest- and it's hard to get excited about running outside. I've also been feeling super achy this week. It's been a few months since RA has messed with me, but here we are. I'm just trying to keep moving because movement keeps things loose and makes me feel good. I had to dig deep to push myself out the door and even to leave my toasty warm bed, but I didn't regret any of my workouts.

It was all mind over matter. I've been described as strong willed, stubborn, and driven and those traits served me well this week!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

It's Me Time

Before you judge me based on the title of this post, hear me out.

My life has gotten very busy since the start of the year. On the work front, some of the projects I'm involved in have accelerated and are starting to encroach on my days off. One of the meetings was scheduled at the same time as CrossFit, and I excused myself, guilt-free from the meeting to go to my class. My husband's health issues continue. In addition, my parents need more of my time as I try to stay on top of my mom's health issues. I feel as if I'm juggling 3 balls in the air, trying to keep everything going. 

Or maybe a better metaphor would be treading water, trying to keep my head above the surface. I actually do that on Tuesdays, you know 😘.

To preserve my sanity, I've become very protective of my 'me' time. I know that I'm a much happier and more productive person if I get my workouts in. I'm willing to be flexible as much as possible, but conflicts pop up. It feels good to put my needs first and I'm surprised at myself--saying no has never been easy for me. It's a work in progress. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025


This week was the coldest that I can remember in a very long time. Most days, the temperature hovered near zero, with wind chills in the minus category. I think all of you know that I loathe running inside--I need that fresh air and natural light. I managed to get 2 of my runs outside, well bundled up, but on Wednesday, it was too windy and cold.

Oddly enough, we've had almost no snow this winter. I think the weatherman reported a total of 9 inches so far this season. 

I can't remember the last time we've had a winter like this. But in the glass half full category--this one's for Kim--it was sunny almost the entire week. The sun really does make a difference, even in the bitter cold, and that's what pushed me out the door on Sunday and Friday. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Chasing Away the Blues

It's been a long time since I've had the winter blues, but they hit hard this week. I'm not sure why this year is different. There are a few things that could be contributing to it--the hubs' health issues, some family drama, the extra few pounds that have stubbornly attached themselves to my middle, learning about a work friend diagnosed with cancer, those devastating California wildfires, and some anxiety about our country's future. Oh, and of course the bitter cold that has settled in our region after we experienced a spectacular autumn.

I'm doing my best to get on top of this. I'm making sure to get outside for all my runs--that's always helped me in the past. Running more with my trail group. I'm excited about the new strength program I'm participating in at the gym. I'm planning a few trips for the spring. Reading lots of books. Leaning into all the cool opportunities I've been offered at work. 

Ok, I'm also going to tackle my closet, declutter, and donate or sell on Poshmark. According to experts, decluttering is supposed to help with anxiety and depression. It's a little disheartening to have all these pants that don't fit anymore. 

What do you do to fight the winter blues?

Weekly Rundown:
Sunday: Trail Sisters run 6 miles
Monday: CrossFit Auxiliary Strength
Tuesday: Fluid Running
Wednesday: trail run 5.5 miles
Thursday: CrossFit Auxiliary Strength
Friday: run 6 miles
Saturday: Yoga with Adriene, work

It was 12F when I met my Trail Sisters for our weekly run. We met at another local preserve, Potawatomi Woods, which is part of the Des Plaines River Trail. This is one of my favorite sections. We ran north and crossed over some bridges to a very pretty section. There was no wind--yay--but it meant I was overdressed. Even this time of year, it's hard to figure out what to wear! As always, we had great conversation and the ladies indulged my need to snap photos.

I was excited to go to CrossFit on Monday morning where we would be starting a new auxiliary strength program! The coaches developed this program to augment the strength training we normally do. There will be 4 week cycles, 2 days per week, which happen to fall on the 2 days I go to the gym. This first workout had 4 sets of 2 activities and we did 4 rounds of each set. Each activity was done for 40 seconds. there was a 2 minute transition between sets. All the activities were done with dumbbells.

Monday's focus was lower body:
Round 1: goblet squats (25#) alternating with frog pumps--hip bridges done in a frog leg position (30#).
Round 2: step up to a box with knee drive alternating with RDLs (10#)
Round 3: calf raises on a plate alternating with deadbugs (12#)
Round 4: reverse lunges with knee drive alternating with bear crawl hold (knees hovering above the ground)

This was HARD! At the time, I wished I had gone heavier with the dumbbells. But the DOMS hit me on Wednesday--my legs were fatigued on my run and my core was pleasantly sore.

Wednesday was cold but the sun was out and there was no wind. Having learned my lesson about overdressing on Sunday, I went a little lighter on the layers for this run. I was warm everywhere except for my face. I felt pretty blah when I headed out and I couldn't really shake it. It didn't help that I saw a dead deer on the roadside on my way to the trailhead. I didn't see any deer on my run and actually, it was quiet overall in the woods. It was very pretty with the sun shining brightly and a light dusting of snow on the trails. 

On Thursday at CrossFit, we did the upper body auxiliary strength workout. Just as we did on Monday with the lower body workout, each lift was 40 seconds with a 10-second transition between lifts. We did 4 sets of each round, with 30 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between rounds.
Round 1: marching front plank alternating with supermans (prone back extensions)
Round 2: alternating one armed seated overhead dumbbell press (15#) alternating with banded pull-aparts
Round 3: alternating one arm dumbbell bend press (15#) alternating with dumbbell upright rows (15# each hand).
Round 4: alternating arm bicep curls (15#) alternating with 'skull crushers' aka dumbbell overhead tricep extension (20#)

My arms were jelly after this workout. If you think these weights are light, try doing these movements for 40 seconds. 4 times. It's much harder than I expected and by the last round, I was ready to be done!

Early Friday morning, I woke up to a dusting of snow. No problem, right? I laced up my Hyperion Max, but after slip-sliding my way to the end of my block, I turned around and headed home. No, I wasn't going to take it to the treadmill! I just wanted to change shoes to the Ghost GTX, knowing that these shoes would keep my feet on the ground. They did, but there were a couple of close calls when I hit a few patches of black ice! I kept this run slow--10:30m/m pace--and stayed upright the entire run. I call that a win.

How was your week? Have you ever had the winter blues? What do you do to stay positive during the winter?

I shared the details of my strength workouts in case anyone who does home strength wants to try it. If you do, let me know what you think! I'm really impressed with this so far.

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


Saturday, January 4, 2025

New Year, Same Old Me

I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions or set goals. 

I have the goal to hit 1000 miles running for this year, but that's been something I've done for many years. Does that count? 

I plan to do the Mammoth Challenge again in October, but again, I wouldn't call that a goal since it's something I've done for 4 years now. My goal oops, I mean, my plan is to once again visit a few new segments while chasing my miles.

I'm going to lean into strength training more than in the past. My gym is starting a new strength class in addition to the strength workouts that I've started doing on Thursdays. This new class is going to be different than the heavy strength I'm accustomed to--more body and dumbbell work. I want to see how my body responds to more strength work. 

I can tell you what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to run any more long-distance road races. My body does not like it, and I no longer enjoy the training. Maybe that will change with the strength work I'll be doing. Never say never, but all signs point to no. Short distances, like 5k, 10k, or even 15k, are still options, especially if running friends will be there. 

While I don't have any races on the calendar this year, I'm not ruling out any long distance trail races. Walking is always acceptable and I do love that finish line feeling! If I do run a trail race, it will be a game day decision. The conditions have to be right.

So 2025, let's do this. Keep moving. Stay strong. Enjoy the ride. Have fun. Get muddy. Embrace nature. Never, ever give up.

Friday, December 27, 2024

A Holly, Jolly Holiday

Disclaimer: This post contains some affiliate links.

This was such a nice week! Christmas fell on Wednesday this year and with Thursday being my usual day off, I also took PTO on Friday, and voila! I had a whole week off work. I needed that time to prepare for hosting my family for Christmas. But I made sure to get all my workouts in. A day without movement is like a day without sunshine, am I right? And we've had plenty of those this week. The gray skies didn't dampen my holiday spirit though! 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Coasting Towards Year End

The nice thing about having no race plans is that I can just run. I used to love having a training plan with miles to accomplish, but I feel differently now. I'm enjoying my retirement from long-distance racing, and my knees are grateful for that, too. I saw my rheumatologist and my internist last week for checkups and both of them expressed amazement that I'm still running at my age and with RA; my annual mileage made my rheumatologist shake her head. I've been running so long that my body just dials in and lets me do my thing. I still lean on running to keep me sane, which has come in handy during this year's end craziness.

As long as I can run, everything else will fall into place. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

1000 miles!

This week I hit the 1000 mile mark for the year! I don't really set firm mileage goals, but in my mind, I like to have 20 miles per week of running, with the ultimate goal of 1000 for the year. I only have data back to 2014, but in the 11 years I've been tracking my runs on my Garmin, I've hit the 1000 mile mark 7 times. 2021 was the year I broke my ankle and foot, and I took almost 3 months off running. 2019 was another off year. I had to scroll back to my year-end recap to remind myself of the prolonged RA flare I had after receiving the shingles vaccine. 2016 was oh-so-close with 973 miles despite dealing with plantar fasciitis and receiving my diagnosis of RA

Will I hit 1000 miles in 2025? How much longer will this body let me push myself? I'll just keep lacing up and let it play out...

Saturday, December 7, 2024

I Really Needed That Run...

It's a week like this that reminds me of how much running does for me. Sure, there are physical fitness benefits from running--we all know about that. But the main reason I started running and why I still do is for my mental health. This week my husband had his back surgery after that incident he had in August showed he had multiple herniated discs and spinal cord compression. He ended up having laminectomies at L3, L4, and L5, all done as a minimally invasive outpatient procedure. As a seasoned, jaded medical professional, I fully admit to being awed and amazed by his surgeon.

While he's been doing well, he's not able to do a whole lot without pain. He's not a complainer, but if I'm being honest, he's been a little grumpy. 

I took most of the week off to take care of him but was thankful to be able to continue my workouts as usual. While I missed Wednesday's trail run when I took him downtown for his surgery, I made up for it on Friday. That run was everything I needed. I had some good workouts at CrossFit that filled me up as well.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

A Sudden Change of Seasons

As Ron Burgundy famously said, "Well, that escalated quickly!

We were having a really fabulous fall, warmer and sunnier than normal. I had hopes that this was our new normal. But on Wednesday, the wind picked up, and it started to snow Thursday morning. The snow was wet and heavy, and the wind was strong. My sister and I drove out to our parents' to meet with their lawyer to go over their estate plans. It was a treacherous drive, less due to the conditions and more due to the poor judgment of the other drivers on the road. Clearly no one was prepared for this sudden shift to winter.

By Friday morning, most of the snow was gone but the cool weather lingered. I couldn't even remember how to properly dress! Looking ahead to next week, my layering skills will be put to the test as we are predicted to have highs in the 20s. 

I'm glad I decided to treat my RA flare with this round of steroids. The timing couldn't have been better! Or maybe my body knew the seasons were going to change?

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Looking for Color

It's finally real fall here--the kind of fall we are accustomed to. Not that our recent conditions were fake fall, but all that color, bright sunshine, and warm temperatures aren't what we Midwesterners expect for November. Heck, there are still leaves on some of the trees! I loved our unusually long stretch of gorgeous weather, which mades the arrival of 'normal' a little jarring. I made the most of it this week by wearing brightly colored gear or as I like to say, bringing my own sunshine. 

This week also brought me to my knees, literally, with a full-blown RA flare. A few weeks ago, I received the Covid vaccine and had a very strong response to it, lasting for a couple of days. The body aches subsided, but my joints continued to ache. This week, I struggled with my runs, feeling fatigued and needing to stop frequently to walk. I finally gave in and called my rheumatologist for steroids. It's been a while since I've needed those, but I am feeling better. Friday's run wasn't quite so painful and I could breathe, which let me fly freely. 

Here's to hoping for better days ahead!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Me versus Me

This was a tough week for me, mentally. We started the week with a couple of rainy days and I was nervous about the election. The results didn't surprise me, but the overwhelming victory did. I have so many thoughts about this, which I won't share here--I don't want to get into politics--but I will share that I am worried about the future. It's going to be a bumpy couple of years. 

I am grateful to have running and my other fitness activities to lean into when I'm feeling stressed. This week I really had to push myself to get out the door, but once I got moving, I did feel better. Throughout my life, it's always been me vs me. Now is a good time to remind myself that even though there will always be things outside of my control, I am always in control of how I feel and how I manage my feelings. 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Getting it Done

I wrapped up October with the completion of the Mammoth Trail Challenge on the Ice Age Trail. I also finished this month with over 100 miles running! While I might be slowing down, I'm still putting in the work and getting it done. I love nothing more than to run and the trails have reignited my desire to go the distance, on my own terms. 

I'm trying to decide what's next. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Trail Magic

Trail magic usually refers to the kindness shown to trail hikers and runners, such as leaving treats at a trailhead. But I experienced a different kind of trail magic this week--finding peace and contentment on my runs on beautiful trails. Fall is magical and I hit the trails this week when the colors were at their peak!  The weather has been absolutely spectacular and I look forward to wrapping up the Mammoth Trail Challenge this weekend on my most favorite segment!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Getting Lost

I wanted to title this post 'Getting Lost in the Midst of Chaos', but that seemed kind of dramatic. Life has been overwhelming lately and things have escalated since last week's post. Regarding my parents, it feels as if my sister opened Pandora's box, although I suppose it had to happen. My parents are resistant to the Care Manager my sister brought in and we are struggling with that. Clearly, they need constant help, but they don't see it. I don't even know if the care manager will be enough. In addition, we've been sorting out our roles in light of having the care manager and trying to determine if she's the right person for our family. It's involved a lot of back-and-forth via emails and texts. It's been a lot.

The other issue is my husband's health. We saw the spine surgeon on Thursday and surgery is scheduled for December 4. It will be an outpatient procedure at Rush Medical Center in Chicago. He will have a 'clean-out' of 3 lumbar vertebrae to release pressure on the spinal cord. It amazes me that this can be done outpatient! But before then, he has to see a knee specialist to determine if that needs to be fixed first. 

With all that is going on, I leaned on running to help keep me sane. It's been my go-to for years. The heavy strength training we're doing at CrossFit was also a great outlet for me.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Savoring the Good

I will never complain about the gorgeous fall weather we've been having this year. Yes, we need rain. But I know what's coming--plenty of precipitation as we move into late fall toward winter. I'll take this. Especially when you consider what's happening in other parts of the country.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by both hurricanes Helena and Milton. If you've followed me on this blog over the years, you know that my family has spent a lot of time on the Gulf Coast of Florida, especially on Anna Maria Island. It just breaks my heart to see the level of destruction. I can't imagine facing the rebuilding process. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Icing on the Cake

After a busy September, I hoped for a more relaxing October, but this month started with a bang! I'm not complaining--it's been a really great week! Our fabulous weather has continued and I'm going to savor every last bit--I know what's coming. 

If you follow me on IG, you know that I finished this week with some waterskiing on Lake Wisconsin. In the past, I could never imagine skiing in October. But never say never, right? It was 81F and sunny. Yes, the water was a cold 63F. But I have a half wetsuit, which I put into action on Saturday night. It felt as great as you might expect. And my cup is full...

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Go Slow Down

I'm not going to lie--as much as I loved all the activity of the past month, I am ready to slow down for a while. September was an incredibly busy and really fun month. It was also exhausting. With October around the corner, I'm looking forward to slowing down a bit and soaking up the last warm weather of the year. 

Speaking of slowing down,  I officially transferred my bib for the Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon to a BRC teammate. I didn't feel one bit of regret! Well, ok, I will miss out on the camaraderie, but definitely not the running. I felt a sense of relief, which told me I did the right thing. 

With that half marathon off the calendar, I can focus on the Mammoth Trail Challenge, which kicks off October 1! This year's distance is 44 miles. As you all know, the challenge for me is accessing the trails since I live in Illinois and the trail is in Wisconsin. I'm excited about running some new segments as well as my usual ones. Stay tuned for the recaps!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Soaking up the Last Days of Summer

It's another loooooong post as I recap 2 weeks of fun and fitness. I was out of town last weekend and wasn't able to post a recap. So bear with me as you scroll through!

I've been really enjoying our extended summer, with warmer than usual temperatures, no rain, and bright sunshine. Everyone seems concerned about our dry conditions, but trust me when I tell you we will make up for it very soon. In fact, it is raining in Wisconsin as we speak!

Me, I'm just soaking all the unseasonably warm weather up. I know what's coming...