Sunday, October 11, 2020

Kinda Felt Like Flying

This week was all about recovery for me after my race last weekend. Running continues to be the best way to work through life these days. Right now,  I'm not following any specific training and it's been fun to just wing it. While I do have a live 5k and a virtual half next month, they aren't goal races. Instead, my strength coach and I are shifting focus to a heavy lifting cycle. 

Weekly Rundown
Monday: CrossFit with 1 mile running
Tuesday: rest day
Wednesday: Trail run 6 miles
Thursday: Run 2 miles, Strength Train
Friday: Run 5.5 miles
Saturday: Hike ~3 miles
Sunday: Run 7 miles


After last Saturday's live half marathon, aware of the need for recovery, I wanted to continue to run as part of my mileage challenge for breast cancer awareness this month. Part of Monday's WOD included 400m sprints; I was pleasantly surprised at how good my legs felt. But on Wednesday when I took to the trails for my run, I was feeling the DOMS from both my race and the WOD. It was a perfect opportunity to slow down and the single track works well for that. The weather was spectacular and I really enjoyed my time in the woods. The colors are really starting to pop!

I woke up Thursday morning in a funk. It was another gorgeous day so I laced up my shoes and threw down a zippy (16:29) 2 mile loop around the retention pond. I know it probably wasn't a good idea to push the pace like that with heavy lifting later that morning but you know what? I felt the need for speed and nothing else would do. You might be judging me--after all, I was supposed to be recovering this week from that half marathon. You might really be judging me when I tell you that I ran again on Friday. Like I said, I needed it. I know I'm skating on thin ice--hello old arthritic knees--but running is my therapy. Friday morning was beautiful, my tempo-ish run felt great, and I have zero regrets. More miles in the Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Research Foundation donation bank.

Sunday morning at the lake was cool and overcast. I laced up and ran along the lake, hills and all. I surprised myself--just a few months ago, I had to walk up every single one of these hills. Fully prepared to run/walk, my legs gave me a gift and I truly felt like I was flying. I felt like could have run forever. How often do we get a run that feels like that?


Monday's WOD was a tough one! Anytime there are thrusters in the workout, I'm tempted to skip it, but there was also running. And deadlifts. You know I went. The WOD started with a 12 minute EMOM of alternating thrusters x8 (I did 55#) and burpees x8. I had to drop a couple of thrusters in the las couple of set. My arms just weren't having it. The MetCon was 3 rounds for time of those 400m runs, 10 handstand pushups (I did negatives down to an ab mat x4), 12 deadlifts (125#), and 14 box jump overs (I did step ups). I felt this one for a couple of days!

On Thursday, we kicked off my heavy strength cycle. I don't think SJ was too pleased with my 2 mile run, but I promised that I could push myself and I did. She loaded up the barbell with 105# for 4 sets of back squats x 10 reps. Yeah, it was hard. She had me alternate those with banded lat pull downs. Then I alternated 3 sets of RDLs using a 25# KB with triceps kickbacks. I finished up with the heavy bag carry, 75# x 3 laps. Tired. A happy, satisfied, sore kind of tired.


My husband and I took a much needed ride up to the lake house. My anxiety has been off the charts this week, but it melted away as soon as we crossed the border into Wisconsin. I know, I know, Wisco is off the charts COVID-wise, but as always, we packed everything we needed for the weekend so we wouldn't have to go to the store or anything that involved people. The weather was perfection and I convinced my husband to hike with me on the Gibraltar Rock segment of the Ice Age Trail. You may remember me going there last spring with my son. The trail didn't disappoint! Cocoa enjoyed it as well, although her fur was matted with burrs when we finished. The colors weren't quite at their peak, but I think you'll agree that they were pretty lovely. 

Lake Wisconsin from the top of Gibraltar Rock

This is Gibraltar Rock from the road. If you click on the photo, you can see the people on the rock!

My best friend and me

Later, we took a boat ride around Lake Wisconsin and enjoyed the foliage. No, I did not go waterskiing. The water temperature was 51 degrees--too cold even for me! Too bad, because the conditions were perfect. 

Cocoa loves the boat!

Here's to hoping that the calm I got from our little getaway stays with me for a while. There's nothing like the outdoors to chase all that ick away. On Friday, I'll be sharing some random stuff from this week. I got some fun mail I wanted to share along with some other goodness.

How was your week? Are you basking in beautiful fall weather? Anyone else having some really good runs?

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. Wonderful foliage, thank you for sharing that! We have some nice colours starting here, too. I only ran three times this week which has not happened since the start of lockdown, but I had my half-marathon distance to do then recover from. And I got my weekly miles in anyway. I've been anxious on and off and we have a new announcement on lockdowns coming tomorrow, a day I am back at work after a week off and can't run!

    1. I saw your foliage photo on FB--it was glorious! Red is my favorite leaf color. Fingers crossed that the news isn't bad tomorrow.

    2. It's not amazing news but I can still run with friends. And see them in their gardens but not go for a coffee.

  2. Thank goodness for running to deal with all the craziness going on. I'm so jealous of all the pretty leaves you have there - a lot of our leaves haven't turned yet. I have a feeling that when they do it will be all at once and then the leaves will fall from the trees lol.

    I love that photo with you and Cocoa - so cute!

    1. It was fun bringing Cocoa on the hike! She behaved a lot better than I expected--only barked a a few dogs and for the most part stayed by my side.

  3. oh wow what beautiful foliage and views from your lake house. Glad you got to escape for the weekend. We are a few weeks behind w the changing leaves.I am noticing I need more recovery these days and I think I am accepting it. Yay for lifting heavy things! Have a great week ahead

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your new heavy dumbbells! Squats and deadlifts!

  4. Wow those pictures of Lake Wisconsin are gorgeous! I hear you on tempting fate, but it's hard when it feels so good! I couldn't resist a few bonus runs this week.

    How do you get all these action shots from your runs? Do you set your phone in a tree?? They're great!

    1. I try so hard to find a good place to set my phone--today, it was a challenge and I was rewarded with that blurry gem, lol! I got a GoPro for my birthday but it's a learning curve to use. Hopefully I can up my action photo game!

  5. I agree that getting outside can really turn things around! I've been super irritable lately (even before the power outage), so being outside a lot has really helped. And before long I won't want to be outside as much. Caring for Lola (who thinks she's perfectly fine) has also been a bit of a drag. She's better, but at her age, it just really take time. A lot of time!

    Happy you had your husband, hiking, and running this week.

    1. Can't teach an old dog new tricks, huh? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Gotta love her determination!

  6. Lol, judge you??? I think you mean cheer you on and give you a virtual high 5! Your body knows what it's doing, and if it wants to be fast then let it! Congrats speedy!

    1. It's such perfect timing because those fast runs are like anti-anxiety medicine!

  7. I'm so glad running continues to serve you well! I hear you on the anxiety - how nice you're able to escape. Looks like such a beautiful spot!

  8. The lake looks beautiful! Our trees just started turning this past week, so that signifies what's coming next (my least favorite season). I do plan on enjoying all the colors regardless, on foot and on wheels.

  9. I don't judge you at all for those runs! I've made some not so great running choices this year just because I felt like I needed it, and it all worked out ok. Your getaway looks so beautiful!

  10. Ah, those fall colors are gorgeous! I do hope you can draw on that calm feeling. I just had to walk away from the Sunday paper because it was all stressing me out. I’ll never judge you for running more than you “should” — I’ll just hope your body let’s you get away with it. ;-)

  11. Love your fall pix.

    We've had some great weather and I am really loving walking and hiking.

    I always run with others but I ran my first long run solo.... best run in a long time.

  12. I am sorry to hear about your anxiety. I am glad you went away for the weekend. Do what makes you feel good and better.

    I will never judge you. I run every single day and don't plan to take a break unless I really, really have to. :-)

    I am loving you wearing pink on your runs. I think I have 1 or 2 tops and a few shorts. Let's see if I can coordinate some pink in my outfits this week.

  13. The getaway sounds perfect and much needed. How fun Cocoa went too. Ozzy is not a fan of the car. Sigh. Work those thrusters girl!

  14. Wow, so gorgeous even if it's not peaking yet. Cocoa looks like the captain of the boat. Thank goodness for running. We'd all be emotional wrecks, especially during these times, if we couldn't run off som of the anxiety.

    1. I am so grateful for my runs this year. It's been truly life saving.

  15. Oh running is the BEST anti-anxiety medication in the world. I would have been doing that too, so no judgment.

  16. Another Wonderful Post - Pleased You Were Able To Get Away And Breathe - All I Can Do Is Think Safety First These Days - Enjoy The Week Ahead And Continue Being The Better Person - You Rock


  17. Glad you had some great workouts! It feels so good to crush a tough workout! And I love the fall foliage. I wish I lived in a place where the leaves changed. One of these days!

  18. Aw, I'm not judging those runs! I get it, I'm like that too. My worst offensive is doing what my "plan" says - even if I'm in a bit of pain. If it says 8 miles, I'm running 8 miles no matter what! That's awesome your runs were so speedy and felt good. Love that!! Hope your week is less stressful.

    1. Either that, or I need to learn to just let it roll off my back!

  19. Those trees are gorgeous in the picture taken from the boat. Our leaves really started turning earlier this week and this weekend is supposed to be peak time around here.

    I hear you on just needing to run. It one of the best ways for me to clear my head, that and gardening.
