Monday, June 3, 2024

Mini Book Reviews: May 2024

Disclaimer: I received copies of Wait and Housemates from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

What a great month of reading!!! I didn't expect to read this many books, but May has 31 days and some of these books were unputdownable! 

I often get asked how I pick the books I review here. TBH, I don't always plan what I'm going to read. I have a goal of reading my NetGalley books prior to their publication date, so those are always on my list. If a book I have on hold at the library comes in, that gets added to the pile. But there are also books that land on my radar...maybe it's a fellow book blogger who makes a recommendation, like Leaving or Nuclear War. Fellow running blogger Darlene recommended To the Gorge, and that was a must read. 

As I always say, so many books, so little time! I hope you find something here that you might want to read.


College sweethearts get a second chance at love when they reconnect years later. But of course, there's a complication--he's still married. He wants to leave his wife and marry--she's reluctant to give up the life she has made for herself as a single woman. Their decision to move forward brings unexpected consequences. The way the author presents the story and lets it unfold kept me turning the pages. Her writing is exquisite. Leaving was a great read and gave me lots of food for thought. I need someone to discuss this with--especially that ending. This would be a good one for book clubs!

Annie Brown is a busy mother of 4 young children, married to a plumber who is always willing to help out anyone who needs him. When Annie dies suddenly, her husband is thrust into a role that he realizes he knows little about. Her best friend, who relied on Annie to keep her straight, also finds herself struggling. This is a profoundly sad but touching story as the family finds their way without their mother, wife, and friend. The always reliable Anna Quindlen is at her best with After Annie. She has just the right touch to tell a sad story without being cliched or melancholy. What a beautiful book. 

is a coming-of-age story set on Nantucket of two sisters who learn their mother has been deported to Brazil. They fend for themselves, with the help of a wealthy college friend who offers her beach house to the girls when they are evicted from their home. Living with someone with unlimited cash is fun at first, but things get out of control, and the sisters move on with their lives. I didn't care for the character of the friend at all and it was satisfying to see the girls figure her out. This was just an ok read for me. 

This well-researched book is a theoretical look at World War III. Not quite a novel, but with a completely fictitious nuclear attack, the author details how she and the experts that she interviewed believe a nuclear war would start and how it would go down. She clearly did her homework, sharing history and facts about past wars, and the development of the atomic and hydrogen bombs. Once she dives into the scenario, the book really gets interesting--and scary. The thought of how quickly this would go down and that it could be triggered by a lunatic dictator? Nuclear War was well worth the read. I could see it being made into a movie. But for now, I'm heading back to read something more superficial. 

is the story of a group of queer women who share a home. When Bernie, a new roommate moves in, she brings her photography equipment, an interest that was sparked by a professor in college. When he dies and leaves items to her, she and one of the other women travel to his home. They agree to photograph their trip and their friendship develops into a relationship. This is more of a road trip and friendship book and less of a romance story. When I first started reading this I didn't understand how I picked it! I do love a thought-provoking narrative and this one fits the bill. Really well done. To be released on July 28.

Ultramarathoner Emily Halnon tells the story of running the Oregon stretch of the Pacific Coast Trail and earning the fastest known time (FKT) as a tribute to her mother, who died of a rare form of uterine cancer. She shares details of her 460 mile journey alternating with stories of her mom's pre-cancer marathoning days and her subsequent valiant fight against the aggressive disease. Well written, it felt as if I was on the trail with Emily. I also felt her emotional pain as she struggles with the memories and loss of her mother. While there are some really sad moments here, there is a lot of joy too. Between her friends who helped her accomplish her goal and wouldn't let her quit and her social media followers who helped her raise over $34,000 for the Brave Like Gabe charity, I found To The Gorge a very hopeful and engaging read!

When Lauren comes home to find her husband waiting for her, there's a problem. She's not married. She sends him to the attic to change the flickering lightbulb, but a new husband returns. And so it begins. Don't like the current husband? Send him back to the attic for a new one. But as with anything in life, when faced with choices, you always think there might be something better. Lauren longs for the one who got away--the one who accidentally goes up to the attic, never to return. The Husbands was such a clever premise and the antics of the husbands thoroughly entertained me. You'll find yourself asking if there is such a thing as Mr Right!

I've never read Huckleberry Finn, but you don't need to for this retelling of the classic tale, told from the perspective of Jim, Huck's BFF and runaway slave. Well written, I flew through James. Even though it was a quick read, it wasn't an easy read. Huck and Jim are both running from abusive and cruel lives. The author doesn't dramatize any of this and he masterfully tells his tale objectively, without emotion. There were some darkly humorous moments as well--Jim is intelligent, educated, and articulate, and when he gets caught slipping out of his 'slave-speak' by Huck, it made me laugh out loud. What a great read. Now off to read Huck's tale--which you can download from Amazon for 99 cents

How do you pick the books you want to read? What have you read lately? Do you have any recommendations for me?

I'm linking up with Jenn and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics. I'm also excited to join Farrah for My Month is Booked! 


  1. Haha, I'm surprised you've never read Huckleberry Finn!
    I need to re-read it, though, so thanks for the 99 cent tip and the book recommendation of James.

    I will definitely read To The Gorge - I remember Darlene mentioning the book and that she knew Emily's mother.

    I'm currently reading "Endure" by Alex Hutchinson. It's non-fiction and discusses whether it's our muscles or our minds that limit us when we are training for endurance. Very interesting, but I need to be non-sleepy when I read it!

    1. I liked Endure but yes, it is a little dry!!! Do you subscribe to his newsletter? It comes out quarterly and her reviews a lot of running related research.

    2. Oh, I didn't know there was one! Thanks for the tip, I'll sign up right now!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed The Husbands, it was such a fun idea, wasn't it! Actually made me appreciate mine more, thinking of all the men I've brushed up against in life who could have become the husband! The Housemates sounds really good BUT. So I choose my print books by if they're a review copy and then the oldest on the TBR first (except when I'm doing 20 books of summer). Then the e-books are whatever is out from my NetGalley TBR this month. And the other ones languish away! (LyzzyBee)

    1. I thought The Husbands was really clever!! But I was wondering how it would end and TBH, I was glad when it did.

  3. I'm in the middle of After Annie. Just finished The Great Alone by Krstin Hannah (loved it) and the latest Mary Higgins Clark.

    Glad you read Into the Gorge. I cried through the whole thing but I thought it was so well written.

    I pick my book by freind recommendation.

    1. I didn't cry during Into the Gorge, but it was a really good read.

  4. Summer reading is my favorite! I have a whole list of beach reads and I will have to add a few of tours too

  5. To the Gorge is on my list of books to read. I just finished The Second Mrs. Astor and really enjoyed it.

  6. I usually look at your mini reviews!
    I thought James was good too.
    I just finished Listen For The Lies if you’re looking for ideas.

  7. Great to have you linking up! <3 I'm with you on the "so many books, so little time" -- I did better this month though on being able to read a lot more! :P

    I'm intrigued by your reviews of Leaving, After Annie, Housemates, and To the Gorge. The Husbands sounds like a hilarious premise as well, so I'll be adding all of these to my never-ending list of to-read books! :P

    1. You read a lot of books this month and had some really interesting selections! Thanks for the link up!

  8. Great reading for you! I'll tell you what... I will NOT be reading Nuclear War. My anxiety couldn't take it. Husbands sounds funny, and like an interesting premise. I have to confess that a lot of times, I pick books by the size. I read fast and I like big books that can last a while. I also have to get a vibe... I'll go to the bookstore and just read jackets and run my hands over covers until something resonates.

    1. I'm the opposite! I love to read fast as well and I don't like being stuck in long book--which I am right now, lol

  9. Ooo so many good choices! I always appreciate your reviews. I'll be looking to add James, Husbands, Leaving and After Annie to my "need to read" list. Thanks for the suggestions!

  10. The Husbands sounds like such an interesting book!

  11. Housemates sounds really good! Thanks for sharing.

    Lauren @
