2021 started off with so much promise for many of us runners. As more people received the Covid vaccine and case numbers started to decline, races began to open up again. After last year, I made a vow not to run any more virtual races, unless a live race I registered for was required to go virtual. I feel pretty lucky that only happened to one of the races I registered for.
Even though this year's racing season started off really promising for me personally, there still weren't a lot of live options and after the spring, I didn't have anything on the calendar except for a trail 10k in July and 2 trail races in the fall. If you read my blog regularly, you know that in July, I broke my ankle and foot after falling from the rope at CrossFit. I was forced to DNS that 10k and one of my trail races. The RD of the other trail race let me defer until 2022.
I do have bling from 3 of the 4 races I ran prior to my injury. Just as good, in a different way, is the bling I received this fall for completing a trail hiking challenge, my first hiking patch. I'm excited to share it all with you! There are links to the race recaps in each section if you want to read more.

I optimistically registered for this trail race (there's a 50k too), thinking that since it takes place on the trails and our Covid case numbers were low at the time, it wouldn't revert to virtual. Silly me. The RD encouraged runners to come out and run on the actual course, although the race wouldn't be supported. On the day the race was scheduled, it was cold but it was sunny, so I drove out to Veterans Acres in Crystal Lake to run the virtual race. I strapped on my Yaktrax but couldn't figure out where to go. Thankfully, a 50k runner took me under his wing and I ran a full loop with him. Trust me, he tried to lose me, but that only happened once and after I caught back up to him, he made sure I was right behind him. I didn't hold him back and slid down buttslide hill just as he told me to. At the end of the race, I gifted him my Yaktrax for his final 2 loops. He later reached out and told me they were magical, lol. He also told me I was a 'fucking stud' and yeah, that praise has stayed with me. By the way, I won the 50-59 age group. Probably because no one else was dumb enough to run it.

I ran this race in 2020 before the whole world shut down. It was such a fun race that I signed up again. Of course, 2021 being what it was, we had a foot of snow and sub-zero temperatures the morning of the race. The organizers cut the distance from 10k to 5k. It was still tough going--the path was only wide enough for one runner and being an out and back forced many of us to run through the deep snow to let the bolder runners pass by. It was a really tough challenge, but I was so glad I got to do it!

I've run this race many times and it never disappoints. The Chicago Area Runners' Association did a great job working with the city of Chicago to put on a live race that would keep everyone safe and meet the stringent standards the city required. It was weird being in our little corrals, but once we started running, we could take our masks off. The race itself felt normal. As usual, I went out too fast, but got it together and finished strong on the track. There were no post-race celebrations, which also felt a little odd, but again, it was a live race and that is all that matters.

I've always wanted to run the lake loop around Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin, and had been eying this race all spring. The virtual option was not appealing to me, but two weeks before the race was tentatively scheduled, the RD announced it would be live! Having just run the 10 miler 2 weeks before, I was already trained, so I signed up. It was cold and windy at the start and there were no mask requirements. It was quite a bit different from my race 2 weeks previously! As we looped around the lake, we had the wind at our back, which was pretty sweet. The sun came out and it got warm. The wind at the beginning helped me hold back my pace and I felt great the entire time. I finished with a smile on my face, knowing I ran a great race. It was a new distance for me, so automatic PR, too! There was no afterparty at this race either.

As I recovered from my injury, I spent time walking on the trails. I needed something to motivate myself to keep going until I could run again, so I optimistically signed up for this 41 mile challenge, which took place during October. Not living in Wisconsin, the challenge would require that I cover some long distances on the weekends. I surprised myself by completing the challenge in 4 weekends on 4 different segments, walking distances of 9, 12, 12, and 9 miles. Not only did this challenge make me feel mentally stronger, but an unexpected benefit was building strength for my return to running! I also realized how nice it is to slow down and soak in your surroundings. What an amazing experience--and yes, I teared up when I finished my last hike.

In spite of my year of running being interrupted--rudely, I might add--by my injury, I didn't miss running as much as I thought I would while I recovered. The hiking challenge kept me happy while I worked some running back into my walks. Of course, I'm happy to be back to running again and looking ahead to next year. I'm planning on running the 2 trail races that I wasn't able to do this year as well as a few others. There will be more hiking too, as I take on a new challenge on the Lodi/Sauk segments of the IAT.
Here's to hoping that 2022 will be more of a return to the kind of racing we are used to. Dare I hope that life will begin to assume some semblance of normalcy?
How was your year of running? Were you pleased with what you did? Did you do any virtual races? Live races? What kinds of accommodations did you see for COVID?
Considering COIVID and your injuries - not a bad year at all.
ReplyDeleteMine was pretty great. I ran 22 races and only a few virtuals.
All the races made accommodations - no water, masks, no food, no award ceremonies, staggered starts but hey better than not racing at all.
I expect more of the same for 2022 and even more racing happening with fewer accommodations (if appropriate)
I've got a few races on the calendar for next year. I'm definitely hoping to run more trail races next year. We'll see how it works out!
DeleteAwesome. I started running less and hiking more and I LOVE my hiking patches. Mountain hiking is no joke fitness wise either!
ReplyDeleteI have a cousin that lives in Waterloo. That Madison race looks promising!
Thanks for sharing and congrats on a great year :)
Thank you! I'm always excited to find other run/hikers. The Madison race is great!
DeleteI remember all of these, Wendy! Especially the one where you gave the guy your Yaktrax, that was awesome (and hilarious).
ReplyDeleteYou had a great year, despite the broken ankle/foot. I only noticed now that I didn't do any virtual races in 2021. I think like you, I was over it.
That hiking challenge was a true blessing!
You are so right, Catrina! The timing could not have been better for that hiking challenge.
DeleteThe in-person races I ran all had afterparties and only the one in April required mask wearing prior to the start and after finishing. If that's any indication, I’m hopeful that 2022 will be much more normal, at least racing wise...
ReplyDeleteI hope you are right!
DeleteWay to get back to it after your injury. It sucks being sidelined but you bounced back well!
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of opportunities to stay active even when I couldn't run. That was the key!
DeleteYou did incredibly well given EVERYTHING to do as many challenges as you did. As always, you are such an inspiration as a runner and as a person. Your last sentence is mine too - bring back normal, please. I think we've done our time!
ReplyDeleteI'm so over this virus. I wish people would get on board with it all.
DeleteYou are a fucking stud! Great job on all your races and you earned those tears after that hiking challenge. 🙌🏼
ReplyDeleteHaha! I'm looking forward to going back to run that one live next year!
DeleteEven with fewer races than usual, you did a great job finding something positive to take away from each one. Especially the Mammoth Challenge...it's nice when injury/recovery benefit from staying active. Any idea on what you might do with the Mammoth patch? I have a handful of patches that have been sitting idle; I might adorn some otherwise boring pom-pom beanies with mine.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure--I'm hoping to earn more and then figure out a way to display them. If i really get into hiking, I may have to adorn a backpack with them.
DeleteConsidering the injures and the Covid you made a very good job in tough races also on the ice.
ReplyDeleteMine was not a great year, only 3 races: 2 virtual (1 bling) and 1 in person (1 bling).
Let's hope in a better 2022.
All the best and keep on running.
Yes, here's to a better year ahead!
DeleteLet's not talk about my year of running. I did get to do a Turkey Trot, so there's that.
ReplyDeleteYou actually had a great year, looking back on it! That hiking challenge seems amazing, and I'm guessing you wouldn't have done it if not for the broken ankle/foot.
I have high hopes for 2022! Let's just hope we're all able to get back out there and have some "normal" races.
I actually had the hiking challenge on my radar after seeing people do it last year. But it took on a whole new meaning for me this fall! I did have a great year in spite of my injury. I'm happy with the way it turned out and I learned to appreciate what I could do instead pining for what I wanted to do.
DeleteNo live races & no virtual ones. My year was rudely interrupted also, for very different reasons, obviously.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree, though, that sometimes it's nice to slow down & smell the roses, so to speak. It's great to explore via running, but you still miss a lot on the run!
Hopefully, next year will be a better one!
DeleteI am glad you were able to squeeze in a few in person races early on! I managed to squeeze in a few the last quarter finally. Cheers to injury free running and racing in 2022
ReplyDeleteThat sounds good to me!
DeleteYou accomplished so much this year, even with a long injury! Its been fun following your trail adventures. I only did 2 races because life is still a little hectic. Im hopeful things will feel more normal again at some point but Im not holding my breath!
ReplyDeleteI didn't do many races when the boys were little either! It was enough just to run.
DeleteI know it wasnt the race year that you had in mind but you still did some great races. You definitely were able to experience all types of weather during your races this year too!
ReplyDeleteLooking back on my year, it turned out ok! I mean considering everything...
DeleteEven though it wasn't the year you hoped for, it was a pretty great year all the same. I did quite a few in person races, and am looking forward to more this upcoming year! We got this!
ReplyDeleteYou did a lot of races! There just weren't as many options this year and then, of course, I was out of the game for a while...
DeleteCongrats on completing these races and the Mammoth Challenge! 2021 hasn't been an easy year on anyone, due to covid and on top of that you've had to stop running for a while but I'd say you did a fantastic job staying active!! Yey to all the bling!!
ReplyDeleteReflecting back like this really made me realize that it wasn't a bad year at all!
DeleteYou had a great year, Wendy! I am pleased you were able to run the races you did. Hopefully next year is just as great or even better!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for linking up with us!
Fingers crossed for that for all of us!
DeleteI only managed one race this year and I don't even have a broken ankle as an excuse! I hope that now that you're recovered you will get in all the racing in 2022.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to do some trail races next year!
DeleteYour hiking challenge sounds awesome! Congrats on making the most of the year despite injury. It sounds like 2022 will be a good year for you to make a comeback!
ReplyDeleteI'm just hoping to stay healthy!!