If there ever was a more fitting theme for the week, it would be the wind. Oh my goodness, has it been windy. The wind was a big factor in my runs this week. The wind was also the reason I still don't have my outdoor Christmas decorations up. Our neighborhood sets up Christmas trees in their front yards, but this past week, many of them were blown over, and/or the decorations were blown all over their yards. Because it was still windy on Saturday, I stayed inside, decorating the inside of my house, and plan to do the outdoor decor today.
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An attempt to capture a photo for Friday's coffee talk post was stymied by the wind |
Weekly Rundown
Sunday: Ice Age Trail run 6.27 miles, 1500ft ascent
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: Pool Running
Wednesday: trail run 6.7 miles
Thursday: Strength training
Friday: run 6 miles
Saturday: yoga with Adreine
November miles 67
After a very busy and fun weekend, I wasn't sure if I would be able to run the trails! After all, we did 'jump around' at the Badger game the day before. It was cloudy and cool, but I was prepared and headed to the Gibraltar Segment, one of my favorites. I decided not to run the connecting road between segments--I've been giving my legs a little break since the Mammoth Challenge. I probably could have, though, as once I shook out the cobwebs, my legs felt strong! I hit the dirt once, catching a tree root with my left foot. My poor left knee, lol! I dusted myself off and kept going, having a very satisfying run.
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I also saw this young buck who was pretty curious about me! |
After Thursday's squatfest, my legs were TIRED. Yes, they were sore, but the fatigue I felt was something I hadn't experienced in a very long time-probably since marathon training. Couple that with the wind and yeah, this was a really tough run. There were a few times when I wanted to turn around and go home, but the temptation of that tailwind on the way back was too good to pass up. I tried really hard to go unbroken, but I did have to stop a few times to walk and shake out the legs. I finished this 6 miler in under an hour and that was a win. The unexpected runner's high that carried me through my day? Priceless...
CrossFit/Strength Training
The gym is getting ready to host the annual powerlifting meet and on Monday, the WOD had us building to a heavy 2 set deadlifts at 90%! My 1 RM is 200# and since I've been feeling so strong, I built off that. But as you know, for me at least, math is hard, and for my first set, I accidentally loaded 190# on the bar. Woo, that was heavy! The coach came over and helped me reset the bar to 180#. They were still heavy but I completed the final 3 sets. The MetCon was "Jackie", a 1000m row, 50 thrusters (35#BB) which I broke up into 3 sets, and 30 pull-ups, which I did using a band. I finished in just over 10 minutes and yes, I was tired after this!
Last week, I deferred the squat workout SJ had planned for me to this week since we did heavy squats earlier in the week. On Thursday, she had me do a 10 minute EMOM alternating front squats x4 with back squats x6 at 90#. With the reduced rest between sets and the heavy weight on the bar, this was a tough workout that made my heart pound and made me sweat. She told me that I could drop reps or take longer breaks if it got to be too much, but I completed the workout as written. I have been building back my confidence with heavy squats and boy, was this a win!! I finished up with some core work.
It's been a looooong time since I've done yoga, but on Saturday, I woke up still feeling pretty stiff from my squats. So I called on an old friend, Adriene, whose YouTube channel has served me well in the past. I picked her Total Body Yoga: Deep Stretch class, a 45 minute practice. I've done this one many times and yep, Adriene delivered. I felt much better when I was done and was able to make a dent in my Christmas decorating!
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No sooner did I roll out the mat did Cocoa get busy. She was a little put out when I started my workout. |
How was your week? Are you experiencing lots of wind? Is wind a deal-breaker for you when you're planning on a run? Did you take on any challenges this week? If you decorate for the Holidays, are your decorations up? Don't forget to come back on Tuesday for my annual Holiday Gift List for Runners!
Yes we had some wind this week. I try to run where I'm shielded from the wind but it often doesn't work I have had to cut my runs short.
ReplyDeleteBig challenge... 15k in the POURING rain.
I used to do yoga weekly but now I just don't find the time esp since I prefer live classes and I still work from home.
I have a new kitten who is WILD. Minimal decorations this year.
The woods do a pretty good job mitigating the wind. Today's run was in an open preserve and nope! not so much.
DeleteGreat picture of Cocoa! So... how long did it take you to work up to squatting such heavy weights? Because just the bar feels heavy to me right now. Did it feel like that to you when you were starting out, or could you put plates on right away? Please tell me there's hope.
ReplyDeleteNice job getting those runs in! I can't decide if I'm envious of your cold weather, or if I should just accept our warm weather and be grateful for it. I'm leaning towards the latter!
We just had this conversation after our trail run this morning. No, I didn't start out with much weight at all. In fact, a lot of what I had to do initially was work on form and proper lifting technique. Over time, I've gotten stronger so yes, the weight has increased. Two things: I've been doing heavy strength for about 8 years and I do it with a coach. I think it's really important to have someone watching my form and workouts. I also film my lifts so I can study them at home. I don't have good body awareness and being able to see what I'm doing helps a lot.
DeleteWe were fairly wind free this week. I front loaded my week with runs because rain was forecast. I was glad for wet roads on Friday - my legs were toast!
ReplyDeleteSince we did not travel for Thanksgiving this year I put my Christmas decorations up on Black Friday. I always enjoy it because I have things that my mom and grandmother made, so I love the memories that come out. I don't put anything up outside - we usually have Santa Ana winds at some point in December and I've seen reindeer fly many times!
My hubs securely staked the outdoor tree and my ornaments are plastic. I hope they survive the wind!
DeleteSay no more, the wind has been simply insane and quite rude, more so than usual. I'm glad to be back on the indoor bike because it seems like I battled the wind almost every week on my bike path rides...and it's an even bigger demon on wheels, LOL.
ReplyDeleteYeah, wind is definitely a deal breaker on the bike. But so is the cold!
DeleteNot too windy here but it's been so cold (for us, I know) and I've had a couple of really chilly solo runs. Today I wore two fuzzy-inside tops and my "windproof" leggings (weirdly baggy and shiny on the outside for that attractive look) and didn't pull a zip down or push my sleeves off my hands the whole way around!
ReplyDeleteI have all the cold weather gear but it just feels too early for it to be this cold. Sigh
DeleteYes! It's gone really suddenly here as well which is always more of a shock!
DeleteWe had lots of wind this week, but I only ran twice so I cherry picked my days and the wind was below double digits at least. :)
ReplyDeleteBandit likes to do down dog on my mat, but otherwise, for the most part, he just watches me from his dog bed. Lazy thing!
Cocoa leaves in a huff when I start moving on the mat. As if I put it out for her, lol
DeleteLove that photo of Cocoa! What a sweetie. Our dogs do the same, I don't know what it is about a yoga mat!
ReplyDeleteHow fun that your neighbors decorate trees outside!
Seeing all the trees lit up on my way home from work is really nice! :)
DeleteCocoa needs her own yoga mat! What a doll! I love her. The wind usually isn't too bad here. I don't love it but it won't deter me from a run like rain will.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'll run in the rain too, lol
Deletewe had a ton of wind this week too which really messes up my layering. I am freezing, then so hot hen freezing again. Cocoa is a cutie! Seriously impressive weight you are sqatting there!
ReplyDeleteIt was a mental barrier for me, those heavy squats, and I am so happy to have gotten it done.
DeleteMy goodness girl, those squats!!! Well done!
ReplyDeleteWhen you describe your weather, and from the top photo, I would almost believe you're my neighbour, lol. Although it's been less windy recently, we usually have strong winds at this time of the year, and we live in a very windy area generally, on a peninsula, on a hill, almost overlooking the sea. It's the only thing I dislike with the location where we bought our house. When it comes to wind and running/walking, it will definitely affect my decision and if it's too bad I'd probably choose to do some other workout at home instead.
Are you still in Sweden? Since i'm so close to Wisconsin, yes, we probably have very similar weather! Except i have no view of the sea. I need to remedy that!
DeleteNo, thank goodness! I live in Ireland now. Much better! Short winters with (usually) no snow, and where I still see green fields, gorse in bloom, and daffodils in February. That's the kind of winter I prefer.
DeleteThat would be mine too!
DeleteYes the wind has been awful. But it can always be worse. At least the trails are clear still. Nice job on the front squats. They are not my favorite.
ReplyDeleteMine either. I feel like I've conquered them!
DeleteMe either! Which makes this even more sweet.
DeleteThe wind has been ridiculous! But like you I've been trying to stick with it because...winter. Awesome job with those squats - you are crushing it!
ReplyDeleteI hope that this wind isn't a predictor of a windy winter!
DeleteIt's so useful for me that you write down the Crossfit workouts with the respective weights. We have RM back squats this morning and I have no clue where to start.
ReplyDeleteNow I know that #90 are your EMOM weight I know what I can strive to for my RMs!
Well done on dealing with the freezing cold weather. It makes you stronger!
But keep in mind that I did 4 front squats and 6 back squats at that weight. I have no idea what my 1 RM is for my front squats-we've never tested that. My back squat 1 RM is 160#. My deadlift 1 RM is 200#. And my bench press 1 RM is 87#. I've really enjoyed the structure of this strength cycle--doing multiple lifts at a percentage of my 1 RM. It feels much less intimidating this way.
DeleteThanks for the data, Wendy!
DeleteSo the RMs this morning were front squats... oh my. I managed 40kg - that's about 80lbs. Now I have even more respect for your EMOM!! Fantastic job.
80# is great for front squats. They are hard!
DeleteWow Wendy, you had quite the week! Awesome job getting everything done and it sounds like yoga was much needed after an intense week. Also, I love that Cocoa thinks the mat is for her, lol
ReplyDeleteShe always does, lol!
DeleteWe had some wind, but nothing compared to what you had last week. Hopefully, this past week was a little better out your way. I'll bet Cocoa can do a great downward dog on the yoga mat! If only Pablo would do it on command for the perfect picture!