Even though it's still quite warm, the air has a different feel to it! Maybe it's a Midwestern thing. I'm sitting outside on my deck as I write this, listening to the cicadas singing and looking at the browning leaves on all my tomato plants. On my trail runs, I've also noticed some foliage changing colors. The mornings are cooler, too. I just love this time of year and I'm doing my best to savor it because we know what's next.
I also love this time of year because it reminds me of training for and running my fall marathons. While I always had a love/hate relationship with those long runs, I really do love the training journey. Even when it doesn't always turn out as planned--you get me? Anyway, there's just something about fall running that is really special.
Weekly Rundown
Sunday: run 8 miles
Monday: pool running with Jennifer Conroyd
Tuesday: CrossFit
Wednesday: trail run 6.5 miles
Thursday: strength training
Friday: run 6 mile
Saturday: rest
Sunday was just up for grabs. Originally, I was signed up for
Read and Run Chicago's Pre-Marathon Run featuring Deena Kastor's
Let Your Mind Run, which I read and reviewed a few years ago. I was excited for this run and meet-up downtown, but the weather had other ideas. Heavy rain and t-storms were approaching the area, so I canceled my reservation and laced up to run on the trails. I had hoped to beat the storms. No sooner did I start my run did it start to rain. I was prepared for rain, but when the lightning and thunder started, I turned around and returned home. I reluctantly fired up the TM, watching a
documentary by Jeff Binney that I'd been saving for a day like this. We met Jeff at
Camp Run Happy and his story is truly inspirational. He's also hilarious! The documentary is well worth the watch and made my miles pass by quickly.

I woke up Wednesday morning with tired legs and stiff ankles from Monday's WOD and those broad jumps (see below). I knew this run was going to be a slog but thank goodness it was a trail day! The weather was perfect when I stepped onto the trail. I took my time, stopping to admire all the amazing mushrooms that continue to pop up everywhere. The deer were out and they startled me every time I saw them! With all the rain we had over the weekend, there were some muddy spots. The creeks were high and crossing them was a challenge. I didn't fall in, but I had a close call when I slipped in the mud on one crossing!
I'm not sure what it was, but I had heavy legs on Friday as I headed out on the bike path to catch the sunrise. I kept hoping things would loosen up, but nope. I pushed myself to keep running, using this as a reminder that I can do hard things. This will come in handy for my upcoming half marathon--one that, thanks to Covid, I will be undertrained for.
Pool Running
On Monday, I was so excited to meet up with Jennifer Conroyd, the owner of
Fluid Running, for an in-person class! Last year when I broke my ankle and foot, I started Fluid Running as a way to keep myself in running shape while I healed. I loved it so much that I have continued once weekly, subbing it in for a run.
Here's a link to a review I shared.
I drove to the facility in Willowbrook, which is about 35 miles from my house. There were about 20 people in the class. Jennifer was taking the class and the instructor, Marcy, was fantastic. It was a little different for me than my pool. Normally, I do the class in my dive well and tether myself to the ladder. This class was in a lap pool and we were tethered to the lane lines. It took me a little while to get used to it because the lane line moves with the participants. The instructor gave me some feedback on my technique, which was very helpful. Overall, the class was more challenging than when I do it on my own. I found that interesting!
After the class, Jennifer and I stayed in the pool, running and talking. She's getting ready to run Chicago. I learned that she's a Boston marathon finisher as well as an Ironman finisher! Over the past weekend, she swam the Big Shoulders 5k in Lake Michigan. She's a mom of 3 grown sons and just an overall very nice person! I look forward to hopefully joining her for more classes in the future as well as some running.
CrossFit/Strength Training
I woke up extra early on Tuesday to make the 5am CrossFit class. When I arrived, I was surprised by 2 things: there were a LOT of people there for class and my friend Steph was there! It was great to see her and we caught up as we worked out side-by-side. The strength portion of the WOD was a 14 minute circuit of 1 lap of broad jumps, 8 KB (20#) single-leg RDLs, and 16 reverse lunges. I did 4 rounds of this before time was called. The MetCon was a 5 round of 9 cal on the assault bike, 4 split jerks at 600-70% (I did 35#), and 2 rope climbs (I did one). There was a 2 minute rest between rounds. I didn't pay attention to the clock, so I'm not sure when I finished, lol. I was awake and ready to start my day after that!

On Thursday, SJ resumed our 5 rep max benchmark workouts. She had me do deadlifts and boy did she pile on the plates. I maxed at 165# for 5 lifts and it was heavy. Of course, she thought I could do more but we stopped there, lol. After that I did Turkish sit ups. These are situps done with a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended the entire time. She had me use 10# DBs and I struggled initially. After a couple of sets, I mastered the technique. But as you can see by my face, they were NOT easy.
I Got My Mind on Safety and My Safety on My Mind...
We runners have a lot of things to think about and right now, safety is a big concern. I shared my thoughts about women running alone in
last week's post and I also shared
my post on self-defense weapons for runners. Runners do have another very important safety issue and that is visibility. I've had more close calls with distracted drivers than I can count. With the fading daylight, high visibility is even more important.
While most of my runs are on trails, I do still train on pavement 1-2 times per week. I like to run before work and it's usually around sunrise when I hit the road. I have my Noxgear vest, which seems to get a lot of second looks from drivers, especially when I set it on the flashing mode. I'm sure I look like a Christmas tree! This week, I got fun mail from Brooks--I received several pieces of the Run Visible collection! These pieces are a combination of fluorescence, contrasting colors, and 3M Carbon Black retroreflectivity, which makes runners highly visible in the dark. The collection offers a variety of pieces for all weather-conditions. I am really excited to add these pieces to my running wardrobe!!
How was your week? Are you enjoying the last bit of summer or are you ready for fall? Has the weather been playing games with your running schedule? Have you ever done Turkish sit-ups? Do you wear high visibility gear when you run in low light conditions?
I'm linking up with
Deborah and
Kim for the Weekly Rundown.
I am so glad you finally got to meet up with Jennifer! For some reason, I thought she did not run anymore. That is fun to hear she still runs marathons. I bet she was so fun to chat with. Those sit ups look extra tough!
ReplyDeleteYou will have to meet her sometime when you are in town!
DeleteUgh, those Turkish situps look GRUELING. How cool that you took a pool running class! I'm sure my pool running technique could use some work. I've been avoiding pool running, but I like how you've integrated it into your workout schedule.
ReplyDeleteI know your weather is horrible if you're on the treadmill! Nice job getting that run done in spite of everything. No fall weather here (sigh) - we'll be in the 90s for another month or so.
But come January, you know we'll all be wanting to be you!
DeleteThe weather was spectacular last week...until yesterday. Lots of rain and delayed start with the lightning, but I refuse to let Momma N win. I was a wet, water-logged mess, but felt quite badass after finishing. It's those "I can do hard things" accomplishments that make it worthwhile (well, most of the time).
ReplyDeleteI didn't look at the TM run as a victory for Mother Nature. I went out, didn't care to risk being struck by lightning, and continued on the TM. End of story.
DeleteThat Brooks kit looks great. We're back to mandatory hi-viz for running club runs and I dug out my chest light last week - fully charged from when I put it away in the spring!
ReplyDeleteThere's more where that kit came from...today I wore the convertible windbreaker. i also have a quilted vest and leggings for even cooler conditions! Loving it!
DeleteI've done Turkish Get UPs but never sit ups - those look really challenging! So nice that you got to meet Jennifer. I just broke out my Noxgear vest too. Love the look of the new Brooks gear!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I thought Turkish get ups were hard until I did these. Who are these Turkish athletes and what are they thinking?
DeleteIt isn't just a Midwestern thing. Things just feel much more different in late Summer than they do while the days are longer. Just like you can often feel the snow coming . . . I love these days too! Not the impending snow, but the Fall like mornings, LOL!
ReplyDeleteSounds like overall a great week for you, Wendy. I'm not at all surprised that the pool running class seemed a bit harder in person -- I know when I've belonged to gyms you definitely push yourself harder (just like in Crossfit, I presume).
I'm tired from pushing myself all week, lol! Even though I don't feel any leftover symptoms from Covid, those 2 weeks of downtime definitely took a toll.
DeleteYup it definitely feels like summer is ending... I hate those dark mornings!!
ReplyDeleteBut I do like the idea of having a race to train for (even I complained about the summer heat.)
You got lucky with all those Brooks freebies. I wish I could wear their shoes.
I've loved being a Brooks ambassador!
DeleteI feel like this week went by pretty quickly. I know that a lot of people will be sad that the official start of Fall is right around the corner, but at least it will bring cooler weather for runs :)
ReplyDeleteThe pool running class sounds like it was a great experience!
I found out about Jeff last year and was automatic hooked based on his story. He seems like such a fun person too!
I'm amazed that it's still so warm! I'm enjoying it, though.
DeleteOh wow, now there's a photo of two very fit ladies! Love it!
ReplyDeleteWho would think that you are both mothers of grown children?
Running on tired legs is a great way to train. You will do very well on that upcoming half marathon. When is it?
The half is on October 15. It's a trail race but the trails are limestone and they are flat. I signed up for an 8 mile trail race on the trails I ran this weekend. That race is the weekend before.
DeleteYikes! Those situps look ROUGH! I have had so much rain dumping on me during my workouts and I'm not here for it. Love your high-viz gear. It's super cute! Love that you got to take that Fluid Running class. Super special!
ReplyDeleteThose sit ups were brutal! You know CF seems to keep bringing the pain in all new ways.
DeleteI love the Brooks reflective gear! You look great in it too! I did my first morning workout on my treadmill today, although it was a walk instead of a run. I'll be on my TM a lot soon!
ReplyDeleteI won't be on my TM a lot soon, lol. But i'm glad to have that Run Visible gear for the dark mornings!
DeleteHow cool that you got to meet Jennifer from Fluid Running!
ReplyDeleteLike you, I don't love running on my treadmill, but I'm always grateful to have it when it's not safe to run outside.
I hope to meet up with her again!
DeleteHow net to meet up with the Fluid Running instructor! She sounds like an awesome person. And she has great shoulders!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check out that documentary!
She's a swimmer, so there you go!