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Ice Age Trail hike |
Sunday, September 12, 2021
It's Still Summer, Sort of
Sunday, July 25, 2021
How I Spent My Summer Vacation While Healing from a Broken Ankle
Greetings from beautiful Door County Wisconsin!! Before I broke my ankle and foot, my son and I had all kinds of adventures planned for our week away. While our plans were modified a bit, I was able to do a lot more than I expected, even in the boot. I won't deny a little bit of sadness about not being able to run on the trails up there. However, not lacing up my running shoes actually gave us time to do things we might not otherwise do.
This trip was so good for me, mentally. I promise that I didn't do anything stupid, although there were a few times that I came close...
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No filter on this photo! |
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Shake it Off
If only I could do a better job of shaking things off!
I've always been a ruminator and I have trouble letting go of my worries. If you read my runfessions from Friday, you know that I received a yellow light from my ortho: proceed with caution because you might feel pain but it's ok and it will probably fix your problem... and yeah, if you find that confusing, so do I!
Even with this unusual advice to get out and test the limits of the tendon, I didn't immediately get behind the boat nor did I run to the gym and do cleans and jerks. The steroid injection itself caused me some pain. Dare I say that my wrist is feeling better since the injection? I haven't tested it out yet. We'll see how the upcoming week goes.
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Friday's rainy run |
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
6 Drinks to Quench a Runner's Thirst
Summertime and the running's not easy...especially if you're not hydrating! I never have to be reminded to drink. At work, there's always a bottle of water next to me so I can sip throughout my day. Hydration doesn't just start the morning of a race or a run. Runners need to stay hydrated all day, every day.
How do you know you're hydrated? The best rule of thumb is to make sure your pee is the color of lemonade. If it's like water, you may be overhydrating. If your pee is the color of apple juice, you've got some drinking to do, my friend.
Riddle me this...why do we compare the color of our pee to beverages? I don't know, but I can tell you that the color of urine is due to a byproduct of bilirubin, which is excreted by the liver. The amount of liquid we drink dilutes out the yellow. Multivitamins can color your urine bright yellow. Beets can make urine pink or even red (but not blood red!) Anything else should be checked by a healthcare provider.
What to drink when you need to quench your thirst? No ideas? Well, guess what? Urine luck...
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Too Much
The theme for this week was too much. As in, everything in excess. Except for my mileage. I had hoped to hit the 20 mile mark for the week, or at least 15 miles, for god's sake. Spoiler alert: that didn't happen. But a lot of things happened this week and most of them good. Even if it was...too much!
Monday, October 22, 2018
7 Things I Loved About Nashville
Since that wonderful sister weekend away, we have continued the tradition of an annual sister trip. We go somewhere different every year. This year for sister trip #7, we headed to Nashville, Tennesee!
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Kelsey Montague "What Lifts You" Street Art Found in Nashville Gulch Neighborhood |
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
5 Taprooms: Whiling Away a Saturday Afternoon on Chicago's Northwest Side
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Mercedes Half Marathon Race Recap
The week before the race, our plans threatened to come unraveled. Between a huge snowstorm the day before I was set to leave and my very real fear of contracting the plague aka influenza that seemed to be afflicting every child I saw in my clinic, it seemed that we might not get to do this race at all. Fortunately, everything fell into place and early Saturday morning, I was Alabama bound.
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photo credit: Holly |
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Race Recap: Door County Half Marathon
I was a little nervous about how the race itself would go for me--between my RA and that epic chafing I experienced the weekend before, I wasn't sure what to expect! But as Holly said to me, "you can plan for everything and then the unexpected happens!" That was my mantra going into this race.
Friday, September 9, 2016
5 Favorite Ways to Refuel After a Run
Sounds naughty, doesn't it? I've been bad and it's time to behave. Too much food and treats make too much Wendy.
I do love me some good food, and you know that I don't like to deprive myself of anything. But with everything in life, I practice moderation. There will always be chocolate, wine, and ice cream in my life. I just need to exert a little self-control and make the right choices. Today's Friday Five theme is all about food and drink, and I wanted to share what works for me when I'm training.
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Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Stay thirsty, my friends
I made no secret of my main goal for the Chicago Marathon last fall. Oh sure, I wanted a PR. A sub 4:30 finish time. But my main goal was to feel good enough to enjoy a beer at the finish line. Now, if they had been serving Michelob ultra or something crappy like that, I don't think I would have been so enthused. But Chicago's own local craft brewery, Goose Island, had a truck parked at the finish line and they were handing out 312 Urban Ale.
I'm not a huge beer drinker, actually, I'm known more for being a wine drinker, but when I do drink beer, I drink something tasty. Maybe Dos Equis. No Miller lite, no Bud lite, and certainly no Michelob 64 for me. If I'm going to drink beer, I want to enjoy the flavor. Last spring, I ran a local race, the Lakefront 10 miler, which is organized by the Chicago Area Runners' Association. Lagunitas, another craft brewery, was opening up a brewery and tasting room in Chicago, and decided to serve beer at the finish line. Runners got a full pint glass of their IPA. Yep, at 9:30 in the morning, I was enjoying this with my new young friends. What the heck? I just ran 10 miles! I was celebrating a pain free run--at the time I was dealing with a foot injury and almost sat this one out. I could have had a few more beers because so many people were handing us their beer coupons. I kept thinking, are you crazy? I had to drive home from the city, so I held myself to one beer.
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Sweaty and satisfied with my Lagunitas IPA |
When I ran Zooma last summer, there was wine at the finish line. As much as I love wine, that just does not appeal to me after a hot, sweaty run. But I felt so ill at that race--it was 80F and humid--that I don't know if I would even been able to down a beer. I was able to finally get a chocolate Muscle Milk light into my stomach--and that was nasty.
That smile? Is the PR? The 4:17 finish time? The Goose Island 312? |