Sunday, April 10, 2016

Big Sur Marathon Training Week 10

It's getting real. Only 2 weeks to go until the big show. The foot continues to stay quiet and I'm feeling more excited than nervous! Here's how the week went down.

Big Sur Marathon Training Week 10

Monday: I went to yoga at the studio. The entire class was done at the wall, which really helped me get into my hips. I was a little sore after my long run/long bike the day before, and the class really helped loosen me up.

Big Sur Marathon Training Week 10
Triangle pose with a bind
Tuesday: I had an 8 mile run on the plan, so I pool ran for 73 minutes. I know, it's not an even number, but the lifeguards kicked me out of the pool at 8 am so the pool noodle class could begin.

Big Sur Marathon Training Week 10
Someone asked for a video but I just don't know how I could pull that off. Those lifeguards...
Wednesday: With hill repeats on the plan, I put the bike back in the trainer and decided to do another GCN class. This one was called Extreme Fat Burning Workout. It was a spin class with tough intervals. Even though it was only 50 minutes long, it was 50 minutes of hell. I was a drippy, sweaty, tired mess after this one. A worthy substitute for those hill repeats.

Hero pose. Feeling infinitely grateful for all that I can do, even while injured.
I did yoga at home after that, doing my own Post Run Yoga workout.

Thursday: It was back to the pool for 60 minutes of pool running. The weather has been awful this week--it was snowing this morning--and I'm not minding my indoor workouts at all. No selfie from today's swim. I think the lifeguard is on to me.

Big Sur Marathon Training Week 10
Oh my gosh is this fun! But oh my gosh was I sore the next day.
After pool running, I went to see Becky for CrossFit. She changed things up a bit today. I was excited to see her pull out the slider board. So fun! She also had me do some hip work with the resistance bands. Then there were Romanian deadlifts. Followed by an all out row for 3 minutes again. I continue to improve on my pacing with that.

I met Marcia and Sara for lunch and we talked all things running. Sara's running Boston next week and she has been killing her training. I'm pretty sure she will BQ again. Marcia, who has run Boston a few times, gave Sara some last minute advice. And both of them listened to me moan and groan about my PF. We forgot to get a picture, but trust me, it really happened.

Friday: Today was a rest day but I had another runner meet up, dinner with Michelle, Penny, and Debi! We had never met Debi before but knew her from her FB page, Girls Run the 901. She was in town for the Lakefront 50k. Isn't it great meeting FB friends in real life? It's like we all knew her. She has the cutest southern accent and is a nice as you would imagine.

Michelle, Debi, Penny, and me
Saturday: I had a six mile run on the plan. I woke up to snow. I also woke up to my oldest son's wrecked car parked in the driveway. After I woke him up and learned what happened, I put on my shoes and headed out into the bright sunshine. As sometimes happens on a run, I processed this latest bit of mama drama while taking it out on the road. I had to keep redirecting myself to reign it in, and in spite of wanting to push it, I think I did a good job managing my pace. I also found myself singing out loud to Rage Against the Machine's Killing in the Name. Complete with fist pumping. I hope nobody heard me. Or saw me. 5.55m/8:39m/m

Big Sur Marathon Week 10

The day got better, though. I watched my youngest son compete in an area high school invitational gymnastics tournament where he placed 3rd out of 42 boys on the high bar. I may have cried. And he let me hug him. His team placed 3rd out of 14 schools. What a day.

There he is, 3rd place. On the podium! I'm so proud!
Sunday: Even though I had a 12 mile run on the plan, I cautiously decided I would run 10 and call it a day. It was blustery and cold, with some rain. I headed out to the bike path which would keep me from running directly into the wind for most of my run. My legs felt surprisingly loose and my foot was quiet. I paced myself around 9 min/mile and did a great job keeping my splits consistent. By mile 4, I made up my mind to do the whole 12. I was smiling and singing along to my playlist, but not pushing my pace at all. This was a really enjoyable long run--and I haven't had one of those for a long time! I stopped once to take a picture and that was it. My 12 miles took me right to my driveway and when I stopped, I was still surprised to feel minimal pain in my heel. 12 miles/9:08m/m

Big Sur Marathon Training Week 10
The hay's in the proverbial barn!
I thought to myself that this is how you should feel when you've trained for a marathon. You've done all your work--speedwork, hill work, tempo runs, long runs--and 2 weeks before the race, you should feel loose and ready. What amazed me about this run is that in spite of very little time on the road the last couple of weeks, I feel ready. Is it the pool running? The cycling? The weight training and CrossFit that Becky has been doing with me? Whatever it is, I'll take it!

How was your week? What's the weather been like by you? I'm so ready for spring!

I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap! It's a great place to catch up with everyone and see what they've been up to.


  1. I have no doubts that you will rock the Big Sur.

    You are one tough runner. Your yoga poses totally impress me too. I could go on and one.

    My hilly half is in 2 weeks so I will be thinking of you in the warmer climate kicking ass for 26.2 miles!

    1. I'm looking forward to running in warmer weather. Time to start the weather stalking!

  2. Sounds like you had a great week!!! Way to persevere, Wendy! I know you will have a great race. So jealous you got to meet Debi!!! She's such a wonderful lady!!!

    1. I feel like things are coming together nicely. That pool running has been a lifesaver. I can't say it enough!

  3. Sounds like you are ready to nail Big Sur ! So glad your foot has calmed down. Maybe the pool running is giving it the break it needed ?
    Hope spring comes your way soon. I am i n Baltimore this weekend and

    1. I think the pool running has been the missing link. I will be continuing with it after the marathon until my PF is gone.

  4. Wendy. (I'm rolling my eyes, in case you want to know). ;-) You are feeling ready for Big Sur because you ARE ready for it. Despite the angry foot (that has mellowed), you know deep down in your gut that you've done the training, and are physically ready to kick buttocks. You have the stamina and endurance to conquer those 26.2 miles (come Hell or high water), and you will do great. ;-)

    1. Thank you! Roll away. I needed today's 12 miler so badly, and it was just perfect. Now I'm ready.

  5. I am so glad your foot has calmed down for you. You. Are. Ready!

  6. You did it! You're there. And, very impressively the hay is dry and stacked very neatly in that barn. I think the alternative training will be nothing but empowering for you and you'll have one of the best races ever! Enjoy the taper. Thanks for linking with us Wendy.

    1. Thanks for the pool running inspiration, Holly!!! Very happy with how this training cycle is winding down.

  7. So excited for you! And I'm going to email you soon so hopefully we can run while I'm in Chicago! :)

  8. I really love how you've had all this variety in workouts....and am so curious to see how your marathon will go..... Really, it's about being in shape and having endurance, which you definitely do, so I think it will be great!!

    1. I would never recommend training for a marathon like this. But hey, I have a strong base and certainly this isn't my first marathon. Plus we aren't doing it for time. I think you are right--it's all about being in shape and having endurance. It's going to be fun!

  9. Congrats to your son! I was in gymnastics when I was younger so I love reading about people's children who are also involved.
    What exactly is a pool noodle class?

    1. Haha! The pool noodle class? The participants use a noodle to hold them up in the water while they do various exercises. It's definitely low impact and easy.

  10. So exciting, I have heard the Big Sur marathon is amazing!! Glad your foot is behaving too :-) I love your pictures & your swimsuit, where is that from? I need to try the pool running too, sounds like it has been helpful? Love reading you post, Have a Great Week!!

    1. The pool running has been more helpful than I could have imagined! who knew? My suit is from Athleta. Actually, I need another one.

  11. The weather was gross here too. Luckily I escaped to Florida for a few days this weekend. I used that slider board in PT last year and it was fun! Great job once again getting in all your training despite having to cross train.

    1. This has actually been kind of spite of all my angst about missing my runs!

  12. Way to go Wendy. I smiled reading this. I'm so happy that you feel confident and happy in your training. You've done so well. Too bad about the wrecked car. At least he wasn't hurt though.

    1. Oh that kid! I'm so glad he's ok. But I can't even believe he got the Jeep home. He went off the road into a ditch and just kept going. Ayyy.

  13. I so agree with everyone else - you are going to do great at Big Sur! So happy you got that extra boost of confidence from today's 12 miler!

  14. You are doing awesome. You sound like you are ready to go.

  15. I'm sure all of these things are a factor. I'm so glad your foot is behaving ... and glad your son is OK at least?

  16. Go Wendy! And go youngest son!

    I'm glad you are getting excited. I am excited for you.

  17. I am impressed that you did2 days of pool running. You are so ready for Big Sur. Yoga on the wall sounds interesting. I am really liking my hot yoga and it really does help my hips feel good too!

    1. There will be more pool running after Big Sur--I think it will be essential for recovery. And that PF needs to go away...

  18. ....and your training cycle is pretty much buttoned up! Hope your son is ok. And congrats to son #2! Such a proud moment for you!

    1. The day was just full of ups and downs. But ended on a high note!

  19. I am embracing the spring. So happy it is here. Great week recap! I love your training pictures.

    1. Spring is not quite here yet. I will be so happy once it settles in!

  20. Didn't you just love meeting Debi? Is she exactly like what you thought too? I know when I first met her it was like I had always known her. I'm so glad you got to meet her.
    What was it you asked that made this last run so great? I do think all of it that you've been doing. It's getting out and doing the other things besides running and then when you run you just appreciate it so much more. I can hardly wait to see what all you do leading up to your race and then in the race. We'll all be there right with you too! Ok virtually but we'll be there cheering you on!

    1. I really appreciate everyone's support during my tumultuous training! It's been quite a ride. I'm excited to run Big Sur for real. Plus I get to meet Kristina and Teresa. And my husband are going away alone for the first time ever since we've had the boys.

  21. Your workouts all seem great. That slide thing is interesting and does look like fun. I'm excited for you to run Big Sur and it's almost here. You are going to so kill it!

    1. I don't know about kill but I sure think I'll be able to run it!

  22. You know that you impress me – – so this one? It's for your son. He rocked thay gymnastics tournament. My little gymnast here would be in AWE!!!

    1. I'm so proud of him! If you want to see the routine, it's on my personal FB page.

  23. I was so happy to see that you ran, and was SO impressed by your son on the high bar when I saw it on FB! That is amazing! I have no gymnastic talent beyond doing a perfect cartwheel, but I love the sport, so go him!

    1. Those skills run in the family...Oh, I'm great at stunts like tripping on imaginary objects and curbs. Really good at landing, too! :p

      But as you can tell, I'm beyond proud of him. He just took up the sport last year!

  24. Great news that you no longer have foot pain, got in some enjoyable runs, and are ready for race day! If you feel ready then it's no question your training worked its magic! I had to laugh at the pool lifeguards being into you about the selfies, ha ha!

    1. There was foot pain after the run and this morning, but it isn't anything like I experienced about a month ago. Hoping that the next 2 weeks will keep it at bay!

  25. such a strong week! I have no doubt you will kill it at Big Sur. You've been working so hard. I love all your yoga poses. Congratulations to your son on his victory!

  26. There's no better way to deal with drama than with a run. I put on loud rock and hit the road, letting the music calm me down. I hope this alternative training will help you get to Big Sur and have a great race. I can't believe Boston is almost here either.

    1. You aren't kidding! Actually both my runs felt amazing this weekend. I so needed that.

  27. You definitely pushed through quite a few obstacles this week, which leaves me with zero doubt about your ability to shine at Big Sur. I can't believe the big day is so close!

    1. Thank you! I can't believe its almost here. I feel like it was just yesterday that I put in my application!

  28. Car wreck aside, it sounds like you had a pretty good week! I can't believe you're only 2 weeks out!

  29. It sounds like you had a great weekend besides the crash. You will do amazing at Big Sur!

    1. I'm excited! I finally feel like my training is going to be ok.

  30. It's ALL of it and, you feel ready because you ARE ready!!! What a great week and so glad the pool running is working for you, although I knew it would.
    I smiled big at you singing and fist pumping to Killing In the Name Of - great song!!!
    And congrats to your son! Fantastic!!!!

    1. You knew pool running was the way...I had to learn for myself...and you were right!

  31. Yay that the "hay is in the barn"! It's fantastic that you feel ready for Big Sur now that it's two weeks out. That noodle class cracks me up, but I'll probably be taking a similar class when I get old. :)

    1. I seriously doubt you'll be a pool noodler, Pete! Maybe one of those old guys in the sauna?

  32. Sounds like an awesome week of training! I love how you are smiling at Crossfit on the slider. Great pic! Yay for no pain on your 12 miler! You sound so ready! I'm excited for you. You're gonna do great at Big Sur!

  33. glad your foot is doing better! We've had rain and snow here but hopefully spring is finally here this week.

  34. You are absolutely ready to rock Big Sur! I'll join you on the weather stalking, I'm ok with wind, cold and warm. I'm scared of rain.

    1. I stalked the weather and it's going to be about the same temps there as here in Chicago. Which is a good thing!

  35. Aw, this makes me so happy for you! You sound so confident and upbeat and that's exactly how it should be!

    You have worked hard and been patient, and you are going to do phenomenal things in Big Sur!

    So jealous of all your blogger buddy meet ups! So fun to get to hang with these people in real life!

    1. I just want to finish with a smile on my face and that awesome bling around my neck! It's not so much to ask, right?

  36. You've so got this, Wendy! How exciting that Big Sur is only 2 weeks away! You've worked so hard and now it's nearly time for you to reap the rewards of all that effort. Yikes on the car crash but yay for your youngest son placing 3rd in the gymnastics!!! WOO HOO!!!

  37. sounds like you had a great week of training! it is alternating between winter and spring here in tennessee. i am ready for spring/summer! good luck!

    1. Oh trust me, we are having the craziest weather! Snow, sun, rain, and wind all in one handy dandy week. It's hard to plan anything. Thankfully, spring is coming this week!

  38. Great training week as usual Wendy - Congrats on pushing for 12 miles! Love that your boy placed 3rd. Huge Congrats! Love that:)

  39. Glad you had a great run! So proud of you for finding a way to get to the start line even with your injury!

    1. It's still going to be a challenge but I feel like I am ready.

  40. It's been an interesting journey with the 2 boys. I think my youngest learns what not to do from my oldest...

  41. You are amazing!! Goal for me!

  42. You are doing awesome with your training! Great to hear your 12 miler went well! Congrats to your son on placing 3rd!!

  43. You are killing your training. And keep up the awesome work with the pool running! Now that is dedication. You are getting so close!

  44. Love your pics! You should photoshop a cape onto the last one. You'd make a great wonder woman ;)

  45. The anticipation of a big beautiful race, knowing you've put in all your work - - -I'm a little jealous haha! Good luck and have fun!

  46. Congrats to your son. I've always wanted to try a slider board.

  47. So awesome you're going to be running the marathon! Fingers crossed your injury stay down :)

  48. Sounds like you're in a strong position for Big Sur.

    I'm also recovering from PF and have been meaning to try pool running. I think maybe it's time I do!

  49. The hay is in the barn indeed! Glad to hear everything is going great and your PF is staying quiet. Congrats to your son on his placing on the bar, that is awesome!

    1. Shoot! this is Christy from Christyruns! Apparently I am not logged in :I

    2. Blogger is always messing with us, isn't it?

      Thanks for the support! :D

  50. Our weather has been all over the place. Super cold at my race on Sunday, shorts weather yesterday, rainy and chilly today. So over it.

    Fingers crossed that your foot keeps staying quiet.

  51. Love that last picture of you!
    It is always such a wonderful feeling to be ready for something we train so hard for. You have done so much amazing work, kit will surely pay off! Enjoy these next two weeks before your race!

  52. Your post reminds me that I need to add more yoga in my life! My favorite yoga class is a 90min hot yoga class. However it starts at 8pm and I am usually too tired to go :(

    1. I can't exercise at night--if I do I don't sleep! If its not done in the morning, it doesn't happen.

  53. It's a relief to hear you finished a 12-miler without any pain. Your determination and dedication has taken you to this point. Sorry to hear about your son's wrecked car - hope he's ok and that you're feeling better now too. And congrats to your son's achievement! We had rainy days last week (San Diego needs rain so I was grateful) but the sun and warmth is back this week. I'll try to send a bit of warmth your way! :)

  54. The excitement is building! You are going to have so much fun! I am sending you warm thoughts, you need them after that crazy weather! UGG, I know you are missing the sunshine! Congrats on the gymnastics finish that is exciting, wrecked cars, not exciting but your son was home so that is a good thing. Hope you are having a great week!

    1. Excitement and nervousness!

      The sun is here and the temps are supposed to go up up up!

  55. So happy to hear about your successful long run and that you're getting excited for race day!! You had me laughing about that lifeguard being on to you with your selfies... although it is NOT cool they kicked you out of the pool. Boo.

    Sorry to hear about the wrecked car. I'm glad all was well with your son, though. My little sister was in a bad car wreck recently (she is okay - just very sore and banged up). I had to handle all of the initial emergency stuff on the phone from 4 hours away because my dad was on a flight across the country. It was really scary and I felt so helpless from so far away.

    Congrats to your youngest son! I like watching men's gymnastics during the Olympics, but the high bar is the one event that absolutely terrifies me!

    1. Sorry to hear about your sister! It's so frightening when you aren't there. I'm glad my son was ok too--but I was still mad at him. I'm sure he was going too we have to help him find a new car (which he is paying for).

  56. Wow it sounds like all that pool running is paying off. So amazing you had a great 12 miler to wrap up your week. I am sorry to hear about the car but glad everyone is ok!

  57. Great job on your training this week! That made me laugh when you said you were singing on your run. I sing out loud too on my runs sometimes. I’m sure people think I’m nuts! But it’s just so fun! I’m so glad your foot is cooperating with you! It sure is getting real. We have 10 days!!
