Monday, July 29, 2024

Mini Book Reviews: July 2024

Disclaimer: I received ARCs of Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder, The Summer Pact, Long Island Compromise, The Heart in Winter, Guilty Creatures, Catalina, and They Dream in Gold from NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for my reviews. This post contains affiliate links.

For the month of July I had 7 pre-releases on my NetGalley dashboard that were set for publication. I made up my mind to get them read by the end of the month. Fortunately, all of the books were worth reading! My favorite? I loved Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder. I also loved The Heart in Winter. There is definitely something for everyone on this list!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Sometimes a staycation is just what you need. It's nice to enjoy the local happenings and that is what I did this week. It was a really low key, low stress kind of week--exactly what I needed. I'm lucky to live outside of Chicago as well as close to Wisconsin, and I took full advantage, spending time in both locales. 

I also kept up with my fitness routine! This post is a little longer than usual, as I'm recapping not only my workouts, but also sharing some highlights from my week. Thanks for indulging me!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Don't Count Me Out!

This week was remarkable for our wild weather! We had terrible thunderstorms on Monday and Tuesday night--the sirens were blowing and while we didn't have a lot of damage, others around the area were not so lucky. By mid-week, the weather calmed down and we had some really pleasant conditions. I had to move my runs around to accommodate the conditions as well as some lingering soreness from a tough mid-week workout. I got it all done, though, and wrapped up the week with a really good run. At this point in my life, anytime I can finish a 10k in under an hour is a win.

What a way to make me feel like I'm still a runner!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Running is Leaving Me Breathless

The heat and humidity continue! I've been committed to getting up and out the door early, but despite my best efforts, I've been struggling on my runs. After a couple of miles, my heart rate spikes and I have to slow to a walk. The heat has never been my friend, but this is the first summer I can remember consistently having issues with high heart rate and breathing. I'm blaming the weather, but I'm considering programming run/walk intervals back into my runs. I'm going to see how this week goes. Stay tuned. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

More Rain! More Mud! More Humidity!

The title of this post is not a wish list. It's a lament. I only wish we could get a break from this relentless moisture.

While we aren't getting rains that Wisconsin is--more on that in a minute--we've certainly had more than our share. When it isn't raining, it is oppressively humid. I try to find the good in everything and yes, the flowers and foliage are lush and beautiful. But it's hard to breathe when I run and the mud on my trails is making me slip, slide, and fall. The biting flies are loving the conditions and my repellant isn't as much of a deterrent as I hoped. I broke down and ordered a head net to keep the flies out of my eyes. 

The other bad news is that my upcoming trail race, Dances with Dirt, scheduled for next weekend in Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin, has been canceled. This is due to all the rain, which has led to poor trail conditions and flooding in the park. I've been wanting to run this race for years! I signed up for the 10k to see what it's like. I was hoping to run a half there next year. I have to decide if I will defer or run it virtually. 

Wisconsin has had so much rain that last week our lake was a 'no wake zone'. Boats and piers were freely floating in the water. The water has receded some, but more rain is on the way. The storms just keep tracking across that same area. You know how bummed I am about not being able to ski much this summer! I sure hope things improve.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mini Book Reviews: June 2024

Disclaimer: I received copies of Margo's Got Money Troubles, The Midnight Feast, Sandwich, Husbands and Lovers, and Bear from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest reviews.

June just flew by, didn't it? And of course, I read plenty of books this month. My NetGalley prereleases were getting cumbersome, so almost the entire month working through the list, knocking out 5 of them. I loved four of them--surprisingly, the one I didn't care for was written by Lucy Foley, who is a very popular thriller author. It would be hard to choose a favorite out of the other 4--I enjoyed them all very much! 

But it was A Walk in the Park that had my heart and took a while for me to read. It was long, yes, but it was just so good. It is a must read for anyone who loves to hike or run trails, or who wants to learn more about the Grand Canyon. I fully expect to see this on year-end lists of best of non-fiction books!