Sunday, July 30, 2017

Looking for Fun and Feelin' Groovy

"Slow down, you move too fast. You've got to make the morning last. 
Just kickin' down the cobblestones, lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy..." 
~The 59th Street Bridge Song, Paul Simon

Well, what the heck? It's the end of July. How did that happen so fast?

It's been one fun summer, that's for sure. I realize that a lot of you have been sweltering in the heat and humidity, but here in the midwest, overall, it's been a really nice summer. We've had heat and humidity, we've had a lot of rain, but we've also had quite a few nice days. This week was no exception. As always, I try to make the most of the weather and sunshine--it was another busy week.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Runfessions: July

Summer is just zipping by, isn't it? I've been busy, but that doesn't mean I'm going to pass up a chance to you runfess? If you don't, you feels so much better to clear your conscience. Marcia hosts this monthly opportunity to unbosom...I have to runfess that I kind of love that word..

Anyways, on with the stories...

Monday, July 24, 2017

Like a Boss: Recovery Week

Last Sunday I ran the Humana Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon and have been on a high ever since. No, I didn't PR, unless you want to call it an RA PR. But it was just one of those race experiences I'll never forget. By now, you'd think I'd have both my feet firmly on the ground. After all, I had to go back to work the next day.

Here I am, one week later, still feeling like a champion. I spent the week recovering from my race but I have not been sitting on the sofa, eating chocolates and drinking wine. There has been some of that of course, but my recovery week has been nothing short of epic...

Friday, July 21, 2017

5 Nuggets of Wisdom from Kathrine Switzer

I'm still basking in the glow of last weekend's race and meeting Kathrine Switzer. If you haven't read her book, Marathon Woman, I highly recommend you pick it up. Truly one of the best running books I've read, it's written so well that it's like talking with her in person. Kathrine has had an amazing life and until I read it, I didn't realize all that she's accomplished or what she has done for women's sports. While writing this post, I learned that she was recently inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. I can't think of a better role model for women runners--or just women in general.

Meeting her was this runner's dream come true. Talking with her was like talking with an old friend. She's so easy to talk to! During the brief time we were together, I shared a lot about myself and my dreams. Besides chatting about running, Kathrine shared some wisdom with me. I was a sponge and soaked it all in.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Race Recap: Humana Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

Disclaimer: As a Rock 'n' Blogger, I received complimentary entry to the Humana Rock 'n Roll Chicago Half Marathon as well as a VIP pass. All opinions are my own.

Can you believe that I've never run the Humana Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon before? There's only one reason and that's because this half marathon takes place in July. July in Chicago can be brutal! The last half marathon I ran in July, Zooma, was a steam bath and I struggled with the heat. But as a Rock 'n' Blogger, it made sense for me to sign up for my hometown race. Once I started incorporating those 4:1 run/walk intervals into my training, I realized that I had a plan that could work in the heat. There would be no time goals (well, ok, maybe...) but the ultimate goal would be to finish.

I finished, but what a journey it was to the finish line! It was an epic 24 hours for this runner. This is a long post, so sit down, put your feet up, and pour yourself a cold one!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

Disclaimer: As a RockNBlogger, I received a complimentary race entry and VIP experience to the Rock and Roll Chicago Half Marathon. All opinions are my own.

I don't know if you were hoping for my race recap, but as I lay on the couch recovering from today's Rock 'n Roll Chicago Half Marathon, I'm still absorbing what was an epic experience. No, I didn't PR or AG, but RnR treated me like a celebrity. I'm not referring to the VIP experience, which was wonderful and would be worth the extra $$. No, in addition to all that, RnR and sponsor Humana wanted to interview me about running with RA. This also included meeting Kathrine Switzer, which was more than I could have hoped for.

Pinch me, because I can't believe all this has happened!

So while I process my race weekend, for today's post I'm going to recap my week of workouts. I'm not being a tease--I just need to get my thoughts together. In addition, I'm waiting for race photos to include in my recap. I have so much to share! For now, here's how my week leading up to the race went down.

Friday, July 14, 2017

5 Random Tales from the Road

Running gives us so much, doesn't it? Besides fitness and bling, that is. One of my favorite things about running is that running gives us plenty to talk about. Race recaps, product reviews, weekly workout recaps, running advice--I never run out of topics to write about here on my blog.

And then there are the running stories. The weird, random things we see or encounter on the run. Today I bring you 5 random tales from the road.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Run and Be Open with AfterShokz TrekzTitanium: Product Review

Disclaimer: As a SweatPink Ambassador, I received a set of AfterShokz TrekzTitanium headphones from AfterShokz in exchange for my unbiased review. All opinions are, of course, my own.

As a music lover and runner, I have been intrigued by the AfterShokz TrekzTitanium headphones. I was super skeptical and had a lot of questions about them. How could headphones that use bone conduction for sound even work? Would the music sound "tinny"? Then there was the whole wireless Bluetooth thing. I've heard people complaining about their Bluetooth headphones--connection issues seem to be the biggest complaint. That, and the buds falling out of their ears made me think twice about giving up the cords.

Over the years, I've had ongoing issues with earbuds and so-called sport headphones. The biggest issue? Even when the earbuds claim to be sweatproof, they are not sweatproof. I believe that I am the sweatiest person on the planet. I just threw yet another pair of earbuds in the garbage because I sweated them to death. I consider myself lucky if I get 6 months out of a pair of earbuds. I'm also pretty picky about sound quality--I really am all about that bass--and so many earbuds sound so tinny. There's nothing worse than my rock and roll sounding like it's playing on an AM radio from the 1970s. Not that I know anything about that.  Finally, there's that whole cord thing--the cords fray, my flailing arms pull the buds out of my ears, they tangle into knots...

Naturally, when I was offered the chance to try the AfterShokz TrekzTitanium, you know I jumped at it. I do have one pair of corded earbuds that I love, so the bar was set pretty high for these!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Summer's Got Me Like....

Ah, summer! It's the time of year we long for during those cold, snowy winter days. The days are long, but here in the Midwest, the season is short. It feels like every free minute is packed as we try to squeeze in as much outdoor time as possible.

This weekend was no exception as I wrapped up my work week on Wednesday night and readied for a full three day extravaganza!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Saying Goodbye to My Coach

You're probably reading the title of this post and saying WHAT? Actually, I'm saying that. I'm still in shock. But it's true. My training sessions with Becky are coming to an end.

About 6 weeks ago, Becky told Steph and me that she was moving to Las Vegas to join the circus. Seriously. She is taking a job with Cirque du Soleil as part of their medical team. It's an amazing opportunity for her. I'm so proud of her for going out of her comfort zone and trying something new! After all, isn't that what she's been pushing me to do for the last 3 years?

Becky asked us not to share this information until the CrossFit box had a chance to let everyone know. I put it in the vault and there it has remained until today. This was a post I did not want to write. I've been struggling to put my thoughts into words. It's so hard for me to say goodbye to someone who has completely transformed my life.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

7 Unconventional Tips to Help You Run Faster

Let's face it. Running is HARD. When you are a non-runner, you see runners and maybe you think that it looks easy. A seasoned runner can make it seem that way. What you don't see are the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into the training that makes that runner's movement seem effortless.

There are no shortcuts to becoming a stronger, faster runner. You just have to run. Sounds boring? I've got some possibly fun, unconventional, and far from boring suggestions to help you become the runner you want to be. All it takes is a pair of running shoes and the desire to move.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sweet Redemption: Stampede 10k Race Recap

Prior to today, I've run this hometown race 4 times and I've AG placed 4 times. I couldn't decide if I wanted to run it this year. I'm loathed to admit it--yes, this should have been a runfession--that I didn't know if my ego could handle the disappointment of not AG placing this year.

I've accepted my fate and have been doing really well, I think, with learning to living with rheumatoid arthritis. I tell myself all the time how lucky I am to still be running. I know this. I get it. And yet, I'm still not ready to accept that I'm slowing down. 

Last week I swallowed my pride and signed up to run the 10k once again. Best case scenario would be a sub-9 m/m race. Worst case scenario? There are no portapotties on the route. Not AG placing fell somewhere in the middle of those 2 scenarios. As race day approached, I made some changes in my diet with the hopes that I would not have any sort of GI issues. I figured everything else was up to chance.