Saturday, February 8, 2025

Mind Over Matter

'Tis the season when the motivation is low. The air is cold, the landscape is ugly- at least in the Midwest- and it's hard to get excited about running outside. I've also been feeling super achy this week. It's been a few months since RA has messed with me, but here we are. I'm just trying to keep moving because movement keeps things loose and makes me feel good. I had to dig deep to push myself out the door and even to leave my toasty warm bed, but I didn't regret any of my workouts.

It was all mind over matter. I've been described as strong willed, stubborn, and driven and those traits served me well this week!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

It's Me Time

Before you judge me based on the title of this post, hear me out.

My life has gotten very busy since the start of the year. On the work front, some of the projects I'm involved in have accelerated and are starting to encroach on my days off. One of the meetings was scheduled at the same time as CrossFit, and I excused myself, guilt-free from the meeting to go to my class. My husband's health issues continue. In addition, my parents need more of my time as I try to stay on top of my mom's health issues. I feel as if I'm juggling 3 balls in the air, trying to keep everything going. 

Or maybe a better metaphor would be treading water, trying to keep my head above the surface. I actually do that on Tuesdays, you know 😘.

To preserve my sanity, I've become very protective of my 'me' time. I know that I'm a much happier and more productive person if I get my workouts in. I'm willing to be flexible as much as possible, but conflicts pop up. It feels good to put my needs first and I'm surprised at myself--saying no has never been easy for me. It's a work in progress.