Saturday, July 6, 2024

More Rain! More Mud! More Humidity!

The title of this post is not a wish list. It's a lament. I only wish we could get a break from this relentless moisture.

While we aren't getting rains that Wisconsin is--more on that in a minute--we've certainly had more than our share. When it isn't raining, it is oppressively humid. I try to find the good in everything and yes, the flowers and foliage are lush and beautiful. But it's hard to breathe when I run and the mud on my trails is making me slip, slide, and fall. The biting flies are loving the conditions and my repellant isn't as much of a deterrent as I hoped. I broke down and ordered a head net to keep the flies out of my eyes. 

The other bad news is that my upcoming trail race, Dances with Dirt, scheduled for next weekend in Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin, has been canceled. This is due to all the rain, which has led to poor trail conditions and flooding in the park. I've been wanting to run this race for years! I signed up for the 10k to see what it's like. I was hoping to run a half there next year. I have to decide if I will defer or run it virtually. 

Wisconsin has had so much rain that last week our lake was a 'no wake zone'. Boats and piers were freely floating in the water. The water has receded some, but more rain is on the way. The storms just keep tracking across that same area. You know how bummed I am about not being able to ski much this summer! I sure hope things improve.

Weekly Rundown:
Sunday: trail run 6.25 miles
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: Fluid Running
Wednesday: trail run 5.6 miles
Thursday: Trail Sisters Run 4 miles
Friday: Strength training: Carolyn Girvan Beast Mode Lower Body
Saturday: rest day/work

June miles 80

Finally a break from the rain and the heat! On Sunday, I woke up to bright sunshine and 59 degrees. I couldn't wait to lace up and head out to the trails. The trails were mostly dry and the bugs were less pesky than usual. The cool air felt fabulous. I saw a lot of deer out in the woods but couldn't get close enough for photos until I was leaving. One young buck with fuzzy antlers even snorted at me before dashing away. Sadly, I saw 3 dead baby raccoons along the main trail. I wondered what happened to them--if it had been a coyote, they wouldn't have been there. My hubs speculated that the mama must have gone AWOL. Nature can be cruel. But it is also beautiful and I was so happy to enjoy my morning under the bright sunshine!

Monday's CrossFit was a sprint workout. For the Strength/Skill portion, we had an E4MOM of 100m sprints. We did a slow recovery ride on the bike between each sprint. I didn't time my sprints, but they were 100% effort. The MetCon had 4 rounds for time of 15 kettlebell swings (I did 20#) and 10 burpee over KBs. The goal was to finish under 5 minutes. I did 3 rounds in 4 minutes and could not do another round. We took a 10 minute recovery and repeated the same workout. I had the same result. I talked to the coach after and she said I did the workout correctly--they wanted 100% effort. I'm not sure how I felt about this workout--I much prefer more skill-based WODs!

I woke up to rain on Pink Wednesday and decided to wait for it to end before heading out to the trails. It was as muddy and steamy as I expected. The mud was pretty slick and I had to catch myself from falling multiple times, finally slipping to my hands and knees to avoid sliding into a tree. This girl knows how to fall, lol. I was pretty disgusted but once I started running again, I spotted a doe and her twin fawns running through the woods. It's how things balance out, right? The humidity finally did me in and I called it quits at 5.6 miles. I could not wait to hit the shower!

Besides seeing lots of interesting mushrooms, the wildflowers have been beautiful this year. I've seen a lot of new-to-me species, including this Michigan Lily! I've become a nature nerd, using the Seek app to identify plants and flowers. It's free on the app store and uses your phone camera and  GPS to identify plants. 

On Thursday, Independence Day, I met with the Trail Sisters at a local preserve for an early run and 'tailgate' breakfast. It was really humid (94%) and I struggled the entire time. I finally stopped to walk after 3 miles, finishing up with one of the husbands, who was walking their dogs. I didn't feel great but I stayed to chat with the group. It had been a while since I'd run with them and I enjoyed their company!

I was signed up for CrossFit on Friday before work. After checking the WOD when I got up that morning, I saw it was Fran, a WOD with just a lot of thrusters and pull-ups. I decided to take a pass and found a great lower body workout with Carolyn Girvan on YouTube. I love that I can turn the volume down and do the workout to my own music. She makes me laugh when she acts like she's so winded after a set. Seriously, girl? But I appreciate her trying to make us all feel better when we're struggling!!

Some Good News!

On Sunday, we celebrated my oldest son's engagement to his long-time girlfriend with a party hosted by her family. It was a casual get-together with her very large extended family and many of their friends. It was nice to meet everyone, although my hubs and I met many of them last year at a party. You may remember the mechanical bull from last summer! No bull at this party, but it was a wonderful celebration of the upcoming nuptials.

The parents with Tom and Elisa

My Family/Mike's dad and lady friend

On Thursday, we went to my sister's house for an Independence Day lunch. We got to meet my new great- nephew and he's a cutie. My mom is thrilled about being a great-grandmother!

How was your week? Is anyone else dealing with oppressive humidity and lots of rain? Mud? Tell me something good! 

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. I have two suggestions for you! Remember my race in May, Sweat Swat 'n Swear? The "swatting" part was supposed to be flies, and they recommended catnip spray (which you can buy on amazon) and dryer sheets. I used the catnip spray and it seemed to work- I had no issues- so I didn't use the dryer sheets although I had them with me. Apparently people pin them to their hats or clothing and it keeps the flies away? Anyway, maybe one (or both) of those will help you. Biting flies are ANNOYING.
    How exciting, an engagement AND a new great-nephew!!! In spite of the weather, you had a lot of good things this week.

    1. Thank you for the tip! I will look for the catnip spray. Dryer sheets--ugh but if they work, I'll use them!

  2. Lots of good news for your family! A baby in the family again makes it so fun.
    No humidity here - just extreme heat. We had two fires in our town on Wednesday. That is very concerning, because fire season starting in July is early. Two years of rain also means there is a lot of brush that will burn.
    Something good - Les and his brother fly to Nice, France on Saturday for a week of cycling/following the Tour de France. My sister-in-law and I will fly in a week later for another week of European fun!

    1. Oh how fun!! That is so exciting for Les and for you. Let me know how it goes!

  3. What a bummer that the Dance with Dirt trail race you were so looking forward to has been canceled.

    Congratulations to your son and future daughter-in-law! I love your dress you wore to the engagement party! Very cute!

    We're dealing with high heat and humidity, but with severe drought conditions. Even when we have a chance of evening storms, they pass us by...

  4. Sorry about the race cancellation but hooray for the lovely family news! It's been humid here, too, not very nice at all. And actually then cold and damp too these last few days. At least it managed not to rain on election day.

    1. Ughh to cold weather!! It's tough because we look forward to summer all year!

  5. My race was cancelled this weekend for the exact same reason! Too many floods and mudslides, damaged roads and train tracks and all the other repercussions.
    What is Pink Wednesday? I googled it but didn't get a conclusive answer.
    And I agree with Debbie: I love your dress (in fact, your whole look!!) And I also love the house where the party took place - it's refreshing to see a house plenty of uncluttered space.

    1. Pink Wednesday comes from the movie Mean Girls--I don't know if you've ever seen it, but a new girl moves to a school where the clique sets the rules and 'on Wednesdays we wear pink'. It's become a thing with the runners on Instagram. Kind of silly, but also fun!

      That house was absolutely beautiful. The owner, who is my future daughter-in-law's aunt and godmother, is an interior decorator.

  6. The engagement party sounds like fun, but a lot! I love your dress for the party! We have been fortunate with the weather here - we had some misty days where it rained on and off (Even though the radar and forecast looked good) but other than that, not too wet or muddy here.

    1. You're so lucky! We're getting rain as we speak. It was sunny this morning--but here we go again!

  7. Congrats to your son and his girlfriend! I'm so sorry about the wet weather, and that the race was cancelled. Well done saving yourself from injuries out there in the mud. Forest trails can be tough when it's hot and humid - and even if it's only humid. But I'm glad you're having some good nature encounters. I enjoy learning about nature too, and use an app for plants and one for insects and spiders.
    Here the weather is too cold for summer, with short moments of sunshine, then wind, rain showers... and too cold. But I have something good to share - I have a new camera and it's fabulous!!

  8. You all have lots to celebrate this week! Congratulations to you all exciting times ahead. Our heat and humidity in Fc has been ridiculous and we could actually use some rain. Looks like you made the most of your good weather days

    1. Definitely! But it it has been a bit of a disappointing summer, weather-wise.

  9. Thankfully, I don't have much mud to contend with for my runs. There was a lot of it in NC this morning, though, when the daughter and I were out walking by her place. I thought Iowa's humidity was crazy, but a few days in NC set me straight on just how "easy" we have it (most days, that is). Nice pics from the party!

    1. Oh yes, there's nothing like that southern humidity! I get to experience it every summer when I go to visit Holly. I can't imagine having to deal with it on the daily!

  10. Wow on all that rain. We had some afternoon showers on Thursday (the 4th) but nothing drenching.

    I can’t think of trail running without thinking of all the bug bites I’d get.

    What wonderful family celebrations this week! Congratulations!

    1. I am always prepared with insect repellent! Yesterday the only bug bites i got were from mosquitos who bit through my socks!

  11. Wow, we're all dried out here on the West Coast... I'd like to take some rain, but no biting flies/bugs please. Seems like we're all getting a bit too much of that 'one thing'... So lovely you could get together with family for some celebrations! Congrats.

  12. Oh wow, I hadn't heard about all the rain and the no wake in the lakes! And sorry to hear about your race being cancelled. How frustrating.

    Congrats to your son and girlfriend! What a lovely looking party- so pretty! Love the dresses.

    1. Yes, Minnesota is going through the same thing with all the rain.

  13. Wow, the weather does sound nasty. Slipping and sliding and falling aren't good. We don't heal as quickly as we used to remember. Fingers crossed your break in the weather lasts awhile. Congrats on the wonderful family news, how exciting! Sorry to hear the race you were looking forward to got canceled, but it sounds like it was indeed necessary.

    1. And we're getting the rain from Beryl. It's been an interesting summer so far.

  14. So sorry about that race... hope you get to run it someday.

    We've had rain off and o n so it's hard to plan.

    It's supposed to be coming this way the rest of the week. Fingers crossed Sat is dry.

    Congrats on your son's engagement

  15. Awwww, what a cute baby!! The engagement party looks amazing, and what a wonderful thing to be celebrating. Woohoo! That really sucks about the race being canceled though. Hopefully you can find something else that might be similar? and ugh on the bugs. I seem to get bit more than my husband when we are out. Hate it!!

  16. It's so hot and humid I don't want to do anything at all. Plus our a/c is broken, so we are STRUGGLING. Ugh. I want fall back. The rain and storms are awful. Bugs are gross, and everything is just sweaty. I want to go back on vacation, please.

    I hope things get easier in your neck of the woods.
