Friday, September 4, 2015

7 things about me and #7day stretch #LiveinPrana Instagram Challenge

You know I love me some yoga. Last February, I participated in Prana's 30 day yoga challenge. This past week, I jumped on Prana and Sweatpink's #7daystretch #liveinprana challenge. If you are not on instagram, you may not have even known this was happening! I have to say I loved seeing my feed full of beautiful yoga poses. Participants were given prompts and tasked to come up with a pose that defined what that prompt meant to them.

Some of the poses I did last week!
So in the spirit of the #7daystretch, Smitha at Running with SD Mom tagged me to answer 7 things you might not know about me. I do love these little surveys....

I am wildly obsessed with: finding the fountain of youth. I know I can't stop getting older, but I'm not going out without a fight!

I have a secret collection of: running socks. I don't know how secret my collection is, but my secret is out. I love running socks. Yes, I am an ambassador for SLS3, but outside of compression socks, I love all the brands. The more fun, the better.

I am secretly: If you listened to my running playlist, you'd swear that I'm an adolescent boy. Lots of rock, rap, and metal. It's my jam. I listen to the rock station in the car too. Who's old?

When I was 7 I wanted to be: The weather lady! A big thrill for me as a little girl was when visiting my grandparents in Chicago, I could call the "weather lady" on the phone. It was just a prerecorded forecast for Chicago and was a big thrill for a small town little girl. This was before the internet, and we lived so far from Chicago that to call from my house would be long distance. I cringe at this memory. My parents were kind to indulge me. At home, I even had a weather station, with all the gauges and everything. I have to admit, I still am a bit obsessed with the weather. I only have, say 5 apps or so on my phone...

If I could do one thing today it would be: make equal, high quality, affordable healthcare available to everyone. I work as a nurse practitioner and it bothers me greatly not always being able to provide the level of care that I believe my patients deserve. Insurance constraints often limit what I can prescribe or what services I can offer. It's terribly frustrating.

I've always dreamt of: being a mom. I always wanted to have kids. I can't believe that mine are almost grown. Sigh...

My favorite way to travel is: flying. I kind of have a love-hate relationship with flying. I love getting to my destination as quickly as possible. But I hate the logistics--the airport security lines, the nickle and diming that the airlines do to passengers. I love to travel, and flying is just a necessary evil.

Join in the fun! I tag Briana, Kristina, and Beth to share 7 things I didn't know about you! Just fill in the blanks and tag @prana @fitapproach and use the hashtags #liveinprana #7daystretch, and #sweatpink. Tag your friends, your followers...whoever is listening!

Tell me at least one thing that I didn't know about you!


  1. I love seeing all of your yoga stuff :-) I didn't do the 7-day stretch (officially with daily pics, that is LOL). A group of us at work have done a yoga challenge recently, and that got me back in the mode of posing and balancing...and yowza....I can actually balance much longer than a couple months ago. The Warrior-3 has eluded me forever, and now? I can hold it with ease (and it actually helps my achy glutes/hammies/piriformis feel SOOOO much better. I am always amazed that "simply" holding a pose can have so many benefits to one's strength and peace of mind.

    1. Warrior 3 is still a challenge for me! As are most of the balance poses. I need more balance in my life, apparently!

  2. These are great I love reading and learning new things about my internet friends 😊

  3. If it makes you feel any better I had your dream job and it wasn't all it was cracked up to be :-) haha!
    Happy weeeekkkkeend!

  4. I am sure the healthcare situation is extremely frustrating to you because you see firsthand the people that need specific care and can't get it. I am so thankful my husband and I have good healthcare but I am extremely aware that it is not FAIR that we have this particular healthcare and not everyone does. For some people, a health crisis bankrupts them and I don't think that it should!

    1. It's so frustrating. And my family has "good" insurance, but we have to pay so much out of pocket that I'm reluctant to seek medical care unless it's necessary. Good thing we are all healthy!

  5. I cringe at the mere mention of healthcare and insurance. A freaking mammogram was not covered by the last insurance plan we had. I mean really. I think running and weather go together like pb&j.

    1. I just got my bill for my portion of my most recent mammogram, and holy moley. I can't imagine paying for the entire thing!

  6. Ugh I agree about flying. I love travel but I hate the whole debacle of airplane travel.

  7. Love to travel, but who doesn't hate to fly these days? We got extremely lucky last winter on our epic travels & had no problems.

    As a kid I wanted to be an artist. When I got older, I decided to become a graphic designer to be a sort-of artist. And after doing that for quite some time, I totally burned out on it.

    Still trying to figure out what my second act ought to be.

    Never wanted to be a mom -- sorry! I actually mention that in tomorrow's post.

  8. This is a fun one! Metal?!? Which bands, I bet my husband has their CDs. Something most people don't know about me - I made it to the level of Sharpshooter for American Skeet. Never shot a perfect game though.

  9. This is such a fun post! Hmm something people don't know about me... I actually used to hate running! And whenever we had to do it in gym class in middle school, I would try to sprain my ankle. Hahaha.

  10. I wanted to be an architect when I was little. I spent HOURS drawing houses on graph paper. HOURS......

  11. we could be twins except for the weatherman career. I wanted to be an artist but really didn't have neough talent. I am older than you but try to forget. Age is just a number. And yes I listen to Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. Love love socks. Love to fly but my last few trips have been so problematic - I even missed 2 races due to cancelled flights.

  12. Everyone's prana pics have been so amazing and inspiring. This girl needs to stretch more!!

  13. I love this...I think we have so much in common....affordable healthcare for all without any constraints!!! Yes!! Please!!! And please let me have 30 minutes per patient rather than making me zoom through in 15 minutes and expect me to able to address all their concerns. And I always wanted to be a mom. What you don't know about know that I love wine and margaritas, but up until October 2014, I hated beer and had never finished one. Then I put myself on a "beer training program" because I wanted to develop the taste for it for when the occasion calls for a beer. And now I actually really like certain beers....and NO, I am definitely not an alcoholic so no worries there:)

    1. Haha, sometimes I think that people think I'm an alcoholic because I talk about drinking wine and beer so much. I'm working on a post about beer for next week...

      And yes, more time to see patients would be nice!

  14. When I was 6 I wanted to be a horse when I grew up . . . haha! A sock addiction . . . me too, all though mine is strictly compression :)

    1. Well, I like low socks, and not all of them come in compression...

  15. Fun!! I'm loving learning more about all the girls behind the blogs these days :)

    Something most people don't know about me is that I played drums in a punk band during high school haha.

  16. Great read! Have a great weekend! All the best.

  17. I have a love hate relationship with flying too, I hate to fly but know it is a necessary evil. I am a nurse too and I hate the fact that insurance companies dictate the care that medical professionals are able to provide. It is especially frustrating when I see illegal aliens getting care without even putting into the system (NY allows them to get Medicaid) when hard working American citizens are struggling with their medical bills.

    1. Oh, the healthcare system here could be a topic for a whole separate blog post! But I won't go there...

  18. According to Tony Horton, yoga is the fountain of youth so you've got it! What I don't like about flying is all the wasted time from having to get there early in case security is backed up.

  19. Let me know if you find the fountain of youth and share! You know. It's ironic that I feel better and stronger than ever before. It really is just a number.

    1. I'm thinking that it's that HIIT--seems to have really put a pep in my step! Sounds like it for you too! :)

  20. I love these types of posts and reading people's answers :) hmmm one thing you might not know about me...I speak fluent spanish and speak only spanish at home with my parents.

  21. I need to stretch more ( I should have participated in the 7 days of stretching lol). Also I'm very jealous of your sock collection!

    1. I'm doing another yoga challenge with Beth from Running with the Sunrise. She sends a daily yoga pose. I need to start posting those!

  22. Yes I remember when you could get all sorts of info on the phone. One thing about me? I love the color turquoise. As I'm getting older it is becoming a bit of an obsession. It makes me feel pretty.

  23. It has to be so much fun standing in front of that blank screen, and then all of a sudden the weather maps magically appear on TV! Oh, and being able to deliver either good news or bad news about the weather each day, lol

  24. This is a fun post! Let's see, before I became a teacher I was a marketing manager for a nonprofit association. It was definitely a big career change for me.

    1. I bet you love being a teacher so much more! What a rewarding career!

    2. Yes I do. And I love having summers off.
