Friday, June 3, 2016

5 Reasons to Ride Venus de Miles

Last year I rode the Venus de Miles Illinois bike ride. I had such a great experience that this year I applied to be an ambassador and was accepted! My sister, whose house is on the route, met me at the finish of the ride. She was so impressed as well that she signed up to ride with me this year. She even bought a new bike! She has also recruited several of her friends to ride.

So what's the big deal about this ride? Why should you sign up to ride with me? Besides the fact that it is so much fun? I share with you 5 reasons why you should ride Venus de Miles this summer.

1. The race benefits the Greenhouse Scholars. Greenhouse Scholars was founded to assist high-performing, underprivileged students throughout college and after. Not only are these students given tuition assistance to attend college, they are paired up with mentors who guide them along their path. They are also linked up with peers to help them navigate challenges. There's networking, internships, and other benefits to this select group of students.

At last year's ride, my sister and I were able to meet and talk with a few of the Scholars. The two Scholars I talked to were attending nursing school at UIC. I was so impressed with how poised and articulate they were. It was after I met those students that I realized this was an organization I wanted to work with. I love their mission.

2. There are 2 locations for the rides: Boulder County (Longmont), Colorado, which takes place on August 27, and Lake County (Lake Forest), Illinois, taking place on July 23.  I've never been to Boulder but I'm assured it's lovely. I can vouch for the beauty of the route in Lake County, though. If you don't live locally, it would be worth the trip for a destination ride.

3. There are 2 distances for the ride: a 25-mile ride or a 62-mile ride. Once again, I'll be riding the 25-mile course. Remember, this isn't a race, it is a ride, so you can go at your own pace. There are volunteers along the course to guide riders. There are also rest stops where you can refuel and rest before continuing on.

4. Don't have a bike? You can rent one nearby. Or if you don't want to ride but want to participate, there's a 5k run/walk option as well.

5. There's food at the finish! We're not talking hot dogs and hamburgers. Last year's ride was supported by Whole Foods, who catered a lovely lunch. Under a white tent, I might add. There was also Goose Island beer, wine, and cocktails, as well as non-alcoholic options. This is a first class event.

Last year's ride really was an amazing experience. Sometimes we just need to leave our competitive drive at home and just have fun with our friends! I had no regrets riding this one for fun and a good cause.

Want to join me? You can register here. Be sure to use my code LONGWAY to receive $10 off your registration fee.

Can't participate? You can donate! Here's the link. Click on my name, Wendy Rivard, to donate.

If you want to learn more you can go to the Venus De Miles website. Or you can read my recap from last year! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I hope to see some of you out there on the road! Or under the tent, sipping on an ice cold frosty one.

Have you ever done a bike ride for charity? What distance would you ride? Padded shorts--yay or nay?

I'm linking up with the DC Trifecta aka Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia for the Friday Five!


  1. This sounds like a great way to enjoy a bike ride. How fun that you get to see your sister too and hopefully she will ride with you again this year. It's nice to participate in non competitive events too, I love that this is not timed and no prizes. The food and drink selection sounds fantastic. Very tempting but it is just too far for me to travel so close to other racecations.

  2. The temptation is real ;-) That's a busy weekend on my side of the Mississippi River, though....and I'll be one week post-Ultra, and I live a long ways away....yadda yadda yadda. PM me....I'd have to look into renting a bike, and lodging, etc. ($$$$)

    1. If you want to do this, I'll provide lodging and help you rent a bike. Then it wouldn't be $$$, just $!

  3. Sounds like a great cause and a nice bike ride. I hope you have fun.

  4. I love doing these charity bike rides too! A little too far for me but I know you will have a blast. It's a totally different experience to do a ride that is not a race. Have a wonderful time!

    1. I know it's far for you but hey, you can't blame a gal for trying to lure her friends!

  5. sounds like a great bike ride. i need to get back on my bike!

  6. I like to bike ride but would never do a race so this sounds like it would be doable for me if something like this were to come to my area. Have fun!

    1. I'm with you--on the bike, I'm all about the ride. I don't see myself racing on the bike.

  7. Sounds like a great cause for an event, and the post ride celebration sounds absolutely wonderful. This is the first time I've ever heard of Whole Foods sponsoring an athletic event.

    1. Actually, Whole Foods sponsored that little race I ran last Sunday! They're pretty active around here.

  8. I would LOVE to ride in colorado! I bet it would be so beautiful! Scenery makes long races go by much faster!

    1. I'd like to ride in Colorado as well, but since I live near the Illinois race, I guess I'll have to settle for that...

  9. Sounds like a great ride for a great cause!! And YES on padded bike shorts. I don't ride very often but my butt gets pretty sore when I wear shorts with only a little padding. I need a pillow on my bike seat :)

    1. I'm finding that I don't need to wear my padded shorts as much as I used to. Can a person's butt get toughened?

  10. I would totally do this if I had a bike!

  11. This sounds like a fun race! I haven't ridden my bike in a while, but definitely need some sort of padding.

  12. How great that you're able to rent a bike nearby! I also love any race that benefits a good cause. This sounds really fantastic.

  13. This sounds like an awesome event!! I would love to get more involved in bike rides, especially if they are fun and not competitive. And what a great cause that I completely resonate with. I hope you enjoy, I'll have to put in a donation!

  14. I would totally do this ride (not race) if I lived anywhere near. I think it would be great fun and your right for a good cause too! Win Win! Happy Friday Wendy!

  15. This looks like so much fun! I did a ride for cancer last year (25 miles) and this year I've signed up for 100 miles :)

  16. What a great event and a great cause!

  17. congrats! I remember your recap last year and how much fun you had- I know you will enjoy this one too! I am almost embarrassed to say I cannot remember the last time I rode a bike!

  18. Thus sounds so fun! What a lovely experience it would be.

  19. Sounds like a such a great event! I like my local ride, the Cap 2 Cap Ride---it's not really a charity but it supports the upkeep and further development of the Cap 2 Cap Trail here in Virginia. On longer rides I do actual bike shorts, but for my shorter rides I wear my tri shorts (much thinner padding).

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun and a great reason to hop on the bike!

  20. Oh, my daughter lives in Longmont! I will check out that ride for sure!

  21. This sounds like so much fun! I've never done a group ride or race. I think I'd be nervous around, so many other bikes - but one day I'll get over my fear.

    1. I would be nervous if it were a race, but a ride is so easy!

  22. This ride sounds like a wonderful time, and Goose Island beer at the end!? It's a win-win.

  23. Love that there's a renting option nearby (I don't have a bike!)

    1. It's not official, but I checked with some local bike shops and they offer rentals! Win!

  24. It's been awhile since I've been biking. Would love to get back into it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  25. I'm not a rider but I love events like this anyway. Nay to padded shorts. I think.

    1. I'm not sure how I feel about padded shorts. I wear them for long rides but I seem to do ok without them as well.

  26. Oh gosh I NEED my diaper shorts! I wasn't always this way. I think I just wanna wear my triscuits.

  27. This sounds like a Great Ride! If I lived closer, I would definitely join in the fun!! I Love the picture of you with your bike..sheer joy :-)

    1. I wish you lived by me! It would be so fun to have you ride this.

  28. Looks like so much fun! Wish I had a bike... Hopefully soon ����

  29. I've never done a bike race since I'm not much of a rider but if I was closer (i.e. in the same country) I'd definitely do the 5/10k.

    1. The best part about this event is that it isn't a race. I think I'd be afraid to ride in a bike race.

  30. This sounds awesome and I love Boulder!! Or I come come and ride with you :) Such a fun summer event!!
