Friday, November 11, 2016

If I Didn't Run...

This week has really sucked the joy out of a lot of us. While this is not even remotely a political blog, I was stunned and saddened by the election results. To me, it felt like a bad dream. But what's done is done, and life goes on. The sun came up the next morning. I felt grateful for all that is good in my life. My family, my friends, my coworkers, and my dog.

I also felt grateful for running. No matter how busy I am, no matter how tired I am, I always make sure I get outside and run. Running is my therapy, my muse, my love--I can't imagine getting through life without running. Today's Friday Five 2.0 prompt asks: what activities would you do besides running? What would make me happy if I didn't run?

Not run? Now that's a bad dream! Not really. In all seriousness, there are other things in my life that could fulfill me. And none of them have to do with work.

Taking the Long Way Home

You might not know this about me, but in my younger days, I was a musician. I played the piano for many years. I also played the oboe and the bassoon. I wanted to pursue a career in music but you know, life. I actually wanted to be in a band. Chrissie Hynde (the Pretenders) was my idol. I don't know if the rock and roll lifestyle would have worked for me. For one thing, I'm a morning person and I like to go to bed about 9. I also battled with stage fright. While I still play the piano occasionally, I guess I have to be content singing along with my tunes while I run.

Taking the Long Way Home

My love for yoga is no secret. Second only to my love for running, I practice yoga at least twice a week. I regularly share my yoga poses here on the blog. I've been doing yoga almost as long as I've been running. Yoga has brought enormous benefits to my running and life in general. Over the past year, I've started to consider yoga teacher training. In another year or so, I plan on working on that and bringing my love for athletics to the mat, hopefully teaching yoga to athletes. In the meantime, I still need to work on a few things. Like balance.

Taking the Long Way Home
Ooops...headstand fail on Thursday morning. At least the sun was shining!
If you've been following me for a while, you know how much I love water sports--in the summer, I post regularly about my SUP and kayaking adventures. If I could, I'd live on the water so I could participate in these two activities any time I wanted. Exploring by kayak has become a whole new thing for me and it's something I can do with my boys. I'd love to do a lot more of that.

Taking the Long Way Home
Cocoa enjoys kayaking too!
I also would like to try SUP yoga. But only if the water is warm. Since I struggle with balance poses on land, it's a guarantee I'll be getting wet if I do yoga on a SUP!

Taking the Long Way Home
My son's SUP yoga fail in July.
Another water sport I love is water skiing. Holly isn't the only waterskier in our running blogger circle! Due to life circumstances, I haven't been able to ski for the last couple of years, but that doesn't mean I'm done. In fact, Holly and I have talked about waterskiing camp--yes, it's a thing and it's for grownups!
Taking the Long Way Home
Cypress Gardens, here we come!
Pro tip: Find some handsome young guys to drive you around the lake in a boat.

It was hard for me to narrow it down to just 5 things! What would you do if you didn't run? 

Check out all the other posts at the Friday Five 2.0 on Meranda and Lacey's blog as well as Rachel's!


  1. I'm really good at people watching...

  2. Oh, cool on becoming a yoga instructor! I loved waterskiing as a kid but haven't had a chance to do it since I outgrew summer camp.

  3. I'm so thankful these days when I see a blog or media outlet not talking about politics...I'm so sick of it and need a break and it's really hard to get away from it. Even my obgyn began ranting about the election the second she walked into my annual check-up on Weds, which I thought was completely unprofessional!

    Anyway - I love water sports as well...especially the three you mentioned! We've been having fun teaching our little ones to kayak (they have baby sized kayaks) and recently bought a baby sized SUP for my son to start on. Also love water skiiing, but didn't get to do that on my last visit to the bay b/c it was during Hurrricane Hermine.

  4. If I didn't run I'd probably still be dancing. Some days I wish I had time to do both, especially since I have so many fond memories from dancing throughout my childhood and young adult life.

  5. You probably know I'm an art geek, so I'd gladly spend my days with a paint brush (or knitting needles) in my hands (listening to Bon Jovi or AC/DC) and sipping a hot chai.

  6. You'll have to talk to Darlene also about the waterski camp; apparently she's done it, too (waterskiing that is).

    I'm in Kim's camp, I really need to find me a knitting group or a painting class otherwise I just won't do it. Funny how motivated I am to run, and while I think about knitting and painting all the time, I never actually do it anymore. Drives Mr. Judy nuts, as I have all these supplies sitting around that he'd like to chuck.

  7. I'd probably read more books or take my dogs on longer walks! :)

  8. I've never water skied, but I'm not much of a water sport person. I tried surfing a couple times, and even though it was the Pacific, it was Hawaii. The water's warmer out there.

  9. I like Pete's answer above. I would love to read more, but I always feel so guilty when I take the time out do that. I feel like I should be doing something more productive instead of relaxing to read

    1. I think back to the days when I was living at home with my parents and laying in bed all day, reading...

  10. I love how all of your loves have to do with health and fitness! I've spent the past 3 decades building a home, a family, a career, and a business. All of that has been very fulfilling, but about a year and a half ago, it all came to a head where I felt that everything I built around me was sucking the life out of me (pretty much my own doing--typical control freak/Type A personality where I felt like I could and should do it all). I was killing myself. I cut back my work hours and started focusing more on me. That's when I took up running as my outlet and I have come to love it. I also love to write, but never had the time. I've done lots of writing professionally, but I wanted to write about fun things...hence the new blog! I also love doing crafty things. I haven't crocheted for a long time, but want to pick that up again. It's a great winter hobby. I have always wanted to learn to play the piano. Definitely on my list of things to do. Just one more kid to get through college and I will (hopefully) have more time and money to do more of the things I love! And oh my gosh--Chrissie Hynde! Brass in Pocket is my absolute favorite! We are definitely the same age!

  11. I'd become a long walker. Not joking - I think having the time to walk for a couple of hours on most days would be nice, and having gone on long walks recently while in California, I know that my muscles would be getting a good workout.

  12. Since I'm not running as much these days, I really enjoy cycling - both road and trails. It's not the same, but it's something I can do with my husband who can't run due to disk issues in his back. You would think I'd really be in to water sports with all the time we spend in Hawaii, but running and cycling take up that space in my life. I do love kayaking, just don't do it enough.

  13. I did not know you played the piano! My goal was to be on Broadway. This elem. music teaching gig is just a stepping stone. ;)

    1. Yes! For a long time and quite well, too. Funny how I let it go.

  14. You know my hubby skied for Cypress Gardens for more than 25 years- hmmm, I will see if we can get a camp session set up for you! :) TGIF!

  15. Great post! You're not going to believe me, but ask any of my friends and family and they will tell you that this is true: my dream is to be an opera singer.

  16. The election totally sucked the joy out of my week...

    Anyways! I need to try SUP because it looks badass. I can kinda do balance poses on dry land so I think I would be okay. But I have a think about seaweed, which makes me a not good candidate for waterskiing either. No one knows what's really lurking in the seaweed... amiright?

    1. Sometimes I see seaweed when I ski, but what is worse is dead fish. Ewww....

  17. The election made me cry for days. :( But you are right--life goes on and i've been running like crazy this week. I love running, bikram yoga (yay!), SUP, and just last year started snowboarding. :) Oh and i'm thinking of getting back into triathlon. (I also played clarinet as a child and took up cello as an adult!)

    1. I've never snowboarded and I wakeboarded once. I thought I was going to die. I think I need to try it again.

    2. snowboarding is really fun. I first tried it at age 43 having never skied or done any snowsports. .. SUP yoga was great in lake tahoe but difficult. :)

  18. I wold love to do SUP yoga but I know I would fall right off of that thing!!

  19. I love watersking but I've been too chicken to try it since they've surgically repaired my ankle. I do love the water!!!!

    1. I'd be a little nervous about it too if I had a broken bone...

  20. Be very stressed out. LOL. It's such a stress reliever, but more than that it's where I think things through. I also get my best ideas on runs!

    1. Running is my stress reliever too! But you always need a backup plan!

  21. I'd fast walk. (Which is what I actually do, anyway -- lol!)

    1. I walk really fast, but no one walks faster than my mom! Seriously.

  22. No running? I'd skate more. Coach more. Teach Tae Kwon Do. Yoga. I could say I'd dust off my violin but I know I wouldn't. I'd like to bake more but if I don't run I can't bake.

  23. This is amazing ! So many talents you are hiding from us !!

  24. I didn't know you were a musician. Rock on! haha. I have no idea what I'd be doing if I didn't run. I'd probably be sitting on my couch eating ice cream and binge watching Netflix. Oh, wait... I do that anyway! But I'd be in a worse mood while watching haha

  25. I've sort of learned to really enjoy strength training over the past few years. And now I am starting to get into biking, although its an indoor spin bike. I'd prefer to exercise outside!

    1. I did a lot of indoor cycling last winter with my bike on the trainer. It's not my favorite thing, tho!

  26. I wouldn't mind hiking! If I lived in a place where you could hike, that is..

  27. I didn't know you liked music. If I didn't run ? Hard question. Running has forced me outside and I am addicted now to doing some kind of outdoor activity. If I couldn't run, I would probably walk, or bike. Anything for fresh air and sunshine.

    1. I feel the same about being outdoors, which is why I try to run outside all year around!

  28. I had no idea about you and the music! That's so cool!

    I always say I have a lot of useless skills: writing, cake decorating, painting... nothing super important. I do love yoga and SUP Yoga. And trying new things. I'm always willing to try something new.

    I would love to hear more about your water skiing camp! That sounds fun!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. I don't think those are useless skills at all! We need to have different interests to remain well balanced. I love to write too. As if you didn't already know that...

  29. I like yoga and SUP (though my balance isn't very good), but I don't think there is any way I could combine these activities. I know there are places near me that do this, but I think I'd be asking for a bruising! Sounds like you'd have a ton of non-running activities. I was a major horseback rider (show jumping) before I was a runner, so I think I would probably be into that. Though it take even more time and money than running! PS Cocoa is adorable! I vote for more Cocoa pictures!

    1. I've been doing a yoga challenge the past couple of weeks and Cocoa has been all in! I'll post some pics on Sunday in my weekly recap.

  30. I absolutely love yoga! I have also thought about becoming a yoga teacher but have not had the time to invest in the journey yet. It is something that I hope I can accomplish in the next few years!

  31. No running for me would mean...walking, swimming and cycling (which I do in addition to running). Also weight lifting would happen more than my current 3x per week. Non running joys in my life are being creative in my art studio, baking and watching documentaries. These are all things I make sure to indulge in on my rest days!!

    1. Glad to hear that you have so many interests! We're a pretty diverse group!

  32. I love running and I love yoga. I would love to try SUP yoga! Hope you have a better week this week!

  33. That's a cool post, I learned some new things about you. I guess I haven't been running much lately and my cycling has dwindled (off-season and supporting my kid's racing schedule). What am I doing? I guess I've been reading more than normal. Fiction mostly. But also trying to sort through the "news" articles and find actual facts with which I can inform myself in the pre-election and post-election aftermath.

    1. I'm loving having a little more time to read lately! Any good books you'd recommend?

  34. If I didn't run I would play softball, ski, cycle, swim & join a crossfit gym.I learned a lot about you, thanks for sharing!
