Friday, November 3, 2017

5 Things I'd Tell You Over Coffee

I'm so glad you could meet me for coffee. It's been a while--a month, to be exact--and I have a lot to share with you! So pull up a seat and let me pour you a cup. Cream and sugar? Pumpkin spice? Splash of whiskey? Let's chat!

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about some big changes in my fall running plans. I already announced that I'm not running RnR Las Vegas this month. I'm also having to cancel my plans to meet up with the #holottafun crew in December to run the Panama City Beach Half Marathon. What I didn't tell you is the main reason for both of these is that I'm having some issues at my new clinic with the office manager. She's a real stickler for rules and I don't have enough paid time off to cover these trips. I offered to take the time unpaid, something I've done in the past, but this new manager is not going to let that happen. I cried about this. At work. In front of my director, who had to deliver the news that I couldn't go. Rock, meet hard place.

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that as much as I could rail on and on about this, I can't physically afford to be stressed out. Stress is a giant trigger for my RA. The change to this new clinic was supposed to be positive for me. While I'm not at all feeling the positivity, I've got to find a way to make things work. Interestingly, I came upon a Duke University study about health care provider burnout. The purpose of the study is to identify interventions that would help providers reframe their thinking about their job. Naturally, I signed up. The study starts November 15 and I'm looking forward to participating. Stay tuned--I'll probably share some of the interventions here on the blog!

If we were having coffee, I'd talk about someone throwing something at my car this week! I was driving to work and while at a stoplight, I heard a clunk on the side of my car. I looked up and the car next to me had its window rolled down. I snapped a picture of the license plate with my phone. I recognized the car as one I was behind a few minutes earlier. He was driving really slow and I may have been driving a little closer to him than he liked, judging by the looks I was getting from his rearview mirror. Still, that is no excuse for throwing something at my car. He also had a giant state of Illinois sticker on his back window. Can you say LOSER? Fortunately, there was no damage to my car, but I did file a police report. All while dressed up like Wonder Woman. I'm not sure the officer took me seriously.

If we were having coffee, I'd talk about one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. My husband and I saw Baby Driver a few weeks ago and all I can say is wow! I am an adrenaline junky and a music lover and this movie fulfilled both of those needs. From the opening scene and the heart pumping music of Bellbottoms, the movie grabs you and doesn't let go. The interplay of the music throughout the movie is perfect. This is probably one of the best movie soundtracks I've ever heard, and I've added a few of the songs to my running playlist. "Young Mozart in a go-cart", indeed. You know it's a good movie when your oldest son, who never watches TV with us, pulls up a chair and watches the whole thing. My only regret was not seeing it on the big screen.

If we were having coffee, I'd yogafess that I have become a yoga studio dropout. The work we have been doing at CrossFit has become very intense and I feel like I need more recovery-type yoga on yoga days rather than the vinyasa-style yoga we have been doing in class. I've been doing yin yoga and restorative yoga videos that I'm finding on YouTube. I don't think I'll stay away from the studio for too long, but it was time for a break. By the way, this is an actual book, available on Amazon.

(affiliate link)

What would you tell me over coffee? Have you ever cried at work? What do you do to stay positive? Have you ever experienced road rage? Seen any good movies lately? Do you have any favorite yoga videos you'd recommend?

I'm linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0 as well as Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date!


  1. That sucks about your manager being a pain. I thought about inviting myself and joining you all in December but can’t go anymore.

    Yes, I’ve cried at work and in front of my kids. They just stayed quiet. So far that hasn’t happened this year. ����

    1. I'm trying to be a glass half full kind of gal--I am most likely going to run the Schaumburg half marathon Thanksgiving weekend. And I'm making my 2018 race plans.

  2. Oh, bummer about Panama City, too! ((hugs)) I have never cried at work, but there have been times I was close...out of anger. Let me just say, there are three guys in my estimating department and there 11 sales reps who think THEY need all of their requests before everyone else. I'm the one they whine to (and badger) when the estimators can't do everything immediately for them. That said, I do love my job, but the frustration in dealing with impatient people who think their stuff is more important than the 10 others ahead of them is brutal at times.

    1. I have a low frustration tolerance and that has made me cry but this was totally different. Anyhoo, it's done and I have to move on. FOMO is already kicking in.

  3. I'm so sorry about your races - that's really frustrating! And adjusting to a new boss is so hard - my old company rotated people around so much that I was constantly adjusting and I wasn't a fan.
    All the yoga I do is restorative...I subscribe to Jasyoga videos and I love them. I don't really ever want my yoga days to be actual least not yet :)

  4. Geez. Sorry about the road rage. The Wonder Woman/police report visual is entertaining though! I've been all about pain cave yoga lately and I've been enjoying Yoga with Adreienne. She's got all kinds of videos and some are very short and sweet.

  5. Oh no, I'm so sorry you had to cancel both of those races. It interesting to here how health care providers feel behind the scenes and the stuff that goes on. You always think that they just go from patient to patient each day and don't realize there may be other behind the scenes drama going on. I hope things get better at your clinic.

    1. Yep, my patients love the new clinic! It's all about perspective.

  6. That stinks about the work situation. I feel you. We are pretty much self-governing group, but our group is very small and one PIA tends to make things difficult. Sorry about Panama City. I know how much fun you had last year. I've not personally experienced road rage, but have called 911 on several occasions for what I have witnessed. Glad nothing worse happened. What a jerk.

    1. That was a weird driving day. I'm not quite sure what was going on, but the whole way to work was like a scene out of Baby Driver!

  7. Oh, that sucks about the work situation and having to cancel the trips :( But the study sounds interesting! Hopefully it comes up with intresting ideas.

    1. Hey, if that study has interventions that turns my brain around, I'm all good.

  8. I'm sorry to hear about your change in Fall racing plans :( I can't believe that the office manager wouldn't let you take off the time unpaid - that's such a bummer!

  9. Oh that sucks about canceling plans thanks to the new manager. Adjusting to a new work environment can definitely be stressful. I have cried at work, but since I work from home my only witness was my puppy. And the road rage thing?!? Just crazy! But I have to say I would have loved to have seen you filing the police report dressed like Wonder Woman ;)

    1. It was just one of those weird days, so the WW costume was perfect! LOL!

  10. Bah to managers making you cry. That happened to me a few months ago, and at the start of a shift. And it's a bummer to add to other bummers. So bum bum bum bum.
    I saw someone throw a cup just into the bushes the other day. DO WE STILL LIVE IN THE DAYS OF MAD MEN???

  11. That sucks about your new manager upsetting you so much. You are right, you cannot let people like that stress you out. Not good for you at all! That study sounds really interesting can't wait to hear more. I almost watched that movie Baby Driver on the plane I will on the way back maybe. Thanks for joining for coffee!

    1. Let me know if you watch Baby Driver and what you think! Maybe it isn't for everyone, but it was right up my alley.

  12. That stinks about your race. When I started looking for a new job last year, I didn't start until after the Tinkerbell 10k. I was scared about losing it due to starting something new. I hope that study helps you too. Stress is never good to deal with.

    1. I'm going to try to plan around my weekends off and not use PTO unless I have to. This was just flat out bad.

  13. What the heck, new manager. That's really the pits. I hope she gets better!

    1. I don't think that's going to happen, so I have to figure out how to deal with it.

  14. I am sorry about the office manager. That really sucks. You'd think unpaid time off would really be a win-win unless they're short staffed.

    I'm usually the one raging -- not throwing anything, but I sometimes have been known to literally scream at other drivers (when I'm by myself). Maybe that's a runfession. Screaming can be stress reducing. :)

    I've never even heard of Baby Driver . . . I love the movies but we haven't been in months. Too busy going to my parents, hiking, running. Bandit is getting a little easier to leave these days so hopefully over the holidays when Mr. Judy has some time off (except we have to go to my parents, oh well).

  15. As somebody who supervises other people, I'm blown away at the rudeness of the supervisor. As supervisors, our first responsibility is to keep people happy.

    I really want to see Baby Driver! Hopefully this weekend!

  16. I'm totally in a mood (as you know) so I have no qualms about saying this: I would punch the office manager if I were forced to change my plans because of "vacation time." (Okay that might be a bit dramatic. But I would be super peeved.)

    At least you're in good spirits about it!

    1. I'm really not. I'm just putting on a good face for the blog.

  17. Really enjoyed watching Baby Driver too. I saw it in the theater with my gf and was really hooked.

    Have a great weekend!
    The Fitness Bro

  18. That’s the negative of a new job... you have to be there a while before vacations 😞... I can’t believe someone threw something at your car... if we were having coffee, I’d tell you I’m running the Malibu half-marathon on Sunday and looking forward to a half where my only expectation is to have fun!

    1. Good luck and have fun!!! Kind of jealous (as I sit here in the gloom--it's raining).

  19. If we were having coffee I'd tell you about how we had a rough go of parenting over the past few weeks but this week I felt so on top of it. I am giving myself a big pat on the back for getting three kids out of the house, taking them on adventures and out to the park even though it's challenging and stressful.

    As for crying at work - yes it has happened.

  20. Sorry to read about the cancellation of your trip to Florida. :( And I think it is normal to go through ups and downs with activities we do.... so the yoga break ? just not what you need at the moment.
    If we were having coffee I would tell you I am back in France, after 10 days in the US. It was a great trip, but I am ready now to get back into my routine. One more half marathon this year and then nothing on the schedule. It kind of depresses me a bit and I am actually kind of scared. Need to find me some new goals !

    1. The end of the year is always hard for me. There's a half on Thanksgiving weekend, and it's the last half of the year around these parts. I'm probably going to run it, since Florida is out.

  21. That is so funny you filed a report dressed as Wonder Woman. You go girl! I am so sorry your new manager is such a rule stickler and a shame something can't be worked out. But I like your mission to not be as stressed because clearly it's not worth it, especially for you and your RA. It's really cool you're part of that study and I'm interested to see what you find out. I have cried at work. I have cried at work alone and with colleagues/friends over non work related stuff. Our teaching staff, we are really like a family and we have been through lots of ups and downs. I have cried in FRONT of a kindergarten class before because they literally were making me so frustrated I didn't know what to do.

    1. What did the kids do when you cried? I haven't cried much at home, but when I do, the boys just don't know how to react.

  22. Ugh, work stress is the absolute worst! That's a great idea to sign up for the Duke study -- please keep us posted if you find out something good that works!

  23. Looking for that work/life balance! But a sense of humor always helps.

  24. I love the thought of you filing the police report as Wonder Woman. Stupid Driver! I've got to check out that movie. I'm truly bummed about PCB. But, I know we will find something else!

  25. I wanted to go to PCB but I can't get off from work either. Maybe we can both go next year. Will miss you in Vegas.

    My car has been hit from behind 3 times. twice by college students not realizing they have to stop. Grrrrr

    1. I always think that when one door closes, another opens. I've got some things cooking for 2018 and as long as my RA cooperates, I think it's going to be ok. Work? Not so much.

  26. I'm so bummed for you that you won't be able to get time off from the clinic to run those two races. You seem to have a better attitude about it than I think I would...

  27. I am sorry about the struggles at work! Over the last year I have cried at work more than I would like to admit. I have a very difficult coworker who doesn't understand what we do and how we do it. You sold me on Baby Driver! My husband has been talking about it for weeks and I keep pushing it off. I guess I need to watch it!

  28. Sorry to hear about your work struggles and that it's keeping you from travel and races. I know how much you love doing that! I'm sure it will be for the best though, and that you'll get in a good groove at work. Hopefully sooner than later. :-) I'll have to check out that movie. I don't think I've ever even heard of it. I haven't been to a yoga studio in forever. I really like Yoga with Adriene on yoga. I've been following her for years and she has some great videos. There's also Do Yoga With Me and I recently discovered Five Parks Yoga.

    1. I've done a few Yoga with Adrienne videos and I like them so far! I'll look for the others. Thanks for the recommendations.

  29. I'm sorry to hear that the new clinic is still really stressful! That sounds like a really aewsome study!! (Please let me know what they find out, because I'd also love to avoid burnout. x_x)

    I'm glad your car is okay, and it's good that you filed a police report (even more awesome that you were dressed up as Wonder Woman while doing that? :P )! People can be so horrible.

    1. I hear that this new clinic set up is the way of the future for medicine, and if that's the case...I'll say no more.

  30. Oh no, I feel your pain.
    I only get 3 personal days off a year.
    I feel like I miss out on so much fun stuff just because I cannot take the time off.
    I hate that this had happened to you.

    1. I think work/life balance is so important. So many companies talk about it but bottom line, they want and need us to work. Not that it makes me feel any better, knowing this.

  31. I'm so sorry to hear about your race plans being foiled by work. I know that had to be so frustrating.

    I've been trying to step up my yoga studio practice...the place I go has barre and yoga and I keep missing the evening yoga classes due to working late. I'm hoping this month I can do better with it...I felt so much stronger when I was a regular!

  32. I hear you on having work interfere with your fun plans. I often face the same difficulties at work myself, and it sucks having to balance the very limited leave that I receive (5 personal days per school year that cannot roll over) with all of the fun things that I'd like to do. Adulting sucks sometimes!

  33. Sorry about your job. More and more places are doing this, you can’t take time do you don’t have t. It sux.

  34. I'm so sorry you had to cancel those races. It's so hard when life gets in the way of the things we want to do. I would have cried too :(

    And what the heck with that guy throwing something at your car??? People are crazy when it comes to road rage! Whatever happening to a good, old fashioned middle finger? I hope the cops give him a talking to.

    1. Haha! Yep, the middle finger is still the best. Not that I do that. I have a story about that and no more middle finger for me.

  35. Ughhh! That stinks!! Getting time off at my old job was the WORST too. I had to go through two approval processes and could only take off under certain circumstances under certain days... blah blah blah. I'd wait for weeks to hear back only to get it denied. So annoying. So sorry!!

    1. Oh my gosh, I bet you had it bad! And they wonder why we leave?
