Friday, June 14, 2019

8 Reasons to Love Running in the Rain

This rainy spring has made it challenging to be an outdoor runner. We've had so much rain that I've had to make the tough decision of heading out into the rain, skipping my run, or taking it to the treadmill. On a cold, windy day, the decision is somewhat easier because running in the cold rain is really unpleasant. I've run in all conditions and a cold, rainy run is probably tops of my list of uncomfortable things I try to avoid.

Several times this month, I've been caught in a warm rain shower while running. Running in a warm rain is a completely different experience than a cold rain. As long as it's not pouring, which can be downright painful, running in the rain on a warm day can be wonderful.

Not so sure? Here are 8 reasons to love running in the rain.

Rain will cool you off. 
On a hot day, running in the rain will cool you off. You will be able to go farther, longer, and maybe even faster! I got caught in the rain while out on a run this week and had one of the best runs I've had in a long time.

Rain makes you tough.
Running in the rain can be mentally tougher than running on a nice day. If you've ever been caught in a downpour, which hurts a lot, or if you've run in a cold rain, you know what I am talking about.  Running in tough conditions prepares you for anything.

I ran this entire 10 miler in 40 degrees and rain.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
Rain can help you burn fat.
You might burn more calories: Studies have shown that running in a cold rain requires more effort that can burn more fat. All that shivering.

Rain washes away the bugs.
On my run this week, I ran on the bike path and through multiple large clouds of gnats. Ick. Once it started raining, voila! no more gnats. Same goes for mosquitos. Have you ever been bitten by a yellow jacket on the run? I have and trust me when I tell you they don't hang around in the rain. It's all good.

Rain chases the cyclists away.
I do a lot of my runs on shared fitness paths. As we all know, cyclists can be a little cavalier, riding too fast or too close. Last week I had a close call on the path when I veered around a puddle to the middle of the path and was nearly taken down by a passing cyclist who failed to call out a warning to me. When it rains, the cyclists don't come out. Winning!

Rain is a free shower.
I know we all joke about this, but on a hot, humid run, nothing feels better than the rain washing away all the sweat and stink. Your running clothes will be cleaner too!

On a marathon training run in 2015. Cool and clean.
Rain washes away all your troubles.
There's something meditative about the sound of rain, isn't there? If you're running in the rain, turn off your music and listen to the raindrops hitting the ground. Rain is hypnotic and calming. You'll find yourself settling into a groove and relaxing into the run. Maybe we should listen to rain sounds all the time when we run!

Rain can be fun!
Instead of being annoyed by the rain, embrace it! Personally, I enjoy jumping over the puddles. I don't like getting my feet wet, so the challenge of leaping over the puddles is fun for me! You'll also use different muscles. If you're worried about getting your feet wet, wear wicking socks. I have plenty of recommendations for you...

What good is running in the rain? There are 8 things that I can think of! /via @oldrunningmom #runchat #running 

Do you like running in the rain or do you avoid it at all costs? 

I'm linking up with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness.


  1. LOL on the cyclists! But you have to watch out for cars speeding through puddles that could really douse you! I can run in light rain, but since I wear glasses I can't see very well when they get wet.

  2. Like you, I detest a cold rain. While I don't embrace a rain-laden run, I don't mind it on a hot summer day...especially if I'm already out there when it starts (hello, Chicago RnR).

    1. I'll head out into a light rain on a warm summer day. Sometimes a runner's gotta do...

  3. I totally agree! We have had lots of rain and I kind of like running in it as well. sure beats intense heat and humidity. Also don't have to worry about sunscreen so much

    1. I didn't even think about that! But of course, I'm really bad about sunscreen...

  4. I enjoy running in a warm rain. Not so much a cold rain (and we've had a lot of cold rain this spring).

    I'll often avoid it, but not always. It can be very soothing, I'll give you that (even a cold rain, as long as you're prepared and dressed warm enough).

    1. I don't mind a warm rain...even a cold rain, like you said, If I'm dressed properly!

  5. I actually don't hate running in the rain. But I would much rather run a training run in the rain than run a rainy race. That is true that the rain does prevent bicyclists and other walkers and runners from being on shared paths!
    Thanks for linking up with us!

  6. Good point about the rain washing away the bugs! We seem to have a ton of mosquitos recently. I usually try to avoid the rain but you're right that it's not too bad when it's warm out.

  7. I LOVE running in the rain. But...last night hubby and I did a trail race in the pouring rain and I swallowed a bug!

  8. I ended up getting a really good running rain jacket, and it helps a lot. I think I'm part cat because I really don't like to get rained on. At the very least, I have to have a ball cap on so that my face is spared.

    1. We've had so much rain this year--I probably need to invest in some rain gear.

    2. Mine's from Ultimate Direction, it's the women's Ultra Jacket. I got it from Running Warehouse last year and it looks like they don't have it any more. But the Ultimate Direction website does. Be warned, it was not cheap. But the way the hood is constructed is ingenious and it helped a ton last year in heavy downpours.

  9. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a mouth full of gnats! Lol! I wouldn't mind running in the rain so much if it wasn't for the wet socks and shoes. That really irks me. Probably from the years spent working at the zoo and walking around in wet boots all day . :/

    1. I'm not a fan of the wet shoes and socks either! or the gnats!

  10. LOL I really prefer not running in the rain. For one thing, it's very rare to have a cold rain in Florida. It's swampy enough with all the humidity and once the rain finishes, the steaminess prevents anything from drying out which leads to chafing. I always have to wear sunglasses, even when cloudy, because of how sensitive my eyes are to the sun, and water on the lenses makes me INSANE.

    If it has to happen, it happens, but it's absolutely not my preference.

    1. Not my preference either but on a warm, steamy day, it does feel good!

  11. I love it when it rains a bit near the end of a long run! And if you didn't run in the rain in the UK, as I was telling my beginners on Saturday, you wouldn't run at all!

  12. I was just telling myself I have to start getting out there in the morning, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow morning. This is motivation for me to get out there anyway! Thanks!

    1. I got out there this morning even though the radar showed rain. I mean, how else are we going to get it done, especially this year!
