Sunday, March 14, 2021

On the Way Up

Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link.

After hitting the skids in February, I can say that things are definitely looking brighter! Once again, this week we were gifted with a lot of sunshine and the snow is gone. The trees have leaf buds on the branches. I spotted robins on my runs. My daffodils are even poking through the dirt. I know it's too soon to put away my winter coat, but it sure felt good to not have to layer up for my runs this week. In fact, I even got to wear shorts one day. 

Off the road, life has been pretty uneventful. My sister had her surgery last week and everything went well. The pathology report came back clear, meaning she is cancer free! This is all such good news! Today we're having lunch and going for a walk. We're even talking about planning our sister trip for the fall. Things are definitely looking up!

Weekly Rundown
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: trail run 6 miles
Thursday: strength training
Friday: run 6.2 miles
Saturday: run 8.5 miles
Sunday: Pi Day run 3.14 miles


Wednesday's trail run was a mixed bag of conditions, but it was mostly a sloppy mess of a run. There was no consistent pattern either. I would be running along, minding my own business, and hit a stretch of ice that had no way around it. Or thick, deep mud. Then all of a sudden it would be dry again. I even had to run through some snow! It was a challenging run, but that's trail running, right? I was grateful for my waterproof trail shoes and my ankle gaiters, although they were coated with mud! I hear from my trail buddies that everything is melted now. I imagine that the area around the creek is underwater, though. We'll see when I go back this week.

I posted on IG about how much I love my Friday morning runs and once again, my legs showed me love back. For most of these runs, I've been gifted with glorious sunrises. This week, the path was completely clear and it was nice not to have to avoid any black ice. This was a zippy 10k and after I finished, I cruised into work, ready to take on what was a very busy day! After being very slow for most of this year, we're finally seeing a good amount of patients again. 

In preparation for my 10 mile race in April, I was determined to run 8 miles on Saturday. I woke up once again to bright sunshine. I also woke up to some pretty significant DOMS from Thursday's strength workout (see below). I'm sure my speedy run on Friday also didn't do my legs any favors. Since I was feeling fatigued and sore, I brought back the 4:1 run/walk intervals, and they were much needed. At the preserve where I logged most of my miles, it got quite crowded! 

Note to self: avoid this preserve on the weekends. 
Bottom line: I'm glad I got it done. This was a dig deep kind of run.

Even with the time change Sunday morning, I woke up with the sun and laced up to run 3.14 miles for Pi Day. I know it's not really a 'thing', but it was a good excuse to get a fourth day of running on the calendar. There was a brisk east wind blowing off Lake Michigan and even though I'm about 20 miles away from there, when it blows, we feel it. I had the wind at my back for the end of my run and that pushed me to a sub-9 minute pace. I'll take it!


Monday's WOD brought the return of the heavy back squats with the goal of a 1 rep max. I hit 135# and it felt heavy. When I loaded up 145#, which was what I hit last time I tried this, I couldn't stand back up from the squat and had to dump the bar off my back. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I am sure that I was not in the right mindset for this, after my fail a couple of weeks ago. I was a little anxious going into the workout. SJ put it best when she told me not to try for a 1 RM, but to try for 1 heavy back squat. So that's what I did, right? I crushed the MetCon, though, a 3-6-9-12+ AMRAP of pull-ups ( I used a band), assault bike calories, and burpees. 

We shifted gears for Thursday's strength workout, working on stability and smaller muscles, which was a lot of fun. I started off with pistol squats to a box. Then she had me alternate Russian KB swings (50#) with side lunges holding a dumbbell (25#). I finished up with box jumps (30"). This was a great workout, but as I mentioned above, I felt it for several days after!

It had to be the new CrossFit shoes!!!

And this...

Not to step on Kim's toes, but I had to share this meme. Because yeah, fitness is my passion! And so is wine, lol! Have a great week!

How was your week? Did you weather the time change? Is spring popping by you? Did you run 3.14 miles for Pi Day? Tell me something good about your week. 

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. Happy Birthday to Kim!


  1. I saw "finish wine" meme I have to find again and send you.
    So glad to hear your sister's news and I feel you on the weekend crowds. Central Park yesterday was a little annoying. Not covid fear crowding, but stroller/leash dodg'em gets old. All the birds though. Yay spring

    1. I can't help but want those beautiful places all to myself! Is that wrong?

    2. Not at all, we were their COVID/winter friends

  2. Congrats to your sister! Excellent news.

    We were back to "winter" here in SoCal, dropping down in the 30s. After weeks of Santa Ana winds, it's been great running on calm mornings.

    1. Wind is the worst!!! We've had a pretty calm month so far, but today there was a wicked wind off Lake Michigan. Chills you right to the bone.

  3. Such great news about your sis! It'll be great to celebrate with her I'm sure!
    For me running and strength are yin and yang. When I'm running with intensity, I ease up on strength and the reverse as well.

    1. We walked a couple of miles today. I'm amazed at how well she's doing only 1 week post op!

  4. Lol I guess I get in alot of cross-training from all the bottles of wine I open! So glad things are looking up for you. The sunshine really made a difference this week for me.

  5. I briefly thought about running 3.14 today, but didn't. Had to get back to walk Bandit -- who simply refused to walk. With both of us there. Checked him out & nothing seemed wrong. Weird dog!

    That's such great news about your sister! Must be a huge relief after that tough battle.

  6. I will definitely be tired later but right now enjoying the sunny day! So glad to hear that your sister is doing so well.xoxo to your family

    1. She truly amazes me--we walked a couple of miles and it wasn't a leisurely pace, either!

  7. So glad for your sister, lovely news! And I hear you on the sudden mud - we got into a terrible mess today, shrieking with laughter, as we were suddenly in some bog or other!

  8. Not Sure About My Comprehension Are I Read ' sister is cancer free ' Best News Ever!!! Only 14 Muscles??? I Use That Many in My Face When Opening A Bottle Of Palisade's Finest Red Wine

    Big Hugs

  9. wait, what? you guys already changed the time???

    it's so wonderful when spring really starts to show after the cold, ice and snow of winter!

    amazing news about your sister!!

  10. Great news about your sister, happy to hear that. Loved learning that opening wine is 'exercise', ha!

    1. Totally justifies opening new bottles frequently, doesn't it?

  11. Well, I think I am going to workout tonight...I bought some new wine lol

    Awesome about your sister.

    I have a half in April and am trying to get in 10 on the weekend. But I have to rest the day before and the day after...

    I ran a cold windy race on Saturday. it was 5 miles but I had DOMS today. I guess I am not used to running fast.

    1. It's going to be really interesting for all of us to get back to racing again!

  12. Sounds like you had a great week! Warm weather and sunshine helps, right? I'm glad your sister is doing so well, and a sister trip for the fall sounds amazing.
    I'm cooking some pies today and a little later on will be working out those 14 important muscles! Have a great day!

    1. I didn't make pie today and I'm having serious regrets about that!

  13. That is such amazing news about your sister! SO happy to hear that she is cancer free, the surgery went well and that she is on the road to recovery. I know that you and your family must be over the moon about this news!

    You had a great week of workouts! Also I love this meme and it now gives me even MORE of an excuse to enjoy a glass of wine. I'm about using my muscles, LOL.

    1. I didn't want to steal your meme thunder but it really is fitness related, right?

  14. Yay to your sister! It truly is a better world now than it was a few weeks ago.

  15. Such great news about your sister! I hope you had a great day with her :)

    Opening wine bottles as a form of exercise - that works for me LOL

    1. We had a great afternoon--she's doing so well! We walked and did a little shopping too.

  16. That is SUCH GREAT NEWS about your sister! What a relief that must be for all of you. I have no patience for muddy trails — so I run on pavement, LOL. Interesting how a workout focused on “small muscles” can have such a big impact — really shows why variety is so important.

  17. Of course I ran 3.14 miles for Pi Day... it's a big deal in my world LOL So glad to have the spring weather showing up! I was in shorts for most of my runs, last week, because I'm ready to move as far away from Winter as possible ;-)

  18. What wonderful news about your sister! Your family must be so happy and relieved.

    Ankle gaiters covered in mud is a sign of a great trail run! How fun that you joined Kim's merry group of Pi runners. It's fun little things like that that have kept us going during this crazy past year.

  19. I am in full support of a wine workout, please and thank you!

    That is such incredible news about your sister! What a wonderful thing - I am so happy for you both!

    1. I'm really happy for her. She's been so strong and has done so well!

  20. That is great news about your sister! How fun that you're planning a sister trip for the Fall. Any idea where you might go?

    14 muscles huh? I knew wine was good for me. :-)

    1. We want to go somewhere warm--we're tossing around a few ideas right now.

  21. So great to hear your sister is cancer free! A sister trip sounds like fun. I didn't run on Pi day. I was too darn sore from Saturday's race!
