Saturday, March 12, 2022

Math is Hard

If you've been following my Instagram this week, you already know what the title of this post means. Twice this week, I miscalculated my workouts. This has happened to me before and while I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, when I'm in the middle of an activity, I cannot do the math. During Tuesday's CrossFit WOD, I incorrectly counted my reps and ended up doing more reps of the activities than I needed to. During my trail run on Wednesday, I didn't plan my route ahead of time, figuring I'd get about 7-8 miles. Well, I ended up with 9.5 miles when I was done. It's fine, but seriously, why is calculating miles or reps so hard during a workout? 

Of course, I turned to everyone's source of expertise, Google, and was surprised at how little I found on the subject. Basically, what I learned is that your ability to perform the workout math declines because the blood flow and your focus are going to the task at hand. The good news is that this is temporary and soon after the activity, your ability to focus is actually better than had you not worked out. 

And really, isn't that what really matters?

Weekly Rundown
Sunday: Trail run 7 miles
Monday: pool running
Tuesday: CrossFit
Wednesday: trail run 9.5 miles
Thursday: strength training
Friday; run 6 miles
Saturday: rest


On Sunday, I returned to the Gibraltar Segment of the Ice Age Trail, hoping for 8 miles. I haven't run on the IAT since October, when I completed the Mammoth Hike Challenge. There was still quite a bit of snow and ice on the ground compared to at our home, which I found interesting since I only live 2 hours south. From the parking lot, I could see the icy coating on the trail, so I strapped on my YakTrax and headed up to the top. It was cold and blustery, but the view is always rewarding! I had the trail to myself. There was a lot of ice but also a lot of dry spots, so I was able to move pretty well. I also ran the 1 mile connecting road between the segments and was able to pick up some speed there. I couldn't get all 8 miles in, as it was pretty slow going overall, but I am so glad I pushed myself to do this. Can I just say I cannot wait for it to warm up?

This run got me 1375ft of vert! Not bad for the midwest. 

I hoped that the trails in my local preserve would be better than what I found in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, parts of the trail were still coated in snow and ice. There was also a lot of mud. The sun was shining and it warmed up into the 40s during my run, which felt great. I was pretty sore from the CrossFit WOD that I did the day before, though. Even my calves were sore! My hammies were really talking to me as I explored the preserve. The area down in the ravine by the creek was unrecognizable to me. There are so many fallen trees--it was shocking. We had a drought last year and I can't help but wonder if the trees were too weak to make it through the winter. It will be interesting to see what it looks like once the snow melts and the mud dries up. 

This is the actual trail in the center of the photo.
Good agility training!

On Friday morning, I laced up and headed over to the bike path for my usual Friday morning run. We received a dusting of snow overnight, just enough to make me slow my roll. The good thing about this is that for the first time since I returned to running after last summer's injury, I didn't have to stop for walk intervals! This was a pleasant run and I finished my 6 miles with an average pace of 9:33m/m. I could not be happier about this!


I keep talking about that WOD on Tuesday because yeah, it was brutal. The workout was a 'chipper', 10 rounds of Assault Bike calories (20x2), Power Cleans 55# (1-10), AbMat sit-ups (20x2), and push presses 55# (1-10). In other words, we counted down from 20 by 2s for the bike and the situps, and counted up 1-10 for the power cleans and push presses. Of course, that was too much for my oxygen-deprived brain and I started the countdown by 1s until I realized after 5 rounds that I was doing it wrong. DOH! I got back on track and finished the workout in under 30 minutes as prescribed. I felt really pukey after, but didn't get sick. I did the math when I got home--I needed time for the blood to return to my brain-- and overall, I did 120 calories on the bike, 65 power cleans, 120 sit-ups, and 55 push presses.

Sammy Jo had me do back squats for Thursday's strength session, 3 sets of 8 at 90#. I am glad she didn't push me on these--I was able to maintain good form at that weight and they were plenty challenging. I alternated those with 3 sets of 12 dumbbell rows at 30#! Lats are getting stronger. It's so exciting! I finished up with some core work-20 weighted (10#) atomic situps on a bench alternating with 3 sets of 10 vertical leg lifts. 

Coming up next week...

I've got a very exciting (not) start to my week as I am getting some big health screenings out of the way. On Monday, I am going for my annual screening mammogram and ABUS (ultrasound), and DEXA scan for bone density. On Tuesday, I am having a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy was originally scheduled for April, but there was a cancellation for Tuesday and yeah, I just want to get it done. This is not my first colonoscopy, but as you might expect, I am dreading the prep. I'm planning my clear liquids for Monday as we speak. Fingers crossed that I get all good results from these tests.

I actually don't think it is, darn it

How was your week? Do you struggle with math on the fly? Is it still icy by you? Muddy? Or are you already enjoying spring? Have you gotten all your screenings done?

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 



  1. Yes to the ice and mud. That crazy storm we had last weekend took down some BIG trees here. I'm grateful none fell on the cars that were out in our neighborhood. It was very close for our neighbors down the street. All the best with the tests! Feels so good to knock them all out!

    1. It really does! I'll be glad when I'm able to put them behind me. Pun intended!

  2. I can't do math either while exercising!
    That's a pretty tough WOD even without all the counting. I didn't know a person could do that much in less than 30 minutes!
    1'400ft of evelation in a single run is great! Fantastic training, Wendy.

  3. Our trails are icy and I haven't done as much hiking as I did last weather. Probably because there's more things I can do this year.

    I just want our snow to melt... I could run on our bike paths for a day or two and then they were coered again.

    Please send warm temps to the East.

    GL on your tests.

  4. Yes, maths and esp making up those last miles to round things up (if we go up there and round there and to the end of the road and back to my house, will that make it up to x miles?).

  5. I have to admit I'm envious of your 9.5 miler- I miss those "accidental" long runs. Glad your running is going so well- that Ice Age trail pic is beautiful! That's in Wisconsin, right? I happen to know from experience it can be hilly up there! My husband and I ran the Madison Marathon (about 20 years ago) and we were shocked by all the hills- I had assured him the midwest was "flat." Let's just say it didn't go well.
    Good luck with your screenings- it will feel good to get them over with!

    1. It's actually quite hilly in Wisconsin! I guess the glaciers didn't flatten the land like in Illinois. I'm always surprised at how hilly Madison is.

  6. We have not had much ice (at least from February and on).I was really surprised how much of our snow melted by Monday afternoon considering how much we had waiting for us in the morning. I'm all about having clear and clean streets!

    1. The trails are always covered long after the streets have cleared.

  7. That's pretty much what I figured, about the math during the activities (which I can't do either).

    I'm LOL at the "just 2 hours south". It can make a HUGE difference. It's a little less than that to my mom or sister, but they tend to get a lot less snow & less cold than us -- unless they don't of course, LOL!

    Good luck on the medical tests!

    1. The funny thing about that 2 hour distance is that it can be much warmer up there in the spring--we get the lake effect cooling from Lake Michigan!

  8. (this is Kemmy/Katherine on hub's gmail) - I just had colonoscopy and had white wine night before... ALL GOOD! lol
    you did see the rainbow in your one photo, right?
    Girl, you are kicking ass BTW

    1. Ooooh thank you!!! It is a clear liquid. And yes, I did see that rainbow, which is why I shared it. You are the only person who commented on it!

  9. Gosh, that is a lovely view from the top! I suck at workout math two. One reason I like the Peloton tread workouts so much is that I don’t have to remember what interval I’m in or what to do next. There’s a strength class with Jess Sims with a circuit and I laugh when she says “you only have to count to two so you won’t lose track”. The struggle is real!

    Way to get all those screenings done. I’ve got a few appts coming up too.

    1. That's also one of the reasons I like my bike trail runs--there is no thinking involved. It's out and back!

  10. Sometimes doing math during the workout helps keep my mind distracted, but most of the time its a fail; that's why I program running workouts into my Garmin, so I don't have to. But its harder to do with strength! Sounds like a really tough WOD though- wow.

    Hopefully the "Ice" age trail is ice-free soon for you!

    1. We should see everything melt this week! Bring on the mud! :p

  11. The Cruisers call it marathon math. LOL

    Here's hoping all of your screenings brings good results. My screening all hit in late summer. I'm on the 3-5 year colonoscopy plan because my body likes to grow polyps. Bleh!

  12. Good luck with all of your tests this week. I am also getting my mammo tomorrow. Colonoscopy prep no fun at all. I guess I know how far my run routes are so I have not run too afar astray from my plan. Have a great week and stay warm!

  13. I struggle with math on a good day; I don't need reduced blood flow to mess me up. But obviously this is going to be my new excuse.

    Sorry the trails are still so muddy and icy. I know you want to get out there and run, run, run. They will clear up soon.

    Great work in the gym!

  14. Workout math should be it's own subject LOL I often miscalculate when running.

    That view at the peak is pretty fabulous.

    Good luck with all the screenings. I need to finish getting my appointments set up.

    1. It's crazy how far out I had to schedule these appointments. It's also crazy how they fell onto consecutive days!

  15. My trails are really icy! I saw someone running without spikes and I'm not sure how she didn't fall (maybe she did)

    1. I am glad I wore my Yak Trax--I did ok but there were spots when I slipped.

  16. I never researched why runner's math is always so "off", so thanks for that explanation from Google. Now I don't feel so bad about when my calculations are way off, lol.

    Hope that all goes well with your upcoming screenings. I had my annual visit with my gyno last week and that was anything but pleasant (lol) but I know it needs to be done. still need to make an appt for my 6-month dental cleaning so thanks for the reminder.

    1. No gyne visits for me any more, but I have plenty of screenings to fill my schedule, lol. I still need to schedule with the derm for a skin check and a scolding about my sun exposure.

  17. I swear we've been going to the doctors office once a week between all of my family members. Seems like everything is scheduled for the first three months of the year! I was pretty irked last week because I went to the dermatologist and waited an hour to see him. Good thing it was my day off, but what a waste of my time waiting around like that. ugh. Great workouts this week for you!

    1. I'm so sensitive to that waiting thing when I'm seeing patients! I get pretty upset with myself when I get behind. I do give everyone the time they need when I'm in the room and that helps a lot. Sometimes it happens...
