Sunday, November 27, 2022

A Week of Gratitude

'Tis the season for gratitude! For this week's rundown, I'm sharing all the things I'm grateful for. It goes without saying that I'm thankful for this weekly space where I can connect with you all and talk ad nauseam about running and fitness. 

Weekly Rundown
Sunday: unscheduled rest
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: pool running
Wednesday: Strength training
Thursday: Long Grove Turkey Trot 5k
Friday: run 5 miles
Saturday: hike 3 miles, Badger football game


I'm thankful that my reaction to Covid vaccine #5 only lasted 36 hours. Sadly, on Sunday, I was sidelined from a planned trail run on the Frozen Gnome course. I didn't attempt to make up this run, instead, I took it as an opportunity to give my legs a rest.

I'm thankful for Fluid Running, which has given me an effective alternative to running on pavement. I leave the pool feeling refreshed and content. Also somewhat exhausted, but in the best way! Who knew you could sweat in the pool?

I'm thankful for my son and his rugby teammate who agreed to run a Turkey Trot with me on Thanksgiving at the unholy hour (for him) of 8 am. My son and his friend stayed with me for the entire race--even when I was fading and wanted them to run ahead, lol. This pushed me to a respectable 27:21 finish time. I thought for sure it was good enough for an AG award, but believe it or not, I was 5th in my old lady age group. After the race, we got our free beers and donuts. Two of my Trail Sisters met us at a local tavern which made for a fun post-race gathering!

Later, at home, I was reviewing my results when I noticed something that made me go hmmm: the first place AG winner finished in 20:37, with an average pace of 6:39m/m. Now I know there are some fast old ladies out there, but that's a finish time that suspends belief for me. I was scanning the 55-59 AG to see if I knew anyone there when I noticed that the first place woman in that AG also finished in 20:37. I also discovered that they were from the same town. What are the chances? Call me Marathon Investigation, but I suspect that they cut the course. I like to think that it was unintentional. It doesn't change anything for me, but it really flushes my wattle to think that someone would do that on purpose. At a Turkey Trot? 


I'm thankful for having a wonderful lifting partner at Monday's WOD! We did sets of 2 back squats, starting at 75% and finishing with 4 sets at 85% (127.5#). My partner is at about the same level as me. We did our bench presses together last week. She's coming back from surgery, so we were able to support each other. I felt really strong during these squats and could have gone heavier. The MetCon was 4 rounds for time: 15 slam balls (30#), 15 weighted situps, 15 ball hop burpees, and 15 bear hug carries. We used the slam ball for all the moves and it got really hard after the 2d round!

I'm thankful for my amazing coach who continues to challenge me (and put up with me!). We usually get together on Thursdays, but this week, we switched to Wednesday due to the holiday. When I got to the gym, she was working with my friend Steph, who I haven't seen for a while. It was great to catch up! Meanwhile, SJ and I got to work. She had me doing a push-pull workout, which I love, starting with strict presses, 4 sets of 8 at 50#. I alternated those with pushes and pulls of the weighted sled. I finished up with some core work and Bulgarian split squats, 2 sets of 10 on each leg holding weighted dumbbells 20# in each hand. 

Family Fun

Besides the Turkey Trot, there was a lot of family time, which I am so thankful for! We went to my sister's house for a fabulous Thanksgiving spread and lots of laughs.  

On Friday, my youngest and I took his friend to Evanston to walk the lakefront along the beautiful coast of Northwestern University. His friend, a rugby teammate who they met the very first week of their freshman year, is graduating in December and will be returning to France, where he is from. He was curious about the campus and was stunned at how beautiful it is! Of course, I have no photos. But a few years ago, I took myself on a little run tour there, which you can read about here.

We drove up to the lake house on Saturday with my oldest son and his girlfriend. We had plans to attend the Wisconsin Football game, but first, we took a hike up to the top of Gibraltar Rock. My son's girlfriend was appropriately awed. What a spectacular day for late November! 

After lunch, we drove to Madison for the Badger game!! The oldest rivalry in college sports, it was a battle against Minnesota for Paul Bunyan's axe. Sadly, the Badgers pretty much gave it away in the last minutes of the game. No matter, we had so much fun. College football games are the best! 

Pregame tailgate

How was your week? What are you thankful for? Did you run a Turkey Trot? Have you ever been to a college football game?

Are you interested in Fluid Running? Today's the last day to take advantage of their Black Friday special of $50 off! the system on the website. If you already own the system, there is a code for 30% off up to 3 of the workouts. Use the code 30get3 to take advantage of this great offer! This is not an affiliate link, btw, I just want to support Jennifer and this amazing system!

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. Aside from the booster reaction, it really sounds like you had a fabulous week & Thanksgiving with so much fun stuff going on!

    1. It was definitely uphill from that booster reaction! This week was a mama's dream come true!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving week! Now I'm wondering where that LG Turkey Trot course could've been cut....sounds pretty fishy to me.

    1. When I was running it, there was a section that you probably could have cut--between mile 1 and 2. It would shock me to think that the ladies did that on purpose. I keep thinking maybe they just decided to turn around, not realizing that it would affect the results.

  3. Love that view during your hike.. Sounds a wonderful holiday for you.

    No pool access. I'll just keep runing I guess.

    Thankfulf or the ability to race and be healthy and for my friends (near and far, in-person or remote.)

  4. Sounds like you had a jam packed Thanksgiving! Congrats on a great finish for the 5K. How fun to run w your son and his friends. I did that once w the lax team in HS and I was dying! There are some speedy 5kers out there. Maybe I should bring my fluid running to Aruba w me this year!

  5. Wow, the boys really pushed you to a nice finish time. Now I'm wondering about the two who ran 20:37. I agree- that's pretty fast. It's not impossible, but does seem a little fishy. i guess we'll never know the answer to this mystery.
    Glad you had such a fun week with your boys! It's nice that they live close to you (unlike my son, who's all the way in Texas- what were we thinking???)
    I don't do Fluid running, but I agree pool running is a great workout.

    1. I'm pretty lucky that they are both local. My youngest will graduate this year and he plans to move to Chicago--he'd like to live with his brother. Not sure how my oldest feels about that, lol

  6. Good job on the Trot 5K! My son was asking about Des Moines races the other day. He's officially moved back to Iowa, and I'm hoping to get another of my kiddos to do a race with me! And, I'm ALL about college football (and basketball). Go Hawks!

    1. I know you love your college FB! It doesn't even matter who wins if you're at the game--it's such a good time!

  7. Great job on your turkey trot! That's interesting that the two age group winners finished in the exact same time, are from the same place, and that they're both older (perhaps they paced each other). There's a lady in my age group (who luckily for me never runs in my local turkey trot) who still runs paces in the 6's.

    Yes, I LOVE college football! I don't think I missed a single football game when I was a student at Virginia Tech and several years later my husband and I had season tickets for many years.

    1. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt, but that is awfully fast for my age group!

  8. It was a tough game- my niece is a Badger cheerleader so I like to see them do well, but I'm a Gopher and was glad they took home the axe for once!

    That's so shady about the course cutters...a 20 min 5k is quite speedy, no matter the age. Let's hope it was an accident! It sounds like you pushed yourself and had a good experience- and I love that your son got up early to join you! :) How sweet.

    1. We had some Gophers in our section and oooh they were obnoxious, lol! I love that your niece is a cheerleader. I bet she has so much fun!

  9. Here's my theory: the two ladies didn't run at all. One of them has a speedy nephew. They both gave their bibs to him, who put both bibs in his back pocket when he ran the race. It wouldn't surprise me if you found a young male runner on the list with a 20:37 finishing time. :-)
    Nice that you got to spend some time together. Love the family photos!

  10. Wow that's a bummer if people actually cut the course, especially during a Turkey Trot!
    I love that inflatable turkey - I kind of want it for our front lawn, lol.

    1. That turkey was kind of big, lol! it was hard to get a photo, so many people!

  11. Sounds like a really fun Thanksgiving and weekend! Great job on your Turkey Trot! I really hope that folks wouldn't cheat at a trot, but the results do sound a little sketchy.

    Great family photos :)

  12. Happy Monday My Friend - Absolutely Loved All The Family Photos - Such A Happy Group - Score On The Pool Factor For Sure - Bummer On The Sneaky Turkey Trots - I Am Pleased You Were Able To Spend Quality Time With Folks You Enjoy Being Around - So Many Solid College Games These Past Few Days - Like WoW - My Aztecs Laid An Egg This Year So Nothing Flashy There - And Of Course The Buckeyes Losing At Home Rocked - Wishing You All The Best In December - Big Hugs And Extra Treats For Coco Too


  13. Glad you were OK with your booster in the end. I was tired for 24 hr with my 4th jab and just had my flu jab yesterday which gave me exactly 16 hours of tiredness and a sore arm that is wearing off now. Lovely to see you go to my friend's new home town of Madison, and all your lovely family time.

  14. Damn You Blogger Gremlins - I Just Ran Through Your Book Review Post - Click Back One Post Because I Definitely Made Mention Of The Pool And Family Shots - I Passed On The Runners Possibly Creating Their Own Course But I Know There Were Complementary Attributes For Sure - And I Believe I Even Asked If Coco Girl Scored Some Turkey Treats Or Possible Under The Table Morsels - Life Is Better Walking With Four Paws


    1. Cocoa didn't score any Turkey Treats, but she had some pizza and tater tots! She's got a good life!

  15. Sounds like a great weekend. About the "cheating" at a local race. I did a 5K for our local school district's education foundation a couple of weeks ago, I watched a girl in front of me cut back to the start/finish less than half way in, I figured she wasn't feeling well, so was heading back, and would not go through the timing shoot. WRONG! She ended up getting first place in our age group (I got 2nd and my sister got 3rd). Then proceeded to sit there with her medal and take selfies with it, etc., she kept saying I cant' believe it! I REALLY wanted to say something, but didnt because my young nieces were there, and I knew it wouldnt be pretty. Totally unbeliveable!!! Ill tell you though, the racing community here is small, so if I see her again......

    1. Wow, that is really terrible! How do people live with themselves when they cheat?

  16. That sure is a lot to be thankful for! I did a Turkey Trot with my boyfriend which was really fun!

    It really grinds my gears when people cheat. There were allegations at my most recent race (world's toughest) of the second place female cheating- not completing the obstacles correctly or the associated penalties. It sucks that they are still allowed to win awards when that happens!

    Pool running is definitely a good alternative if you're not feeling 100%! I used it during most of my recent injuries. It's not as good of a workout as running in my opinion but it definitely helps you stay in shape!

    1. I've been subbing in that pool running for road running, 1 day per week. I haven't noticed any difference when I do run, so I think it's working out well for me!
