Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Trail Runfessions (mostly)

Well, here we are again at the Runfessional for that chance to clear our souls and our soles. Do you runfess? On the last Friday of every month, Marcia opens up the runfessional for those of us who may have strayed from the trail. There's no penance, just that feeling of cleansing and starting the next month with a fresh pair of running shoes. 

I poolrunfess... earlier this month, I went to the pool, dark and early, for my weekly pre-work pool sesh. I greeted the other 2 pool runners already tethered in and chattering away and started my workout. Not even 10 minutes later, my headphones warned me about 'low battery' and then shut off. Dammit. I left the pool to the locker room to get my backup pair but alas, they were also dead. I set my phone on the side of the pool and turned it up all the way but I could barely hear it over the racket next to me. Seriously, where's a shark when you need one?

I runfess... I have mixed feelings about trail races advertising a certain distance for a race, which may or may not be the actual distance you run. Case in point: my most recent trail race, the Earth Day 15 miler, was actually 15.76 miles when I crossed the finish line. I get it, the whole trail vibe thing is loose with the rules but still...this runner likes to know how far she has to plan for. And doesn't it kind of suck the life out of you when you think you're going to be finished at a certain distance, but when that number comes up on your watch, you don't know how much farther you have to go?

I runfess.... the ageism directed at us 'seasoned' runners by some younger runners is kind of rough. We get comments about how easy it is to BQ at our age. Or how there are so few runners in our old lady age group, that it's easy to get an AG award. An older woman in my trail race last Saturday told me the worst one yet: last year when she won her AG, a younger runner told her that she got the 'pity' award. 

I runfess... that I have to DNS my plan to pace a friend at an ultramarathon this weekend. She's doing a 50 mile race at 'my' preserve and I was supposed to run 3 loops (12 miles with her). Since I run there all the time, it was a no-brainer. But instead, it was no bueno. On Wednesday's shakeout run on the course, my left hip let me know it was not happy with the idea. Luckily, she found a replacement almost immediately. I'll be there to see her cross the finish line!

Now that the snow has melted, I've noticed the ridiculous amount of dog poop bags scattered around the preserve. I runfess... this makes me steam like a freshly dropped turd. If you're going to take the time to bag your dog's poop, then carry it out. You don't want to carry it out? Make your dog carry it out. Do what I do and tie the bag to the leash. But please DON'T leave it by the side of the trail or fling it into the woods. 

What do you have to runfess? What do you do when your headphone batteries die? How do you handle inaccurate race distances? Older runners: have you experienced ageism from younger runners? What to do about the dog poop problem?

I'm linking up with Marcia for Runfessions and with the ladies of Fit Five Friday: DarleneMichelle, Jenn, Renee, and Zenaida.


  1. A pity award? That's a terrible thing to say. Some people are so ignorant. I'm beyond sick of the whole "joke" where people say they'll BQ when they're 80. There was ONE 80 yr old woman running Boston this year. If it were so easy, wouldn't there be more? Sorry about your hip! I need to post that meme on my trails. I don't get that either.

    1. I'm feeling much better today, thank you! And I can't wait until those ignoramuses get old.

  2. Wow - "pity award" ?! What is wrong with people! I'm so sorry about your hip and can so relate to that meme. I hope the crankiness is short-lived.

  3. Ugh that BQ comment. And on your hip. I hope it's OK.

    It must be nearly impossible to get an official distance on a trail race -- how do you even define the tangents to measure? Plus you probably add more than you think choosing your steps. But an extra 0.75 is a lot.

    1. I'm glad I wasn't running the 50k, lol. They had to run over 32 miles!

  4. Well, I wouldn't say it out loud, but what I would be thinking to that younger runner- let's wait till you go through menopause, various illnesses and injuries, and then we'll see if you're even out here at all. It's not as easy as you may think! I set comments like that down to ignorance (and all also bad manners- whatever happened to "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?")
    I think I would scream if my headphones died during a pool run, but that's just because I listen to music to relieve the boredom. In your case, you're trying to follow a workout, so it must have been extra annoying!
    Hope your hip is feeling better. And when are we going to get a race recap??? : )

    1. I'm waiting for the race photos! I'll most likely post it on May 9.

  5. Everyone I know is now an older runner LOL. Things get harder not easier as you age, and I have nothing but respect. Annoying for sure on the headphones dying!

    1. I should share more about those 2 at the pool--I have some theories!

  6. What A Fantastic Post !! Excellent Accompanying Photos As Well - Sending All The Best Vibes Your Way - And Yes, Humans Are So Disappointing - Big Hugs


  7. WTF on the "pity" comment. Wait until they see how hard is is to run these distances and paces when they are "old."

    I had a lady (that I beat) come up to me and say that I didn't look that old and if she knew I was in her age group, she would have passed me. Just RUDE.

    I had another, also that I beat, say that I didn't serve the award because I walked up the hills. I wanted to say "Well it worked cuz I dusted you."

    End of rant.

    Hope your hip feels better and you are back slaying those trails.

    1. You just keep on crushing it, Darlene! I'm following in your footsteps.

  8. As for the "old ladies thing"...the "old" gals in my AG are showing no signs of slowing down. The three ahead of me at Drake all were substantially sub-2:00, and that's on a "long" 13.2 race course, LOL. The 15.76-mile trail race would be a bit disheartening...hello? That's practically an entire bonus mile!

  9. I am gobsmacked that anyone would be so rude to an "older" runner. No doubt she will one day regret those words. Your "Shut up!" meme is the perfect reply.
    I don't care if you're the only runner in your AG and get the award. As I said when I could still run, "Finishing is Winning," and I still have the shirt to prove it.
    As always, you rock.

    1. Well, see that's the thing many younger runners don't get. The number of runners drops as people get older. Just being out there at age 60, or 70, or above is an accomplishment in itself.

  10. YOU MAKE SWEET COCOA CARRY HER OWN POOP???? Just kidding. A little. Cocoa should have to carry nothing like the queen she is. But I digress. People who litter suck. Where I am, the older AGs are just as competitive as the younger. The one I am in currently runs just as hard and fast as the 20-24 AG. I have to be running at 90 to even have a shot at an award, or so it feels like LOL!

    1. Full disclosure: I tie the poop bag to her lease. So technically--who is actually carrying the poop? LOL
