Sunday, October 29, 2023

Dancing in the Dark

My busy fall is finally winding down as I'm home for the first weekend in about a month. In the meantime, the days have gotten shorter, the leaves more colorful, and Halloween is just around the corner! I've been really active and after tomorrow, should wind up with just under 100 miles for the month. I'm always so grateful for what my body lets me do!

Weekly Rundown
Sunday: Ice Age Trail run 6.6 miles
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: Fluid Running
Wednesday: trail run 5 miles
Thursday: strength training
Friday: run 6 miles
Saturday: rest/work

As soon as the sun started to lighten the sky on Sunday morning, I drove to the Lodi Marsh Segment of the IAT to wrap up my Mammoth Challenge miles. If you read last week's recap, you know that I wasn't able to get all my miles done on Saturday. I am so glad I went when I did--the sun was shining, it was cool and there was no wind. Perfect conditions for a great run. I didn't have the trail to myself--Fleet Feet Madison was hosting a group run--but I didn't mind sharing the trail with fellow runners. The colors were at peak and they were spectacular. This was really the best way to finish up the challenge!

After running 3 days in a row, I wasn't sure I wanted to go to CrossFit. But when I checked the WOD, it included deadlifts, so I was in. The strength/skill portion included those deadlifts, 3 sets of 8 at 65%. I loaded up the bar to 135#. We also worked on double unders, which my brain just will not let me do. The MetCon was a 20*15*10*5 chipper of goblet squats, bike calories, and KB swings. Between each set, we had to do 5 laps of shuttle runs. I used a 25# KB for the squats and the swings, and I finished this in 13:17. I had to laugh when I entered my 0 double unders in the app and got a congrats for my new PR!

As soon as I pulled up to the trailhead on Wednesday morning, it started to rain. I had to make a decision and since it was 60 degrees, I decided to stay and run in the rain. The fall foliage was at peak and it was beautiful! I made my way around the single tracks and mostly had the preserve to myself. By the time I hit 5 miles, I was ready to be done, though. Running in the rain is tough!

On Thursday, SJ had me warm up for back squats. Then she had me do 3 sets of 10 at 95#. I dropped 2 reps with the first set, but pushed myself to get all 10 in the next 2 sets. And yes, they were hard. After that, I did 3 sets of 5 assisted pull-ups alternating with 3 sets of 12 RDLs using a barbell with 55#. It's been a long time since I did those and they felt good. I finished up with 3 sets of 10 strict push-ups.

Before SJ and I got to work, we talked about an article I read citing research about the importance of strength training in post-menopausal women. The study concluded that larger training volumes (>6-8 sets/large muscle group per week) are needed to achieve muscle hypertrophy and body composition changes. The recommendations also included >2 strength sessions per week as well as intensities >50% 1 RM.  The article also cited NSCA guidelines for 'older' adults (>50y) that specifically recommend higher intensity lifting--2-3 sets of 1-2 multi-joint exercises per major muscle group at 70-85% 1 RM, 2-3 times per week.

The good news is that I am doing this kind of work with SJ, however, I may need to add one more day of strength training to meet the goals set by these guidelines. I'm not ready to give up running, so I'm going to have to give this some thought. But I do want to stay strong into old age. It's amazing how much harder I'm going to have to work for it!

It was still warm on Friday morning when I headed out into the dark for my run on the bike path. My legs were tired and stiff from Thursday's strength sesh, but as I ran they loosened up. I caught up with some of my running friends. I ran a few miles with one of them, who is still hurting from the marathon. We talked as we ran and our conversation was a good reminder of what a beast the marathon can be. I haven't signed up for the lottery yet and I'm starting to think that I won't.

Mike and I have been indulging in our annual Halloween tradition: watching scary movies. So far we've watched Nightmare on Elm Street, Child's Play, The Strangers, and Hereditary. The last two were new to us and were recommended by friends. Definitely worth the watch! We've got the original Halloween on the you have any other must-see movies for me?

How was your week? Are you enjoying the fall colors? How often do you strength train? How do you feel about running in the dark? I will be glad for the time change! Coming up on Tuesday: my monthly mini-book reviews!

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. I am loving the fall colors although they say it isn't the best this year.

    Nope not a dark morning runner... I have had to wait until after work which I hate.

    Yes soon there can be morning runs but then they are too cold... never satisfied lol

    1. The fall colors are pretty nice here! And soon it will be dark at 4:30, so then what?

    2. I'm stuck running at the local college where there are lots of lights and runners.

  2. Oh, really? Sigh. I always look to your strength routine as a benchmark, and if YOU don't think you're doing enough, I'm sunk. It really is so hard to fit everything in! Well, it's great motivation not to slack off what I'm already doing, at least.
    Sounds like you had a great week, and your photos are BEAUTIFUL. The one of you running in the orange shirt and the one where you're sitting on the tree seriously look they they were taken by a professional photographer.
    So are you thinking of adding another day of strength training? I want to hear how this all works out!

    1. I'm struggling to figure out how it's going to happen--I don't want to give up anything else. Idk, Jenny, I think I'm just going to have to be happy with what I'm doing!

  3. I am so ready for the time change! I've really struggled getting up in the dark lately, once I'm out the door, I'm okay, but still. And I definitely need to get back to more strength training. I'm doing good to get in one session a week.

    1. Since we are runners, it's so hard to make anything else the priority!

  4. Our fall colors are finally looking bright and beautiful, especially the burning bushes (my favorites). Running in the dark? It's pretty much all I know once summer vacates the premises, LOL.

  5. Who doesn't love the Fall colors? Thanks for sharing yours! I do NOT like running in the rain at this time of year. Too cold (well, we did have nice weather a few days this week).

    Not into scary movies. Our go-to for Halloween is Practical Magic, LOL! It's a tiny bit scary, but not much.

  6. As I work to recover from my latest hip and glute issue, I am also realizing that I am going to need to add another strength day into the week. Last week I did 5 days of strength bc I was not running. I liked it but I missed running so much. It is tricky to fit it all in. Would love to see that study you referenced if you have a link

    1. I sent you the links to the studies. I am sure you miss running so much!

  7. Oh wow, thanks for the link to that study!
    Like Jenny said, you are my benchmark for strength training.
    Since I'm back in Cape Town, I'm back at Crossfit and I'm doing it 3x a week. My muscles are screaming at me for missing 3 months of strength training!
    It seems that the older we get, the more we need of everything: more strength, more recovery, more stretching, more sleep.... this fitness thing is becoming a full-time job!!

  8. I have RA and can’t even walk much because I am scared of the medicine. You are very brave and awesome.

    1. I hope you find a way to cure your fear of the medication, because it will help you live the life you want!

  9. Beautiful call colors!! The trails really are so pretty this time of year. My husband loves scary movies so I'll have to share those last two as recommendations. What a fun tradition!

  10. Lovely colours and well done on such a strong month! I've managed two runs around 2 miles each this week without having breathing trouble etc. although I then felt bad going up and down the stairs sorting out Matthew's new office so who knows really!

  11. Big Hugs And Beautiful Colors - Aren't Halloween Movies The Best This Time Of Year - Like Cheesy Good - Have A Wonderful Day And Stay Strong This November - You Rock


    1. Yes! There's nothing better than a good scary movie! No gore please

  12. Those fall colors. Just the best.
    Nicely done on the nearly 100 miles. My fingers tried to type 10K and wow that would have been impressive, not that 100 isn't.

    1. Haha, at this point 10k (aka 6.2 miles) is about all I've got.

  13. What you read in that article is in sync with what I've read about strength training in relation to bone health and people with osteoporosis/osteopenia, they recommend 3 times a week, lots of compound moves, lift heavy, and progressive overload. I normally train three times a week and I'm very happy with that. I increased from twice to three times a week during the injury when I couldn't do any other exercise, but I'm going to stay with three times.
    What a blessing for you with all that autumn foliage!! Just fabulous. We don't have much of that but at least I got to enjoy some in Italy.
    I wouldn't run or walk in the dark, but my husband does. He uses a headlamp and something around his waist with a torch.

    1. I have to figure out a way to get an extra day of strength training in!

  14. It is so unfair that we do have to work so hard. I hate it. ii

    I also hate horror movies. I get so scared and then I can't sleep. I do watch some dark stuff (think "Promising Young Woman", "Bones And All", "Fresh"), but nothing about monsters or demonic possession.

    I do go out in the dark alone all the time. It's my favorite time.

    1. Idk. It isn't fair, but on the other hand, we're lucky that we live in a time where we have all this info at our fingertips and can lift heavy--it's acceptable!

  15. Oh, I haven't seen those scary films! I need to check them out.

    Interesting research on strength training- it seems like you do so much more than most- and still not enough, wow!

    I love your intro photo with all your glow gear! Very neat.

    1. Brooks has been working with the team to really up our photo game! It's been a lot of fun to learn what these iPhone cameras can do.

  16. You could be the spokesperson for strength training! I tend to lack in that area and use you for inspiration when I need motivation to go to the gym. I will try to do better :)

  17. You work so hard in the gym that I suspect you are meeting those standards. I strength train three times a week for a little over an hour per session and I've been doing that for pretty much 40 years. I do a lot of compound moves and with as heavy weights as I can lift without hurting myself. I never do 1 RM so I don't know where I stand in regards to percentages of that amount.

    I love running in the dark and having the whole world to myself.

    1. I think so too, but if I can squeeze in a 3rd day (I did this week) I will.

  18. You work so hard in the gym that I suspect you are meeting those standards. I strength train three times a week for a little over an hour per session and I've been doing that for pretty much 40 years. I do a lot of compound moves and with as heavy weights as I can lift without hurting myself. I never do 1 RM so I don't know where I stand in regards to percentages of that amount.

    I love running in the dark and having the whole world to myself.
