Showing posts with label friday five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friday five. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Fun


Life can't keep me down for long! I'm ending my week on a high note. Here's what's making me happy these days...

--Running, of course! But not just running...running in the sunshine! Since my return from California, the weather has been rainy and cool. It looks like Mother Nature has finally decided to give us a break. The forecast for the next week looks warm and pretty much rain free. This is our reward for putting up with the gloom.

--This article by Mark Remy. He too enjoys a beer at the finish line. When I read "Twenty Years, Twenty Lessons", I thought to myself, doh, why didn't I write this? Although I'd have to come up with 25 lessons. 25 years of running and racing? Can it be? This list hits the nail on the head. Do I have anything to add to his very comprehensive list? Yes, and I talked about this in my post on Wednesday: when the going gets tough, smile. Smiling always lightens the load.

These just never fail to make me smile.
--My coach. She told me how much fun she's having making my training plan to help me meet my goals. To be sure, she has me doing some really hard stuff. But even the hard stuff is fun, as evidenced by this video:

--This new song by Justin Timberlake just makes me happy. I'm not a huge fan of happy pop music, but this one is too catchy to not like. Plus it's JT, right? The video is great too, with lots of people just movin' to the groove. Justin even dances with one of those flailing airdancer guys. Who hasn't wanted to do that? I may have to add this song to my running playlist but there's the risk that I will stop running and start dancing in the middle of the road. As if my neighbors don't already think I'm nuts...

--Finally, here's a little bit of cuteness... Wednesday was such a beautiful day that I took my yoga mat outside and did yoga on the deck. After I finished I wanted to get my plank done for the plank challenge. I decided to video it to see if I could get Cocoa to play along. After all, there are only so many variations of plank I can do. This pup is a stitch!

What's making you smile these days? Any funny stories to share? Awesome things you've seen lately?

I'm linking this post up with the DC Trifecta for Friday Five! Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia host this very popular link up! Check it out!

And with Angela at Happy Fit Mama for High Five Friday! So glad to have a happy fun post to share. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

5 Things I'm Loving this Spring!

Now that I'm coming down from my post-marathon high, it's time to get back to business. I'm not currently training for anything, and it's nice to just regroup and reflect on all that is good in the world. I'm thinking about all the things I'm loving this spring--as if spring isn't enough to love--and wanted to share some of that love with all of you!

So what am I loving right now?

Running for fun!
Reunited and it feels so good!
I'm wearing those Physiclo tights in this picture as well. See below.
Let's face it, one of the best things about running a goal race is savoring the accomplishment and just running for fun. No goals, no paces to hit, just running because you can. I am so happy to be running pain-free right now. Maybe my training wasn't optimal for a marathon, but it sure has worked out well for post-marathon recovery. My legs feel fresh and I'm hitting paces I haven't seen for a while. A runner's reward for training through those brutal winter months is getting to run in the spring. The brown landscape of winter has turned to green and the temperatures are slowly moderating. It is truly the best time of year to be on the road and I'm glad to be able to enjoy it!

My new Ninja Blender

A few months ago, I was asked to review the Green Blender smoothie service. My sons and I just loved the smoothies but my old Osterizer did not. That old workhorse really moans and groans when I prepare smoothies for my sons. I don't even need to wake them up in the morning because the blender is so loud. I'm pretty sure my neighbors wake up too. I wanted an upgrade and the blog readers overwhelmingly suggested the Ninja. I told my husband I wanted one for Mother's Day, and guess what came this week? Anyone who doesn't want appliances for Mother's Day hasn't met the Ninja. I tested it out yesterday, and it barely made a sound while painlessly pulverizing my smoothie ingredients. Sweet!

Rockport Total Motion Hidden Wedge Shoes

Can you see my feet smiling right now?
With all my foot issues, cute shoes have pretty much been off my radar for a long time. Sure, Dansko has made fun looking "comfort shoes" but they aren't exactly cute. Last week, Angela at Happy Fit Mama mentioned how much she loved these Rockport Total Motion Hidden Wedge Ballet Flats. She had me at flats. Flats? But these are not just any old flats! There's an adiprene™ by Adidas insole and a slight heel lift. Could I wear these? Would my PF flare? I bit the bullet and splurged, and my feet are happy. I wore them to work this week and got a ton of compliments. I bought the ones with the tie but there are several different models--I may have to buy another pair. I'm really excited about the potential of wearing cute shoes again!

Physiclo compression tights with resistance 
Fashion model, I am not. But these are pretty sweet tights.

A few weeks ago, Frank from Physiclo reached out to me and asked if I wanted to trial their revolutionary compression pants. I was intrigued. I received a pair of capris and tested them out on my runs this week. These are unlike any compression gear I've ever worn. The fabric is comfortable and stretchy. The pants are lined with compression bands targeted to specific muscle groups. The company's own research claims that the pants increase muscle activity in the hamstrings and quadriceps by 23% and increase caloric burn by 14%. You know I'm a skeptic by nature but I did like these pants, and I had some super speedy runs this week, so who knows? All I know is that my legs felt amazing during and after both trial runs. The tights were easy to put on, compared to the wrestling match I've had with other compression tights. You just have to make sure all the panels are in place before you head out, which is a matter of adjusting the pants. Very simple. I'm looking forward to trying them out at CrossFit when I get back to the box next week.

Tailwind Nutrition
Big Sur Marathon. Fueled by Tailwind. Nothing else.
My love for Tailwind Nutrition endurance fuel should be nothing new to long-time readers of the blog. I started training with Tailwind a few years ago before my second Chicago Marathon. I have a lot of tummy troubles on my long distance runs and the last thing I want to do is become an internet meme because my GI tract decided to rebel in the middle of a race. Portapotty stops cramp my style. Who wants to stop in the middle of a race? I've had great results since I started fueling with Tailwind for all my long distance races. Prior to switching to Tailwind, I reached out to the company to find out more, and they could not have been more helpful. This year I was selected as a Tailwind Trailblazer and want to spread the love. My Big Sur Marathon partner in crime, Kristina, also fuels with Tailwind and is also a Trailblazer. My son also uses Tailwind to fuel for his rugby games. This is good stuff, and neither my son nor I have any desire to try something else. My husband calls Tailwind our "go go juice".

Fueled by Tailwind and on his way to a try.
Still not convinced? Try it for yourself!

Happy Spring!

What is new in your world? What are you loving lately? Do you do compression tights? How about running for fun?

Friday, April 8, 2016

5 Thoughts About Pool Running

As a runner, there will most likely be some point in time when you need to take a break from the it due to fatigue, illness, injury, or just because you want to. If you want to maintain fitness, there are a lot of options. While dealing with plantar fasciitis and training for the Big Sur Marathon, I was really nervous about not running. My sports medicine doctor, as well as several of my running friends, suggested pool running. I decided to jump in and found it to be a worthy substitute for pounding the pavement.

Have you considered pool running as an alternative workout? I'm no expert on pool running, but I've got some thoughts to share with you.

5 Thoughts About Pool Running

Pool running is simple, but it is hard. I don't want to scare anyone off here. Let me just say that it is not as difficult as actual swimming. You don't even need to know how to swim to pool run. For pool running, I wear a floatation belt, but I have read that some people pool run freestyle. That would be really hard. My goal is to keep moving forward, and by wearing the belt, I don't have to worry as much about my form. You want to stay upright, just like you do when you run.

When I pool run, I just get in the pool and literally "jog" forward. With the water resistance, you don't move very fast. That can be deceiving. I try to take short strides and get my legs moving as if I were running. I make sure to lift my knees. My hands are cupped and I move my arms back and forth in the water. I don't stop the entire time. Make sure you are working and getting your heart rate up. Sometimes I'm puffing. My face actually sweats a little bit. When I finish my workout, I'm tired, as if I went for a long run. And I want to eat all the food.

Plan on your pool runs to be the same length of time you would be running on the road.

Pool running is boring.  Like treadmill running, you're not going anywhere for a while. At the suggestion of my pool running friends, I purchased a waterproof iPod shuffle and it was the best money I've spent. Actually, the only money I've spent, except for having to buy a new iPhone after I drowned my previous model when I trusted a waterproof phone case. Trust me on this. Get the shuffle. I listen to my running playlist, which I associate with some pretty great road runs. Those songs really motivate me. Today I had the thought that this would be a good time to try podcasts as well.

Notice the waterproof iPod shuffle clipped to my strap. The earbuds are waterproof as well. Winning!
The benefit to pushing yourself through a boring workout is that it mentally prepares you for those tough miles on a long distance run or race. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Even thought pool running is boring, I had the thought that even more boring would be the lifeguard job. Sometimes I'm alone in the diving well, and I get my very own babysitter lifeguard. They're all young adults who won't take their eyes off me but won't make eye contact with me. It's a little unnerving. Maybe I remind them of their mom. But seriously, how boring to watch me jog in the water. Most of them keep pacing around the pool. I'm sure they'd fall asleep in the chair otherwise.

There's chlorine. When I go home after my pool running sessions, I immediately shower and wash my hair, but I still smell chlorine for hours after. Normally I like the smell of bleach. Being somewhat of a germaphobe, that chlorine smell just feels reassuring. But after pool running this smell stays with me for a long time. I think it permeates my nostrils. When I'm done at the pool, I kind of get a headache and feel a little queasy too. Is it the workout? Or the chlorine? Should I be fueling during my pool runs?

Then there's my skin, which now resembles tissue paper. I liberally lube up my skin with shea butter after a swim but my skin just soaks it up like a sponge. My iPhone doesn't even recognize my wrinkly thumbprint when I try to unlock my phone!

In the morning, there are a lot of elderly swimmers. It's kind of like a geriatric happy hour. I'm usually the youngest person there. While I'm jogging around the dive well, I have to share the pool with the pool noodlers, the elderly women who drift back and forth on their foam noodles. They gossip and talk about all their maladies. I've heard them talking about knee replacements, whose funeral they went to lately, their grandkids...and I think to myself: is that my future? Horrors! But I don't want to be a pool noodler! On the other hand, at least they're moving, right?

5 Thoughts About Pool Running

I'm lucky I get to go pool running. At any given time, there are plenty of injured runners, and I've learned that a lot of folks don't have access to a pool. The park district in my town has one indoor pool, and I feel really fortunate that I get to use the diving well. There are only 2 mornings per week that the diving well is free, and that's when I go. The lap pool is open every morning. I've never done pool running in the lap lanes. I'm not sure how well that would work because it's much shallower in the lap pool and most likely my feet would touch the bottom of the pool. Plus the lap swimmers probably wouldn't be happy with me sharing the lane.

I've been pool running for about 3 weeks and my PF has calmed down nicely. I don't know if it's time off my feet or if the motion in the water is helpful, but whatever it is I am grateful. Most likely I'll be continuing with the pool running for a while after Big Sur. It's not a bad backup plan at all.

5 Thoughts About Pool Running

Here are some links to articles on pool running, if you want to learn more.
Aqua Jogging For Runners
Head For the Pool
Pool Running: Why You're Doing it Wrong and How to Pool Run To Get Faster
A Nine Week Water Running Plan to Stay in Shape While Injured

Have you ever tried pool running? Any suggestions for funny running podcasts I could listen to? Any great body lotion to combat chlorine-induced dry skin?

I'm linking up with the DC Trifecta for Friday Five. Today's theme is fitness. I'll be fittin' this post right in with the theme... Anyways, Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia host this fun gathering! Check it out!

this post contains affiliate links.

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Runner's Guide to the Rules of the Road

It's spring and everyone is heading outside to run and bike. It's the best time of year to be an endurance athlete. It's also the best time of year to get run down by a distracted driver. It's up to the runner to be aware of the hazards on the road. Plus now that I've completed my online driving school aka punishment for talking on my phone while driving, I'm pretty much an expert on this subject.

The Runner's Guide to The Rules of the Road

Last week on my epic 45 mile bike ride, I was huffing and puffing my way towards home. An unhelmeted guy on a bike was coming towards me, gesturing wildly. "Move over!" he screeched, waving me to the opposite side of the street. "You're going the wrong way!" he said. Ok, buddy. Have another cocktail. I was riding WITH traffic because bicycles must follow the car rules of the road. As if I'd take advice from an idiot riding helmetless into traffic.

Then I read this story about a runner who was pulled over by the police for running in the road with traffic. In many states, runners can use both the road and the sidewalk, but in Michigan where this story took place, there's a law against running in the road when there is a sidewalk present. If there is no sidewalk, then pedestrians have to run facing traffic. This is the law where I live as well. Since I mostly run in the road, it appears that I am a law breaking runner, although I do run facing oncoming traffic. I run past the police all the time and I've never gotten pulled over. I'm sure it's because they are on their way to ticket motorists who are talking on their cell phones.

Ok, I get the whole running on the sidewalk thing, except that where I live, the sidewalks are in questionable condition, pocked with holes and uneven surfaces. We all know that I'm accident prone. I freely admit to tripping over the curb in front of Target and face planting into the bike rack. This stunt, which bought me 5 stitches in my face and a ride to the ER in an ambulance happened a few years back when I was dashing across the parking lot to get into the store. Why I was running, I don't know. Maybe it was the day after Halloween and all the chocolate was 50% off. But it just proves my point that sidewalks are dangerous for runners.

The Runner's Guide to the Rules of the Road
And yet another reason to avoid the sidewalks...
Not only are the conditions of most sidewalks questionable, sometimes they are impassable. Most of the houses where I live were mostly built in the 1960s, in the days before people drove giant SUVs. When I'm running through my neighborhood, I often reflect on how some people's cars seem bigger than their houses. And many of the homes have one car garages, which is hard to fathom in today's world where everyone in the family seems to have a car. So there are a lot of cars parked in the driveways, across the sidewalks, bumper to bumper, which means I have nowhere to run but in the street.

If you do run in the road, always run against traffic. The cars might not see you, but at least you can see them coming. Cars don't always like that I run in the road, which is why I try to wear high visibility clothing. But I guess if a driver is looking down at their phone or putting on makeup, then it doesn't matter what I'm wearing--they can't see me. It's a risk I take every time I go out for a run or even a bike ride for that matter. And even when the drivers can see me, there have been attempts to run me off the road. While I hate to profile the drivers who tend to do that, it seems like most are elderly gentlemen driving very large sedans. Usually with a little white haired lady in the front street.

The Runner's Guide to the Rules of the Road

Everyone advises against wearing headphones while you are running. It's just common sense. Not only does listening to music make it tougher for you to hear what's going on around you (like an approaching car), it also makes you less aware. We all know I love to run with my music. Sometimes I get so into the zone--my music perfectly matches my pace--that I kind of forget where I am. If you are running in the road, that's just a recipe for disaster.

I don't know if it's a law everywhere, but where I live, cars must stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Even though it's the law, I can't even count the number of times I've almost been run down in the crosswalks by cars who blow the stop signs. It happens to me at least once a week. Sometimes I see the police sitting in the road to monitor them, but they don't do it during the morning rush. I recently had a really close call crossing the street to the hospital where I work. I was in the crosswalk when a car came flying down the street, honked at me, swerved around me, and gave me multiple views of his business finger.

No matter what, if you have a close call with a car, let it go and move on. As angry as you might be, don't give the car a punch or the driver the finger. Remember that you aren't supposed to be running in the road. Plus you don't want to be that a**hole runner and make things bad for all us runners. That runner in the story above? She ended up getting into a tussle with the police officer and spit on him. Do you think he's going to give a free pass to the next runner he catches in the road? I always wave a greeting to cars who stop to let me cross, even if I have the right of way. And yes, I always wave to the police when they drive by.

The Runner's Guide to the Rules of the Road
But he hasn't run a marathon.
Don't be Chuck Norris.
Bottom line: if you run in the road, all your spidey senses have to be engaged. Remember that story I shared a few years ago about the cyclist getting hit by the newspaper delivery man in my neighborhood? That driver was a menace. I had a lot of experience avoiding him--sometimes having to run up onto the parkway to avoid getting hit. He would drive all over the road to deliver his papers. He also drove like he was in a time trial to get his papers delivered as quickly as possible. Cyclists are more likely to be hit by cars, but we've all read stories about runners vs cars.

Be careful out there!

Did I miss anything? Sidewalk or road? With traffic or against? What do you do when you encounter an inconsiderate motorist?

I don't even know if I have 5 things here but I'm linking up with the DCTrifecta for the Friday Five! Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia host the best link up! So many great blogs to read. Check it out!

Friday, March 11, 2016

5 fun things.. Yoga and Running and Streaking, oh my!

This one's coming to you from sunny Florida. With all the focus on Big Sur, I haven't talked much about it, but yes, I am running a half marathon this weekend! Pretty sure this one will not be a PR, but I'm hoping to respect myself at the finish line. Since I'm not taking the race too seriously, I'm not taking this week's Friday Five too seriously either. Can you say vacation mode?

You know someone who's streaking, right? I mean run streaking. I mean running every day. I see these posts on Facebook, and I think, wow! I'm lucky if my feet will let me run 4 days per week. But every day? I'm such a wimp. I went to the USRSA Active Run Streak list to find the runner who has been streaking the longest. His name is Jim Sutherland, and he has been running every day since May 26, 1969. As of this post, that is 17, 090 days. IN A ROW. I perused the list to find the longest streaking woman, and her name is Lois Bastien. She's 79 and has been running 13, 110 days, since 1980.

Where were you in 1969? Were you running? I was...on the playground at school. Does that count?

And speaking of streaking... Did you know that last week, March 5 was World Naked Bike Day? At least in the southern hemisphere, it was. Don't worry, those of us in the northern hemisphere will get our chance on June 11. In the interest of research, I found out that the Chicago ride is the 5th annual Naked Bike Ride. Don't have a bike? You can skate. Don't want to be completely naked? You can body paint. There's a list of rules on the web page, and the location is not disclosed until a few days before the event. That's to keep the creepers away.

from the 2014 ride
I can't believe I've never heard of this event! You'd think it would be all over the news. After all, the purpose of the ride is to "deliver a cleaner, safer, body positive world". I'm not exactly sure how riding naked delivers this message. But you didn't think people just rode naked, for fun, did you? The seat on my bike is pretty uncomfortable. Sans pants? I don't even want to think about it.

Their motto is "less gas, more ass". Pretty sure they mean gas of the petroleum type, right?


The next time you stop to take a runfie or strike a yoga pose think about this: more people die from taking selfies than from getting attacked by sharks. According to this article on Mashable, people are taking higher risks to get their selfies, in order to capture a memorable photo.

I haven't done anything risky for a selfie, but I have my share of fails:

Trying valiantly to get that leg up into side plank!
Headstand fail
No fail but balancing on a wall in high lunge?  Ok, some risk here...

These T-rex Tuesday videos have been making my week. After seeing this ice skating video, I was hooked. This week they were roller derbying. Oh my! So much silliness, cuteness, and fun all wrapped up in one little clip. You can follow them on Facebook to see what T-rex is up to each week!


And finally, if you haven't made up your mind about which candidate measures up, and you're not impressed with the Donald's claims about the little Donald, maybe you want to pick a candidate who claims to have been a runner. Runner's World analyzed the candidates for us. Of course, some of the ones they listed have dropped out of the race. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was a track and field runner in his youth, laying claim to a 4:37 mile. Bernie is promoting a healthy lifestyle as part of his campaign. According to this article, Bernie chops wood for exercise. On the red team, Marco Rubio claims an athletic past, running a 4.65 40 yard dash as a collegiate. Rubio was a college football player, and still works out regularly. While all the other candidates claim some form of exercise, none of them are runners. 

Of course, last summer, Donald Trump told a little boy he was Batman. So there's that.

In case you needed something else to help make your decision, Ted Cruz is offering yoga mats. With his name. Inspired by his advice at one of the debates to Trump to "just breathe". 'Merican made. Namaste off this one. 

It's the silly season...

What's tickling your funny bone these days? 

I'm linking this one up with the DC Trifecta for their Friday Five link up! Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia host this awesome linkup! Check it out!

Friday, March 4, 2016

5 Fun Facts about Running that You May Not Have Known #YakTrax

Race preparation is in full swing, and I'm always looking for an edge in my performance. Of course, who isn't? It's always fun and interesting to see what everyone thinks will make them perform better on the road. Being a science geek, I'm all about the research behind the information, and I've had a little bit of fun reviewing the latest data. I thought I'd share some of my findings with you!

5 Fun Facts About Running that You May not Have Known

So did you know....

Strength Training can make you faster:

Of course, you knew this. My n=1 (me-so unscientific) could tell you this is true. But while anecdotes make for great stories, I like to rely on research when making training decisions. This review of multiple studies of strength training and running found overwhelmingly that strength training makes runners faster. In all the studies, the runners trained for 8-12 weeks, 2-3 days on average. The weight regimens varied but were mostly low volume, low repetitions. This comes as no surprise to me. But now we have proof that it's a thing.

5 Fun Facts about Running that you May Not Have Known

What are the best running shoes? Minimalist or maximalist? Motion control?

How about the shoes that feel the best? Seriously? A large retrospective study found that the best shoes for runners were not always the ones you would think. Pronators didn't need motion control shoes. Trying to "fix" a runner's gait with shoes often led to injuries. The researchers suggested that runners try on several different pairs of shoes, run in them in the store, and buy the ones that were the most comfortable. Do what feels good.

As far as type of shoes--minimalist vs maximalist, there is no definitive data to date. But I found this amazing review from Harvard University which analyzes all things foot strike.  Barefoot runners land on their forefoot, while "shod" runners (wearing shoes) mostly heel strike. And the answer to that ever present question: is heel striking bad? No! Good news for this heel striker. If you desire more information on this topic, chase the link. And the Gait Guys-yep, they have a blog--analyze the potential impact of Hoka, the most maximal shoes around. What do they say? It's all theoretical, but they are concerned that the Hokas make a runner land harder. Just because they can. Stay tuned.

Me, I'll just stick to my super cushy but not over the top Asics Gel Nimbus. Since I'm a born heel striker, they cushion my landing. They've brought me lots of good miles over the years. If it feels good, do it, right?

5 Fun Facts About Running That You May Not Have Known

Oh and by the way, in case you were wondering...what are the most popular shoes? Nike, followed by Brooks, Adidas, and Asics. Just do it.

The best fuel for the long run? It's still out for debate.

I was thrilled this week to find out that I was chosen to represent my favorite long distance fuel, Tailwind Nutrition. This fuel has been used with great success by ultramarathoners, and I figured if it was good enough for them, it was good enough for me. Tailwind has been a recipe for success, at least for this runner. I have a ton of tummy issues and have struggled with fueling over the years. Tailwind is a liquid fuel, and it is the first fuel I've used that hasn't sent me running to the portapotty. The company motto is, after all, "no gut bombs".

The use of carbohydrates to fuel during an endurance event and their effectiveness has been well studied. So what's new in the world of endurance fuel?

Everyone's looking for an edge. Right now, they're looking at protein.

There's been plenty of evidence to support the use of protein for recovery. This large systematic review found overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that protein following an endurance workout benefits muscle anabolism, which may lead to improved recovery of muscle function and performance. But what about during an endurance event? Should we take protein along with our carbs? The results have been mixed, and since protein has to be digested, it's probably best for those of us with tummy issues to stick to our simple carbohydrates.

Remember, there is no magic fuel, no matter what you hear. There are a ton of options out there, and every manufacturer wants you to believe that their fuel will make you run faster, farther, and even avoid the wall. Find the fuel that works best for you. Make sure you road test your fuel choices on your long runs. Don't be "that" runner...

5 Fun Facts About Running That You May Not Have Known

Heat Training is a simple as taking a hot bath after a run.

Last year, as I was preparing for the Sarasota Half Marathon, I started doing "heat training". I knew from past experience that running a race in Florida in March was going to be a huge challenge coming from the polar vortex I had been running in all winter. So to simulate running in warm conditions, I ran on my treadmill wearing heavy sweats and a hat. No fan. Let me tell you how much it sucked. But as the weeks went on, I developed tolerance to those runs and got faster. I never was able to try out my training, as I had to defer that race to this year. But I did run a local half that ended up being a PR for me.

Turns out I was onto something.

Besides running in heavy clothing on the treadmill, what else is there for a runner to do to prep for a warm climate race? If only I had a sauna...but I don't. I do have a bathtub! And as it turns out, researchers have been looking at hot baths as a way to acclimate to the heat. This 6 day study looked at runners who took a 40 minute hot bath after a 40 minute run in temperate conditions. The runners ran 5% faster in hot conditions, but no faster in temperate conditions. Still, it would be worth a try! Who doesn't like a hot bath? I wonder if my husband would install a hot tub on our deck? For heat acclimation purposes..

This year I haven't been doing heat training to prepare for that Florida race (which is in about a week). I'm training for my full marathon and haven't been doing treadmill runs. Shame on me. But my focus has really been on my marathon. This Florida half is just a training run. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Pretty sure I'm going to be humbled by that Florida heat and humidity. Been there, done that.

Oh, and by the way, heat isn't the only devil. In my research for this post, I also learned that ice baths may interfere with training gains. Researchers examined strength and inflammatory markers in subjects who took ice baths after a strength workout. Interestingly, subjects did worse on performance after the ice bath; inflammatory markers (which are an indication of tissue damage and are elevated after a workout) were still elevated after the ice baths. The perfect excuse for me not to submerge myself in ice.

Running in the cold

The ideal temp for running is 52F. Right now, that sounds downright balmy to me. While we've not spent much time in the polar vortex this winter, it has been seasonally chilly. Why does running in the bitter cold feel as hard as running in 90F? Maybe I tend not to fuel properly in cold weather runs. The cold temps give the illusion that my effort isn't as hard--I'm not sweating as much. According to this article on Runners Academy, once the outside temperature drops below 32F, you start to see an impact on your pace. This is due to a variety of factors, and bottom line, runners need to pay as much attention to fueling and hydration as they do in the heat. Dressing warmly is a good idea too!

5 Fun Facts About Running That You May Not Have Known

While we are on the subject of cold weather running, I want to talk about running safely when the conditions are less than ideal. You all know I run outdoors no matter what the conditions. So when YakTrax contacted me to review their latest model, I was all over it. I've run with YakTrax for many years with great success. I couldn't wait to test the new model. But there was one issue. We've had little to no snow this winter. The last time I ran in my old pair of YakTrax was November, when we got that foot of snow. I was a little nervous about agreeing to trial these because I didn't know if the weather would cooperate!

Anyways, even though the groundhog said winter was over, we all know that Mother Nature is a fickle beast. She's teased us with some really warm days, but we've also gotten a bit of snow this past week. I was glad simply because I wanted to put my new Yak Trax to the test. These were an upgrade from my previous pairs (I've owned 2 pairs prior to this). Like the YakTrax I've used in the past, they slip over my shoes, and stay put with a velcro strap across my forefoot. This model has a strap that attaches to the toe piece, and that gave them a little extra security. I ran in about an inch or 2 of crusty snow and felt very confident that I wouldn't slip. My pace was a little slower than it would have been without the YakTrax, but that is to be expected since the YakTrax do make your shoes a little stiffer.

Running on snow with the YakTrax is much easier on your legs than running on the pavement. Obviously, they aren't intended for use on dry pavement but when I'm running in the neighborhood, it can't be avoided completely. In the past when I've run with my YakTrax, I've found that I'm more sore than when I run in just my shoes. The other comment I have is that the old YakTrax did not completely prevent you from slipping on ice. The old model just had coils and when I ran in those, I did have some wipe outs on black ice. This model has spikes on them, which is new. Hopefully, the spikes will give the runner a little more traction in icy conditions. I didn't have any slippage on my test run.

I highly recommend YakTrax if you like to run or walk outside and have to contend with snow. I love this product. But I hope this is the last time this season that I have to use them!

5 Fun Facts About Running That you May Not Have Known

YakTrax sent me a pair in exchange for my unbiased review.

What new things have you recently learned that has benefited your running? What's your favorite fuel? Is your pace affected by temperature extremes? Shoes--minimal, maximal, or moderate?

I'm linking up with the Friday Five aka the DC Trifecta: Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia

Friday, February 26, 2016

Runfessions for February's my favorite time of the month. Yep, it's time for Runfessions! I love being able to clear my soul, my conscience and get ready to start the next month with a clean slate. I'm feeling a little bit snarky this month, so you'll have to hang on tight for this one. Chalk it up to winter...

I didn't share this on the blog, but I signed up for the New York City Marathon (NYCM) lottery. Actually, I didn't even tell my husband. Since he just booked our tickets to California, I didn't think it would be a good idea to mention another trip, especially one for a race. I also was a little reluctant because this year it cost $11 to sign up for the lottery. I also had second thoughts about doing another marathon this year. So many doubts, and I just ignored that little voice inside me that told me to stop. After I submitted my payment, I started to sweat a little bit. This week I received an email that my credit card information didn't go through and I needed to reenter it. Do you believe in signs? I runfess that I felt a sense of relief when I got that email. The chances of me getting into NYCM were pretty slim, sure, but still, what if? I mean, I'd go if I got in, but still... Let's give these poor feet a break. Maybe I'll stick to my original plan of some more halfs this year. There's always next year, right?

You all know that this winter I've been loving riding my bike on the trainer using YouTube cycling videos, But I runfess that I don't like the accompanying music. Most of the videos use EDM. I just don't like it. My son and I tried to stream my playlist from Spotify, but with Apple TV, you can't stream Spotify and YouTube at the same time. So I'm stuck with whatever the videographer is serving up. One of the videos has EDM remakes of pop songs, like Avicii's Wake Me Up and Rihanna's Shut Up and Drive. There was also an EDM rendition of What Does the Fox Say, and I swear that if my bike wasn't locked into the trainer, I would have ridden out of the room to get away from that song. I kept telling myself, just keep pedalling, just keep pedalling. It's only 3 minutes right? Three minutes of torture is what it was! That wasn't a good song in the original format, and the EDM version was just that much worse. Ring-ding-ding-dingeringading.

I runfess that sometimes my runs aren't about miles and splits. Sometimes I like to just run. Most people call them junk miles, but my friend Susie just wrote a really nice post on "easy miles". Thank you for that! What is it about those "easy junk" miles that makes them so pleasurable? Besides losing myself in the music? Besides all the junk I see along the side of the road?  See what I did there? Most of the time I see empty liquor bottles and used condoms. I pretty much know the story behind those objects. But sometimes I see stuff that makes me go hmmmm. Like this wooden thing--is it artwork? An art project? Not quite sure. And who would throw it out? I mean, someone spent a lot of time crafting this thing, whatever it is. When I ran by on Sunday, I kicked myself for not stopping to take a picture. I drove by on Monday and it was still there. Even the scrappers didn't want it. Hard to believe.
Runfessions roadside find
It's geometric, symmetric and diametric. 
I runfess that I'm still feeling a little bitter disappointed about being passed over for the RockNBlogger selection. While I'm happy for all the winners, well deserved all, I don't understand the selection process. Of course, they did pick Suzy Favor Hamilton to represent them while she was working as an escort in Vegas. Sigh. With that comment, I've probably killed any chance of ever being picked. I really wanted to do a few RnR races as part of my "year of destination races". I mean come on! And there's no chance of me turning tricks on the side. Trust me on that one. On the bright side, I'm not locked into any of their races, and I can run whatever I choose. That's a win. And I won't have to do the Chicago race in the steambath that is July in Chicago. Another win! Maybe Marcia and I can do a Thelma and Louise thing--RnR St Louis, anyone?

Road trip! Looks like we've got an outlaw in the backseat...
I runfess that my luck with the police has finally come to an end. On Saturday, I was driving to work. I was also on the phone with the office, discussing a patient. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw the cherries flashing. Crap! Unfortunately, this officer couldn't care less that I was a nurse practitioner on my way to care for sick children or that I was talking with the office about sick children. He only cared about giving me a ticket. And yes, while I was breaking the law by talking on the phone, come on man! Cut a fellow service professional some slack, will ya? And go fight some real crime. Of course, I was right across the street from Dunkin Donuts when he got me. Just sayin'. I was so angry I cried when I drove away. I may even have uttered the mother of all swears. A few times. In my car, where no one could hear me. Humbled, I signed up for traffic school today.

Anything you want to Runfess? Any ideas what the wooden thing is? EDM--love it or hate it? 

I'm linking up with the Runfessions hostess, Marcia, at Marcia's Healthy Slice. Go over to her page and spill the beans!

I'm also linking up with the DC Trifecta: Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia for their Friday Five. It just happens to be a Free Friday, so hey, here we go!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Food for the Runner's Sole

February is a tough month for most of us. Let's face it, unless you live in California or Florida, by February, we've all had enough of winter. Of course, if you are running the LA Marathon this weekend, you might not be happy about the predicted 90 degree temps. So there's that. But for most of us, getting out for a run this time of year is challenging. I'm ready to ditch the layers. Sadly, here in the Midwest, we're hitting the coldest temperatures of the winter this week. How fair is that?

No one ever said life is fair. Mother Nature doesn't always play nice, does she?

I needed a little pick me up this week, and for today's post, I decided to focus on the things that are making me happy. A little sole food, if you will... (see what I did there...)

Food for the Runner's Sole

One thing I've noticed this week is that the days are noticeably longer. I woke up at 6 this morning and the sky was already light. That makes me happy. And what really makes me happy is a sunny day. We've had a lot of sunny days this winter, and that makes me happy, even though it is bitterly cold outside. Somehow, with the sun shining, it doesn't feel quite so cold. In fact, I was brave crazy enough to quickly do a yoga pose on my way home from class. Because, the sun.

king dancer pose
It was 16 degrees. But the sun is shining!
Shopping for running clothes always makes me happy, and especially when they are on sale. Two of my favorite stores, Athleta and Title Nine have had sales lately. Yesterday morning I woke up to an email from Title Nine that everything in the sale section is an additional 30% off. And this morning, Athleta posts a 20% code (EXTRA20) for all their sale items. No running clothes for me, but a skirt I had been eyeballing for quite some time was at a decent price point. Nothing says lovin' like clicking on the "buy now" button.

Friends are awesome. Running friends are better. But running blogging friends are the best. I had lunch with Marcia today, and somehow we managed to kill two hours talking about what? I couldn't even tell you. Marcia thinks we should do a podcast. Can you even imagine? I love this lady, and what's great is she gets me. Still laughing...Did I tell you all we met through her blog? Isn't that just the best?
Running friends are the best friends. Running friends who blog are even better.
Matching thermoballs. #solesisters
I love to read. You all know I host a monthly book club on the blog (or maybe you didn't but you know now), and nothing makes me happier than reading books about running. Interestingly, the next two books I've chosen aren't about running! But both of them are very inspiring. Next Friday is the monthly link up--I hope you've read the book of the month, It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell. If you haven't, it isn't too late! This is a book about a young woman's struggle with her weight and body image. I'm working on my review, and I found it to be a very good read. Next month is Diana Nyad's autobiography, which I can't wait to read. Meanwhile, I'm reading The Lake House, and the main character runs! Gotta love that.

Taking the Long Way Home book club

I do love winter comfort food. But after gorging on Super Bowl food, this week I was dying for something a little on the light side. Whole Foods had Atlantic cod on sale, and I found a fabulous recipe for Panko Crusted Cod with lemon dill sauce. And since it was broiled, it was healthy. Don't you think anything with panko is good? I love the crunch. I didn't take pictures, and I'm sorry about that. But it was sole food. And my runner's soul was happy.

Oh, I guess I have 6 things to be happy about! I was selected to be a Venus de Miles Ambassador this year! Do you know about this amazing organization? There's a bike ride--25 miles or 62 miles--or a 5k run/walk. The ride--it's not a race--is to support the Greenhouse Scholars. I did this event last year and it was an amazing experience. You can read all about it here.  I'll be sharing more about this wonderful event in weeks to come. I'm honored to support this organization. Today through February 15 take $14 off the registration fee using the code LONGWAY. I hope to ride with a lot of you!

What's making your runner's sole happy? What do you do to keep yourself motivated in the winter?

I'm linking up with the DC Trifecta--Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia-- for the Friday Five! This week's theme is food.

I'm also linking up with Angela at Happy Fit Mama for High Five Friday! So much positivity going on!