Monday, February 23, 2015


When everything hits the proverbial fan, it takes every ounce of resolve I have to lace up my running shoes, head out the door and go for a run. I actually consider just going back to bed and pulling the covers up over my head. Have you ever felt like that? It's a slippery slope towards depression, and I don't want to go there. After all, that's one of the reasons I started running 20 plus years ago. And that in and of itself is my biggest motivator to get out the door.

What else do I do to motivate myself to run?

If you don't want to race or if you need more goals, you can stay accountable by signing up for a virtual race or group. In 2015, I signed up with Run This Year. While no longer in operation, the goal of Run This Year was accountability. I always have a loose goal of running 100 miles per month, and I set a goal to run 2015 km in 2015 (which translates to 1251 miles. The organizers,had Instagram contests to keep participants motivated. They also encouraged participants to print out bibs every 100 miles and post a picture to the website. At the end of the year, I met my goal. What a great feeling!

Reading about running can be motivating! Shameless plug: as you may or may not know, I'm hosting a running book club right here on the blog! This is a great chance to read books that you might never have considered picking up! You can read more about the book club here. And if you are one of those people who don't read books--I don't understand you but I know you're out there--you can read magazines about running. There's a ton of websites with articles about running. And I know a few awesome blogs about running. Obviously, you do too....

Connect with other runners via social media. I cannot say enough how much having my virtual running friends helped me train for a successful Chicago Marathon last fall. It takes a village to train a runner, apparently. Just ask Jenny Hadfield! If you are a social runner, find a running group in your community. Be with your people. They get you and if your mojo is flagging, they can help you find it. I get by with a little help from my friends.

Adopt a mantra. I continue to use my "I can and I will" mantra to not only get me through my training but also through my mama drama. It sounds corny, but it really works. Music gets me moving too, and I've written plenty about how listening to motivating lyrics can really push me through a tough run. Some of my friends listen to podcasts.

I feel like the Yeti these days!
While it might seem superficial to some, having cute (or if you're a guy, cool) running clothes really is a great pick me up. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get some fun things to wear. TJMaxx and Marshall's is a great source of inexpensive, name brand gear. Target's C9 brand is high quality and fashion forward. Old Navy is another great source for cute running clothes. There are plenty of other options, but as they say, you don't have to spend a lot to look good. Sometimes just buying a few new items is enough to perk up even the most depressed winter runner. Clearly, though, I've been following this advice a little too closely. But do you want to be that runner wearing inappropriate clothing? I didn't think so.

How do you find your mojo?


  1. Run on, Girlfriend! I totally got our back, and am running (virtually) with you, with each stride :-)

  2. You have no idea how badly I needed to read something like this right now. My training has been moving along, but I feel like a zombie. I need to get refocused and this all helped so much!

    1. Helps me too! That and my virtual running friends! My real life friends think I'm nuts! ;P

  3. The weather, and being stuck inside running alone has really drained me. But my mental health keeps me moving.

  4. You are rocking Run This Year! Did you bookclub already start? Ugh. I'm so behind on reading my favorite blogs.

    1. We're reading the first book now. The link up starts 3/14. So it's not too late!

  5. These are great tips, and you should be proud of yourself for finding those in a moment you are having a hard time yourself. This will be very helpful for others as it comes from the heart. I know I will reflect back to it as I m very up and down right now. Thanks for sharing, I think a supportive network/community makes a HUGE difference, so thank you for being a part of mine :)

    1. Thank you Tina...comments like yours really mean a lot! I always wonder what it takes for an elite to get out the door when you don't feel like it! I love that you blog, it makes you so relatable!

  6. I am running the Sarasota Music Half next Feb. Do it with me!!

    You are one tough cookie to keep up with the running and dealing with all that shit.

    1. I like to think so. And maybe I'll run Sarasota next year. It's back on the bucket list!

  7. Winter is the worse time to find motivation to get out there and run. I cannot. Luckily I have a treadmill to get job done. Great quotes! -L

    1. I have to get outside. I need the fresh air and the natural light. But yes, it's tough to get moving!

  8. Great tips Wendy! I've never looked into Run this Year because I am not quite ready to have such huge mileage goals, but it looks like a great community! I love the quote about there's no such thing as bad weather...I need to use that!

    1. I don't know if I'll make my mileage goal, but it certainly is doable if I stay healthy!

  9. I love this! I am so impressed with all you spring marathoners training through this brutal winter. I'm actually planning on a spring marathon next year, so seeing that winter training is possible is motivating for me.

    1. I'm actually running a half. The only spring marathon I'd train for is Boston...just saying!

    2. I'm looking forward to the day you tell us you BQ'd. It will happen.

  10. Is it only PV 2.0? I swear it feel likes more vortex than that. Is there a PV 2.0 vaccination I can get?

  11. Totally with you on all of this, especially connecting with other runners. I love my blog readers for all of their support and having my blog inspires me to go out and get active, even when I'm feeling lazy. Being accountable to a person or a group of people really helps!

  12. Awesome post Wendy! If I could run more than 5km at a time, my motivation would definitely need a good kick in the pants right now. I"d honestly just be happy to be able to run pain free.

    1. I wish I could send magical healing powers to those legs of yours. Makes me sad!

  13. Being registered for a spring race helps motivate me through the winter. I need to have something to look forward to!

    Cute clothes used to help, but that gets a little too expensive. And I have only so much room for workout apparel. :)

  14. I have done 2 runs and I am headed to my first yoga class in a bit! Super nervous but I have a 5K this weekend and a new shirt to wear so this old lady is jumping back out there! Sending you warm positive vibes from Florida!

  15. What a fun idea for a running book club! And I suspect I'm going to be that inappropriately dressed runner at the Asheville Half next month unless I get really lucky with the weather. I don't own any running clothes that have long sleeves or long pants! It's going to be pretty funny! Hoping things continue to improve with your son. As a mom of a 4 year old and a 15 year old (both boys) I can certainly sympathize with you! Thanks for linking up with us today!

    1. Thanks for hosting! You'll have to let us know how things go at the half! And it's never too late to join the book club. Feel free to jump in any month you're interested!

  16. That slippery slope? I'm there right now. Feeling punk and other issues. I'm taking this week off, desperately needed, body, mind, and soul. I'll be back in the swing in no time.
    You are so right, friends near and far support us when we are flailing in the wind, mantras really work, setting goals on any level keep us accountable, and reading books, blogs posts, and magazine articles give us a shot of confidence and huge motivation.
    It's always uplifting to read your work, Wendy. It is always inspirational, honest, and heartfelt.

    1. Hope you find your mojo soon! Winter sure does a good job of sapping it..

  17. Just keep running!! With a baby at home, this winter has been all about home workouts. I can't freaking wait for a day above 40 degrees when I can bundle her up in the stroller and just get out and RUN. Spring can arrive any freaking time.


  18. Ha, my shows on Netflix motivate me to run at the moment :) I wish I could participate in this book club but I am feeling so overwhelmed with other stuff that I'm not sure I can commit this month. Hopefully sometime soon....I love the idea though!

    1. Anytime you want to jump in....its a virtual book club, so no pressure!

  19. Your posts always inspire me! I usually sign up for races to help keep me motivated during the cold winter months. I totally identify with the tough runs!

  20. Great inspiration post, Wendy! Although in my case, it seems I only use to use winter as an excuse. Running is STILL as difficult to get motivated for and to actually GET OUT THERE even in California's 70 degree winter.
    You and all the commentators here are HARD CORE and my hero's!!! Keep it up!
