Sunday, February 1, 2015

Run this Year! 2015 January summary

How's your training been going since the new year? I have to admit that I have never been really diligent about keeping track of my miles until I got my Garmin last year. Now it's kind of fun to log in and see where I'm at. For 2015, I signed up with Run This Year, to participate in a community of runners and to see if I could achieve a yearly goal of--no, not 2015 miles, but 2015 kilometers. That's 1252 miles, y'all. I think this is something I can do--if I accomplish what I set out to do this year--stay injury free. So where am I at on my 2015 goals so far?

Staying injury free? I'm all about avoiding any time off the road this year. At the end of 2014, I was having big time issues with shin splints and high hamstring pain on the right. I've been working hard with Becky at CrossFit again. I don't know if she didn't hear me when I talked about my pains or if she was ignoring me. She just kept pushing me through my workouts. We finished up a cycle of heavy lifting, which we started at the end of 2014, with 2 PRs! Deadlift PR= 175# and Box Squat PR=155#. Now we are in a cycle of CrossFit intervals and wow! are they intense. But I'm happy to report that the pains I had at the start of the month are gone. Now I have a little achilles pain, but it comes and goes, usually after a run. I'm working diligently on foam rolling, stretching, and hip strengthening at home, as well as yoga 1-2 times per week. 

Deadlift PR!
Run a sub-4 hour marathon/sub-2 half marathon? I'm lumping these together, since I'm not planning on a marathon until fall. I started training for my March half marathon, the Sarasota Half Marathon. Since the race is in Florida, I have absolutely no way to train for the heat I may encounter. Or do I? Remember last year's Florida half that I ran? In the 75F 90% humidity? Where I wilted at mile 4? I have no desire to repeat that experience. So I talked to a seasoned marathoner that I know, and he told me really, the only way to train is to run inside and wear lots of clothes. So that's what I've been doing. I call it a "paced heat run", and it's tough! Every week I add more layers. This past week was the toughest, as I piled on fleece lined tights, a fleece hooded sweatshirt, and a hat. These runs are for one hour and I try my hardest to maintain a steady pace. I did pretty well until mile 4, when I had to slow it down just a little. But I still averaged 9:14 min/mi--I think. My treadmill isn't that accurate. But I'll take it. I've also started doing speedwork, in the form of mile repeats, and that's been going well too. It's hard to pace my miles on this treadmill, since I really don't know how fast I'm going. As long as I end up going faster on the last mile, that's all that counts. 

Yep, this is indoors running at its best!
And about that mama drama? Oh, that oldest son of mine. He tries so hard to get me going. Sometimes he does. I'm trying not to let it happen. Even when he gets a terrible report card. His response? "At least I'm not failing anything..." I've decided to back off and see what happens. Because, as I said in the previous blog post, his bad grades really don't affect me, per se. We all want our kids to do well in school but he's going to have to deal with the consequences, not me. I know I'm not alone here. Why can't they stay little?

This guy is now 17! It was so much easier when I could just strap him in the jogger and go!

Grow the blog? Things have taken off beyond my wildest dreams! I found out this month that I've been chosen to be a #Fitfluential ambassador and a #SweatPink ambassador! I couldn't be more excited and admittedly, more overwhelmed! There's so many opportunities to interact with other bloggers...opportunities for affiliating with advertisers and companies...participation in fitness campaigns...I'm just trying to sort through everything and decide what I want to do. One thing I don't want to do is lose my voice, and so I want to be really careful about what I pick. I started blogging to interact with other runners, and that desire still drives me! And in the when it rains it pours when it snows, make snow angels department, I was also featured on Another Mother Runner this month, sharing a story I about when one of my neighbors decided he wanted to run with me. It was kind of an ugly break up. It's all good, and all I can say is wow! and thanks for following along. I'm excited about what's to come! 

107.19 miles

I'm linking this post with Tara at RunningNReading for her Weekend Update!


  1. Oh, I had to laugh that you called it "Mama Drama", I know you are not laughing but it is so cute!

  2. :) Love your goals! And I hear ya on the Mama Drama although mine is only 3.5. :)

    1. Amy, at this point I'd take those years back in a heartbeat! What do they say? Bigger kids, bigger problems?

  3. Replies
    1. I hope so! That sub-4 marathon? If I do that, I'll be content.

  4. You are so going to hit that sub 2 and sub 4!!! I can't wait to watch you do it. I'm so glad you are foam

    And I know you wont lose your voice. Your blog is amazing and you have grown SO much so quickly. I am so proud of you.

    1. I think sub-2 is attainable this year. But that sub-4? We'll see.

      I couldn't have done all this without your love and support. Truly, your friendship has meant the world to me!

  5. I absolutely LOVE your tank. And that back. WAY TO GO MAMA!

    1. Thank you! I love the tank too...but I don't think any boys are coming to my yard...LOL!!!

  6. I agree with Karen. Sub 2 and 4 are yours this year!

    1. Crazy, isn't it? A year ago I had regrets about my bad marathon and now I'm considering a sub-4? Who am I?

  7. I love the idea of 2015 km this year. I'll have to get going...January was low. But, I'm still planning on marathon training so that will help. I think I will sign up for the Chicago lottery and just leave it to chance. Sometimes you need to roll the dice. Congrats on the blog achievements! You deserve them! Oh, and I have full faith you will sub 2 and sub 4.

    1. I thought the 2015 km was totally doable. As long as I don't get hurt this year!

  8. Thanks for the comment about running in a blizzard. Good to know I'm not alone.

  9. Awesome progress, Wendy! You've definitely worked hard towards those goals in January and I'm sure you'll continue to do well in February, too! Looking forward to reading about what you have lying ahead!

    1. Are you linking up for the 30 day yoga challenge? Love your yoga posts!

  10. Love your goals! My running hasn't been going so well in January but my foot is feeling better so I am hoping for a better February. I will also be trying to add more yoga into my life. I feel much better when I do.

    1. Are you going to join the 30 day yoga challenge? It's a great way to get motivated!

  11. Good for you ! Looking forward to see how things evolve. I have teenagers too, and backing off sometimes works. I decided which battles to pick... and they live those life lessons they need to live...

  12. You have had quite a start to 2015! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. I can't wait to say "I knew her (read: read her blog) when)! You're on a roll!

  13. Great start to the year my friend! Growing my blog is also a goal of mine this year...I had the sub 2 half goal for a couple years but have let it go by the way side after several disheartening half marathons, the worst being my 2:01. Mama drama purely SUCKS. #nuffsaid.

    1. I had a sub 2 a little over a year ago...but last year had my slowest halfs ever. I blame the weather for was hot and humid. Sigh.

  14. I love your check in on your January goals! I think it's a great way to see if you are on track for your yearly goals. Well done!

    1. This is the first time I've ever done this...I usually just wing it. It's kind of nice to stay accountable.

  15. Wendy, I love this picture of you and your barbell; that is AWESOME! I did some deadlifts for the first time in a LOOOOONG time today; I've got to start including some strength work because I'm not getting any younger and injury prevention is key! I want to stay on the roads with you, Wendy! Thanks so much for linking up with the blog again this week; hope you have a great Monday!

    1. The weights have been key to my awesome year last year! I'm hoping to ride the wave!

  16. awww- the Mama Drama makes me smile, I still remember well! I too am doing the run the year :) I will have some miles to make up but that will just keep me motivated!!! Have a great week!

  17. Awesome on all counts. First off you are such a badass with those deadlifts! Hard core mama! Congrats on the expansion of the blog, it is awesome!

  18. Nice goals! I giggled at the Mama Drama title. Love the pink shoes!

    1. You can giggle--I do too, once it settles down. You can't make this stuff up.

  19. Congratulations on growing the blog! And good luck with all that auxiliary stuff--- the foam rollering and yoga and stretching and whatnot that keeps you on the road. I hope the Crossfit itself doesn't lead to any injuries. I used to think that working with a trainer in the gym would be a good way for me to do it and avoid injuries--- was disabused of that idea when I tried it a few years ago. Currently struggling with foot issues that I think are boot issues, those darned unforgiving skating boots! But still on the ice. Hope we both can stay on our respective favorite surfaces :).

    1. My trainer is a corrective exercise specialist so I feel pretty confident with her training me. I hope your foot issues resolve soon!
