I runfess that I have been extraordinarily cranky this month. This election nonsense hasn't helped either. People, in general, have been just plain nasty. I'm not going to whine about it. I've been working hard to stay positive. Trying to keep my negativity off the blog has helped greatly, but what turned it around was my coach, who called me out on it a few weeks ago. I don't remember what I said, but an offhand comment she made about anger gave me a much-needed attitude adjustment. Shortly after that, I came across this article on the harmful effects of running while angry.
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Because if we don't laugh, we lose... |
Do you remember my meeting with Meb a few weeks ago? The one sponsored by UCAN? At the Chicago Marathon? Well, UCAN contacted me to ask me if I tried the samples they gave me and if I was interested in writing a review for them. I runfess that I am so conflicted about this. I am a Tailwind Trailblazer and I just love my Tailwind. Tailwind has fueled me to my last 3 marathons as well as PRs in some halfs. Tailwind has absolutely been the key to my continued success on the road. I'm not conflicted about trying the UCAN--people who use the product swear by it--but I'm not so sure I want to take it any further than that. Tailwind has never let me down. Why do I have such a hard time saying no?
And speaking of Meb, I've been seeing all these pictures of runners posing with him. Meb is a man of the people and he is everywhere! But I runfess that I'm feeling little pangs of jealousy. Meb, I thought we had something special. The way you greeted me at our meet up, taking my hand in both of yours and looking deep into my eyes as you told me what a pleasure it was meeting me. You told me that if I wanted to feature your book in my book club, you'd "hook me up". After that, I thought that I was the only runner for you...
One of my posts this month, You Might Be a Runportunist, was really popular. As a blogger, I just never know what posts will strike a chord with my readers. I spent a lot of mental energy trying to figure out what I was going to write for that one. The night before it was due to be published, I had nothing. I runfess that I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, as I often do, and it must have lit a creative fire in me. I wrote that post in about an hour. I even created all the memes. Hmmm. Maybe I need to compose my posts when I'm liquored up more often....
What are you runfessing this month? Any fellow cranks out there? Has the election gotten on your last nerve? Find any fun bargains? Does wine make you a better writer?
I'm linking up with Marcia at Marcia's Healthy Slice as well as the new Friday Five 2.0 hosted by Lacey and Meranda at Fairytales and Fitness and Rachel at Running on Happy!
I runfess that I am having a beer before dinner every night. Oh wait RUNfess. I runfess that I don't want to get up in the cold and dark and run, and so I am being super lame and running inside.
ReplyDeleteYou'll man up soon, and head outside!
DeleteYour posts always make me smile and chuckle. I should have a glass of wine when I have writers block. I runfess it may help!
ReplyDeleteKind of scary what came out of me for that post! Whew!
DeleteIs gluteal crease a tech term for butt crack? I'll definitely steer clear of those undies but hello Athleta fleece lined tights! Because you know I NEED more tights. Ha! I feel a liquored up podcast coming on...
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine the stuff we'd say? We'd need a censor for sure!
DeleteYep, just being polite over here. Butt crack is just so crude. :p
Well....I had a solid outline of the five runfessions I was gonna share with the world...but they were all negative about OTHERS (rude political posts, annoying self-promoters, injured runners "bragging" about their state of injury, etc....). I left it as a draft for now and wrote, instead, about ME. I'm not a negative person, and I didn't think a people-thrashing would be smart (though it would probably garner a few agreeing head nods LOL).
ReplyDeleteNow we all want to read that post, Kim!
Deleteha! Coco...#staytuned ;-)
DeleteI want to read it! Publish it... inquiring minds want to know!
DeleteIt's so funny what posts end up taking off - for me, it was my Girl on the Train Spoiler Discussion. I had no idea that would end up being so popular (I wrote it well before the book really took off).
ReplyDeleteAnd - I love the Moving Comfort (now owned by Brooks) underwear. I wear the thongs and they truly are seamless and I've never had any chafing despite running in a thong. And, what do you know. I just went to the Brooks website to get the link for you and turns out they aren't anywhere to be found! Must have discontinued them when they bought Moving Comfort. Which will get me started on my rant....MC made my favorite sports bra (really the only one that works for me as I have big boobs, yet still want a racerback) and ever since Brooks bought them, they're cut just slightly differently and now chafe my collarbones. So, two strikes for Brooks killing my 2 favorite things about Moving Comfort. Grr....sorry for that!
I'm getting a new MC/Brooks sports bra from Title Nine--I won it on another blog--and I'm anxious to try it. I'll let you know how it works out.
DeleteI'll be cranky with you about Brooks and Moving Comfort - MC made the only compression running shorts that have fit me the way I really like. Bought Brooks new version this summer and they are too tight for my menopausal waist and too loose in the legs so they ride up. Yes, compression shorts that ride up. UGH. I'm so unhappy and have no idea what I'm going to do.
DeleteOn no!! Underwear chaffing is no fun at all!!! Super ouchies! Meb! Treat my girl Wendy right! No shamesly plugging your books with others! I'm telling you Wendy , men will be men!
ReplyDeleteYep. I'll never learn.
DeleteI always love shopping at Marshalls. It's almost like a treasure hunt, lol. I've purchased some awesome Under Armour and Nike items from there this past year.
ReplyDeleteI love your Runportunist post earlier this month as well!
I've gotten all kinds of good things at Marshalls and TJMaxx. Too many things. That's the problem with those places!
DeleteBeside the undies, you got some great finds at Marshals. I need to go there. Love that pic of you and Meb!
ReplyDeleteIt's all in good fun, right?
DeleteI'm not political so I can tune out the election and be my happy self. I voted early so I don't care anymore.
ReplyDeleteI also don't run in any special underwear. What I wear works for every day use, and running. No problems there.
Lucky lady!
DeleteOk... the underwear is just too funny! Wine does help you write for sure. I runfess that I have myself never been so angry and bitter and sworn as much as I have during this election season of watching these "debates".... I look forward to it being over, as long as it goes in my favor so that I don't get deported;)
ReplyDeleteI'll stand at the gates if that happens!
DeleteI love it when I find a bargain at Marshalls - yikes on those undies though! I'm so done on the elections - just need it to be over and hope that people return to being nicer. I feel like everyone I encounter is on edge!
ReplyDeleteI hear that from a lot of people so I know it's not just me!
DeleteI was also contacted by UCAN. I'm curious...have you tried the drink mixes yet??? I once loved UA apparel. But it's done me wrong on a couple of occasions -- like their rain slicker that didn't repel rain? Nobody needs a seam in the butt crack. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried the UCAN--I'm so happy with Tailwind--why fix it if it isn't broken?
DeleteYay for all of the great finds, minus the undies. Ouch!
ReplyDeleteYou aren't kidding!
DeleteI'm ready for the election to be over, though I'm sort of aligned with the meme that said, "Can we just cancel this whole thing and retain Obama on a month to month basis until we figure it out?" Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI understand your hesitation about the other sports drink. For 15 years, I have been an ardent Nuun person - then they changed their formula. When my back stock is gone I have to find something else and I'm not looking forward to the experimentation or possible stomach issues.
You should try Tailwind! I have a ton of stomach issues and it is the one fuel that doesn't bother me. I'd be happy to send you some to try, if you want! PM me your info if you're interested.
DeleteWine makes me better at everything, just saying ;) I too have bought way too much running clothes lately. I'm slowly weening myself but dang the struggle is real. I love a good bargain too. Have a great weekend Wendy!
ReplyDeleteWine does make me a good dancer! :p
DeleteOh, for sure I write WAY better when I've had a couple glasses of wine. It seriously helps! What do I have to runfess? Ahhh I'm not sure! My sports bras smell like cat pee?
ReplyDeleteSo it isn't just me about the wine? Thank goodness. No cat pee smell over here...
DeleteI am so over the election. Can't wait til its done even though I'm not really looking forward to the results. That stinks about the underwear chafing but it definitely is exciting finding good stuff at Marshalls!
ReplyDeleteYeah, the underwear purchase was def a mistake!
DeleteThe Champion C9 runner undies are seamless...at least, they were a couple years ago when I hit the motherlode of clearance racks at Target and bought a ton of them. Still working my way through that stack, but when I finally wear them all out and have to buy new, I'll be mad if they've incorporated a butt seam!
ReplyDeleteI've had similar posts blow up with popularity, when they were written on the fly - you never know what will strike a nerve, that's for sure!
As for the UCAN, hmmm. I think it's hard to say no because we're conditioned to give things a try, but honestly, if Tailwind is your jam, then stick with Tailwind. It's never let you down.
I have the Champion C9 underwear and I love them!
DeleteI've been rather cranky later too...which isn't good for anyone. Haven't run in a week and can't seem to be back into it :( Seamless underwear failure - that's horrible! I think I need to join in this "runfess" monthly :)
ReplyDeleteOh you should join in! It's a blast!
DeleteI need to try Tailwind. I don't like the new nuun (guess I won't be an ambassador next year, sigh), and I haven't found anything I like as much as the old nuun.
ReplyDeleteAnd I used to write blog posts after a few beers. Even without alcohol, many of my most popular post were written quickly because the words just flowed. I wish that happened all the time...
I'd be happy to send you some Tailwind if you are interested in trying it. I too am done with Nuun.
DeletePM me if you want me to send you some!
Sounds like I should also drink more wine to improve my creativity! I won't be buying any running apparel at Marshall's after reading this post that's for sure! Also, your runportunist post was awesome, maybe a second edition is in order? :)
ReplyDeleteIt's ok to buy running apparel at Marshalls--just steer clear of the undergarments. Just sayin'.
DeleteOh yes, I write better when I'm buzzed! Or at least I think I do. ;)
ReplyDeleteSee that's funny I have found that people "in real life" are just as nice as ever. It's on social media if there is a political post that things can get heated. But here in Central PA everyone is just as nice as before.
You're lucky. People here in the NW 'burbs of Chicago are mean on a good day. It's so much worse now! I got the finger yesterday just for pulling out into traffic. And a long honk.
DeleteNo matter the question a glass of wine is the answer!!!! I love your runfession posts- I'm still giggling over the undies- I have had some similar chafing and you would have thought I looked like I was violated by a bear! Serious business! TGIF!
ReplyDeleteI can't verify if I looked like I was violated by a bear...what a visual!
DeleteSome of my best posts are definitely totally unplanned.
ReplyDeleteOuch on the UA undies!
Feel free to send Ucan my way. I'm always up to try pretty much anything. :)
I got some great coats at Marshalls right before we left on our trip. One is from Columbia -- loving it.The other is a fleece lined rain coat from Guess, and it was just perfect for the Seattle portion. And part of moving my parents. And hopefully next weekend . . .
I need a new raincoat...nothing at Marshalls this time.
DeleteAfter my back to back halfs last weekend I had terrible crack chaffing. ;) ha!! Lol. I was applying some much needed vaseline when my husband entered with a horrible look on his face. When he asked what I was doing I replied... 'do you REALLY want to know???'
ReplyDeleteI was NOT a fan of the ucan snack bars.
DeleteLOLOLOL! My husband doesn't even ask anymore. Oh, the misery!
DeleteStupid seamless undies. That's why I run commando. Secret's out! haha. Sorry to hear about Meb. I still haven't met him if that makes you feel better! And last but not least, writing on wine, always a good idea. Perhaps we should start a Wino's Writing link up and see what kind of posts come out of that! I say that as a joke but I'm kind serious...
ReplyDeleteYou know, that's not a bad idea....hmmmm....let me know if you want to do that...
DeleteI runfess that October has been cruel to me. My longest run has been just over 6 miles and it included multiple walk breaks. Knee pain just won't go away, kind of like this election.
DeleteThat Meb 8s such a ladies man! Wine is definitely responsible for getting my creative juices going....as well as some spontaneous race registrations!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I've been guilty of that too! In fact, that's how I signed up for Grandma's Marathon! The next day I was like WTH and then I just went with it.
DeleteI always forget about the great deals you can find at Marshall's...sorry those undies didn't work, yikes!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how some posts that take forever and so much effort gain no traction and you end up with a hit of a post that didn't take very long. Maybe I need to try it your way once in awhile, lol! That was a great post!
I was on a roll when I wrote that one. Pretty sure the wine lubricated the creative juices!
DeleteA nice glass or two of wine definitely helps my creative juices flow. It also makes me taller, thinner, and prettier!
ReplyDeleteAnd a good dancer too, right?
DeleteHaha, you got it!
DeleteI totally get wanting to say yes to things - how flattering that they asked you to do it! I tend to be fiercely loyal though, so again I understand the conflict. On a separate note, that is the worst when you think you get a great deal and it ends up not working for you (and chafing is the worst version of not working). At least you got a deal and didn't sink a TON of money into it! All of your posts crack me up - you're a great writer!!!
ReplyDeleteAll I wanted was no panty lines...the price we pay for vanity!
DeleteDon't get me started about the election and politic bullc rap. As the US ends, the France presidential election will begin. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI think controversial posts are sometimes the best, when people need to pick a side, or feel they have to defend something they did. You have a fabulous way of getting to the heart of the subject, often things people don't dare bring up. Love it !
Well thank you! It's probably because of my job--I have to discuss difficult topics with parents all the time. Sadly.
DeleteYour runfess about Meb made me laugh!!!
ReplyDeleteUgh, about those panties. Hate it when that happens and at least now you know. And you did score some other awesome deals.
Cannot wait till the election is over. It seems to bring the nastiness in so many people. I too work hard to be positive but sometimes there is that one comment/person that ruins it for me.
Try the UCAN products. And just be honest about it (which I know you will). People rave about it but I've also heard from others that they did not notice anything different.
I should try those products but I hate to lose out on a good run if I have tummy issues...you know how that goes! Tailwind is always a slam dunk for me!
DeleteGRRRRRRRRRR on that "seamless underwear." So disappointing! LOL at your "dream bubble" picture of you and Meb - that is some terrific photowork, my friend!!! And I loved your runportunist post because I could relate to the frustrations of ALL of the offensive types you described. I do think there is a lot to be said about writing posts without second-guessing ourselves, too, which is what wine can help us do! And I CANNOT WAIT for the elections to be over. I've unfollowed folks on Facebook just because I got so annoyed at their political rambles. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteMe too! One of my high school friends was posting so many racist things and pro-Trump posts I had to let him go. I guess you never really know people, do you?
DeleteYep, watching college football as we speak. I'll be cracking open the wine as soon as I post this comment. Then it's onto the Cubs. Thank goodness for sports!