Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Finding Stillness in Motion

"True power is finding stillness within motion. " ~Lao Tzu

The concept of finding stillness within motion is central to yoga. Holding poses can be so meditative. But have you ever thought of running as meditative? I have and I do. After training for many long distance races, I find that I enjoy the training as much as I do crossing the finish line. What is it about running those long solo runs that help me to reconnect with myself, to find my inner peace?

Isn't that why most of us run?

Life is loud. It's full blast, high volume, turned up to 11. A day in the life of me: the rat race personified. Everyone's in a hurry. My commute to work: hurry up and wait. Wait for the light to turn green. Wait for that slowpoke to change lanes. Change lanes, get stuck behind the slowpoke again. Wait for the school bus to pick up the kids. Wait to cross the street to the office while being blown back by semis. Days full of crying kids, upset parents. Lunch on the fly. Meetings. More patients. Back on the road home. Hurry up and wait. The TV is on and the news is never good.

But before all this chaos, to start my day, there is that early morning run. I wake up before the sun and fuel with my coffee. Feet on the heating pad. Check the blogs. Check the weather. 

Then I run.

Just me and my shoes. 

I run.

Whether there's rain or sun, wind or calm, dark or light, heat or cold, I run. 

If there's an early meeting or I had a sleepless night, I run.

No excuses. 

I run.

I run for fitness.

I run for calm.

I run to be alone.

I run because I love to run.

And I run to find peace within. 

"We can never make peace in the outer world until we make peace within ourselves. " ~ Dalai Lama

Why do you run? Do you find running meditative? Do you find peace on the run? Or do you just run for fitness?

Today's Wednesday Word is peace. DebRuns picks the best words! I'm also linking up with Debbie, Rachel, Lora, and Susie for Coaches Corner!


  1. Great post, Wendy! I run very much for fitness, but I also always find peace on my runs whether I run alone or with my friends.

    Thanks, as always, for linking up!

  2. I totally agree with you. There is such a peace in running. I went for a run for the first time in TOO long and all those feelings came back. You always know how to describe is so well!

    1. Oh thank you! I do love this peaceful feeling. It never gets old.

  3. Beautiful!! I think this is one of the reasons I love running so much too!

    1. No matter what we do with our running, it always comes back to this.

  4. I had a beautiful peaceful run just yesterday! A lot of my runs are either with friends or on the treadmill (which isn't peaceful to me) and this was just me, chasing the sunset. It was great and I really needed it after the chaos of Christmas. Here's to more peaceful running in 2017!

  5. I like this Wendy! These are never reasons that I go out for a run but they are definitely things I feel when I am finished with one. I dread the run but afterwards I SO enjoy the peace I've found, the strength I feel, and just being on God's earth!

    1. I hope that eventually you'll look forward to the peace you find and not dread the run!

  6. I totally agree with you. I love the calming effect of my runs.

  7. Running is my empowerment. It is my stillness in the span of my day--my pause button.

  8. I love this post. It is so true that running brings peace to my day. I did get the 'go ahead' to run again after 4 weeks off from a detached retina.The healing process has been scary and I was at first hesitate to run. But with strong encouragement from the surgeon, I went on my first run. It was very comforting to move and to feel exertion in my legs and lungs. I went slow as the depth perception isn't what it used to be, but it felt so good. I feel almost normal again.

    1. Those comeback runs are the best! Even if we are scared to run again, it's like putting on a pair of comfy shoes!

  9. I run for all the reasons you mention, and the peace that I find there is really an important one.

  10. I run for peace and mental clarity. All the fogginess in my head goes away and I get so much done in the hour or two after my run.

    1. I can always count on being more mentally sharp and calm after a run!

  11. That's why I usually don't run with music - I need the peace that a quiet run brings.

  12. I run mostly for fitness and camaraderie - but then, I get enough alone time during the week, so it all balances out.

    1. I wouldn't mind some camaraderie on my runs, but I do value my alone time!

  13. I often ponder WHY I run....certainly not for weight-loss, de-stressing, or "alone" time. I think I just run because it feels good...and it's the first athletic thing I have ever somewhat excelled at ;-) Since starting my blog, I do a lot of brain-storming while running LOL

    1. Sometimes I write a whole blog post while I'm running! I wish I could record my thoughts, tho.

  14. Peace and Quiet are my two favorite words. Another beautiful post, articulating perfectly how many of us feel, no matter our level of running. Even though I don't run long distances, running makes me feel good, healthy, strong. I think I've been down in the dumps lately precisely because I've not been able to run in a while. I've got for short outing, getting back into the groove, the past three days. Peace. Yes.

  15. There are so many great reasons to run, aren't there? Keep finding that peace and inner harmony while out on your runs!

  16. I definitely find running meditative -- often, although not always. Since I'm home alone most of the time, I tend to spend a lot of time in my head. Running actually allows me to turn my thoughts off -- sometimes, so often I'm writing great blog posts on the run that are totally forgotten when I get home. :)

  17. Nicely written! I wish I found running more meditative but I am usually running with friends and chatting. Life is so loud and over whelming at times and running is certainly my escape as well.

  18. Totally agree. Working all day. Running keeps time alone with myself and peace.

  19. Nice post! I run for many reasons. I run for fitness, to relieve stress, to be alone, to feel good, to challenge myself...and the list can go on..

  20. I find everything on the run... peace, adventure, answers, understanding...

  21. I run because it grounds me, especially because I have young kids. On the days I don't run, I find myself particularly testy and it's no good. Running absolutely brings me peace, even on the most chaotic of days and weeks.

    1. When my kids were little, running was my salvation! Now I have different reasons for running but always to find peace.

  22. One of the many reasons I'm glad I don't need music to run. I am perfectly at peace "in my own head" on the run and enjoy the time to focus, to sort out thoughts and feelings, to just be and observe. Life IS so fast sometimes but nothing makes time slow down like running - paying attention to the scenery as it goes by, looking at my watch and thinking "It's only been 10 minutes?!" Lol. It helps me remember the value of my time.

  23. great post! I starting running for fitness but then it is so much more! I too hate to give up my morning run- it is a slice of heaven for just me. It has been a total game changer!

  24. I started running for fitness, but now I run because it both grounds me and frees me.

  25. Love this! I also find that running can be so calming. Especially lately, as Ive been running just to run, with no pressure, Im getting so much more out of it.

  26. Beautiful post, Wendy. I think this is my new favorite of yours, probably because I relate on so many levels.

  27. I am always amazed exactly how in sync yoga and running can be. Whether it's been a while since I've visited the mat or the pavement, it doesn't take long before I start to wonder why I haven't paid a visit in so long. Both the physical and the mental benefits one can reap from each can only truly be understood those who fully engage both their body and mind to each discipline.

    1. Agree 100%. The more you put into an activity, the more you get out of it.

  28. Yes yes yes! You put my thoughts and feelings about running into words, right here! I've often told people that running is my "moving meditation." IT IS!!!

  29. Beautifully stated. I run for a lot of reasons. I used to not be able to let my mind go when running, but through the months and years, I've finally been able to clear my head and really just enjoy. It's a fabulous feeling.

  30. I absolutely adore the quiet and stillness of the predawn hours! This is when I run (or swim or cycle) and it sets the tone for my day. I get time with myself before the rest of the world asks for my time, my energy. That time alone is priceless.

  31. a great quote at the end!

    I, however, have not found running meditative AT ALL! But this is probably because its more of a challenging intense workout for me still. Running does not come easy for me... its hard. I feel like crying through it sometimes, I have to constantly tell myself to keep going, and be a mental cheerleader the whole way to finish my goal. Perhaps if it wasn't as difficult for me I'd be able to contemplate more, but I can't. Maybe sometime after I keep at it. Also I do not find yoga meditative either :P Some of those poses are quite uncomfortable! But I have gotten into actual meditation this year and I love it! :D So I'm happy that you find running meditative, I really everyone should find their own way to meditate and connect with themselves.

    1. I sure hope you find something meditative! Hopefully after time, running will feel easier for you.
