Friday, June 29, 2018

Runfessions: June

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Here we are again, at the Runfessional. It's the last Friday of the month and I'm lining up with all the other runners to share my runfessions and clear my conscience. Come join us! You know you have things to share! Cleansing the sole never felt so good.

Do you remember my self-imposed boycott of Lululemon? In January, Lululemon promised "a treat" to runners who completed an 80k challenge over 2 weeks. After running 80k in the bitter cold, I was rewarded with a 25% coupon on full priced items. Runners cried foul. I swore I'd never step foot in one of their stores again. Apparently, time heals all wounds. I runfess that a few weeks ago, not only did I go into Lululemon with my sister, I bought a really cute sweater. It was on fit perfectly... I am weak.

In spite of my and my nail technician's best efforts, I runfess that I lost a toenail. It was loose but after hanging on for 3 months, I thought it was going to stick around. Unfortunately, I woke up one morning and it was gone. I have no idea where I lost it. I know that a lot of runners look at the loss of a toenail as a proud running moment but I don't feel that way. While searching for solutions to hide my naked nailbed, I found this jumbo package of press on nails for toes. If you click on the link, be sure to read the Q&A about the product. I was thinking that this might be a good purchase for runners, but apparently, they will work for dancing and wrestling as well.

Last week on my run, I stopped to talk to the custodian at the fieldhouse as he was raising the flag for the day. I should know better. He's a super nice guy but he doesn't stop talking and it's hard to get away. I was super sweaty and the bugs were swarming. I runfess that I may have been a little dramatic as I swatted away the bugs but was actually glad to have a legit excuse to end the conversation and keep moving.

During this same run, I had to heed nature's call. I runfess that instead of going back to the fieldhouse to use the indoor bathroom, I made the tough choice to use the portapotty. You know the portapotties only have 1-ply paper. I never gave TP much thought until I had to use this stuff. It's pretty awful. Really, how much money are they saving? You have to use more, right?

Earlier this week, I was having a pretty good run through my neighborhood. I was in the last mile heading home when I saw my former BFF who years ago dropped me like a bad habit...well you know how some women are. When I saw her I didn't stop, I just waved because I like to think I'm the bigger person. As I ran by, I checked my form and channeled my inner Shalane. I ran like that until I turned the corner. I runfess that once I turned the corner, I slowed to a walk. And that was it for the day.

What a month! Do you have any runfessions? Do you have any good "dropped me like..." finishers? Are you a forgiving kind of person or do you hold a grudge? Lost toenails--proud or ashamed? Do you take the long way around to avoid people? Are you picky about toilet paper?

I'm linking up with Marcia, who hosts runfessions at Marcia's Healthy Slice. I'm also linking up with the lovely ladies of the Friday Five, Fairytales and Fitness and Running on Happy!



  1. I've lost plenty of toenails and I don't like it at all, especially because I feel like they don't grow back the same. I usually get black toenails which can be tough to hide. I runfess that sometimes when Im running if I see someone up ahead I may go the other way if I don't feel like seeing anyone.

  2. I definitely take the long way around to avoid people. And run like Shalane if they do see me. Ha! Missing toenails are a badge of honor...except in summer its kind of gross. Ha! I wanna see you rock those press ons!

    1. According to the reviews, I should have no trouble rocking them!

  3. I've managed to hold on to my toenails so far, but my feet are looking pretty beat up - ah the life of a runner! And yes I've definitely been known to duck up a side street to avoid some former "friends" or overly chatty neighbors.

    1. I need to avoid that guy at the fieldhouse if I want to get my run done!

  4. If I lose a toe nail, I simply paint the "bed" where the nail had been. Usually, I'm the only one who knows there's not really a toe nail there LOL (at least that's what I tell myself)

    1. I haven't fixed mine yet. No one is looking at my feet anyways!

  5. Haha! Love the story about seeing your (former) friend. I would have done the same thing! :) And I'm gonna have to remember the swatting bugs strategy. I sometimes see people who expect me to stop and talk when I am on a run. I don't want to be antisocial, but I've kinda got something going on here! :)

    1. That happens to me a lot! I wave and say hi but keep on going. I hope that most of them know me well enough by now!

  6. You crack me up! LOL at your encounter with the person formerly known as your friend. ;-) Ugh on the bugs. I got 5 mosquito bites in 5 minutes last night when I tried to pull a few weeds after walking Scooby.

    1. Oh, I could write a book on that whole thing...seriously, it was like a break up. For me, anyways.

  7. I had a running BFF like that once. I figure there is no way she is having as much fun running without me lol. I mean I don't see any cute pics of her running all around town :) Ooh the toe nails are the worst and they never grow back correctly. It's like a runner tattoo

    1. It's this same toenail too. This is the 3rd time I've lost it.

  8. Oh, Lululemon. They could seriously afford to up their prizes and discounts. >_>

    I am the absolute worst at ending conversations and interrupting people--it's probably why my patient visits always run so much longer! ._.

    1. That happens to me too! My patients love me...once I'm in the room. I try not to run behind, but now that I've been doing this so long, seeing my patients is like seeing old friends!

  9. So far I have all my toenails and I totally want to keep it that way. A little nervous about 18 miles (in summer!).

    I have struggled with being dropped by friends, too, but I'm LOL at your reaction. :)

    1. Why are you running 18 miles? Are you secretly training for a marathon?

  10. I love that you checked your form and made sure you looked good until you were out of sight! Sounds exactly like something I would do! I am the worst about holding grudges, but I am TRYING to become more forgiving (I feel like the more forgiving I become, the less those people who often need forgiveness do things that need to be forgiven--does that make sense? If not, long story short, the more I forgive my *ahem* challenging Mother in Law, the less often she behaves in such a way that I need to forgive....

    1. My husband says I am the most forgiving person he knows. Except it takes me a while...

  11. I like how you handles the situation with your former BFF. I can be petty, so I don't even know if I would have waved and looked over in her direction, lol

  12. This is going to sound gross but when I lose toenails I just paint my skin! I feel like as a healthcare professional, you will probably tell me that's not a good idea!

    1. I've done the same thing, so it would be a do as I say, not as I do thing...

  13. Oh, heck yeah! I put on good/faster running form for other runners, dog walkers, cars...

    I haven't lost a toenail yet, but I have a really good candidate.

  14. I am picky about toilet paper in my own home yes!

  15. I always put on good faster running form any time I see another runner. Then I walk after they pass by.

    Still have all my toe nails. I can't say that they are pretty but I cover them with pretty polish.

  16. I lost one toenail years ago, from being stepped on in a soccer game. It did hold on for months, and then finally let go. It held on for so long, the new nail was halfway in.

  17. I know all about cleansing (thanks, colonoscopy prep) and good toilet paper is essential. I lost both my big toenails years ago - those things take forever to grow back!

  18. I cracked up at your runfessional!

    I've lost a toenail but it grew back pretty quickly, and it was winter, so no one had to be subjected to seeing that horror on my foot.

    1. Mine's growing back but it needs some polish! Maybe I'll get a pedicure this weekend. We're stuck inside anyways...

  19. Well you are a better woman than me. I have not stepped foot in a LuluLemon store since the January bait-and-switch. The only time I lost toenails was after the Avon Breast Walk, long before I started running. It was 39 miles--26 miles on Day 1, and 13 miles on Day 2. I naively work snug shoes trying to prevent blisters. I lost the nails on the first and second toes of both feet! Thank goodness they grew back, and normally at that. They often don't. They did take a looooooonnnnnnngggggggg time to grow back.

    1. They sure do! Oddly enough, I've lost the same toenail 3 times.

  20. I runfess that I forgot it was runfessions again. This is why I need to give up some of my responsibilities. I can't keep my life straight! #facepalm

    1. I go through that and then it gets better. I'm glad that some of my ambassadorships are done. I'm getting back to just being me.

  21. I strongly dislike portapotties and their toilet paper! Also, yeah for the lulu find

  22. I have lost a toenail years ago and it never grew back the same. It is like a double toenail and I can't even clip it gross!

  23. LOL when it comes to portapotties, I'm just glad when there IS TP, I don't care what ply it is, lol!! I've actually never lost a toenail before...I'd be super self-conscious about it if I did.

    That sucks about the former BFF...I've had awkward interactions with former friends this year, I always try to be the bigger person, but it does make me feel "some type of way" lol.

    1. You are right--there is nothing worse that going to the portapotty and there's no TP!

  24. ALWAYS THE LONG WAY AROUND. Or I pretend I'm on my phone. I'm a terrible person.

  25. Haven't lost a toenail yet... really hope it stays that way. I'll admit to taking the stairs just to avoid riding in an elevator with someone...

  26. Each time that I’ve lost one of my big toenails I’ve refused to let it be exposed and bare. If it’s during sandals season, then I’ll admit that my nail girl has been known to glue a fake nail on for me. #priorities
