Sunday, April 5, 2020

More Challenges

There are so many challenges right now. Most of them aren't fitness related. Every morning, I wake up feeling down, but running and working out is definitely a bright spot in my day and a mood lifter as well. Another perk of exercise is that research shows that working out boosts your immunity. I am happy to have my fitness challenges to take my mind off the real challenges, at least for a while.

In spite of the ample availability of virtual challenges to keep us moving and active, the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) came out this week with a strong recommendation that no more virtual races be scheduled between now and the end of May. The concern is that since the stay-at-home recommendations have been implemented, at least in most of the states, there has been a big increase in people using paths and trails, which compromises social distancing. In the afternoons by my house, the sidewalks and trails are clogged with people out for a walk or a run. One of my favorite fitness paths, the retention pond where I do a lot of training, has been closed for this reason. I hope that all my favorite trails don't get shut down. I'll continue to go out early in the morning with the hope of avoiding most of the crowds.

Weekly Rundown
Monday: CrossFit, Judy's Yin Yoga
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: Trail run 6.2 miles for the Uncanceled Project
Thursday: CrossFit
Friday: Run 6.2 miles
Saturday: Strength training, Support Your Local Box Week 1 Workout
Sunday: 10 miles, yoga TBD
Total Miles for March: 85! miles

As I had planned, I headed to the trails for my Uncanceled Project 10k.
It was a pretty but overcast morning. I didn't have the pep in my step that I have felt for the last couple of months, but I chalked it up to overdoing it last week and all the stress that we've been enduring. Some knee pain reminded me that RA is always lurking in the background. There was a lot of muddy spots which provided some much needed walk breaks and allowed me to catch my breath. I appreciated the ingenuity of the runners before me who placed tree bark and limbs strategically across the muckiest spots. My friends, the deer, were out frolicking again. Even though this wasn't an easy run, it gave me some much needed serenity, which fit nicely with the weekly theme of gratitude.

I was in a funk on Friday, working from home, staring at my computer and wishing the day away. Near noon, I finished up with a phone visit and decided to head outside for a run. The sun was out and the temperature was in the 60s. The bike path had more than the usual amount of people, but almost everyone except for the bike riders were very respectful of keeping their distance. There was one woman who pulled her jacket up over her face when she passed me. Ok then! I felt really good on this run, in spite of the warmer temperatures, and ended up with a sub-1 hour CARA Run Solo Virtual 10k.

On Sunday, I was out the door and on the path at the forest preserve by 8 am, thinking I'd hopefully avoid most of the crowds. In spite of the brisk conditions, quite a few other runners had the same idea. So did the cyclists. Let's just say that the runners were much more conscientious about social distancing than the cyclists, who were riding 2-3 ACROSS THE PATH. Wow. Just wow. I guess riding a bike makes you immune to the coronavirus? These are the assholes people who are going to get the forest preserves closed and then what?! Can we all please do our part? Rant over. Other than that, I enjoyed being outside and running. I do love to run!

With rain sprinkling down, I did Monday's WOD inside. I wasn't feeling it, but I'm glad I did this one. The strength portion included a couple sets of loaded squats alternating with hollow rolls. I loaded up my crappy barbell but without a rack, I wasn't able to get it up to my shoulders. So I dropped the weight to 45#, which I cleaned up and overhead to my shoulders. It was better than nothing, right? The MetCon included 4 rounds renegade rows with push-ups, sumo deadlift high pulls, broad jumps, and strict presses.  My wrists were bothering me, so I modified the renegade rows by doing the push ups on the floor first. 

Thursday's WOD was a super creative baseball-themed workout. It was bright and sunny, so I put on my Cubs gear and headed over to the baseball diamond at the park by my house. The field was a mess but home plate was intact and I made it work for me. We sidelunged from home to 1st and 2d to 3rd and we lunged from 1st to 2d and 3rd to home. At each base, we had a movement to complete. I did this routine 3 times. The MetCon was 5 rounds (AMRAP 3 mins on/1 min rest) of hang clusters, lateral hops, and superman flutter kicks. I used a baseball bat for the hang clusters. I loved this one but I admit that I did get some funny looks from people walking by!

I hear there may not be a baseball season this year. (quietly sobbing)

Support Your Local Box is a fundraiser/challenge organized by CrossFit to support its affiliates who are all feeling the financial pain of being closed due to the virus. Starting April 3, for the next 3 weeks, CrossFit will release 3 workouts, accessible to any level participant. All you have to do is register. Donation is voluntary. You do have to choose an affiliate to direct your donation to--if you don't belong to a CF, I'd love if you selected mine: CrossFit Arlington Heights in Arlington Heights, Illinois. This is a great opportunity to sample CrossFit--who knows, maybe you'll like it!

On Saturday, I did the Week 1 Workout. Prior to the workout I loaded all the plates I owned on my crappy barbell and did deadlifts, 5 sets of 8 at 90#. It was heavy enough to be challenging at the higher reps and made my heart happy. I alternated those with sets of strict presses, using my 15# dumbbells. Making the best of things!

On Monday, I tried one of Judy's Yin Yoga classes! I love Yin Yoga--it is challenging for me to hold poses for a long time because my mind is always onto the next thing. Holding the poses for 2-3 minutes allows for a deeper release. It's really perfect for runners. While doing this class, I realized that I wasn't just sore from the previous week's workouts, I was having a flare of RA. Gee, what a surprise...anyways, I'm glad for the opportunity to slow down on the mat. It felt great.

In Other News...
On Saturday, I participated in a Zoom chat with 16 other runner bloggers. It was so much fun to connect with everyone. I've met almost all of these wonderful women IRL, but the ones I haven't--I feel like I know them. I've always been grateful for our little runblog community, but more now than ever. It was nice to connect like this.

Row 1 L->R Deborah, Linda, me, Darlene, Kim
Row 2 L->R Jenn, Marcia, Judy, Erica, Cari
Row 3 L->R Kim G, Renee, Michelle, Debbie W, Debbie
Row 4 L->R Coco, Rachel
Sorry about the long post! If you're still with me, thanks for reading this far! How was your week? Are you still feeling motivated to get all your workouts in? What challenges are you participating in? What is challenging you otherwise? Are you finding ways to connect with your friends and family that you haven't done in the past?

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown.


  1. Every morning I wake up and am thankful that everyone I know is still healthy. I also wake up a little sad every day so that's why I really look forward to my morning workouts before logging in for work.

    I'm so thankful for all of the challenges that have been popping up lately. I'm going to try to do a few virtual runs during this time to help make my workouts a little more fun.

    I loved the ZOOM chat yesterday. It was just what I needed and was definitely the highlight of my day. So nice to speak with everyone!

    1. I am so glad we all connected yesterday! Today I did a ZOOM chat with my family, which felt amazing as well. Those connections are so important!

  2. I am most grateful for workouts right now. When I took marathon training to the DRT for heat avoidance in previous years, I'd get SO fed up with the rude cyclists. Bummer to hear some things haven't changed.

    1. I just don't get it--but it's not an isolated incident. Today was the worst!

  3. I did some of Judy's yin yoga this week too and am loving the longer stretches. Even though they are not supposed to be challenging, some of them actually are for me. I am so tight from running!

    Also did the Un-Canceled race but just the 5k. It was a lot of fun doing a virtual 5k.

    1. I've never been motivated by virtual runs in the past but this go around is different. I'm enjoying them immensely!

  4. I am learning to appreciate and be thankful for so much that I took for granted in the past. Wow look at that running mileage! Way to get those stress relief endorphins going. I also cannot use my normal running trail bc it is too crowded. I am trying to love the neighborhood streets and hills that go with them. So fantastic to see your smiling face yesterday!

    1. Thank you again for hosting that virtual chat! It was wonderful to see you too. I'll wear makeup next time, lol!

  5. Ugh to folks who just aren't getting the social distancing thing. I got pretty salty yesterday when I was running my 10k and looped past a couple of women a few times - they were walking side by side which took up the trail to start with and not once did they make any effort to move to the side, which kept me super motivated to move way more than 6 feet to the side of them. And their dog wasn't on a leash, but that's a rant for another day. I feel like 99.99% of people get it but the ones who don't are pretty jaw dropping. Hey, never mind them, congrats on your 10k! And I love being outside so much right now.

  6. Glad you're staying healthy and sane! Sorry to hear the trails at your regular spot were closed. :( Interesting about RRCA, I hadn't heard that...I'm a bit surprised they took such a hard stance.

    1. I was surprised about that too! But considering how so many people are taking up running and not being conscious about social distancing, it makes sense.

  7. Motivation has definitely taken a hit for me. I started a Garmin challenge with my running group which has tapped into my competitive side and helped me to get motivated to do all my mileage for the month! I've also been motivated with the new Peloton 90 day free trial they have been offering. Hopefully that continues! I agree about people doing their part-cyclists are the worst! I went to a local trail on Saturday and all the runners were keeping apart but cyclists were still riding in packs. They are going to ruin the trails for all of us if they keep it up...

    1. Exactly! This was my second encounter this week with inconsiderate cyclists. I just don't get it.

  8. I, too, am enjoying the virtual races...never thought I'd say that LOL I was outside for a couple hours, doing yard work, this afternoon and I could not believe the number of people walking, running, riding by my house. I've never seen so many people outside, being active, on my hilly street. It is kind of a Catch-22, though. AT least on the streets, everyone was distanced from each other.

    1. I'm seeing some people social distancing but the walkers walk in packs and they are not. This is just insane.

  9. I share your frustration about some non-runners! I've encountered a few walkers in small groups who do not get the social distancing thing. I almost ran the stroller of a path trying to have some space between me and a few walks who insisted in walking two abreast.
    I'm running virtual races for my athletes, but they would be out for runs anyway and don't live in the same areas. I guess the concern is for local races with mostly local participants?
    And awesome job on 85 miles for March!

    1. Thank you!! I joined a Strava challenge and I need 100 miles this month. I don't know if I can do it, but I will try!

  10. It's definitely been a challenging time, what an understatement! I hate that trails are getting closed off in your area...I tend to just stick to running around the neighborhood since I usually don't see too many people. I saw a couple of people cycling today and they were basically side to side now that I think about it, ugh!

    I am doing the ZOOMA fitness challenge but in general I'm not a fan of virtual races. I'm still keeping my mileage super low and just trying to find my groove. I am enjoying doing more variety of workouts though and I hope it makes me stronger!

    I've said this on a few of the other posts but I'd LOVE to join you all for your next ZOOM call!

    1. I was never a fan of virtual races but it's a new world and I'm enjoying them for motivation right now!

      I hope you can join us on our next ZooM chat!

  11. You are the queen of challenges. Mid week 10k is very impressive.

    Loved connecting with everyone yesterday.

  12. I hope your favorite paths and trails stay open - it's frustrating to watch the way some people are behaving..or not behaving.

    You had some strong runs this week! Hope the streak continues for you!

    It was great seeing you yesterday - connecting with everyone was a big lift to my spirits.

    1. I was so happy to see you and everyone else! If nothing else good comes out of this thing, it's going to be the connections made. It's so important right now.

  13. I've been keeping my runs on the street, early in the morning, so haven't had any issues with social distancing. I figured the trails would be even more crowded than normal, and it sounds like I guessed correctly. I've never quite figured out why cyclists are such assholes.
    It's great that you had a chance to Zoom with your blog mates.
    Be safe

    1. I'm actually going to head out for a quick 3 this morning in my neighborhood. That Busse run yesterday was really upsetting--I just couldn't believe the behavior of the cyclists and some of the people who were out there with their little ones!

  14. My motivation was waning last week but after yesterday’s long run and today’s bike ride, I am feeling good! Just for the record, we were courteous cyclists, riding on the road and trying to pass the people walking n the street with as much room as we could. Now, why were people walking in the street when there were empty sidewalks? And why was one girl running in the middle of the road when there was an empty sidewalk? We did not wear face masks while riding though. I won’t wear one running either.

    It was great to chat with you yesterday. We will meet up IRL eventually!

    1. I don't run on the sidewalk even in normal times, so maybe that girl is like me? LOL. I have no doubt you are courteous cyclists, but sadly the majority are not and they ruin it for the rest of us! Stay safe!

  15. It was so good to see you yesterday.
    Nicely done on both the cross fit and the runs -- admire use of dinosaurs in the challenges meme. very true!

  16. I loved doing the Un-Cancelled Project! Thanks for pointing that out in one of your previous posts!
    I did the 10k last week and I'm doing a 21k this week.
    People are trying to keep their distance here too, but yesterday Sunday there were SO MANY people walking outside (beautiful weather) that is was hard to stick to the 6 feet distance.

    1. I'm going to do another 10k on Wednesday. Sticking to my goal of doing this challenge on the trails.

  17. Its so frustrating to see people not following the rules. They are making it worse for all of us! I dont go to any trails but there is a path around a lake near one of the grocery stores and whenever Rob goes to get us food he says its packed. I'm glad I can just run around my neighborhood where I see very few people.

  18. I hadn't heard that about the virtual races. Not my thing, but I know for so many they're a lifeline. I haven't been on the paths for a while because they were just getting too crowded (and I really don't like going out so early when it's still cold in the morning). Been running in the neighborhood. Even that can be super crowded and people are absolutely clueless about which side of the road they're supposed to be on!

    Love you suiting up in your baseball duds. Thanks for trying my video! People think Yin is so easy . . . not always. :)

    1. The hard part about Yin isn't getting in the poses--they're all pretty basic, but it's holding them for 3-5 minutes! It's boring, it's painful--Yin is as much about mindfulness as it is about opening up tired legs. I just love it. Keep it coming!

  19. Good Morning Math Whiz, You Gave Your Mother The Incorrect Answer - Your On The Right Track Of Operations But Missed Out On The Details - 43 - Wendy, Have A Beautiful Work Week - Stay Strong - Hydrate Often


  20. I feel such a heaviness these days. It's so hard to push it aside. I hate feeling this way, and while I'm grateful for what we do have, I'm always uneasy.

    I hadn't heard the recommendation about not scheduling more virtual races. That makes me sad. I am able to walk in my neighborhood, and it's usually fairly easy to not run across people, so I hope that continues. The fresh air is the last thing keeping me sane right now.

    1. I keep seeing more virtual races popping up, so I don't think RDs are heeding the recommendations.

      We're in this together, my friend. <3

  21. Sounds like you had some good runs last week! I agree, workouts have been a mood booster for me as well. The sidewalks in my neighborhood are still not too busy but the local trails are much more crowded than I’ve seen them before. And no one seems to be trying for any sort of distance while out on the trails :(. I’m avoiding them for now and sticking with boring neighborhood runs.

    1. I was really frustrated after yesterday's run. This morning another local trail was shut down and I'm pretty sure it's a matter of days before they close the forest preserves.

  22. I loved our Zoom call! Can you believe that you are the only one I've met in real life! Like you, I feel like I know everyone so well.

    Your running has been going so well. Racking up a lot of virtual race miles too! I didn't hear about the RRCA recommendation though, but I'm not much of a virtual racer, so...

    I'm hoping our trails won't get closed. They did close the parking lots and the county mandated that people who don't live within walking distance can't use them. Instead it looks like everyone just parked on the street! I wonder if they'll start handing out tickets.

    1. I was thinking about you and that you are the only West Coast blogger in our group! I'm so glad we got to meet and we need to do it again!

  23. I have managed to get out running on Sunday and this morning and feel better for it. Whether I get the 20 miles a week that tend to keep my immune system good, I'm not sure. I have also done some squats today. So I am glad of that. I loved seeing the pics of the Zoom but I'd already Zoomed once on Sat and tired myself out! Stay well xx

  24. I had no idea about the RRCA recommendation but it does make sense. You are doing so well in your running. I have my days where I want to run and others where I am not motivated. I know once I am out there I will feel better but I do struggle to get out the door. I know I am still grateful for being able to get out to run. I know that if there is ever a lockdown, then I will have no where to run since I don't have a treadmill. At least I have a bike!

  25. What a great group call! I hadn't heard the RRCA recommendation, but I guess I can see their point. My neighborhood is flooded with so many people. I used to know all the neighbors 8 years ago, but a lot of families have moved and I'm always wondering "who are these people??" My workout app had me doing Renegade Rows, for my first time. Holy moly, those are a legit!

    1. My neighborhood is kind of mixed up...there are people who think they're doing it right but I feel like some don't get it!
