Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Runfessions

I thought March was long, but how about April? April has been indeed the cruelest month. All month we've been quarantined at home, stuck inside most of the time because it's cold and snowy and rainy.

That doesn't mean I don't have anything to runfess! I've still been running and working out, which has been about the only thing that's felt normal this month. Marcia has opened the runfessional--and not a moment too soon. Let's get right to it.

After over a month of quarantine, I runfess that I've thought about running away. I really want to but I can't, because there's nowhere to go. Illinois' COVID outbreak hasn't peaked yet. Here in the Chicago area, we're considered a 'hot spot'. Many of our parks are closed. Wisconsin and Michigan don't want us either.

I can run outside. I runfess that I'm a getting a little more than irritated with walkers on the bike path. They continue to walk 2-3 abreast and won't move over to socially distance. Last week there was a woman on a bike riding straight down the middle. I'm ready to get more assertive with these people...

I runfess that even though I advised runners not to use portapotties right now, I had an incident recently where I would have ignored my own advice, had a portapotty been available. While out on a run, my tummy let me know that it was unhappy. Urgently. Unfortunately, there were no portapotties on the path. There were some trees, tho...

As excited as I am to be registered to run the Ice Age 50k this fall, I runfess that part of me worries that it is going to be canceled. Summer is pretty much canceled already. Germany has already canceled Oktoberfest and the Berlin Marathon.

It's been a month of virtual races. I have a virtual half this weekend and the Uncanceled Project is extended into May. More new virtual races are being announced for next month. I runfess that I'm over the virtual race. It was fun and I got some cool t-shirts but I'm over it.

I runfess that I may be indulging in a little more wine than I should. I know I'm not the only one. Home delivery is a slippery slope, my friends. And if wanting this chair makes me wrong, then I don't want to be right.

What do you have to runfess? Are you stuck at home? Ready to run away? Tired of virtual races or ready for more? Are people on your running routes observing social distancing? Have you been indulging more lately--alcohol, food, other vices?

I'm linking up with Marcia for Runfessions and with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness.



  1. I won't go near our bike paths -- last week we even bailed on a closed-to-traffic two-lane road through a park because too many families were walking in groups going both directions in both lanes .... I would think your 50K could be done safely - maybe with a rolling start? A long trail race isn't as crowded as a big road race.

  2. LOL about that chair! Thanks for the laugh, Wendy!

    I never got on the virtual race train. Although after all the times I've said I don't need another race tee, I runfess that I'm sad I probably won't be getting a new one this year. :(

    I don't want to run away, but I'd love to go somewhere. Obviously not happening.

    And obviously even the people in my neighborhood are annoying me. I haven't tried the paths because they're so narrow & I took a peak at one this week, and yeah, still relatively crowded. I'm getting to the breaking point there though!

    1. Grateful that when I go on the trails, they've been pretty empty! I'm sure later in the day, they are packed.

  3. I still encounter walkers who walk 2-3 abreast and do not social distance when passing. I ran my jogging stroller off the path at one point to avoid them, and destroyed the tire with thorns. Social distancing goes both ways! Now I keep the stroller as tight to one side as I can, but I may start asking people to move over if they don't.
    I have definitely been drinking more beer!
    I'm still hopeful about fall races in the US. Both Berlin and Oktoberfest are HUGE events - 40,000 runners for Berlin (plus spectators), and Oktoberfest attracts something like 5 or 6 million people. I remember when I went to Oktoberfest, it was the most crowded event I have ever attended in my life. A trail 50K is much different!

  4. Bill and I have been driving to run trails a few days a week so we can avoid encountering people on the paths and sidewalks around town. Most people are pretty good about social distancing, but there are those few who don't that raise my blood pressure. Some people around here have been participating in those crazy "protests" to open up our state. It's nuts - cases are still on the rise around here.

    I'm betting you will get to do your 50k this fall. I think races will find a way to happen by then. Good luck in your training!

    1. I've got the dream team lined up to help me with my training (Marcia and Sammy Jo), so really the only thing that can go wrong is the race being canceled!

  5. Don't get me started on trail hogs. Oh and the bikes are the WORST. Given what I see in people's carts at Costco, you are not alone on the wine/spirits thing. I runfess I've never enjoyed virtual races. I get that people were trained for spring races and wanted an outlet, but going forward? Unless they're for a great cause, no thanks. Thanks for linking and hang in there my friend!

    1. Yep, it was fun to do the virtual races this month--that 19 miler is what got me the endurance bug--but I'm done with them. Now to train for fall.

  6. OMG that refillable wine chair is just perfect! Ha ha love it/ I want to run away too but nowhere to go!

  7. The Walkers, Bikers, And The Paths Are A Slippery Slope - I Have To Chalk It Up With Newbies - And The Strava Hunters Seem To Be Having The Most Trouble Of All - I Can Remember The Days When We All Used To Politely Say Some Nice About The Weather Or Sorts In Passing - Now A Days, With The Lack Of Leadership, Everyone Is Having A Real Hard Time With Is Quarantine - I Never Could Quite Grasp The Concept 'Patience Is A Virtue' Until This Current Situation Came Along - Be Well This Weekend - Stay Strong - And Be Thankful For The Little Things - Big Hugs From Colorado


    1. Yeah, what is up with those Strava people? I never even heard of a segment until I joined Strava and really, I don't care. LOL! I guess it's a distraction from what is going on in the real world.

  8. Me too! I’m drinking more wine and prosecco - I’ll blame it on all the Zoom happy hours 😊.
    I think there will be no large-scale events until there’s a vaccine. That might take until next year. But hey, we’ve got wine! 😊

    1. I believe that wine has antiseptic least that's my excuse!

  9. Back in my drinking days, that chair would have needed constant refilling, LOL.

    I wonder if racing season is over for the year. I was surprised to see two local fall races open registration this week, with no mention about provisions if the races had to be canceled. We weren't going to run them anyway, but I'm not signing up for anything until I'm confident it's a go. And dang it, I really want a 5K medal with 2020 on it!!

    Do not get me started at park people. One IS open and I love it for running, but there are way too many people congregating and not even acting like social distancing is a thing. So we stay in our neighborhood.

    1. Even my neighborhood is suspect. All these parents and their kids doing scavenger hunts and birthday drive-bys. It's just tough, which is why I want to run away...

  10. I live really close to a park trail, but I've been running on roads basically because I don't trust other people. I live close enough to run/walk to the park, but one day, it was filled with cars, which really turned me off from exercising there. I hope we can have a fall race season, but I'm starting to get worried about that. I could see how maybe small-town races would be more likely to happen, but I am signed up for the Philadelphia Marathon. That's in November, so at least I have time!

    1. Gosh, I hope that marathon goes off! November is a long way away.

  11. My vice of choice is sweets and I've done a lot of baking lately. Thankfully, I've also been doing more activity so I haven't done any damage to my waistline.

    I got my Hot Chocolate 15k virtual race packet this week. The jacket that was included came just in time - it's suppose to be 90 today. Oh well, it's the only virtual race I'm doing.

    More than anything, I'm ready to eat out again. I'm ready to run away from the quarantine dishes!

    1. I haven't been baking much because I'm down to about a cup of flour. Fortunately, the 50# bag I ordered--seriously, it's all I could find--is coming soon! Do you need any?

  12. I Runfess I did a few virtual races when I first got started into running/racing because I wanted the cool I did indeed run the miles to earn them though. Since I became more confident to run "actuall" races, I've given up on the virtual ones because I just didn't see the point in paying just to run my normal route at home....haha But with the current situation, I'm now reconsidering signing up for one cuz by golly I don't want 2020 to be the year I didn't get any - M

    1. Yep, you get me and that's why I'm running that virtual half tomorrow.

  13. Lol...I loved the memes. Alcohol delivery is indeed a slippery slope and we’re indulging in a bit more wine than normal here too.

  14. Wine. Definitely wine. Thankful I don't have to get up at 0430 to go coach! But, man, I cannot wait until I get to do that again!!!

    Walkers. Yeah, they hog the path on my trail sometimes, too. And then, a friend of mine posted on FB the other day (I really need to stay off FB. Might be less inclined to drink that extra wine) about "joggers" (yes, she used that term) probably going to be the reason she dies of coronavirus. She's immunocompromised so she has solid concerns but she said she was "unnerved when joggers went huffing and puffing past her." She said, "with all the open mouth breathing as they pass by," she swears she can see the corona clouds. Okay, fine. I get it. But, us runners (not joggers) might be a little unnerved by those walkers who might possibly sneeze just as we are trying to squeeze past them on the trail! But, alas, she saw no reason and ... whatever. I'm probably reading too much into that. (no, I'm not. she referred to us as joggers. *eye roll*) Wow. That was a lot. Sorry about that.

    1. If she's THAT immunosuppressed, then what is she doing going out in public? I swear, FB has become a platform for all the crazies. And who calls us joggers? (takes a sip of wine)

  15. I runfess...I'm drinking more wine.

    I have to leave...I do run on trails.No one bothers me. At this point maybe oblivious to it all.

    Or I will go insane if I stay in the neighborhood. To each his/her own.

    My virtuals are not really races but since my races all have been cancelled or changed to choice.I just run the distance. Luckily I do't wear a watch or I'd been even more depressed at my pace.

    1. Oh Darlene, I know you mean well but 'to each his own'? Um no. We really are supposed to stay home. But as long as the trails are not heavily used, I'm sure you're ok going there.

  16. The Coronavirus/pay my bills meme has supplied me with laughs for the last few minutes - thank you!

    I signed up for a half marathon in Philly in October. It's the Philly Love Run and it was re-scheduled from March. Part of me wonders if I should have registered for the race. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it actually happens.

    I'm also getting annoyed with people not social distancing while out for a walk/run or even at the grocery store. just think some people don't really care.

    1. I love that you still have your sense of humor! That's the only thing that's kept me going! Well, and running of course.

  17. Heh heh I'd like a wine chair! I reluctantly runfess that I agree that real racing is off the table for the rest of the year. I'm still into the virtual scene b/c I have enough room for improvement that I can get PRs. Not sure if I will run my next virtual on my own or register for something to make it more official. And yes, I'm with you on the run rage at walkers - if I'm walking I don't care if I have to move out of someone's way but when I'm running I really resent it.

    1. Ooooh! Run rage! I love that term and I'm using it from now on!

  18. I feel like I'm running in circles sometimes when I go out because I'm trying so hard to avoid people. I don't even bother with the trails because it stresses me out to be around so many people right now, even though most do wear masks. All the virtual races seem over the top to me but I get that they are really motivating to a lot of people. The only one I'd consider doing is for Girls on the Run and I think that's in May or June...

    1. The one thing I don't want is more medals, especially from a virtual race!

  19. I don't really see too many people when I am out, so that's good. I will cross the street or walk in the grass to maintain spacing if need be. When I'm walking, I do try to stay out of everyone's way, but I think we all need to look out for each other as best we can.

    I'm keeping up with the virtual runs just to stay motivated and connected. I need that badly.

    Yes, I'm drinking a little more. I couldn't drink for months with all the medications I've been on, so it's nice to have a glass of wine after dinner some nights.

    1. I really haven't left my house for the past 5 weeks except to run, so I really have been isolating myself. The only place I see people is on the trail.

  20. OMG that wine chair - put we down for one and we can just hang out ;)

    And yep I'm right there with you on wanting to get more assertive with people who don't know how to social distance on a sidewalk or path. I'm so over it!

  21. Thankfully, I've been pretty successful at avoiding people while out running or walking. I'm usually on city streets (as opposed to sidewalks or park trails), so that eliminates a lot of potential problems. The hubby is doing all the grocery shopping, so that's a nice perk. Our idiot neighbors (four kids, elementary through HS) have friends over in their yard frequently, though...

  22. I have been avoiding our trails and running on our neighborhood circle simple to avoid people. The trails are packed, but our boring street isn't so that's where I'm staying.

    I've hardly gone out except to go to my dermatologist appointment this past Tuesday. With my skin cancer history, it seems like an appointment that I shouldn't cancel

    Apparently the people who send out the bills are considered essential workers. LOL

  23. My neighborhood trails have become so much more crowded now...I miss the solitude...also what is up with mountain bikers going so fast on multiple use trails and making runners jump off into the bushes?

  24. Our paths are crazy and we are a hot spot as well, so I'm only running in my neighborhood. I'm just over all the "social distance" walkers walking 6 feet apart and making it so I can't social distance away from them.

    We still only drink on Friday and Saturday, but I confess that thanks to a virtual happy hour with my college friends, I am drinking way more on Friday than I normally would. My 49 year old self keeps having to lecture my 19 year old self to knock it off.
