Sunday, August 23, 2020

Embracing All That is Good

There's not much new to share this week and that's a good thing. I've been just mentally exhausted for the past couple of months. While every day feels a bit like groundhog day, the continual bombardment of news of the pandemic and politics is just wearing on me. Add to that the wildfires in California and the double hurricanes bearing down on the south--all I can say is that it has been one crazy year. 

My way of coping? I've been looking for the good in everything around me. I've been finding things to laugh about. This Jim Gaffigan comedy special on Amazon made my husband and me laugh so hard. The bit he did on marathon running is hilarious! I'm continuing to enjoy my job of caring for children and their families. It's been empowering working on getting stronger. And enjoying the beautiful weather we have been blessed with. Running with the sunrise. Exploring the trails. Connecting with friends. 

Wednesday's trail run
Weekly Rundown
Monday: CrossFit with running 850m
Tuesday: Run 5.1 miles
Wednesday: Trail run 6.3 miles
Thursday: Strength train with running 800m
Friday: Run 5.5 miles
Saturday: Waterski 
Sunday: Run 6 miles, Waterski


The weather gods continue to shine down on us with low humidity and high sunshine. Even though it was dark when I woke up on Tuesday morning, I got up to run because the conditions were perfect. A nicely paced run around my neighborhood, I caught the sunrise and held a handstand at the end. It was a great start to the day.

On Wednesday, I laced up and headed to the trails. Working on endurance for my fall half marathons, I promised myself I'd stick to the main trail this time. Only at the end did I divert into the woods for quick dash on the single track. I was really happy with this run.

I ran on the bike path on Friday and caught another sunrise. I also saw a group of running friends. This was another really nicely paced run. The cooler mornings are giving life to these old legs!

I woke up to a cool, quiet Sunday morning at the lake. I knew I would be going for a ski before we headed home, so I contemplated a run. After a cup of coffee, I convinced myself to go. I surprised myself with a nicely paced 6 miler. Yes, I've slowed down, but I can't complain how I'm running right now. I feel strong right now and I'm enjoying my runs. Like I said a few weeks ago, if it isn't fun, then why do it?


Monday's CrossFit class started with Tabata intervals of plank shoulder taps, toe taps, and extreme mountain climbers. That was followed by a 'chipper' of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 box overs and dumbbell snatches. There was a 100m sprint after each interval. Thanks to the running, I did really well on this workout!

Bring back step aerobics!

On Thursday, Sammy Jo had me do some accessory work. I worked my VMOs with the elastic band. I also did agility work, hopping on one foot over a rack, which was way harder than I thought it would be. There was some ab pulldown work. I also did hip bridges (75#) with a barbell alternating with dumbell presses (20#).  I felt every bit of this for a few days after!


There was waterskiing! My husband pulled me around the lake multiple times over the weekend. Since it was just the two of us and one of us had to drive the boat, I have no photos. Take my word for it. Cocoa can vouch for me.

Cocoa verifying the perfect conditions for skiing on Sunday!

Off the road...

My husband and I drove to the city to take my oldest son out for his birthday. It was my husband's first time out to eat since the pandemic! He picked a New Orleans style restaurant in Wicker Park where we had fried chicken, fried shrimp, collard greens, mac and cheese, and biscuits. Nothing healthy and everything delicious. The tables were all socially distanced and the staff all wore masks. It felt so good to be out! 

He's not mad, he's chewing his food, lol

We've been enjoying some beautiful sunrises and sunsets lately. The hubs and I took a sunset cruise Saturday night. We weren't disappointed. 

By the way, I'm hosting another RA Healthline chat this week on Wednesday at 7:30 CST. The topic: All About an Anti-Inflammatory Diet: How it can help with RA plus recipes. I'm pretty excited to share a few of my recipes. I'll be sharing them in an upcoming blog post as well! If you want to join in, download the app here

An anti-inflammatory diet keeps this RA warrior active! Join me on Wednesday at 7:30 CST for a live chat on RA healthline! I'm sharing my favorite recipes! via @oldrunningmom @healthline #curearthritis

How was your week? What has been giving you life during this monotonous time? How are you coping with the stress? Have you been out to eat?

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown.


  1. So glad you're enjoying your runs! I agree that running should be fun! Have a great week!

  2. Wonderful photos - thank you for sharing them! It's been cooler here, too, though a bit muggy at the start of the week, and I've relished that, although I have been lacking energy all week. I haven't been out to eat but went to our usual cafe with my one friend today for the second time to drink coffee in, which feels OK. We're about to go into a second lockdown in our city so I won't be eating out any time soon, I imagine (and it's too depressing to write about hence the continued lack of running blog posts). I'm keeping myself on the level with, well, running, and then reading. Lots of reading. And we've found a couple of new TV programmes to watch plus some comforting older ones.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about the second lockdown! I doubt we'll go on a full lockdown again here--you know, people...but the numbers are rising again. I so wish I could comment on this on my blog, but the virus is very politicized here. I don't think it would go over well. lol. Stay safe!

  3. It's so nice you've been able to enjoy lots of lake time this summer. We've only done patio dining so far but that's been so nice. Greg loves Jim Gaffigan. We'll definitely check out his show on Amazon.

    1. The lake has really been a mental game changer for me this summer. I don't know what I'll do come winter.

  4. All we really can do is embrace the good in our lives. There is still a lot of good out there. Glad to see you are getting lots of water sports in very fun! WE have only done outdoor dining and that is good enough for me right now. Glad things are going well at work too!

    1. I feel like my time at the lake gives me so much calm and serenity! It spills over into all the other areas of my life.

  5. We've only been out to eat from a takeout window, sitting outside, once. I always try to look for the good, too! Also helps to not watch the news so much (you always hear about it eventually).

    We nice weather until yesterday, when it started to heat up again, but with the shorter days, still not so bad in the mornings.

    That sunset! Gorgeous!

    1. I hear that the beautiful sunsets and sunrises we're seeing are a by-product of the California wildfires. It's really sad what is happening out there!

  6. I'll have to check out that comedy special! I think we could all use some laughter, especially this year.

    I still haven't gone out to eat since March but I'm hoping to do so this week. I'm still a little nervous even though I know it will be fine. I just have to stop worrying so much!

    1. I say the same thing but it's just so uncertain right now and you know who doesn't help! lol. The comedy special did, tho. He's hilarious.

  7. It sounds like you're doing a good job embracing the good! I'm glad running is going well for you right now.

    Nice that you've been able to spend so much time at the lake!

    1. I'm trying so hard to stay positive. It's really a tough time right now.

  8. Cool mornings for the win forever.
    Nothing healthy and everything delicious sounds perfect. Glad you had a good time. I feel you on the mental exhaustion. It's just overload. Stsy safe my friend. xx

    1. I rarely eat like that anymore, so it was a treat! I was so happy to see my son and wanted to walk around a bit after. But my hubs wanted to get home. It's hard-I miss my boys and relish the time we have together.

  9. Sign me up for weather like we had this week anytime. Cool enough to run and hot enough to enjoy being outside.

  10. I have not been out to eat. I'm outlasting your husband. Miss it!

    I googled "extreme mountain climbers" but just got a bunch of results about mountain climbing people. I'm going to leave that in the "I don't want to know" category. Regular mountain climbers are bad enough!

    LOVE the "ugh" shirt. I like snarky workout shirts like that. My favorite one of mine says "I run better than the government".

    1. Extreme mountain climbers are outside your arms, knees to elbows! Yep, as bad as you might expect. I too love snarky shirts and that one was perfect for the workout!

  11. Les turned 57 on Wednesday so he took the day off and we rode our bikes. I completed my first 100k! I was so happy with how I felt, finished strong, and we enjoyed a huge cinnamon roll at the 40 mile mark. Only the 2nd time we've eaten out since March.

    We don't have any fires near us but our air quality is awful. There's a hurricane sitting off the coast of Baja California - we're not getting rain, just stale, hot air. Kinda describes 2020, right?

    1. Congrats on that 100k! I have been slacking on my bike riding lately-with the pleasant weather we've been having, running has been on the top of my list.

  12. Oh, wow, you saw some gorgeous sunrises and sunsets this week! There is a lot of good in the world — and in people — if you keep an eye out for it. Happy Birthday to your son! My husband has no desire to eat out — still!

    1. I was pretty surprised that he wanted to go! But I'm so glad we did.

  13. It's been such a stressful year and it seems to keep getting worse! I haven't been out at all other than for pediatrician appointments. It just feels too hard to navigate everything with a toddler. Love the sunrise and sunset pics!

    1. I get it! Those little guys have to touch everything, don't they?

  14. Absolutely Stunning Photos - Good On You And Happy 21st To The Oldest - Will Send Vibes On Wednesday And All The Best Hosting The Healthline Front - Be Brave


    1. Thank you! Actually the oldest turned 23! My youngest is 21. Crazy to think that I have such old guys!

  15. Those are some amazing photos! Happy Happy Birthday. Wow 21!

  16. My sunrise adventures are my sanity, whether on foot or on wheels. I agree, we need to embrace all that is positive these days.

    1. It's been interesting, finding all the silver linings in this tumultous time we are living in.

  17. Glad you enjoyed the dinner out! I haven't eaten inside yet...but a few patio meals.

    What beautiful sunrises...glad you could get out for a ski! Sad to think summer is slipping away so quickly. But still some summer weather here in Minneapolis.

    Fun strength workouts too this week!

  18. Looks like you had a wonderful week, Wendy! Your handstand in the sunrise is awesome.
    Good for you for focusing on the good stuff.

    I watched that Jim Gaffigan video - so funny!! Thanks for adding the link.

    1. I keep trying to find humor and good these days. Tough, tough times.

  19. I'm with you. Just trying to make the best of it and take pleasure in the small things.

    We have been out to eat - outside dining only right now. I had a delicious fried shrimp basket yesterday, and I have zero regrets.

  20. Happy birthday to your son! Their birthdays seem to come faster and faster as they get older, don't they? I think the weather gods made a mistake and sent us your hot and humid weather. I'm used to hot but humid is awful!

    1. Apparently the weather gods are trying to remedy the situation. It was 97 and humid today--which is a new record for today. BOOOOO!

  21. The lake looks amazing - what a great day for skiing! Glad you got to get out and celebrate your son's birthday. Going out to dinner is a great break from the craziness!

  22. I've been so nervous to eat out so I haven't since February/March! But everyone who has done so has said the restaurants have really done so well to put in place all the right protocols so I think I should just do it. I really miss it. Happy Birthday to your son and I love that you chose nothing healthy!
