Saturday, January 22, 2022

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

There's a saying that runners are friends you haven't met yet. I've met some of my best friends through running. Of course, with any group of people, there's bound to be a few who aren't your type. But have you ever met someone who left you scratching your head? 

Random horseshoe tree on Sunday's trail run
Weekly Rundown:
Sunday: Trail run 6 miles
Monday: pool running
Tuesday: CrossFit
Wednesday: trail run 6.5 miles
Thursday: strength training
Friday: run 5.3 miles
Saturday: 'rest' aka cleaning and taking Cocoa for a walk


I joined up with the Trail Sisters on Sunday morning for our bimonthly run. We met up at the same trails I ran last week for the Frozen Gnome, go figure. As always, we started out as a group but soon fell into smaller groups. I ended up running with 2 other women, one who was a perfect match for me. She brought her dog, who was the best companion, too! But the other woman was odd. The first red flag was that she didn't want to be in the group picture. She wasn't dressed for running and was wearing snow boots instead of running shoes. Every time the other woman and I slowed to a walk, for example, to climb up a steep hill, she would start running circles around us or run ahead and run back. It was weird and made me a little uncomfortable. We told her to go on ahead, but she stayed with us.

We made small talk along the way. I mentioned the town I work in and she told me she lives there, but didn't know the location of my office, nor the Walmart which is right across the street on the very busy arterial that runs the length of the town. She mentioned that her parents live in Door County, Wisconsin, that lovely vacation spot where mine used to own a house but didn't know the name of the town her parents live in. The real head-scratcher was when she said she had lived in Milwaukee (among many other places) but never heard of Marquette, the university where I went to school. 

We ran a total of 6 miles and when we got back to the parking lot, she disappeared. My husband said maybe she was in the Witness Protection Program. Ha! I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. But I did check out both the Trail Sisters website and the chapter's FB page to see if there was anyone with her name. No. It will be interesting to see if she shows up for the next run. 

Meanwhile, the other woman and I exchanged information and I am looking forward to connecting with her again. A true trail runner, she is training for a 53k!

By contrast, Wednesday's solo trail run was uneventful, save for some very icy single tracks! I ducked into the woods, but did a lot of walking and circled back around to the main trail, which was mostly snow-packed. I followed that for the rest of my run. It was cold but I was sweating thanks to the sunshine!

It was really cold when I headed out the door for my pre-work Friday run. There was no wind, thankfully, and I had the bike path to myself. While the sunrise was obscured by lake effect snow clouds over Lake Michigan, I was treated to a beautiful cotton candy sky in the west! This was another satisfying run--even with my 4:1 run/walk intervals, I was able to finish with another sub-10 m/m average pace. It's fun to run fast!

Pool Running

Even though Monday was a holiday, there wasn't anyone in the dive well when I got to the pool. Score! I started the Trifecta workout, which has a lot of big movements, sprints, and endurance in it. It's a good one. About halfway through, we had to exit the pool for about 10 minutes to wait for another lifeguard to arrive. The pool has been short-staffed, but this is the first time it affected my workout. 

not praying, just waiting

CrossFit and Strength Training

There were 6 of us for the 5 am CrossFit WOD! The strength portion had some resistance band work, with banded sidesteps holding a KB (25#). We alternated those with inverted KB presses (15#), which is a great stability movement. The MetCon was a 14 minute EMOM: 1 minute of a rope climb, 4 power cleans and jerks (55#), and AMRAP calories on the assault bike; alternating with a minute of rest. My rope climbs were about halfway up. Not ready to go all the way yet!!

On Thursday, SJ had me work on a clean complex, building strength with each lift. The complex consists of a hang clean, a power clean, and a front squat. Each clean required me to drop into a squat. I ended up with a BIG PR on my hang clean!!! Hang cleans are the hardest version of cleans. When you do power cleans, you bring the bar up from the floor and the momentum aids in turning over the bar. You don't get that with hang cleans. I ended up with 85# as my final lift. SJ, ever the push-my-limits coach, loaded 90# on the bar, but I could not clean that from the hang. It's always amazing to me what a difference 5# makes when you are doing upper body work. I was thrilled with my PR, though! It was a big breakthrough for me and yeah, hard work pays off! I finished the session with skater jumps (for the glutes) and handstand work. 

The starting position for the hang clean
The hook grip helps keep your knuckles facing down so the bar stays close to your body on the pull.

Call me disappointed...

The forecast is calling for snow and my fingers are crossed! I have yet to try out my snowshoes. I had hoped to head up to Wisconsin this weekend for an epic hike with the Hikerbabes. The hike was from Parfrey's Glen to Devils Lake. I hiked part of this route last fall for the Mammoth Hike Challenge and was looking forward to hiking this segment in the winter. It sounded like so much fun. However, with the spike in Covid cases in Wisconsin, the lack of masking, and the need to shuttle cars from start to finish, I didn't want to risk getting sick. I already have enough exposure to Covid at my job. We're 2 years into this pandemic and I still can't believe this is still happening. To top it off, the sun was shining all day and the temperatures were close to 30. The FOMO was real. But hey, my kitchen is clean...

How was your week? Are you dealing with cold and ice? Any PRs or exciting fitness breakthroughs for you this week? Are you avoiding group activities because of Covid? Have you ever met another runner who made you uneasy?

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. That is so weird about that a troubling way. Did she just happen upon the group and decide to join?? I am feeling a little like Katniss lately. Knock wood, our entire family remains COVID free. Not sure how we've avoided it so far but I'll take it!

    1. No one in my family has gotten Covid yet either. Oddly enough, my oldest's roommate had Covid and Tom still didn't catch it. Same with my college boy. Thank goodness for the vaccines.

  2. You just gave me a great ab workout Wendy with the story of the odd runner!! LOL!! What a strange character - I could picture her running in circles around you and being so dodgy with what seemed like a perfectly innocent conversation!!! Yep, I'm with your husband about the witness protection possibility, LOL!

    1. I'm glad that it's not just me who found the encounter to be disturbing!!!

  3. That is a strange story about that woman! Wonder what her deal is. Yes, I do feel I am in the minority not having covid yet. I will be amazed if I make it through this weekend at IU w all the kids and the basketball game. I am done hiding but continue to be as smart as I can. So great to see you back on the ropes again and conquering your fears! Half training going well over here :)

    1. If you don't catch Covid in Indiana, then I think you won't catch it anywhere, lol

  4. I like your husband's explanation- she's in the witness protection program. Seriously, that is a weird story. Something is definitely off there.
    I wonder, with all your exposure the patients, if you've already had Covid and were asymptomatic. I know a lot of people Who had that situation. I can see why you would be extra cautious (with your RA) but hopefully soon you'll be more comfortable doing outdoor activities. I feel like I'm immune (for now) since I just had it, but everyone loves to tell me stories about people getting Covid twice. Whatever!

    1. I'm actually fine with outdoor activities. It was the car shuttling that made me nervous--having to get in a car with people I don't know. I guess I could have masked!

  5. There was a gal in both of my local 5K's here...she was easy to recognize yesterday. She had a weird breathing pattern (benefit of the doubt, LOL), sounding like she was doing a loud Lamaze technique. But it sounded like she was saying "GO!" on every third or fourth breath. I was glad to get around her and move on (in both races, LOL). I recently added 15-pound dumbbells to my collection, and I can't believe how much heavier they feel compared to the 12-pounders. Geesh, three pounds!

    1. I've been around those weird breathers in races too and it's really distracting!

  6. Another Wonderfully Inspired Post There My Friend - Two Happy Dogs As Well - Score On The Pool Front And Thinking Snow For Sure - We Need Snow And You Will Have A Blast With Those New Snowshoes - Sending Positive Vibes Your Way


    1. We were blessed with a nice powdery snowfall overnight!!! Enough to try out the snowshoes and now I'm exhausted on the sofa. lol

  7. I'm glad the only company I had on my trail run on Friday was a couple of cows! I don't need any more crazy people in my life ;) That trail run included a second best time on a segment with 300' of climbing at an average grade of 10%, 8 seconds slower than a PR I set in 2013. I was still in my 40s!

    1. Congrats on the trail run!!! I love when older me can keep up with younger me.

  8. What a weird woman! I've fortunately not had that although a guy really scared me on Thursday when I was running solo for once (in the day time) and had been walking but suddenly ran up behind me and stayed behind me for about 100m. I was seriously alarmed, though I think he didn't mean it as basically if he had wanted to hurt me, he could have. I ran out of the park (it isn't a secluded one and one I've felt safe in before) and asked a postman to pretend he knew me while I checked the guy had gone (I managed to send in a thank you to the postman via a post office online form!). Very annoying/upsetting.

    1. I've had weird incidents like that as well and it sounds like you did the right thing. I'm sure the postman appreciated the acknowledgement!

  9. Congratulations on your PR! I don't think I could lift 85 pounds a few millimetres, never mind a proper hang clean. Well done, Wendy!
    Sorry that you couldn't participate in the epic hike. I would have felt that FOMO too, especially with the perfect weather.
    But you made the right decision - better safe than sorry. And hey, that hike will still be around next winter!

    1. Truth! I probably could have gone and just been careful around the other runners. The weather wasn't supposed to be nice and then the sun came out, so I really had FOMO!

  10. That is a very strange woman. I think I would have been uncomfortable around her, too. Hopefully she won't be back. You like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but . . .

    I'm sorry you missed your hike. I do understand it. We had the first case of COVID in our extended family recently, my husband's niece (but they're on the West Coast). My SIL had to take a very expensive COVID test (apparently insurance may not pay) to make sure she wasn't bringing it to my MIL. Sigh.

    At least with the latest variant most people aren't getting very sick, but you just never know and with several people in my life at higher risk . . . just call me a hermit.

    1. Interesting about the expensive COVID test. I'm having a medical procedure this week and needed a Covid test. I went to Walgreens and didn't have to pay.

  11. That is super odd about that woman. My first guess was that she had the wrong idea and dressed wrong, thus not wanted to be embarrassed in a picture, but there was so much stuff going on there! Is a 53k a thing? haha! It makes sense to call it what it is so people don't continually say "the 50K was too long!" Great job on your workouts this week and staying upright in all of the snow and ice on the trails!

    1. I thought I had heard of all the distances, so the 53k threw me as well. But you know ultramarathons are so random...

  12. I think your husband may be onto something there... although she was not very well coached for her witness protection program! You'd think she could learn basic facts about her alleged home town first before talking to people... maybe it was her first day. ;-)

    At least the oddballs make for good stories!

    1. HAHAHA!!!! You are right. Life would be pretty dull if everyone was normal, lol!

  13. O gosh, what an odd ball but now I have so many Did anyone else in the group know her? Did anyone ask her if she had running shoes with her? I wonder if she was just passing by and decided to join in on the run. I hope she shows up next If so, please report back! -M

    1. Oh you know I will. No, nobody knew her and as far as I know, she didn't bring running shoes with her. She told us that she ran the Chicago Marathon last fall, tho. Her ONLY race ever. So much to digest here.

  14. That story is very odd...but I'm glad you met a running companion that you connected with (with a running pup, you know I love that! I can't wait until its warm enough to run with Ruth again, she needs it, but this icy salty situation hurts her feet too much). 53k is a new one to me!

    Did you try to find that woman in the Chicago results to see if that story was true?

    Somehow I've avoided Covid even though my husband had it (very mild before Christmas, thank goodness for the booster). We have no idea where he got it as he works from home and is a diligent masker, but we have eaten inside so that must be it...

    1. I don't have her last name and her first name is really common, so it would be difficult to find her. Let's see if she shows up for the next run!

  15. Yeah...that woman definitely sounds a little off. Please let us know if she comes to the next group run. I wonder if she even gave you her real name? Is it me, or are people just 10x more weird since the pandemic started? Maybe it's the isolation or all the worrying, but I've encountered more "off" people recently. On the positive side, at least the other woman you ran with was great!

    1. YES x100!!! My husband nailed it--a sense of humor will get us through this!

  16. Hmm. I wonder what was up with that woman. Maybe it’s a good thing she wasn’t familiar with where you work …. I’m glad you’ve managed to stay healthy. That’s quite a feat with your job!

    1. Especially when you get the 'non-believers'. Thank goodness for N95 masks. And goggles.

  17. So odd about your run group encounter. Did it seem like anyone else knew her? She would have certainly made me feel uncomfortable too - hopefully she will not return.

    I can so relate to that Covid meme - so far my family and I remain untouched but I wonder how much longer our luck will last...sigh.

    1. It's like playing Covid roulette every time I go to work, I swear! Grateful for my N95 mask and goggles. I sure hope this will simmer down soon.

  18. My mind did not go to witness protection program but stalker behavior! I'm super suspicious by nature and that is just more than odd with all the similar answers to yours....she was looking for information. Fake name for sure.... Maybe mental health issues... Sad and scary all at the same time. If no one in the group knew her how did she know to show up?

    We've avoided getting Covid as well although I have had direct exposures and tested negative so who knows?

    Awesome work in the gym! I need to strength train more. Once or twice a week is about all I ever managed.o

    1. I have been running forever and my experience is that most runners are, by nature, very friendly and open. But in my job, I work with a lot of kids who are on the autism spectrum and I considered that too. No matter what, she definitely was socially stunted!

  19. Sorry about the hike. I hope there will be more.

    Well that lady was strange. Maybe she will not return to the group. It does sound like the rest of the runners are cool.

    I am trying to be safe and at the same time living life. Knock on far so good. Working from home I have limited contact and have not been around anyone who has gotten COVID. I am sick of the masking but hey we do what we gotta do. I felt like I wore one for the whole weekend, in the train, in the play, at the race, in the hotel.... But I am glad I went to NYC and had a great time. I just can't be a hermit.

    1. I agree with you--I'm so upset about missing the hike. But I can't catch Covid right now..and it was something I had to do.

  20. Congratulations on the PR. Weight moves have such fun names.
    I feel like the staffing shortages are turning personal here too. Not my direct job, but impacts like your lifeguard situation.
    That situation with the woman was weird -- would have raised my spidey sense as well. Glad you otherwise had a good run. In one of our 9/11 Museum 5Ks a younger and faster colleague was doing that run around us thing. Humorous in his case but we also told him he was a puppy. Go run your 7s. We'll find you in the beer garden

    1. Exactly!!! No matter what her deal was, she should have gone on ahead.

  21. That woman had a strange behavior, I think she will not join anymore the group.
    The photos with the roads covered of snow take me to a unknown world! I would like to try to run in a similar situation.
    I run with another friend but I avoid to run in group because of covid.

    1. I think you would love the snow!!! Winter here is way too long, but this time of year, it is enjoyable.

  22. Congrats on your PR in the gym! I'm sure that felt great and I love that SJ immediately had you try 90 pounds!

  23. You are doing so amazing with SJ!

    I'll tell you that if you show up with a dog, I automatically want to be friends! That woman sounds odd and I doubt you'll see her again.
