Friday, November 6, 2015

5 Race Signs that are off the hook

Before I dive into this post, I want to say one thing.

Thank you to everyone who comes to a race to cheer on the runners! Your support is what gets us to the finish line.

I don't mean to sound disingenuous when I say that some of the signs I see are...shall I say...outdated?

Today's Friday Five linkup prompt is Five Best Race Signs. At the Chicago Marathon, I saw a few new ones that made me chuckle.

This one:
And this one--I cannot find a picture but I saw it multiple times on the course:
"If Trump can run this long, so can you!"
I won't comment on his campaign...

But there were so many tired slogans this year. Maybe I've run too many races. Maybe I'm old and cranky. But with 26.2 miles to run, a runner gets to do a lot of thinking. And here's what I think. It's time for a change. Let's get creative!

Instead of:
How about: 
"Your pace is on point!"
This is so 2015. Just keeping it trendy.

Instead of:

Hold up...I kind of like this one! I usually see the standard: "Run like"...Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, you know, studly celeb "is waiting for you at the finish line".  Not that I'd mind if any of them were waiting for me

Here's mine:
"Run like yo bae is waitin' for you at the finish line!!!"
Because Ryan Gosling is my bae. Just keeping it up to date, my friends.

Instead of:
Grumpy cat is everywhere. And I'm a little bored. How about:
"FOMO? 26.2? YOLO!"
Too cheesy?

Instead of:
Well, have you see this one? Or any variation thereof?

This is so old! Come on people. You can do better. How about:
"None of the Kardashians have ever run a marathon"
Because they haven't. And never will. It's easy to keep up with them. In fact, most of us would pass them. With pleasure.

Last but not least:

Ok, worst, most overused sign ever. How about:
 "It could be 26.2 burpees"
It could. If my coach had anything to say about it...

Any ideas for updated marathon signs? Any signs that you get tired of seeing? Maybe it means we run too many races?

I'm linking up with the Friday Five for this fun post!!! CourtneyMar, and Cynthia are the hosts! Be sure to head over and check out their blogs and all the links! Let's get some new ideas for race day signs!


  1. I love one I saw which read GO RANDOM STRANGER GO!!!

    1. I've seen that one so many times! Guess I am getting old and cranky!

      The worst one is "if this race were easy, it would be called your mom"...

  2. bahahahaha the burpees one. Awesome

  3. Too funny!!!!! I'm still waiting to see my boy Jon Bon Jovi along the course with the sign,"Hey there, KIM! I'll be waiting for YOU (and only you) at the finish line." It could happen, right? (or a gal can dream)

  4. What are your thoughts on my sign that I held up for hours at the NYC marathon? RUN WITH JOY. Corny? I saw it when I ran the Austin TX 1/2 and it resonated with me and energized me. Reminded me of why I run. I noticed in NYC the majority of the runners that responded to the sign were "older" and "slower". Maybe for that group, in which I fit, finds it more meaningful. I was at mile 25.5-hard to find Joy at that point lol.

    1. Not corny at all! I love that sign! Anything that puts a smile on my face on the road is great.

  5. Fun signs! I always appreciate them when I see them on a course but for the life of me could not remember what they were. Fun post!

  6. Any signs that mention poop or farting - no no no.

    I love the "touch here for a power boost" and all the original ones I see out there. If anyone puts the effort into making a sign, I say yay!

    1. I saw one that said "don't sh** your pants" and that really bothered me! So crass!

  7. Yeah, I run a lot of races and see a lot of the same signs. But I still appreciate the effort and the support.

  8. I'm the most uncreative and unimaginative person alive, so I have no suggestions.
    But I am right with you on Grumpy cat. I never did understand his appeal.

    1. I'm pretty sure that you are not uncreative, after all you are a writer!

  9. There were so many good ones in Twin Cities but I can only remember the one that said "Squeeze my nipples for extra power."
    I use the term "on fleek" in all my texts to the teenager. Because I'm cool like that.

    1. I saw that "on fleek" when I was doing my research for this post. But I never heard it before!

  10. These are AWESOME! I saw one at the MKE running fest this past weekend that say "Run like they are giving away Corgis at the finish line!". So I did. Kind of.:)

    1. Were you disappointed when you crossed the finish and no corgi?

  11. I still stand by that Britney sign being hilarious!!!! The parade one is good too. I hate to leave a link in the comments, but I did a compilation of best Boston signs so I went back to look at which ones to share with you but they are ALL funny you I am leaving the link. I think you will like most of them!

    1. I'm at work commenting but I will check it out when I get home!

  12. Cute! I do love grumpy cat, though.

  13. I love your ideas of the Kardashians & the 26.2 burpees... you need to start the new trends - I'm tired of the Brittany one too.

  14. hahaha love the trump one! So on fleek ;-P

  15. I kind of like them all. Not that I'm not old and cranky, I just don't race too often.

  16. LOL at the "FOMO - YOLO" sign. That is so hip and trendy. I struggle to keep up with all the new slang and acronyms these days, but that one I actually understood without having to google it. =D

    1. I thought I was pretty hip and trendy until I saw the term "on fleek"!

  17. LOL! I love all the signs! My favorite at RnR Nashville was the guy that held it across his mid section and said SMILE OR I DROP THE SIGN- I stuck my tongue out and kept running!

  18. Very clever! I love your updates on the signs we have seen so many times! I am going to have to remember these the next time I go cheer at a race.

  19. I would love to see some new signs, but I'm not creative enough to come up with them. Perhaps that's what everyone else is thinking!

    1. I like any signs, but after 26.2 miles, you do get a little tired of the same old slogans!

  20. It's hard coming up with race slogans - I've had to do poster making parties a few times, and it's tough to come up with things that are fresh and fun and not too offensive. Either way, I love when people come out and cheer and I love seeing the signs along the way.

    1. I completely agree with you--I love when people come out and cheer us on!

  21. HAHAHAHA. I am a fan of any signs but I totally hear you :)

  22. Love your ideas! I had no idea what FOMO was until recently! I am pretty out of the times with the new acronyms! At least I know what YOLO is. :)

    1. I have teens and I take care of teens in my clinic, so I like to keep it fresh...

  23. These are some awesome suggestions! I saw a lot of signs that made me laugh during the Lululemon half marathon this past summer but I can't remember what any of them said now! At the end of the day, I just appreciate the fact that someone took the time to make a sign and come out and wave it!

  24. So funny!!! Love the Trump one and the Kardshians idea is definitely "On Point!"
    Have a great weekend!!!

  25. I am surprised I have not seen a "Trump" sign yet!

  26. LoL I love your new sign - "Run like yo bae is waitin' for you at the finish line!!!"

  27. I love your "None of the Kardashians have ever run a marathon" idea. I have absolutely no idea why people are fascinated with them....maybe I am just too old! I'm also sick of Grumpy Cat and the whole Ryan Gosling photo signs too. My favorites are the signs children make for their moms or dads.

  28. There are always at least 2 or 3 signs on a race course that make me literally LOL. It's part of the fun of racing.

    1. Hey, if they put a smile on your face, that's a win in my book!

  29. That Trump sign is hysterical! I try to take pictures of signs that I like, but that's only if I have the camera out and ready to go. No time to slow down just for a picture of a sign. :)

    1. I don't usually take pictures during a race either! I have to commit what I see to memory. Easier said than done!

  30. I wish this theme had been the week before MCM - I could have come up with good cheer signs. Since I mainly do 10 milers I don't see many signs when I'm racing, but when I do I even love the corny ones.

  31. Haha! Love these - especially the Kardashians one!

  32. Ha... the Trump one is my favorite!

  33. Haha, the Kardashians one is the best! It's true that some of the signs get a bit old. I still like 'All toenails go to heaven'. My favourite from a race earlier this year: "Run like someone called you a jogger" - that made me smile.

    1. When you are running 26.2 miles, you have a lot of time to think! I've see both those signs...maybe even more than once!

  34. lmao! I am dying over this post. I LOVE your take on this theme. But the word bae, ugh. Kids - is it really that hard to pronounce the additional "B" ??

    1. I know...and my 16 year old cringed when I read that one to him!

  35. The Kardashians comment was so funny! - It's easy to keep up with them. In fact, most of us would pass them. With pleasure.
    Love it.

  36. Haha! Love the one about Trump. i once saw someone dressed up like a wall with a sign, don't hit the wall, and then I did! Not cool!

  37. At the NYC marathon someone had an actual blow up punching bag dummy of Trump. Now THAT was good :-) I also loved "Those shorts make your butt look fast!" But so over grumpy cat, worst parade ever and if it was easy it would be called your mom. Yawn.

  38. I HATE with a passion the "Worst Parade Ever" sign.
