Friday, November 27, 2015

Runfessions for November

And once again, it's time for Runfessions--the monthly clear the conscience air it all link up hosted by Marcia at Marcia's Healthy Slice. I can hardly believe it's the end of November! Where has the time gone? Seems like we were all complaining about how hot it is, and then boom, we got hit by a snowstorm...

Speaking of snow, that leads to my first runfession...I love running in the snow. But I hate winter. How can this even be a thing?  Thankfully, Mother Nature made this snow event a brief one. After only a few days, we warmed up and melted that white stuff.

Actually, I'm fine with snow until January, and then I'm ready for spring to come. I have to admit that a white Christmas is a good thing. The snow does help a little bit, to get me in the mood for Christmas. But runfess that I'm a bit of a scrooge. It just seems to me that Christmas is so over the top these days. A few weeks ago, the mall near my house had Santa's arrival, and it was a major BFD. And no, Santa didn't come in a sleigh. He arrived in a helicopter. Complete with fireworks. Man, do I feel like I was deprived as a kid. We just went to see him at the local park shelter, fixed up to look like Santa's workshop. And we were so excited to see him. Kids today don't know how good they have it.

I runfess that my dog goes to bed with me at night and cuddles next to me. It's pretty sweet. She sleeps on my husband's pillow, and when he comes to bed, she reluctantly moves to the middle of the bed. The other night, I woke up and reached over to stroke her soft fur. It's so soothing. I was half asleep, and as I petted her, I started to realize that her fur felt a little coarse. I thought maybe I was petting her stomach. I realized I was petting my husband's leg! He was like, "what are you doing?" and I told him I thought he was the dog. I'm still chuckling about it, although I don't think he thought it was funny at all. He left to sleep on the couch.

Looks just like my Cleo!
I'm embarrassed to admit--I know this, is runfessions, but still...last weekend, I was not nice, ok I was--I'll just say it--I was rude to a customer service representative on the phone.

Ok. There it is. I was trying to upload pictures to Shutterfly. They had a free calendar offer, and I wanted in. I've used Shutterfly a million times in the past, but for some reason, I could not upload pictures to the website. Apparently, Shutterfly no longer supports Mac iOs. But they decided not tell us Mac owners, even posting an "easy extension" to help upload pictures from iPhoto directly to their website. I wasted several hours trying to get this to work. I should have just walked away. But no. I had to have my calendar. So I finally sucked it up and called customer service. I was on hold for an eternity. When my turn came, I patiently answered all the CSR's questions. But when she told me to "clear my cache and my cookies", I kind of lost it. I mean, really lost it. Why do they always ask you to clear your cache and cookies? REALLY? I asked to be transferred to someone in IT, and she sent me into purgatory. I'm sure I deserved it. After about 10 minutes on hold, I finally hung up and went back to working on my project. Eventually, I figured out a work around and got my pictures uploaded. The calendar is in the mail. And I'll feel guilty every time I look at it. Not really.

Finally, I have a huge runfession. Remember, how I was not going to run any races until next spring? I was taking it easy? I'm in recovery mode, right? Well...the last local half marathon of the year is this Saturday and I signed up. I had been considering running this one, even though I'm not in half marathon shape. But it wasn't until Tuesday night on my way home from work that I had this text exchange with Sara...

I was hoping she would tell me she was running it. That would have sealed the deal for me. But as I drove home from work and thought about it more, I realized that I really wanted to run this thing. No, I'm not in half marathon shape. Could I even sub-2? Who knows. My PF is still there, improving but still bothering me. And yet, my next race isn't until March. Oh, and then there's my coach. I haven't seen her for 6 weeks...maybe she won't even know. This race brings me to an even 15 halfs, and you know what? My OCD likes that. 

And so there it is. I signed up, and I'll be lining up at 9:15 am on Saturday. The last time I ran this one, it was a spur of the moment decision as well. I hope that the good karma I brought to that race follows me here. Regardless, it's a pretty course through a forest preserve that I'm familiar with and the weather forecast looks good. Don't judge me. The guy at packet pickup asked me how my training was going and I was like, "training? What training?". 

Oh, and I'm out of Tailwind...

Don't forget about my giveaway! I'm participating in a Holiday Blog Hop with about 15 other bloggers and everyone is giving away something good. And that's my final runfession--I've gotten no holiday shopping done, but plenty of packages are arriving...for me! Ayyy...and that's the struggle! Anyways don't forget to check it out! The post is here and there are 25+ other bloggers all giving something away.

Have you ever gone off on a customer service rep? Signed up for a race at the last minute? Do you let your dog in your bed? How do you feel about running in the snow? Have you entered my giveaway? Checked out the blog hop?

Sure, I'm linking up with Marcia, but I'm also linking up with the Friday Five aka Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia! Because, yep, 5 Runfessions right here...


  1. My husband get jealous when I pet the dog. He would be so sad if I let the dog sleep between us - and we'd need a bigger bed! My runfessions - I'm tired and have been hitting the snooze button and my piriformis is cranky.

    1. Ugh to the piriformis. My PF is cranky. The last thing it needs is a half marathon!

  2. Your dog is too cute! We share our bed with my 11 year old shihtzu and she does the same thing with my husband's pillow. She's only 11 lbs so she doesn't take up much room. I love when she snuggles under the covers with me. Sometimes I even spoon her. My hubby says I love her more than him. =)

    1. I love that you spoon your dog. I do the same thing..but she's getting old and cranky, and she usually moves to the floor after a while.

  3. THe only last minute race I've done was the RnR Half here last year when I won the entry into it 3 days before. But it was just part of marathon training. Not bludgeoning myself for fun :D

    And I'm a total Scrooge.

    1. You just put my last minute craziness all into perspective. Yep, I'm bludgeoning myself...and I don't know how much fun it will be. WTH is wrong with me?

  4. Both dogs sleep in the bed, and when Simba was still with us, he slept in it, too (Gizmo did until we got dogs). And Lola does exactly the same thing -- sleeps on/near my husband's pillow and then moves in the middle when he gets into bed. Although sometimes she plasters to me while I'm reading. Once in a blue moon in the middle of the night she'll put her head on my shoulder which is really sweet; although she hasn't done that in a long time.

    I will take your slowest, untrained HM time. Which will be way faster than anything I'll ever run. I'll pray to the GI Gods for you!

  5. Wow, you sound like me with the last minute half marathon thing. Woo Hoo! I was so hoping I'd be well so I could have 10 in this year, not 8. Who ends on 8? Christmas is just so over the top! AND I DON'T LIKE IT. What's it going to be like in 20 years? {Shudder}

    Good luck at your impromptu half. I think you'll whip it!

  6. OMG I thought that WAS Cleo! Petting your husband's leg=priceless! Our dogs were bed fixtures, until they could no longer jump up. It was hard, but we broke them of the habit. You'll be great at the half...if this freaking rain ever stops. Thanks for linking up!

  7. Hard to pass up a race in your hometown! Naturally you are in! I didn't really get to run in the snow the last 2 years bc I was injured in the winter time. I have a pair of Yaktrax I am dying to use.

  8. Santa in a helicopter ? yeah. WAY over the top. LOL

  9. We don't let our dog in the bed, but that's mostly because he would take up most of it and we wouldn't have anywhere to sleep! I like running in the snow until it gets packed down and icy.

    1. My dog is little so there's plenty of room for all three of us, altho my husband usually heads to the couch anyways.

  10. Ha ha ha...your dog, your husband's hairy leg...Too Funny! Yes, I have done some races last-minute, most of them have been short races, though. I have kind of gotten to the point where I can do a half marathon without really training for it (I know you're probably the same), although I do realize I'm not gonna PR my finish time. I just appreciate the fact that I am lucky to be able to even consider doing that kind of "torture" and still be able to walk the next day (albeit slowly, with a Frankenstein gait).

  11. WHAT?! santa came in a helicopter?! That is CRAZY!!!
    We don't have anything like that around here haha
    I admit I love Christmas. And I with you, I like a little snow around holidays. It has been super warm here lately - which has been GREAT for running!

  12. I love snow too but HATE the cold. But it's coming...

    I'm like you with races but even worse.

    Half #17 is next Sunday.

    1. I think it was the desperation I felt, knowing it was the last half of the year?

  13. I am laughing so hard about Santa's arrival! I love Christmas so much (my cat is named Christmas) but that is SOOOOO over the top!!! It is funny though.

    I am sure it doesn't surprise you that our cats sleep with us. :)

  14. i love you signed up last minute to do that race. i always signed up for a marathon on saturday...then i regained my sanity :) have fun!!!

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking it was a moment of insanity and now I have to pay the price...

  15. My dog has also been getting into bed with us lately! My hubs would rather not...since she is a 65lb heating blanket, but I feel bad sometimes! As long as she stays on my side of the bed (not in the middle), she at least gets a couple of hours on the bed.

  16. I love that you signed up for a half last minute.... I think we plan things and train for things too much.... it's nice to just spontaneously sign up and do a race because you want to! Have a great 15th half!

    1. I think it will be's supposed to be a pretty day! Praying that my PF stays quiet.

  17. I think being a customer service rep has to be the worst job ever! I mean ever! I still in shock with this Santa in the helicopter thing I guess that is how the big city folks do it! :) Good luck Saturday!

    1. I told my husband about that Santa thing tonight and he was stunned! How do you top that?

  18. I hope you enjoy the half marathon!! I'm sure youll do great even though you're in take it easy mode. So funny you thought your husband was your dog!

  19. Schaumburg Half! Yay! See you tomorrow.

    1. Yay! I know I'm crazy for doing this, but hey, that's how I roll!

  20. Oh I confess that my labrador sleeps with me. She does the exact thing your dog does!
    I also admit that I have wasted hours of my life (in frustration) over Shutterfly!

  21. I am in bed reading your blog as hubby is snoring away and I literally start laughing at the thought of you petting your hubby's leg. The best part is that he moves to the couch. Hilarious. Any who, miss ya. Have a great race. Have fun!

    1. I mentioned it to him again yesterday (bc I wrote about it) and he just shook his head! Right now, he's sleeping on the couch...

      I miss our conversations! Instagram just isn't the same...

  22. OMG that dog story is hilarious!! And glad you ran that half huh? ;)

    1. So glad! You just never know what you've got left in the tank!

      Yeah, my hubs still isn't laughing...

  23. I hate I missed Runfessions, I just could not do it all! I confess I was a bit on edge today at work, coming back from being on vacation with piles on my desk, I swear there is a desk under here.....somewhere. I answer the phone and well today when the 2nd person called wanting me to give them the model number off my copier, I simply lost it. I felt bad afterwards but honestly I'm not sure they understood what I was saying only my tone. Ahhhh I feel better already!

    1. See? All you have to do is let it out and you'll feel better....

  24. I love sleeping with my dog! She's so soft and comfy!

  25. I laughed out loud when I read about your dog/husband mix-up. I live in Maine so we definitely run in the snow. I have enjoyed some incredibly peaceful, quiet runs on snowy roads. It's such a unique experience.

  26. So funny. I think I snuggle with the kitten more than the man.

  27. That was hilarious you stroking your husband's leg thinking it was the dog!! I am still laughing!! ;-) You are so cute.
