Friday, January 27, 2017

Runfessions: January

I can hardly believe it's the end of January, but yep, there it is! And just in time for Runfessions. I've been saving them up and I have a few...nothing too earthshattering, which in my book is a good thing!

Pull up a chair and have an anti-inflammatory smoothie.

Let the 'fessing begin...

This one's got cocoa, blueberries, banana, avocado, cinnamon, and oatmeal!

It hardly feels like January in my neck of the woods. Did you see my pictures from last weekend's sunny Chicago lakefront run with Marcia and Kim? While I'm enjoying our winter--this mild weather makes the running easy--I can't help but wonder: where is the snow? I runfess that I love a good snow run. I know, be careful what you wish for--the last time challenged the universe I got norovirus--but still, I wouldn't mind a little more snow. We've really only had one significant snow and that was back in December. The temperatures are falling back to what is normal for this time of year, so let's see what happens.

Where is he when we need him?
What has been interesting is all the stuff I've seen along the side of the road while I've been running! It might be time for another Running Treasure Hunt! Without the snow cover, it's been like a trash treasure hunt. Mostly I've seen a lot of liquor bottles, which is simultaneously amusing and frightening. Clearly, folks are drinking and flinging those bottles out the window. I also spotted this bottle of oxycodone. Empty, but where did the 100 pills go? And where did the bottle come from? I also found a full can of Revolution Fist City beer, still attached to the other 4 caps. Expensive stuff, I runfess that I picked the can up and brought it home for my husband to drink. He said it was ok, and he probably wouldn't buy it.

I'm still playing with yoga on the run, and if you read my weekly recap last week, you saw that I finally landed handstand, unassisted. I runfess that I tried probably 10 times before I was able to get my legs straight and together. It was really fun trying, though, and someone asked me to share the outtakes. I think these are better than the actual pose...
You may have seen that lululemon/strava run challenge, where you could run 40km or 80km in 2 weeks. My coach Becky told me about it and I decided to go for it. Never a person to do anything halfway, I went for the 80km challenge (50 miles) and I did it! Black ice and all. I went to Lululemon to pick up my prize. I figured I would get a headband or something. I runfess that I was stunned when I found out that I would receive a Swifty tech shirt for the 40km distance and a pair of Speed Shorts for completing the 80km distance. The only color option was black but I'm not complaining. I still can't believe it. Becky says she's taking up running.

I runfess that I have been limiting my time on Facebook. My feed is full of political posts and I have had enough. I'm not shy about my feelings for Donald Trump but he is in office and there's not a whole lot we can do about it. I have incredible anxiety about his presidency and seeing all the negativity in my feed is just making me feel worse. So if I'm not liking your running posts or personal posts, it's because either I'm not seeing them or I'm just not on FB enough to find them. I'm an administrator for a fitness blogging page so I have to check in, and I do link up posts to my TTLWH page, but for now, I'm taking a little break from everything else. Well, almost everything else...

By the way, if you blog and would like to join our Facebook Fitness Blogging Group, send me a message. The group hosts social media threads where you can post your links and increase your engagement. We'd love to increase our membership! It's been a lot of fun and I've met some amazing bloggers through the group. And it's a politics-free zone!

How is your winter? Do you have snow? Find anything interesting on the run? Did you do the lululemon/strava challenge? 

I'm linking up with Marcia for Runfessions as well as Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0.


  1. Wow! That is a great prize to win from Lululemon. I do not see many interesting things while running, because I usually run in a state park that is very clean. However, every now and then when I do run around town I will find a random sneaker or flip flop. How does that work? Do they still have the other one?

    1. I see random shoes as well--I always wonder about the other shoe!

  2. Killer prize, no doubt about it. I've set up the Facebook social filter extension for Chrome. It is very, very helpful.

  3. I was so bummed I missed the strava challenge!! I had no idea! Started too late. I think you should do another running treasure hunt!!

  4. I wonder how many of those Swifties Lulu had to shell out? Fab prize fo sho! Honestly I've toyed with bagging my personal FB page. The political swill drains me.

  5. OMG....did we have some mental telepathy thing going on (that neither recognized)??? We even are wearing the same color! Yes to all the political *hi* still happening (and I'm still seeing it from both party affiliations). I'm spending less and lesser time on FB as well.

    1. I'm pretty sure that we will be channeling each other from now until June!

  6. OMG that bad lip reading video was HILARIOUS! I really needed that laugh this morning.

    I'm planning on getting involved in the next Strave challenge!

    1. I showed it to my team at work and they were all laughing! We aren't supposed to talk politics there but this was too good not to share.

  7. Congrats on your handstand - that's impressive! And the Lulu haul - that's a stellar prize!!! And are book bloggers that also run and post very occasionally about their running and triathlons allowed to join your Facebook group? If so, I'd love to!

  8. I runfess I totally forgot about the challenge . . . oh well, I'm not a black fan either.

    All the handstand failures? That's just warming up. :)

    Totally agree about Trump -- and having run an large online community in the past where I eventually had to ban politics, I totally get it. You won't see political stuff on my feed. Mr. Judy & I get into it occasionally -- he didn't vote for Trump, but we have extremely different political views.

    February is usually the very worst month of winter, and if the snow still stays away, that would make me very, very happy. Even with little snow, it's still really hard to find places to run. Just a little bit turns into ice quickly & with the amount of sunshine we get . . . it stays that way til summer. You can have all our snow & welcome to it!

  9. I did know about the Lulu challenge until I saw you doing it and I wish I had. I have to start looking around for fun treasures on my runs. I always so busy chatting I probably don't see it! No political posts at all from me and I had to stop my regular FB feed bc it was just to negative. That's one of the reasons why I love our fitness FB groups!

    1. I feel bad just dropping my links but I can't stand it anymore!

  10. That LuLu challenge/prize was amazing! I'm getting fatigued over FB drama. Some of the things deserve a reaction. But some don't -- like what is/not on the WH web page, b//c every new admin puts up their own content. That said, if you haven't seen the Netherlands video "welcoming" Trump it is worth it. I don't LOL at much, but I do every time! (It's a few posts down on my personal page.)

  11. Congrats on your win. Love those outtakes. I'm with you on the political shit. I did post one because it summarizes how I feel but that's it. I ignore the rest. Unfortunately it won't go away.

  12. No snow here but it's definitely colder than normal. That makes me happy though because summer will be here eventually and I'll take all the cold I can get!

    I don't know why I never heard about the Lululemon Strava challenge until it was more than halfway finished. I think it was because it started the week I was sick. Maybe next time!

    Love your yoga outtakes!

    1. I wouldn't have known about the challenge if it wasn't for Becky!

  13. We've had the yo-yo temps here, we'll get snow then it disappears. Right now they're calling for a foot but it hasn't started yet (knock on wood).

  14. Sista, the lip reading thing made my day!!!!

  15. How sweet that you won such a great Lulu prize! :)

  16. Wow, what a great prize, who knew they would be so generous. I am pretty sick of politics at this point too.

  17. Careful what you wish for with the snow! My parents didn't get much snow in the mountains in the fall, and couldn't go skiing after Thanksgiving. Now it seems it won't stop snowing up there. In my experience, if it starts out slow, it will make up for it in a shorter amount of time. "Winter is coming."

    1. Oh yes! I know from past experience that we'll make up for it!

  18. I love the idea of a running treasure hunt! So fun. I runfess that I haven't watched the news since election day. I can't take it.

  19. That is an interesting collection of items found on your run!!

    I actually find myself looking on facebook for support. As you know, Mr. President has made his attack against Mexicans very strong, and there are days that I feel so unwanted and unwelcomed here. I am lucky to know really awesome people on FB, who are always posting their outrage at what the president is doing. It give me courage!

    1. I'm more discouraged by the negativity by both sides. It's very upsetting to me.

  20. I love snow and snow sports so i am dying a little here cause we don't have ANY snow!
    I've watched that lip reading Clio so many times! Love it.

    1. I don't love snow but I like a little! And I want to go XC skiing again!

  21. No snow here, but lots of rain. The last few days have been clear and cold (anything below 40 is cold to this weather wimp!)

    My running miles were too low right now, but I need to pay better attention to those Strava challenges. Great prizes from Lululemon!

  22. I was shocked by the prize from the lululemon Strava challenge too! That was awesome!

  23. I LOVE seeing outtakes of photos. They're some of my favourites!

  24. I hear ya on the facebook thing... It was bad before the election... and it just ups my anxiety seeing it all with what we are stuck with. At least instagram is happy time. Love the video... hilarious!

    1. I've definitely been directing most of my energies towards IG!

  25. Awesome outtakes! Haha, these are the best!!

  26. So far, we have gotten off easy this winter in CO but I do not mind one bit. Hardly any snow in November, more in December and a bit in January. I hope we continue on this trend because I have only had to run inside ONE time (YAY)...and the mountains are getting a lot of snow which is the most important part. I am ready for spring and loving that the days are getting longer by 2 minutes per day (nerd alert on the one who watches these things--LOL).

  27. Girl, I'm so over all the political crap too! No matter which side of the administration you fall on's getting ridiculously out of hand. Why can't everyone just be nice to one another? If the world was run by a group of runners ...there'd be no political parties and we'd all just go our for a run to discuss the world problems! :)

    BTW...your handstand photos are great!!

    1. That's the hardest part for me about all this political discourse--the animosity is spilling into real life!

  28. I wish Lulu was closer to home!! I wonder if I can download the app to my MILs phone and have her pick up my prizes...sigh. I don't care about what is going on in this country at the moment...if I cared too much, I would just gag all the time. When I see all the "hoaxes" and the like that are being spouted, I just get annoyed. I would love to be a part of the FB support crew :) Let me know what you need!

  29. I've had to take a break from FB as well, from the scrolling that is. I still try and post and check my page but my personal one goes through spells. Politics or not most of it is full of drama, I do have to admit some very entertaining, but a time sucker for sure!
    Time is something I don't have enough of so I need to pick and choose.

  30. We have had hardly any snow this winter, but the cold comes and goes every few weeks. I have also been ok FB way less. I autopost to my blog page, and once in awhile I will go on my personal page and then get annoyed at 95% of what I see. So I really never go on anymore. I would love to join your group though! Should I send you a message on FB?

  31. I've been really lucky with finding random 6-packs of beer and such. The oxy just makes me sad, though. Ah. I hate that shit.

    1. Right? My teenage son was stunned--he kept wondering aloud how that bottle just happened to be there...

  32. Taking a break from Facebook is such a good idea, especially lately! I think I need to try this.

  33. I live in FL, so my winter runs are always super nice. But running in snow is on my bucket list! It just looks like it would be so peaceful and lovely, but I bet it's harder than it looks.

    I've had to limit how often I read news/Facebook too. Sometimes I want to read a lot to help myself stay on top of things and get involved, but other times I need to step back for my own mental health!

    1. It's been tough trying to find my groups and pages amongst all the crap that's in my feed!

  34. I'm still so bummer (and a little bitter) that manual entries didn't count for the Lululemon/Strava challenge. Technology failed me and missed out. :-(

    Definitely going to have to watch that Bad Lip Reading video of the Inauguration. I'm waiting to watch it with my husband. :)

  35. I'm with you on Facebook. My brother is probably the worst offender. He's constantly outraged by everything Trump and continually posting about it. I've realized I see things first on Facebook, then again on the news, then again when the late night comedians make fun. I'm tired of the same information three times per day. Congrats on the handstand!

  36. I have to know what is going on so I can take action. So my new goal is set aside 10-15 min a day so I can get caught up on what is going on, have an ACTION (call congress, schedule meeting, whatever that may be) and then let it go. I think I won't feel so guilty about letting it all go if I did my due diligence for the day.

    1. I'm glad you are still taking action! Maybe you'll run for office some day. I'd vote for you!

    2. I have thought about it but I honestly don't know ANYTHING about doing that. Also, I am in charge ALL DAY LONG at school, that the last thing I want to do is be in charge of something else! I just get tired.... I'm trying to tell myself as long as I am a good teacher I am more than doing my part, but I do want to do more. Thanks, Wendy.

  37. I've been trying to stay off of facebook, but the other day at work I was reading the Washington Post and it was nearly as stressful. I've been searching out all the fluffy amusing things for the last couple of days.

    Totally LOL at your outtakes. We need at least one snow here too...

  38. The trash along some of the road sides is just plain awful. Amazing how clean a blog can look from the view in your car- but running along can give you a whole new perspective!

  39. I love your out take pictures- they are the best! The lulu lemon outfit is super impressive not a bad pay for 2 weeks of running!! :) Those little liquor bottles bother me too- can't people just drink on the back porch like I do????

    1. It's a little cold for that here, so maybe they're out driving around? Horrors...

  40. Hi Wendy, I will send you a message as I would like to join that fitness bloggers group. The political news is getting to almost everyone I know--- it's not FB itself, it's the news that's being conveyed on FB. And I have friends who are taking a FB break. I meant to have a news break this weekend, but I did end up reading news-- which meant I then had to email my House rep. We have to stay active-- and not just physically but politically.

    1. Hmm I tried mailing you at, it bounced back.

    2. It's

      No "the"

      I'll give you details. We'd love to have you!

  41. I'm really bummed that I didn't see the Lululemon 40-80 challenge until it was over! Yes on avoiding Facebook. It's so annoying.

  42. So glad you met (and exceeded) the Strava/LuluLemon challenge. Congrats! I too didn't see it until your posts but wouldn't have been able to meet the challenge...too much going on those two weeks. Congrats on the blogaversary, and especially for nailing the handstand! Still finding my way in the blogging world. Soooo many balls in the air right now and haven't been posting as much as I would like. I'll get there... Would love to join your FB group. I have so much to learn about blogging AND running! I'll message you.

  43. That's awesome that you got such great swag for completing the lululemon challenge! I still have never stepped foot in their store.

    Facebook is tough these days. I want to limit how much I'm on in the evenings because I don't want to end my day as depressing as the news make me feel these days. I just makes me feel helpless and hopeless....

    But on the bright side, I think we may be getting some snow soon. I just hope it doesn't make it too difficult to run in my hood! There's still plenty of winter left!

    1. Everyone keeps warning me--but the good thing is, if we get snow this time of year it doesn't stick around for very long!

  44. We've not gotten an measurable amount of snow yet this year, but I just heard that we might get 1/2-inch tomorrow morning. Woot woo!

  45. Love that you posted your Handstand outtakes. I just finished a beginner handstand challenge and realized that it will probably take me a year to nail a legit one, but I'm working on it everyday. I'm interested in joining your fitness blogger group - will message you. Thanks!

    1. I've been working on mine for a while--I'm pretty excited to finally have landed it! I think facing your fear is the toughest part!

  46. I will runfess that I signed up for the Strava/Lululemon Challenge and was determined to run all of the miles (kilometers) but it was during that time that I was injured. I had no idea the prize was Lulu gear and I was bummed when I saw everyone's goodies on social media. :-) But great job on completing the challenge!!

    I too agree about Facebook. I deleted the app from from phone and did not check it for about 3 weeks. Did not miss it at all. I downloaded the app this morning and just briefly skimmed it.

    1. I had no idea about the Lulu gear either! I was speechless at the store! They were laughing at me..

  47. The weather has been insane here - one day it is 10 degrees one day it is 50! I am so ready for spring and it is not even the worst of it yet LOL

    1. Say it isn't so...I can't imagine anything worse than the past 2 weeks!
