Sunday, December 29, 2019

Staying on Track

As busy as it gets this time of year, I stuck to my workout schedule. I completely understand those folks who opt-out during the holidays. I mean, something's got to give, right? Since my workouts are what keeps me sane, I choose to let go of having the 'perfect' holiday. Yes, the tree is up and the gifts were wrapped. I even baked cookies. But while I picked up the clutter, I didn't do any major cleaning before the guests came over. That might bother some people, but we all have our priorities and having a perfect house is not one of mine. The only person who noticed anything was my dad, who pointed out how dusty my dining room chandelier is.

There's always that one person. I did offer to him that he could come over and clean it. He hasn't taken me up on that.

It was nice, letting go of a few things and I found that I really enjoyed the holidays this year! Plus, with the spectacular weather we've been having, who wants to stay inside and clean?

Saturday's run

Week in Review:
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: Run 4.25 miles
Wednesday: Run 3.25 miles
Thursday: Strength Train, Bootcamp
Friday: rest
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 4 miles

In my effort to 'let go' of a few things, I also didn't push my miles this week. We had fabulous weather, very unseasonably warm, and you'd think I'd want to run more. I wanted to, but...priorities. I got in just enough miles to fire up the endorphin machine and it worked out well. On Tuesday, I woke up to dense fog, which made for kind of an eerie scene. On Wednesday, Christmas Day, I had fun with my neighbors' ridiculously large snowman. I hope they didn't see me!

The initial photo was me sitting in front of the snowman. So cheesy. I'm so not a poser.
Instead, I shared the candid of me running away...
It was a little cooler on Saturday, but still dry so I headed to the retention pond to do a couple of loops. I ran 5 miles and dodged the rain. Sunday was warm! and I ran in shorts. For my last run of 2019 and the decade, it was a treat!

While there were some holiday workouts this week, I didn't sign up for any of those. Monday's class was surprisingly very crowded--I guess a lot of people had the week off! We started with the MetCon, which was called "The 400": a melange of 100 ball over box overs, plank stepups, dumbbell snatches, and anchored situps. You could break this up into smaller sets of 3 or less. This was followed by skill work off your choice on the bar. I chose to attempt toes to bar. I'm slowly getting closer!

I'm swinging!
On Thursday for my strength workout, Sammy Jo had me start with my favorite, deadlifts, building to a 5 rep max of 155# for 4 sets. And yes, it was heavy! I also worked on banded strict pullups and snatch to overheads. Bootcamp was a workout called Candy Cane Lane. We had to do 3 rounds of 2mins work/1 minute rest of each: wall balls, assault bike, KB swings, and row. It was as hard as it sounds!

"Ooh, that's heavy!"
How was your week? Did you survive the holidays? Were you able to keep up with your workouts? What did you have to let go of? 

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown.


  1. I would chose a run over dusting a chandelier any day! Amazing that your dad noticed. Well done for sticking to your schedule.
    The giant snowman photo is hilarious! And I really like the Chicago Marathon shirt that you're wearing.
    I kept up with all my workouts except Friday...but as you say, something's got to give.

    1. This is the first time he pointed out my dusty chandelier. One year, I actually cleaned it before they came over. He didn't notice that!

  2. I'm the same way - I need my workouts to keep my sanity during the holidays. If that means a pile of laundry doesn't get folded right away, oh well. I'd rather make time for things that I enjoy which included workouts and spending quality time with friends and family.

    1. Exactly! I just feel gross if I don't move my body. Everything else falls into place after that.

  3. I'd totally hand your dad a feather duster in that situation!!! I have let a load of things slide since we've had the new kitties, although that did leave me having to run in not-warm-enough leggings the other week! A lovely strong week. I got in a good-for-me week of distance, so pleased with that. Happy New Year!

    1. You had an amazing week and year! I'm so glad we've 'met' through this space!

  4. I'm with you on priorities. I do love having a clean house, but it's way lower on the list than workouts. I was kind of bad and let weight lifting go by the wayside this week, but I took advantage of our warm weather and got outside for my runs, so that was a treat. Work was pretty busy so I cut corners on holiday baking and absolutely no one noticed. <3 your snowman selfie!

    1. That's ok--I skipped yoga this week. My body is talking to me about that and I think I'm going to get down on the floor and do some stretches after I post this comment!

  5. Yeah sure a clean house is nice, but I am SO not one to agonize over it! Life's way too short for me to make cleaning a priority. That said, I treated myself to an extra heavy lifting session this week. The gym has been very empty lately and I'm taking full advantage. I let go of holiday cards this year. And did minimal baking. It's all good.

    1. I did my usual baking because I do love to make my cookies, but I had quite a few left over. For the first time ever, I had to take a bunch to work! How things have changed. And I let go of cards a few years ago.

  6. Yeah, cleaning is never a super priority with me either -- heck, it's just going to get dirty again! Dust chandeliers? Who DOES that?

    We had warmer weather but nowhere near that warm. Almost made it to 50 . . . almost. Not complaining too much though, the snow is almost gone and I can run outside for the most part.

    Sounds like you had a great holiday! I may adjust my workouts, but unless I'm really sick, I never let go of them completely! Yup, they make me a nicer person.

  7. I kept up my streaking, which was only too easy being in a warmer climate. I'm thankful for the recent warm weather we've had, but it was MIA this afternoon after we returned.

  8. I sure do agree with you about letting things go and enjoying your holiday. That is one of the reasons why we always go away that week. Trying to make everything perfect was what I used to do and I no longer find the need to do it. Glad you had a great week!

    1. As much as I like getting together with family, I like your idea of going out of town!

  9. That snow man is amazing - I'm with you though I'm not one for posing. I missed running this week, but still had a good week. Loving this weather though, just wonderful for doing errands.

  10. I'm with you - I got stuff done, would have liked to run more but priorities. And there was no way I was cleaning the baseboards or chandeliers. :)

  11. Leave it up to a dad or mom to comment on the dust :) Who cares? I don't prioritize that stuff either. Not enough time in the day, as running is my priority, not dusting :)

  12. I need my workouts for my sanity too so there's no opting out for me - I did slow the pace a bit though. My chandelier was dusty too and I'm ok with that ;)

  13. I unwisely let go of sleep. :-( Even when I tried to hang on to it in bed, it didn’t happen. :-P I did keep up with my workouts to have a sliver of me-time. Plus, running with Scooby helped him cope with the holiday stress too — he was very calm with all our guests. I’ll be interested to see how many people show up to OTF tomorrow. There were only 15 of us there on the 26th.

    1. Interesting--when I went to CF on the 26th it was very crowded!

  14. I let go of a lot of things this holiday. Stuck to the "main traditions" but gave myself a break with others (including super cleaning!). Overall, I had a good relaxing time with family and got all my runs done. Glad you snuck in that photo with the snowman - the candid photo worked brilliantly!

    1. It feels good to let go of the 'perfect' holiday! For me it's all about family.

  15. Fortunately, I don't host at Christmas so I didn't worry about dusting at all! I'm pretty good at keeping up with my workouts through the holidays. The running part is natural and since I work at a gym, I generally get in my strength work (though it is shortened sometimes).

  16. Sounds like a good week overall! I agree, I let go of things looking perfect a long time ago :) Good enough is often my new mantra when it comes to things like that.

    1. As a perfectionist, it is hard for me to let go! But since cleaning is not my thing, that is the first thing to go...

  17. Honestly, I didn't have many responsibilities this holiday. Mr PugRunner and my mom did the cooking and the baking. My mom did the wrapping. The boys did the cleaning and the laundry. All I had to do was open presents and eat. It's not my preferred way, but this is what I had to work with this year.

    1. Sounds like you are well taken care of. Lucky lady and you will be doing all the things soon enough! Happy New Year!

  18. The holidays are a double edged sword for me - we don't really do much yet there are outside parties and functions and meet-ups to go to which means more food and alcohol. While I don't exercise during the holidays specifically to combat these extra indulgences (as exercise should not be a punishment) I do find it very important to still get my workouts in. So yeah. My "chandelier" is also dusty! Exercise makes me feel better mentally and physically. The holidays are stressful (and for me kind of depressing, but I'm going to work on that for future holidays) and I need the movement for balance.

    I'm so glad you guys had such mild weather!! Boy that's a change from the last few winters in Chicago!!

    1. The mild weather was a gift! Its been nice to get out and run in minimal layers. We're having a quiet NYE at home and I'm looking forward to it all.

  19. Ok I admit it. I had friends coming over and I hired someone to clean. If you work, who has time for that??

    1. Oh heck, I have a cleaning lady, altho she only comes once a month. I work part-time and the boys are pretty much gone, so we don't need her more than that.

  20. It was a pretty good week for me too. It did help that I am on Winter Break. I hate cleaning but only do the basic. I know when I move my landlord will have a fit when he sees the apartment. I know he plans to remodel the apartment so should I hire someone to clean it before he works on it?

    1. I have no idea! If it will affect your security deposit, then yes.

  21. I'm trying to rally up the interest in cleaning right now. We are having a small gathering of cross country team girls over our house tonight and I really should be doing it... :) I've been on vacation for the last two weeks to my days have been a blur - in a great way. We'll be taking down the Christmas decorations in a few days.

  22. Your dad said what? Did you ask him what time he could come over the next day to clean house for you? ;-)

    I didn't give up any of my workouts until after Monday's run when my back said "no more" and I haven't tried running since. I hadn't planned to skip my runs this week, but know that I have to listen to my body. Here's hoping I can run one day next week.

    Happy New Year, Wendy!

    1. I sure hope your back gets better quickly! Is it your SI joint?
