Sunday, January 5, 2020

New Year, Same Old Me!

It's a new year and I haven't made any resolutions or goals for 2020. I haven't chosen a word for the year. Instead, I'm just keeping on, rolling with the progress that I made as 2019 drew to a close.

If I were to make a resolution, it would be to actually train, not to just go out and run. I won't lie, I've been enjoying 'just running'. Junk miles, all of them. Kinda fun, though.

I do have some races in mind for the spring and if I want to feel good about how I run them, I'm going to have to do some training, including speed work. I'm mulling that over as we speak.

You know I'll do it. Ever the competitor, I'm driven by results. I've got a couple of weeks before I have to get back to work. For now, I'm just going to enjoy the ride!

NYD run in the woods

Weekly Rundown
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run 5.25 miles
Thursday: Bootcamp, strength train
Friday: rest
Saturday: run 3.1 miles
Sunday: run 6.5 miles

I woke up to snow on New Year's Day. Hoping to run on fresh snow, I ran on the bike path. While the path was a bit icy and crunchy, I enjoyed a leisurely run under blue skies and perfect conditions. What a great way to kick off 2020! While that snow all melted, when I woke up early to run on Saturday, there was a fresh dusting. A quick 5k around the hood was all I had time for before work, but it was a great start to my day.

With gusty winds predicted later on Sunday, I wanted to get out early for my planned 6 miler. Let's just call it breezy, but I made sure to head out into the wind when I started. Save for a few dog walkers, I pretty much had the bike path to myself. This was my 'long run' for the week and I took it slow.

Due to my work schedule, I didn't partake in any of the special holiday workouts this week at the box. On Monday, I went to a regular class which was more of a bootcamp-type of workout, but for time. We did a 21-15-9 workout of pull-ups and thrusters, a 15-12-9 workout of chest-to-bar pull-ups and power snatches, and a 9-6-3 workout of bar muscle-ups and clean and jerks. There was a 5 minute rest between activities and modifications were allowed. I used a band for the pull-ups and a PVC pipe/band for a BMU prep exercise. This was a really challenging workout and I was glad to be done.

Glad to let that bar drop to the ground!
Thursday's bootcamp was an 18 minute AMRAP of 50 double unders (I did 100 SUs), 10 KB deadlifts (35#), 15 wall balls, and 20 atomic sit-ups. I completed 5 rounds. After that was an alternating Tabata, 8 rounds each of supermans, hollow holds, and hollow hangs. Let me just say that my abs were sore for several days after this class!

Sammy Jo was out of town on Thursday, but she left me some homework of front squats, 4 sets of 5 at 85#. I also did the strength workout from the WOD that morning, which was strict presses 4 sets of 3 at 85% (55#) and L-sits, accumulating 2 minutes of holds. I missed my coach and I could have skipped it, but she has instilled in me this love of lifting heavy sh** and I didn't want to miss out!

I scheduled a therapeutic massage for Saturday and did I ever need it. I've been having some soreness in my pecs and shoulders from all the lifting I've been doing. Her magic fingers worked out the kinks and I left feeling much looser than when I went in!

So including my sort of resolution to train for my spring races, I'm also going to work a little harder on self-care. I've been slacking on yoga and I need to get back at a regular practice. I'll also be scheduling monthly massages. I've done well watching my diet but I indulged a bit over the holidays. Don't ever let anyone tell you that what you eat doesn't make a difference because I definitely had an uptick in inflammation over the past couple of weeks. Was it worth it? Hell yeah. But I'm happy to get back on track. I like feeling good!

Did you make any resolutions or goals for the new year? Do you have a word for the year? I can't commit to one, lol! 

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown.


  1. Just enjoying the ride sounds pretty good to me! You seem to be in a good place right now with running so why not continue to roll with it. Happy New Year! My only goal right now is to get over this injury

  2. I'm not the resolution type either, as you know. If I want to do something, I do it. Yeah, the right food is definitely medicine.

    1. I never believed it before, but after the year I had, health-wise, I knew something had to give. I also got rid of that menopot, so there's that!

  3. Awesome job on all of your workouts this week!

    I set a few goals for the year but then I try to set monthly goals to help me achieve the overall yearly goals. It's been working so far so I hope it will work this year as well.

    Love that you made time for self care this week by scheduling a massage - I need to do that as well!

    1. It's so easy to skip those things, like a massage. But I'm so glad I went,even though my back is a little bruised, lol!

  4. I need to work on my strength and keep up my yoga but at the moment I'm getting through the withdrawal from my anti-anxiety medication (I came off it by tapering properly and I haven't got the whole list of withdrawal symptoms) so I'm going to be kind to myself for a bit.

    1. I think being kind to yourself is the best thing you can do! <3

  5. I may make goals but then forget about them.

    Right now I want to run without pain. Enjoy my runs. And race often.

    More self care is a great goal.

    1. Run without pain is a constant goal for me! I hope you meet that goal soon!

  6. I don't really have any NY resolutions or word of the year, let's just say that 2020 is going to be bigger than one word hee hee. Happy training!

  7. I absolutely agree with what you eat makes a difference. Did I indulge some? Yes! Did I enjoy it? Heck yeah! And while I felt fine, I know I wouldn't if I continued to eat that way.

    I am pretty good about self care, but lately there's been little time for it. I did buy a new planner this year, and right now, it is helping me focus a bit more on what really needs to get done each day. We'll see how long I last with it (but most of the time I do pretty good with that sort of thing).

    1. I feel like the self-care stuff is the first to go when I get busy. Now that I'm done with that class and exam and holidays are over, I am looking forward to a little maintenance!

  8. I've been doing junk miles and I'm enjoying it as well! I have registered for a race in April and July, that should help to get the competitive spirit going.
    I wrote a "vision" of how I see myself in 10 years and set 90-day goals that are aligned with it. I started it a few months ago and seems to be working.
    Ah, and I want a massage!

    1. I don't want to think about 10 years from now because then I'll be legit OLD!

  9. No resolutions for me either. I am trying to come up with a clever hashtag or slogan...but nothing has really jumped out at me...and I'm okay with that. My walk this morning (7:00ish) was breezy, but tolerable. When we came out of church (11:15), it was like a blizzard sans snow. The wind has been psycho ever since....#winter

    1. We have had a lot of wind, haven't we? At least it's been warm!

  10. We went to a party on New Year's Eve where one of the guys who was there was talking Cross Fit to me. It made me think of you. Pretty appealing! I have a 25k trail race later this month, but after that I may take him up on his offer of a free cross fit introductory session. Your running sounds perfect to me. Just do whatever you feel like doing. It's supposed to be fun!

    1. Let me know if you try it! I resisted for so long, but it's been a great way to cross train.

  11. Can you see me raising my hand high? I've been slacking BIG TIME on yoga and my body is talking to me. My flexibility, which has never been a problem, is tanking. This week, it's back to my mat. And I'm with you right now - enjoying the carefree, plan free life!

    1. I know I'm going to have to buckle down and get serious! Not ready. I am ready for yoga, tho.

  12. My word for this year is "Joy". I was sick early this year so that kind of put me in a fowl mood. On the positive side, it wasn't that serious, I "relaxed", and now I feel better. Massages are wonderful. That reminds me that I need to also make an appointment for me. I've been eating like crap these past two weeks that now my pants are tight. :-) Will I see you again at The Shamrock Shuffle this year?

    1. I'm planning on running it! I haven't signed up yet, but I will.

  13. Its nice to take some time to just run and not train for anything but its also good to have a race to work towards! I wrote down a few goals for the year but I need to really do some planning to be able to work towards them. Its amazing how much food can impact how we feel!

  14. I think more self care is a great resolution/goal. We all could use it! More yoga is my eternal resolution. Probably an example of why resultions don't really work. :-)

  15. My only word can be "comeback", I guess. I haven't spent much time on it.

    I love the idea of running in the snow. I remember snow being so very peaceful and I do miss that feeling in Florida.

    Awesome that you rocked your workout even without Sammy Jo. Your dedication and commitment is so inspiring.

  16. Glad you got a massage! I haven't had one in a while and need to get back to it.

    Your crossfit workouts sound killer hard - it's great that you continue to rock them!

  17. I haven't had time to make any resolutions or pick a word -- or book a massage or haircut, but at least the last two are priorities for next week. Your snowy New Year's Day run sounds amazing!

  18. That's great you are focusing more on self-care! I'm trying to do the same this year, especially since I've been experiencing some postpartum anxiety. I rediscovered how relaxing Epsom salt baths are. Good self-care makes a world of difference!

  19. self care is so, so important. Dare I even say that we all tend to lose sight of that at the end of the year when everything gets a little crazy? I am definitely an advocate of massage - it's not even something that should be a "treat" - we are athletes, we need it!

    i have no resolutions or words or mottos or anything. right now I'm just trying to focus on moving and being healthy. I'm trying to accept and work with my body the way it is. I notice as well that after eating (and drinking more) so much crap over the holidays, it's had a big impact on how running feels! So I'm ready to be more Quality In, Quality Out rather than Garbage In, Garbage out!

  20. I need to get my husband to see how what he eats makes a difference on how he feels.
    My only goal is to eat more plant based and less meat.
    I think self care is a great goal to have for 2020.
