Sunday, January 19, 2020

You Can't Go Wrong with Strong

This week...I did a thing.

I stepped out of my comfort zone. Way out of my comfort zone.

I participated in a powerlifting meet at my CrossFit box. While I knew I was doing this for a while, I kept it under wraps because I needed to get my head around the idea. Seriously, I'm a runner! What the heck was I doing at a weight lifting competition? Well, when your coach is an Olympic-style weight lifter, you drink a little of the kool ade she gives you. The stuff she makes me do, the weight she makes me lift--it all makes me a stronger, better runner.

Trust the process, indeed.

No matter what you do, you can't go wrong with strong. I'll share more specifics about the meet on Tuesday's post. We spent our time together this week getting ready for the competition.

Weekly Rundown:
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: ran 6.5 miles, Yoga with Adriene
Thursday: Strength train, CrossFit
Friday: rest
Saturday: Powerlifting Competition
Sunday: 4.5 miles treadmill run

There wasn't a whole lot of running this week but I did get outside for my runs in spite of the icy conditions. On Wednesday, we had freezing rain. I wanted to get in 6 miles and I couldn't bear the thought of running on the treadmill. I considered that maybe running on the limestone path at one of the local preserves might be a good, safe alternative. It was. I had the place to myself and the only slick surfaces were the wooden bridges that cross over the creeks.

On Sunday, the sun came out but it was COLD. And windy. When your snow-loving dog doesn't want to go outside, you know it's cold. So it was off to the treadmill. The wi-fi in the corner of the house is really sketchy and I couldn't watch anything on my iPad. So I entertained myself by singing along to bad 90s rock songs. How sad is it that I knew the words to most of the Nickleback songs? I had a goal of one hour but at 45 minutes I called it. Thank goodness it is supposed to warm up again.

Monday's WOD started with a Jerk Complex. I know, that just sounds wrong! Anyhoo, the Jerk Complex is a combination of 2 push presses and one pause split jerk. I don't ever remember doing a split jerk but Sammy Jo insisted I had done them before. Clearly, my split jerk needs work. After that, we did skill work on pistol squats and the MetCon was a 21-15-9 with pistol squats (I subbed assisted pistol squats by holding onto a pole), pushups over a med ball, and med ball (30#) over shoulders. I was pleasantly surprised by my pistol work--clearly, the strength work SJ and I do has really helped my hips! Wow, though, was I sore the next day! Hips don't lie..

You can take the yogi off the mat...
It looks like a weighted Warrior 1!
Sammy Jo is demonstrating the proper form behind me.
On Thursday, I opted to do the WOD instead of bootcamp because...tire flips! It has been so long since I've done tire flips and I was excited to do them. Interestingly, I was the only person doing the WOD. Everyone else chose to do the bootcamp workout. I was fine with that. The tire flips were alternating with GHD situps, via 12 minute EMOM. That translates to 24 tire flips and 60 GHD situps. No wonder my abs have been talking to me. That was followed by a Tabata workout of air squats, plate floor press (25#), lateral bar hops, and sumo deadlift high pulls (55#). Whew! I did great until the SDLHPs--they kicked my butt!

Did I mention...tire flips?
Our focus on Thursday was to get me ready for Saturday's meet. Since I did back squats the week before, we worked on deadlifts and bench presses, fine-tuning my form. She gave me warm-up weights to do before my turn on the platform and explained how the competition was going to go.

Ready to roll


Do you remember my post about blog scraping from a few weeks ago? I received word from Google this week that they are going to remove the posts that were scraped from my blog! What this means is that when people search for my blog, those scraped posts won't be listed. As far as Google is concerned, they don't exist. I'll check back to see if it's still happening and report it if it is, but I'm really pleased with Google's prompt action on this issue!

How was your week? What's your favorite activity in class? Have you had crazy weather? We've been warm, we've been cold, we've had ice, rain, and snow, all in the same day. Let's not even talk about the wind...

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown!


  1. Good On You - Well Displayed Of Power From Within - Way To Be A Solid Inspiration - Excellent Week For Me - Only Complaint, How Can It Be The 19th ALREADY?? I Am Way Too Young For This Time Flying By Thing

    Be Well & Stay Strong,

    1. I just took my youngest back to college and we had that very conversation. How am I the mom of 2 boys in their 20s? I'm waay too young for that!

  2. As much as I love running, we don't have anything as cool as a jerk complex so maybe I need to branch out of my own comfort zone. Congrats on the powerlifting meet, I can't wait to hear about it.

    1. Running has it's own share of cool things and I'm cooking up some fun in that arena as well! Stay tuned!

  3. I wish Cross Fit was offered at a time/place that worked for me. I'm hesitant to go to any of the closer places because they don't have anyone qualified to work with BC survivors :(

    1. Is there such a thing? I do know my previous coach wasn't comfortable working with me after my diagnosis with RA. With my coach now, we just modify when I'm having symptoms.

    2. There is! They just aren't at all close to me. But I really truly want to be as fit as possible for this marathon so I may need to figure out how to make it work.

  4. Congrats on the powerlifting meet- incredible! You are inspiring!

    The crushed limestone sounds like an awesome option to still get outside safely! Awesome week Wendy!

  5. I am so excited that you took a leap and did the contest. Cannot wait to read all about it. Never go wrong with strong!

    1. You would just love this! I'll tell you, it was an empowering experience!

  6. Very cool that you are getting the blog posts removed. I had never heard of that problem before, I'm glad you shared your knowledge! I love seeing these weight lifting posts. More power to ya!!! I can't wait to see how you do.

    1. I'm really glad Google was so responsive! Power to the bloggers!

  7. Wow! Congrats on stepping out of your comfort zone! I am betting you killed it! Good news on Google too. It's nice to know they will take action.

  8. You know I am right there with you on the strong thing. It is the future! Can't wait to hear about your contest! Hooray for Google too!

  9. Great news about Google! And well done on your strength work. Talking about songs, I had Justin Timberlake's Can't Stop the Feeling in my head for every moment of my run today ...

  10. How amazing, I can't wait to read all about it. I was thinking this morning as I spectated Lebow how I secret squirreled it. Funny how we do those things.
    Glad google responded so promptly

    1. Right? I didn't want to share it because I was already waaaaayyy out of my comfort zone and super nervous. Plus it's not a running thing and I'm not a powerlifter. Bottom line, glad I did it!

    2. Yup yup yup. As much as I've loved having spectator/cheerleaders, I'm still relatively secretive even when I know I can do it.
      So glad you did it.

  11. How cool to do a powerlifting competition! Way to get outside that comfort zone! One of my favorite sayings is "growth doesn't happen in your comfort zone." Also glad you got those posts removed. I hate when people do that crap and don't ask permission or link back to the original author. Such shady business practices.

    1. It was super creepy and one of the scrapers is in Pakistan. I don't even want to think about that. I'm going to stay on top of it.

  12. Awesome job this week Wendy! I really loved seeing all of your cross fit photos this week, especially when you hit your deadlift PR!
    That's great new about the blog scraping too.

  13. Strong looks GOOD on you! I loved seeing your Insta posts this week from the competition and TM singing. I would be singing right along with you to Nickleback...sad, but true!

    1. LOL! I didn't realize that there were so many runners who listen to bad rock! I feel so much better about my guilty pleasure!

  14. Stepping out of one's comfort zone is always a good thing. Congrats on all the PR's! I'm really anxious to get back outside...three of my last four runs have been inside, and I'm about to have a breakdown...

    1. I'm also ready to get back outside. Although I only had one TM run this week, it was one too many!

  15. Congrats on the powerlifting meet! Sounds like a fun "out of comfort zone" experience. Glad your blog scrapers are getting their just desserts too.

  16. A powerlifting meet! How cool is that?! Every time I read about your crossfit exploits I tell myself I should to more strength stuff. It is SO important!
    Well done for enduring the treadmill. At least you got to sing while running!

    1. The strength training has enabled me to run relatively injury free! But I'll always be a runner.

  17. OMG! I'm so excited about your powerlifting meet - can't wait to read all about it!! 45 minutes on the treadmill is always a win - glad Nickelback got you through it! ;-)

  18. Congrats on the powerlifting! It must feel great to know that you are getting stronger. And great job stepping out of your comfort zone!

    1. Going to workout at the CrossFit box is probably one of the most difficult yet best things I've ever done. I resisted for so long--it's so not me to be lifting all this heavy stuff. But it just taught me that I can do hard things!

  19. Congrats on your competition! I can't wait to hear how it came out. Even if I can't understand any of the acronyms, I know you're strong. :-)

    1. I've got a ways to go, upper body-wise. But I'm really pleased with my progress this fall!

  20. Good news from Google! Congrats on the meet! Excited to read about it.

  21. CONGRATS!!! You inspire me!!!
    SO glad you got your blog posts back too. I have had SO SO SO much trouble with people stealing my content and putting pins on pinterest to their own work and then my pins not ranking. It's so frustrating! What's wrong with people?

    Hope you have a wonderful week. :-)

    1. Oh man, I didn't know that people were putting pins of the stuff they steal. Come on! What is wrong with people?

  22. That is SO amazing. You are really so inspiring: you are never afraid to go after new goals and new challenges and I admire that so much about you. I can't wait to read more about the meet!

    1. It's so weird how I've become this person who likes to push herself. Who am I? LOL

  23. Very cool that you did the power lifting competition this week! That’s great that it was something outside your usual comfort level. I look forward to reading more about it.

  24. How awesome that you stepped out of your comfort zone and participated in the weight lifting competition and congrats on your PR's!

    After a week or two of much warmer than normal weather, the cold and wind is here and it feels even more brutal because we aren't at all acclimated to it.

  25. I love, love, love that you stepped out of your comfort zone! Cannot wait to hear about your meet!

    So happy to hear Google moved quickly!

  26. I'm not surprised you signed up for a power lifting competition...always striving to be better and stronger. I'm tired just following your posts. ;-)

  27. Congrats on the powerlifting meet! That sounds like such a fun challenge! The weather has been so erratic this winter! Hopefully that doesn't carry over into spring...but it is the Midwest after all.
