Saturday, January 28, 2023

Shifting My Focus

This is the week that SJ and I discussed my goals for the upcoming year. We finished up that heavy strength cycle and challenged my 1 rep maxes on the back squat, bench press, and deadlift. Now it's time to move forward. After coming off of that strong trail race a few weeks ago, I pulled the trigger (thanks Catrina!) and signed up for that Earth Day 15 mile trail race in April, the one where I hit the wall on the last loop. My goal is to not have that happen again. I also signed up for a 15 mile trail race in July in Leadville, Colorado with my youngest son. That is really going to be a challenge as the altitude is over 10,000 feet. It's going to be difficult to train for that!

What I want to do with SJ is work on building strength for climbing the hills in both these races. I climb a lot of hills on the IAT in Wisconsin, but I think I need to also build trail-specific strength in the gym. We got to it this week!

Weekly Rundown
Sunday: trail run 6.25 miles
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: pool running
Wednesday: trail run 6.2 miles
Thursday: strength training
Friday: treadmill run 6 miles
Saturday: rest


I joined the Trail Sisters Chicago Northwest this week for a run on the single tracks at 'my' preserve!!! Some of the true trail runners in our group have been very patient with the other members who prefer smooth surfaces, but there have been some quiet rumblings about wanting to run on real trails. Our leader, who is very patient and kind, suggested that we mix it up more often. The nice thing about 'my' preserve is that there is something for everyone--paved, stone, and dirt trails. When we met at the trailhead, I was surprised that most of the women wanted to try the single tracks. With a fresh coating of snow covering the trail, I led them through the woods, over the creeks, and up and down hills. Most of them dropped onto the paved trail after 2 miles, but I finished up with a group of 4. At one point, we stopped to look at the dam and one of the women said she didn't want to stop. That warmed my heart! 

On Wednesday, I had planned on running on the bike path since I haven't run there for a few weeks. But a fresh coating of snow overnight made me change my plans and head back to the trails. I knew it would be pretty and I was right. I brought my YakTrax, but I didn't need them. I stuck to the main trail and the snow was just the perfect depth for me to run in my trail shoes. It was slow going but very peaceful. A few deer were meandering on the trail and watched me pass by. Sometimes you get what you need!

Again this week, I took my Friday morning run to the treadmill. With our snowy, damp weather, I just didn't want to risk slipping on the ice while running in the dark. After I finished, out the window I spotted a lovely sunrise! It's a sign of things to come and hopefully soon, I won't have to do any more early morning TM runs!


I pulled up this WOD before I left for class and had serious thoughts about not going. The strength portion was tame: a 10 minute EMOM of hanging from the bar for 20 seconds alternating with hollow holds for 20 seconds. It was the MetCon that scared me: a 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time of thrusters alternating with burpees. SJ said we should all finish between 13-18 minutes but the clock would keep running until the last person was done. I loaded 35# on the bar and got to work. I broke up the long sets into smaller sets, but it wasn't until I got to 9 reps that I could go through unbroken. By 6 reps, I was seriously concerned I was going to vomit. Fortunately, that didn't happen and I finished in 17:10. 84 thrusters and 84 burpees in total. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Right? 

SJ never disappoints, that's for sure! She had a deceptively tough workout programmed for me. Her focus for me is hip, glute, and core strength, and agility. I was still sore from Monday's WOD, as she had me start off with those Pallof presses again, alternating with 'couch stretches' against the wall to stretch out my hip flexors. After 3 rounds of each, I did a pistol squat variation on top of a box, 6 reps, box swing throughs, which required me to maintain a hollow position on the front and back, 5 reps, and 20m second hollow holds, followed by 10 hollow rocks. I did 3 rounds of each of these. Dare I say those hollow holds, while not easy, are getting easier? 

Off the road...

On Saturday morning, we hit the road for a short weekend trip up to the lake. The forecast was calling for snow and I optimistically packed my snowshoes, hoping to take them for a run on Sunday. We took a ride to Madison to meet my son for lunch at The Settle Down and while we were there, the flakes started to fly! The food was good and the company was better. We didn't partake in the Tundra Club, which is an outdoor patio and is open all year around. There were are few hardy souls out there, briefly. No photos but trust me, it was snowy and cold!

How was your week? Are you gearing up for your spring races? What are you training for? Did anyone else get snow this week? Coming up on Tuesday: My monthly mini-book reviews for January!

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. Oooh I love the Leadville goal race! How fun to run it with your son! It's gorgeous up there but get ready for some serious altitude.

    1. It is what it is, so the best I can do is prepare myself for the climbs!

  2. Our week didn't go as planned. Les' mom has been quickly failing so instead of flying to Hawaii we came to Tennessee. She passed away on Friday, surrounded by her family. Running has kept us sane during the days of waiting. I even got out while it was lightly snowing - a first for me!
    Glad your sole sisters got to enjoy "your" trail!

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I am glad to hear you got to run in the snow for the first time!

  3. Well, I'll be very interested in your training for Leadville, especially how you train for the altitude. Can you get out there early to get acclimated? I've also heard that heat training is a good substitute if you really can't train in altitude. I love the strength training focus- you'll definitely be ready for the hills.
    I'm looking forward to your book reviews!

    1. According to everything I've read, you would have to arrive about 2 weeks ahead of the race to acclimate to the altitude. In fact, the recommendation is to arrive the day before the race to avoid any issues with the altitude. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet!

  4. I am so excited for you running the 15-miler in Leadville with your son. One of my racing highlights was when I ran a half with my youngest son (his first half). :-)

    I hope you're able to use your snowshoes today!

    1. This will be my son's first long distance race! He seems to think it's no big deal, lol

  5. Those two 15-milers sound exciting! My son has been asking about races (now that he's back in Des Moines), and I think he's gonna pull the trigger on Fight for Air Climb (late March). He's been doing a lot of strength training and wants to add to his fitness repertoire ;-)

  6. Wow, all that strength and conditioning work is just amazing. I'm in awe! And how exciting about the races. Not sure how you can train for altitude, though. I nearly signed up for our local half - just at the last minute, I realised that it's the day after I have to be on the south coast for my cousin's sons' 18th birthday party - nearly an oops but salvaged!

    1. The universe must have been making you hold off on registering for that race! It's so funny how things happen, isn't it?

  7. Racing with your son is going to be sooo exciting.

    Once runners try trails, they seem to love it. It's different for sure... maybe someday for me.

    1. As you know, I like the trails because they allow me to keep running. I have been running so long and my body does not like road running much at all anymore.

  8. I am excited for you to do Leadville! I know you can do it. Good for you to try the snowy trails. You know I am scared of trails on a clear day. Have not done those pistol squats in years they are tough. We do lots of hollow holds in Peloton they are tough but yes get easier. Crushing it girl!

    1. Or is it crushing me?! I love that I can push myself so hard but my body pushes back by making me very tired at the end of the day!

  9. The snowy runs look wonderful! So cool that the group joined your run too. Leadville will be a doozy! But I have no doubt you will conquer it!

  10. Leadville with you son is going to be amazing! I'll be really interested in following your training and how you prep for both the hills and the altitude.

    1. There really isn't any way to train for the altitude but what I've been told is to prepare for the hills. Some people have mentioned that training in the humidity will help. I'm also considering iron supplementation to raise my hemoglobin. Don't laugh-it carries oxygen...

  11. Look at that snowy run! Way to go getting out there. I'm so ready for the snow to be gone now. Nice done on the strength/conditioning. I say it every year, but I need to make that more of a focus!

    1. It really has been life changing for me, especially as I made my way through my 50s!

  12. This is going to be a fabulous year for you, Wendy! That Earth Day 15-miler is going to be excellent prep for the Leadville adventure. All that hill training!!
    That thruster/burpee combo sounds vicious! Well done! Burpees always have me close to vomiting... I'm sometimes wonder if I will ever get used to them!

    1. SJ said the burpees were what got her. I felt this WOD for about 4 days!

  13. LEADVILLE!!!! Let Me Stress To You Right Now, You Are Totally In Shape - Leadville Is All About The Mind - Stoked For You Two And Will Plan On Crossing Paths - Yahooo0000

    Big Hugs

    1. Well then I better get out of my head and into the mindset! Should be a fun time!

  14. Oh my, look at all that snow! Can you believe that we haven't even receive an inch of snow all Winter? I have no clue what is going on with our weather. I cringed at the thruster/burpee combo - been there, done that, and hated it lol

  15. That's really cool that you're doing the Leadville race. I saw something on YouTube about that, it seemed quite tough if I remember correctly (we saw several similar documentaries that evening!). Lovely challenge!
    I always enjoy reading your gym updates! Is that a true pistol squat, with the upper leg straight? I looked them up and if you can do them, you are really strong!
    Regarding goals or what I'm training for, I've had to forget about my running goals because my foot reacted oddly to another long-ish walk today, so I don't know how "ok" I am really. I have no idea how my body will react to it the next time I try running, so for running, my only goal is to be able to do it soon again. My main goal now is to build muscle, get strong and fit, and look fit too.

    1. It's not a true pistol squat because I'm on the box, using it to help guide my leg. It's getting closer to the real thing tho!

      Consistency is the key for you and if you stick with your training, you will get there!
