In spite of, or maybe because of that nice warm fall we had, we are now experiencing a full-on old-fashioned winter. It's the kind of winter that people reminisce about--"remember all the snow we used to get when we were kids?"--and I'm thinking that some memories are enhanced by time.
Throughout the fall, I kept saying that we were going to pay for all that nice weather we were having. It seems like the universe always has a way of evening things out. It's been bitterly cold--schools have been closed most of the week-- and it's snowy. I'm not complaining except when it comes to running. I think I've run on my treadmill more this month than I did in all of 2023. As you read this, we are up at the lake and I am attempting my long run on the road. It's still very cold, but it's pretty, so fingers crossed I'll get all my miles in. You can check out my IG for the final verdict.
The forecast this week is for a thaw and while that sounds good in theory, it's likely not. Seasoned midwesterners know that usually means icy surfaces. I may finally have to cave and buy those Kahtoola spikes I've been eyeing. I wonder what kind of conditions we'll have for my upcoming half marathon?
Weekly Rundown
Sunday: treadmill run 10 miles
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run 6 miles
Thursday: CrossFit
Friday: treadmill run 5 miles
Saturday: rest
With sub-zero temperatures and an even lower windchill on Sunday, the treadmill was the only option for my run. I started out with a goal of running 6 miles, which I did without stopping once. I felt so good that I decided to keep going one mile at a time, hoping to get 10 miles. That last mile was hard, but yes, I ran 10 miles on the treadmill! This was a great confidence booster for me-I only took one bathroom break after mile 6, otherwise, I ran continuously. I can't remember the last time I ran like this. Yes, it is slower, but with my goal of finishing my race feeling good, this felt like money in the bank! BTW, this photo is from
a reel I posted on IG of my warmup. I highly recommend trying this--not only did it warm me up, but it also made me smile, which is probably why my run went so well!

I probably should have taken a rest day on Monday, but the WOD had deadlifts in it. The coaches programmed an MLK themed workout: 3 rounds for time of 8 deadlifts (135#), 28 box jumps (box step-ups 20"), and 63 cal row. The class was full so we had to share equipment; this meant I started on the rower, which killed me. After the first round, the coach told us to stop rowing at 4 minutes--I hit 48 calories both times. I finished before time was called, so I did an extra set of deadlifts and box step-ups. This workout was brutal. We finished with a Tabata: superman holds, followed by hollow holds. That helped loosen up my back after all that rowing.
On Tuesday, my body gave me no choice but to take a rest day. I did work, but due to the bitter cold, we saw very few patients, which I was grateful for. I went to bed at 8! and slept until 6 the next day, feeling much better. I did stop on my way to work to snap this beautiful sunrise photo, complete with sundogs! I've never actually seen them in real life and the photo doesn't do it justice. I chased one all the way to work--there was even someone pulled over on the road, taking photos!

When I woke up on Wednesday, I was happy to see the temperature was 4F, compared to the sub-zeros we had been experiencing for the past couple of days. I layered up and drove to the retention pond with the 2 mile loop to get in some miles. The path was fairly clear, with some icy patches. The only glitch was when I took the side path, which was only cleared up to the bridge. I should have turned back but instead tried to run in the snow, which didn't go well. I avoided that detour on my next 2 loops. The rest of my run was uneventful. I was dressed appropriately for the conditions and even the brisk wind didn't bother me!

SJ is still recovering from her surgery, so I went to class. We are still doing barbell cycling, and we warmed up with
banded face pulls and banded sidesteps, 3 sets of each. The MetCon was an 18 minute AMRAP 16 power cleans (I did 55#), 16 GHD situps, and 12 cal on the bike. I made it through 4 rounds of this and was halfway through my 5th set of power cleans when time was called. I really like cleans and barbell cycling, which made this a fun workout for me!
Friday morning brought another fresh coating of snow and bitterly cold temperatures, so it was back to the TM for me. I struggled with this run--I just couldn't get my head in the game, changing my playlists multiple times to find more motivation. It didn't help that my stomach was really unhappy--I had to hop off multiple times to take a pit stop. I finally had to stop because I ran out of time and needed to get ready for work. I'm just glad I was able to get 5 miles out of this run!
How was your week? Are you experiencing a 'real' winter--whatever that means for you? What are you training for?
I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown.
You sure did “real” winter weather! Too real for me, LOL.
ReplyDeleteSorry you weren’t feeling 100%. Hopefully this week you will be back to feeling like yourself again.
My run this morning was way too real!!!
DeleteWell done on the Treadmill-struggle-bus!! 5 miles is better than none!
ReplyDeleteI love that sunrise photo. What are sundogs?
Oh, I feel you on that tough Monday WOD. I went on Friday and we had 50 thrusters, 50 box jumps, 50 toes to bar (90°lift) and 50 ring pull-ups (dips). I didn't even manage to get to the final set of dips and the 12 minutes were up. I needed a rest day after that, too!
From the National Weather Service website: Sundogs are colored spots of light that develop due to the refraction of light through ice crystals. They are located approximately 22 degrees either left, right, or both, from the sun, depending on where the ice crystals are present.
DeleteI couldn't have said it better!
We are also paying for that dreamy fall we had. We have not been this “wintery” in a while. We are getting a big thaw this week too and I hope we don’t have lots of ice either. Way to stay active this week w the weather challenges
ReplyDeleteSame to you! I'm glad you got to enjoy some snow. Let's have spring now, mkay
Delete10 miles on the treadmill, that's impressive! You're really having a severe winter over there. They have the same in Sweden where I'm from - snow storm after snow storm and very cold temperatures. I can't remember it's been so bad there since 2010. Here in Ireland we've had a long cold snap, perhaps the longest since I moved here. I haven't particularly enjoyed it, despite the beautiful sunshine. Now we're "enjoying" Storm Isha. It's going to be bad tonight but much worse in the north-west.
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed that this crazy winter goes back to normal!
DeleteNice job on those treadmill runs and especially on finishing Friday's treadmill run despite all the pitfalls. And your run around the retention pond sounds and looks beautiful! Hope SJ is recovering nicely and you can get back into your private sessions with her soon. I know you're missing them!
ReplyDeleteI miss her, but the classes have been pretty fun lately!
DeleteI've never heard of a sundog - had to look it up! That picture is beautiful, though.
ReplyDeleteIt's winter here, too... ha! 53 and soggy today. I ran 4 out of 5 days last week and felt so good. My Friday trail run was just what I needed.
You guys have been having such un-California like weather! Glad you were able to get out on the trails.
DeleteYes, we've definitely had a real winter these past 10 days. Aren't the sundogs neat to see? I see them several times every year here, lucky me (from an artsy perspective, that is, LOL). Well done on that treadmill 10-miler!
ReplyDeleteI would feel lucky if i saw sundogs more often!
Delete10 miles on the treadmill… not sure I could do that!!! Taking it mile by mile after you hit 6 was a great idea. The thought of running one more mile compared to 4 more miles is always easier for my mind to digest! That sunrise is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWe received 7 inches of snow here, which completely shuts us down and there is no way I am running in it!! The thought always seems nice, but it was so cold here I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It seems the older I get the less I can tolerate the cold temps!
I'm right there with you on tolerating the cold. This morning's 10 miler just about killed me, lol
Delete-8 windchill - that feels like REAL winter. lol
ReplyDeleteand I'm proud that I ran in it...
But with two falls in 2023 now I am super cautious about running on snow, ice, etc.
I am lucky that the local college have salted paths. Boring but better than an fall.
The icy conditions on the paths are what drives me to the TM and/or the roads. I'm not interested in falling either.
DeleteI'm impressed with both your treadmill runs and your outdoor runs! Both took a lot of strength- you rock Wendy!
ReplyDeleteJust channeling the same inner strength you used when you were in Minneapolis!
DeleteLuckily I am not training for anything because I'm not training.
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your 10 mile run on the mill! Feb can be really bad, of course, but fingers crossed for you for your race.
We're warming back up so let's hope for that to trend.
DeleteReal winter has definitely made an appearance here - contending with the ice has been the worse part. Great job getting it done on the mill!
ReplyDeleteI hope I don't have do too many more runs on the mill!
DeleteI didn't know what "sundogs" were so I had to look it up- cool! Yes, you are having a real winter! So are we, in our own special way. You said you've run on your treadmill already more than you did in all of 2023- i think we've slept with our windows open (as opposed to having the AC on) way more than we did in all of 2023! So a little bit of "winter" is even getting down to South Florida.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a great week in spite of the weather- nice job on those strength sessions! And the 10 mile TM run- that's an accomplishment.
Maybe so, but I hope I never have to do that again! lol
DeleteYes, this winter got very real pretty quickly. Nice job getting 10 on the mill!
ReplyDeleteAnd it can go back to being unreal.
DeleteTen miles on the TM is absolutely phenomenal! I love that for you! And great job at the gym, too! No matter what is assigned, you always give it your best effort! Yes, it was real winter here. Temps in the low 30s, threatening to drop into the 20s. Pipes freezing (not ours) and plants being wrapped in blankets. We are fine, but it's COLD.
ReplyDeleteI just can't believe how cold it is down there! I know your homes aren't built for that kind of chill. i hope it passes quickly!
Delete10 miles on the treadmill is a very good performance! However the treadmill is a very good option in case of bad weather. I remember I used it during the training for the marathon when skipping one day was "forbidden".
ReplyDeleteHere it's cold too, more than the latest years.
Oh, no doubt, I'm glad I have the treadmill!
DeleteI've never seen a sundog! Well done on your hard work this week. We've been having really cold temps but no snow or ice at least - the ice we get is such a thin layer that none of the grip things you can buy (and I have several) can get any traction, which is annoying.
ReplyDeleteZero Winter Weather Here As Its 47F And Raining - Raining In January ??? What The Flock Of Seagulls - Excellent Photos As Always And Congrats On The 10 Miles - You Rock
ReplyDeleteBe Well ,
I'd be happy to share some of our winter. I'm ready for spring, lol
DeleteThis winter has been no joke, we struggle when we get in the teens here in Philly, so the subzero temps are beyond me! Great job with your workouts, I always admire your Crossfit workouts! Even though the TM can be miserable, it's better than nothing when you can't get outside!