Showing posts with label Cure Arthritis Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cure Arthritis Challenge. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sweating it Out

Once again, running and my workouts were there to help me get through a stressful week. This week, my parents were the main source. My dad has been having some minor health issues but made them into everyone's problem. I won't go into details, but I did get a glimpse of what the future looks like for my sisters and me. It's not going to be pretty. 

On the plus side, Cocoa has completely recovered from her surgery! I bought her some new tennis balls this week and we've been busy chasing them around the backyard. She also chased a big opossum out of our yard. Yeeeesh....

Running was my salvation. So was CrossFit. There's nothing better to relieve stress than to sweat it out. As always, I am grateful that my body still lets me push it.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The One Where I Promise NOT to Complain About the Weather

That title ought to get me a lot of views! HA!

When I sat down to write this, I promised myself that I wouldn't complain about the weather and I won't. Even though we had a week of rain and clouds. Even though I had the blahs and was feeling pretty anxious all week. 

Instead, I'm focusing on the positive things: 
  • We had a peek of the sun on Wednesday and Saturday brought full-on sunshine which did wonders for everyone's moods,
  • We are no longer in a drought,
  • My husband mowed the grass this week for the first time this year,
  • The leaves are starting to bloom on the trees,
  • I got a fun Brooks Run Happy package of spring/summer gear this week,
  • The forecast for next week has us warming up significantly. Even Saturday got us up into the 60s.
I stuck to my workout schedule which helped a lot. Here's to hoping the sunshine and warmth will help chase those blahs away. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

An Escape

The week started off so well. Memorial Day was spent at home with my family. Both boys came over and as always it was great to have everyone together. As the week progressed, the heat was on and I did my share of complaining about slogging through swampy conditions on the trails.

Then came the terrible news out of Minneapolis and following that, the subsequent protests and violence. While this is a running blog, I just can't post this week without commenting on how much the turmoil in our country is affecting me. Sleep was a challenge--I woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat with the image of George Floyd, on the ground, pleading for his life. I don't understand how a person develops such hatred for another, without knowing anything about them except for skin color or religion or whatever. This could have happened anywhere. It has to stop. I don't have answers but I don't think violence and destruction are useful.

All of this is happening on the heels of the COVID pandemic, which is causing a great deal of fear and divisiveness as well. I'm feeling overwhelmed and helpless with all the bad news. I wrapped up my week with a heavy heart, once again. I am grateful for the love of my family and friends. I am grateful for the running, which gives me a chance to escape and process my feelings.

I pray for peace.