Showing posts with label running safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label running safety. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Then there was...So.Much.Good

November decided to turn into September and I'm loving it! All week, we've been blessed with temperatures in the 60s and 70s along with sunshine. This never happens, so I took full advantage of it and got in some really nice miles! Running was a great way to burn off some of that election result stress. 

You know how it all turned out. Sometimes, you get exactly what you need. I'm breathing much easier. That plus good weather and a strong 5k trail race?

It was a good week.

When your run isn't going so well, you kick up into a handstand.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Defensive Running: How to Protect Yourself from Distracted Drivers

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. 

Back in the dark ages when I was taking drivers ed, the teacher made one statement that has stuck with me to this day. "Drive defensively", he said. "Always be prepared that the other driver isn't paying attention."

Well, who knew Mr Mihevic could predict the future? Or, at least driving as it is today? On my 5 mile commute to my office, I pass many cars with drivers using their phones--to talk, to text, and for god knows what else. It's dangerous and it's illegal.

It isn't just driving that is risky. While this post is directed at runners, I've experienced more than my share of near misses with cars while on the bike. Either way, bike or on foot, we are no match for a two ton mass of steel that is moving forward towards us.

It's all physics, my friend...

Friday, August 10, 2018

5 Ways To Stay Safe While Running Alone: A Reminder

This post contains affiliate links.

Last weekend, I ran with my Weekly Wrap co-host Holly while visiting her in Alabama. When I asked her to take me for a run on one of the local trails, she told me she rarely runs on those desolate trails, citing safety concerns. It wasn't the possibilities of encountering alligators that concerned her, it was possible encounters of the creeper kind.

While I know that we runners can never let our guard down, I've become a little lax when running on my local paths. I run alone almost exclusively on my local bike paths and forest preserve paths. I had an incident earlier this week reminded me that complacency on the run is never a good idea.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How To Stay Safe on the Run: Self-Defense

How many times have you been on a run and was spooked by a creeper?

It's happened to me a few times over the years. Once, I was out for a long run in the local forest preserve. It was an early morning and I approached a guy with a hoodie pulled over his head. I couldn't see his face, but something didn't feel right and I did a quick 180 and sped back out of the preserve. Another time, I was running at the retention pond and passed a creepy looking guy. I finished my loop and headed towards home-until I ran face to face into the creepy guy. He grabbed my shoulder but I shook it off and ran towards the local school.

I was lucky.

This past weekend, I was fortunate to be able to attend a session of Girls Fight Back and a self-defense session presented by FIRE, a local women's self-defense training system.  The free program was sponsored by our local high school district. While the program was geared towards young women, I was curious and I thought it could be useful for me personally since I do run alone the majority of the time.