Friday, September 9, 2016

5 Favorite Ways to Refuel After a Run

Now that I'm back to "real" running again, it's time to also get back on track with eating. Not that I consider what I've been doing all summer as "fake" running, but when I'm not training for anything, I tend to slack off in all areas, including the nutrition department. Let's just say there's been more wine, more chocolate, and more ice cream consumed this summer than I care to admit. My husband doesn't realize that I have 2 boyfriends and their names are Ben and Jerry. Karamel Sutra, anyone?

Sounds naughty, doesn't it? I've been bad and it's time to behave. Too much food and treats make too much Wendy.

I do love me some good food, and you know that I don't like to deprive myself of anything. But with everything in life, I practice moderation. There will always be chocolate, wine, and ice cream in my life. I just need to exert a little self-control and make the right choices. Today's Friday Five theme is all about food and drink, and I wanted to share what works for me when I'm training.

5 Favorite Ways to Refuel After A Run

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Picking Up Pennies

On one of my runs this week, I found a penny. I stopped to pick it up and put it in my SpiBelt.

This isn't out of the ordinary for me--along with all the odd things I see on the run, I find a lot of change. I always stop to pick up any coins I see. You never know if it will bring you good luck, right?

Have you heard the saying, "Find a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck"?

Do you think a dime gives 10x good luck? What about that $20 I found a few years back?

Running pays. In so many ways.

Picking Up Pennies

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Balanced and Back on Track

This is my favorite time of year. It's still warm enough to feel like summer, yet there is a change in the way it feels. Maybe it's the lower angle of the sun or those crisp, cool mornings, but it just feels different. Kind of the last hurrah of summer, in a sense.

Don't get me wrong, there will still be warm days into October. Trust me on that! All 3 Chicago Marathons I've run were warm ones. I like those warm fall days but not for running 26.2! But for shorter distances and bike rides, the cooler mornings and moderating warmth are a welcome change.

This past week, the heat broke and we had some spectacular conditions. I had some good runs and I walked the dog multiple times. She's enjoying these walks as much as me, although we've had to alter our schedule to accommodate the fading daylight. I'm looking forward to greeting the sun once again on my morning runs!

Balanced and Back on Track

Friday, September 2, 2016

Is This Thing On? 5 Fitness Photo Bloopers

It's FRIYAY! It's a holiday weekend! Let's get this party started!

As a follow-up to last week's post on taking photos for Instagram, I thought it might be fun to look at the things that can go wrong when taking fitness photos. Some blunders are glaringly obvious, but other boo-boos can be more subtle. As always, view your pictures with a critical eye. Before I share a picture on social media, I always like to ask myself: "is this something I'd want to look at?"

5 Fitness Photo Bloopers

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

It seems like a radical idea these days.

I had this thought on my most recent bike ride when I had yet another encounter with an aggressive driver in a large SUV. I was riding on the road when he drove by me as if I wasn't there. He was so close I could touch the side of the car. There was no excuse for him not to move over. The road where I was riding has a large median strip and there were no cars coming in the other direction.

When I approached the driver at the stoplight, I asked him if he tried to run me off the road. He got defensive. "No, I did not try to run you off the road," he replied. I told him I was glad about that and asked him to be more careful the next time.

As I rode away, I fought tears.

This is getting old. But it's not just the bike.

Why are people so mean?

I don't know about you, but I've noticed just a general loss of kindness and civility these days.

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Trials and Errors

This was a week of trials and errors, both on and off the road. Some weeks are like that. I've been struggling with some career decisions and a couple of days off early this week gave me time to clear my head. Wouldn't it be great to have someone to tell us what to do? Fortunately, there's running and cycling to give me time alone with my thoughts.

It was also an interesting week on the blog. My post about taking photos for Instagram was really popular and that made me happy! But I think my Runfessions post may have offended some people when I talked about race bumper stickers. By no means do I judge any of you who put running bumper stickers--no matter what distance--on your car. You know I am supportive of anyone who runs, no matter what the distance. I know how hard it is to up your distance and to line up to run a race. But I've shared in the past about how I didn't feel like a real runner until I ran 26.2, which is why that will be the only distance I put on my car. Even my first marathon didn't meet my standards. This is my issue, my problem and I'm sorry if anything I said was misinterpreted. We are all on our own journey. This blog chronicles mine.

Along with that, my workouts were a test of patience. The high humidity was back again. I had some time constraints and weather related issues, and this week flexibility was the key to getting it all done.

Trials and Errors

Friday, August 26, 2016

Runfessions: August Edition

I cannot believe it's the end of August! Which means it's time once again for Runfessions! Do you runfess? Marcia's Healthy Slice hosts this monthly wipe the slate clean linkup where you can let it all out. It feels sooooo good. I highly recommend it. It's been a tough month over here at the Long Way Home household and I've been waiting for this opportunity to blow off some steam and let the 'fessions flow...

Runfessions: August Edition