Saturday, February 17, 2024

It's All Good

On Saturday, I always sit down to finish up my weekly rundown. I write up my workouts in all week long and at the end of the week, I try to find a common theme to come up with a title for my post. This has been a pretty uneventful week and I have to admit that I was at a loss for a title! In fact, it's been all good this week. So there it is...

Weekly Rundown:
Sunday: Ice Age Trail run 6 miles/800 ft.
Monday: CrossFit
Tuesday: Fluid Running
Wednesday: trail run 5.25 miles
Thursday: CrossFit
Friday: run 6.3 miles
Saturday: rest/work

We were up at the lake last weekend, so on Sunday morning, I was excited to lace up and head to the trails. Which segment to run? I ran Gibraltar the last time we were was a cloudy it was the Lodi Marsh for me. I parked at the trailhead that connects the 2 portions of the segment and oops! I realized I left my Garmin back at the lake house. I knew I could use Strava. There's no cell signal there, but GPS works, so I was good to go. 

I headed up the hill, walking, which was a good warmup, and started running once I got to the top. It wasn't long before I encountered ice and snow on the trail. I did my best to move past it, but it was at least a 1/2 mile before the trail was clear again. Another section of the trail was completely ripped up by heavy equipment and then I saw the destruction--every tree in that section was torn down and strewn all over the hillside. It kind of bummed me out. I didn't run all the way to the other trailhead because there was more snow and ice to contend with. 

This time of year is always a challenge! But despite the snow and ice, I finished with an average 13:19 m/m pace, which is pretty good for me on this segment. Finding a painted rock in one of the trees put a much needed smile on my face!

I posted a question in the Ice Age Trail group on FB about the demolition in that part of the trail and was surprised by the rude and snarky responses. It was disheartening--I figured nature lovers would all be nice people-- but several people told me the trees were being cleared to help remove invasive trees and plants, restore the oak savanna, and for logging purposes. 

I woke up achy and grumpy on Monday and almost skipped going to CrossFit! I'm glad I didn't. It was one of our classmate's 83rd birthday!!! He is quite an inspiration to all of us. For the strength portion, we built to a heavy 3 RM on power cleans. I am pretty sure I hit a PR today on the 3 RM of 90#! I attempted 95# but couldn't get my elbows up on the second lift and completely failed the 3rd. The Met Con was from an old Open competition. I used 65# for my cleans and subbed downward dog pushups for the handstand pushups and made it to 15 before time was called.

On Valentine's Day, Wednesday, the sun was shining bright when I hit the trails. No more than 1/4 mile in, a buck sporting antlers was standing in the middle of the trail. I stopped to take a photo before he took off into the adjacent woods. I started running again but a doe ran across the trail in front of me. Love was in the air! I saw a few more deer and ran into my friend Aimee, who was walking her viszla Greta. This was my kind of run, scenic and leisurely!

There were deadlifts in the WOD for Thursday. The workout was a 15 minute E3MOM of 5 deadlifts, 3 deadlifts, 1 deadlift, 3 deadlifts, and 5 deadlifts. We built to a heavy one rep deadlift--85% or more of our 1 RM. We haven't deadlifted in a while, so my goal was 185# for that one deadlift. It felt heavy but I got it up without a problem. The MetCon was a 4 X 3 minute with 1 minute of work/2 minutes of rest. We rode the assault bike for 8 calories, then did hops over a barrier for a total of one minute, all out. It was BRUTAL. Even with the 2 minutes of rest, I was still winded before we had to hop back on the bike. But I was consistent, hopping 19-20 times over the barrier each time I completed my ride. 

It was cold and blustery when I headed out for my Friday run on the bike path. I guess I forgot what February is supposed to feel like. Despite the cold or maybe because of it, this was a really nicely paced run with negative splits on the way back, thanks to a tailwind. Since it was so chilly, I only stopped for a bathroom break and to take photos. I was really pleased to run without any walk breaks.

Off the road...

A few weeks ago, I had my cholesterol checked. Much to my surprise, my total cholesterol and my LDL were both high. This is new for me--chalk that one up to menopause, I guess. It's just the gift that keeps on giving. Maybe genetics, too. When discussing the results with me, my doctor was reassuring--she told me that since my HDL was also high, it 'offsets' the LDL, and my risk for heart disease is very low. She offered to order a Coronary Calcium Scan,  a CT scan that looks for plaque deposits in the arteries around the heart. My score was zero, which means my arteries are clear. Good to know!

I also received some surprising and exciting news at work. I was invited to join the General Pediatrics Leadership Council for the children's hospital group where I work. The council will be responsible for making clinical decisions for the medical group. The council will be made up of 5 physicians and one pediatric nurse practitioner--me! I am honored to be chosen and to represent my profession. 

My clinic celebrates all the holidays and Valentine's Day was no exception. I'm sharing a photo of my team--our nurse, 3 medical assistants, and me--wearing our Valentine's apparel. On Friday night, we went out to dinner. These ladies are the absolute best group I've ever worked with. 

How was your week? Did you celebrate Valentine's Day? I worked that evening...but the hubs made me dinner on Thursday night. What do you do if you forget your watch on a run? Who's ready for spring?

I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown. 


  1. Love that you shared your run with a few deer and they didnt bother you. Trails can be so challenging but also so beautiful and peaceful.
    Love the valentines look for the team!

  2. Congrats on the Leadership Council. What a nice honor! That's so great you have a team you love! I guess we are approaching deer mating season, aren't we. I'm so ready for spring!

  3. Nice job on those power cleans! I am impressed that you have an 83 year-old in your CrossFit! I'm sure he's strong!
    I guess the high cardio workouts might be more challenging for him than the strength part?

    I have been coerced into signing up for the CF Open and I'm scared that I can't even do the scaled workouts. Have you ever participated in the Open?

    1. I have never done the Open! Like you, the workouts scare me. But the coaches insist that everyone can do them!

    2. You're much better at CrossFit than I am, Wendy. You should go for the Open! Why not?!

    3. Ha! I don't know about being better at it. Plus I am just so intimidated by the other athletes!

  4. Congrats on your leadership council position-they are lucky to have you and your experience. Maybe that will give you some new excitement on the work front. I have been seeing the big deer with the antlers out there too-maybe it’s mating season? Glad to hear your heart ❤️ is good :)

    1. You are right--these new opportunities at work sure help me feel good about my job!

  5. Congrats on the Leadership Council! That’s a great recognition.
    That painted penguin rock is so cute!
    Wow on having an 83 yr old classmate at crossfit! That would eliminate a lot of excuses.

    1. He's such an inspiration! He obviously has to modify a lot, but he always tries everything!

  6. Looks like a GOOD week, indeed! I love that painted rock; it's nice finding those little "day-brighteners" in random places. Congrats on the Leadership Council!

  7. Your trail run sounds delightful, and congrats on being named to the leadership council!

    I'm definitely ready for spring and no more constant guessing on what to wear on my outdoor bikerides.

    1. I couldn't imagine riding a bike this time of year--kudos to you!

  8. So lovely to have a work team that you enjoy! Amazing.

    What the heck on the snarky responses? What is with people...just be nice.

    83 and still doing Crossfit! Incredible.

    1. Yes! I have seen some snark in that group and it always surprises me. I guess I expected nature lovers to be kind.

  9. Congrats on your role at work. Sounds like a great effort and cause! How cool that you were chosen for that! One of our parks also had a lot of tree clearing during the last year. I know it's for the good, but man it looks so sad!
    Glad to hear your heart health is good! I will be getting my tests for that done soon.

    1. They did a lot of tree clearing at the preserve near my home too--it just looks like a war zone! I know i have to be patient and wait for it to fill back in again.

  10. Congratulations on the new position at work, that's wonderful! We didn't do Valentine's Day as husband was really unwell with a heavy cold (I managed to avoid it!) and he went off to bed after dinner. I don't think we usually do it anyway. I had a good running week, covering over a half-marathon over the week for the first time since week ending 3 September. So covering it in one go might happen in May!

    1. Oh, it's the same position--this will be an extra responsibility. No extra pay, tho! Glad to hear you had a good running week!!

  11. "It's all good" is a very good way to sum up a week! Sounds like it was pretty great. I love your 83 year old crossfit buddy- hopefully that will be us someday! Congrats on being chosen for the leadership council- that must feel good, and I also love how you and your colleagues are such good friends! We don't usually do much for Valentine's Day, but my husband did get takeout so I didn't have to cook- he knows how to make me happy!

    1. Food is always a win at my house--my hubs cooked for me when we were dating and that was pretty much the hook that got me, lol

  12. That's fantastic about the Leadership Council, congrats! And how lovely that you are such a good work team and good friends too.
    Too bad about the mess on the trail and the snark when you tried to get news about what was going on. It makes sense to get rid of invasive plants but... snark is never ok.
    So that 83-year-old is actually in your Crossfit group? That's so cool!! And - 185 pounds for a deadlift is impressive!
    When we met, we made a decision to not bother about Valentine's day. But we had plenty to celebrate this week anyway.

    1. We don't do a lot about Valentine's Day either, but the hubs usually prepares something good for dinner and this year was Beef Tenderloin... his cooking always gets me!

  13. Congratulations on being selected for the Council! That's amazing! You must be so proud! And I love that photo of you and your team! A good team is hard to find and I love that you can all support each other. I'm sorry people were rude when you asked about the trail. I had a run in with a rude dog owner this week. I love her Dobie, and she was so nasty when I complimented him. Some people are just miserable. We went out for Valentine's Day but it wasn't anything major. We were just chauffering the kids to their date and needed something to eat, too.

    1. Oooh, those rude dog owners--especially when the dog is off leash and comes at me! Grrrrr

  14. Congratulations on the Leadership Council! So amazing. Love the little penguin friend amid the traill destruction.
    The phrasing of running Gibraltar made me chuckle, a friend and I were just talking about visiting there - the European version - "one day"
    (Cari if login fails again)

    1. Funny because whenever I hashtag Gibraltar Rock, I think people who are looking for the European one are saying WTH is this?

  15. Congrats! What an honor to be selected.

    I was in Florida on Valentine's day. At least I didn't break my foot this year. I went out to dinner with friends.

    I only wear a watch on race day... and I never just run. Walks are ok in my book. I call them photo breaks. lol

    1. While there's nothing wrong with walking--I've done my share of run/walks--I'm enjoying running at a pace that I don't need to stop to walk.

    2. that's great. I'm on the other side. I've run straight and now enjoying/needing my walk breaks.

  16. Congrats!!! What a deserved honor!

    I never wear a watch except on race day. I never just run... they're photo breaks LOL.

    I was in Florida on Valentine's day. at least this year I didn't break my foot that day.
