Sunday, May 12, 2019

I've Got a Good Feeling About This...

It was another frustrating week, health and fitness-wise. I won't harp on it, but my patience and my emotions were starting to fray. I had an appointment with my rheumatologist this week and I spent time prior to the appointment studying up on my condition and my new symptoms so I could be prepared to ask the right questions. Sometimes being a medical provider is a blessing and a curse! I have the knowledge and ability to interpret medical literature but I think that sometimes ignorance is bliss.

On the other hand, it felt really good to take control. At my appointment, my doctor and I discussed my concerns and options. She made some changes in my medications, including stopping the steroids which were making me really emotional. I left the appointment feeling more optimistic than I have in a while. Time will tell if the new medication will work but based on everything I learned, I have a good feeling about this new plan.

Beautiful Picnic Point overlooking Lake Mendota in Madison

Last Sunday, I drove up to Madison to visit my son and pick up some of the stuff from his dorm room. He had a final, so I drove up a little early with the plan to go for a run while he took his exam. It was a gorgeous day and as always, Madison didn't disappoint! I ran along Lake Mendota out to Picnic Point, but between the heat and the pervasive fatigue I've been experiencing, I struggled to finish 3 miles. I walked the rest of the way back to the Memorial Union Terrace, where he met me. We split a pitcher of Spotted Cow and caught up on life. After that, we walked up to the capitol square to grab dinner. I loved spending the day with him in my most favorite city.

The always beautiful Wisconsin State Capitol
On Monday, I woke up exhausted and feeling just off. I also had a weird tingling in my arms and hands. I started to feel it on Sunday too but just brushed it off. Between the tingling and the fatigue, I called off work. I spent the day on the couch but did do some gentle yoga, which felt really good. By Tuesday, I felt much better. I had hoped to run 6 on Wednesday but the wind was ridiculous!  Because I had to go to work that day, I decided not to push myself and cut the run to 4 miles. Listening to my body? Who am I?

On Saturday, I woke up to cool temperatures and drizzle. I wanted to get in a run before I headed off to work, so I did a loop around my neighborhood, which is surrounded by busy streets. It's exactly 4 miles around. I can only do this in the early morning before everything is open, otherwise, I'm dodging cars turning into the businesses.

Digging deep and doing reverse warrior at the end of Saturday's run.
At my strength session with Sammy Jo, I worked on Pin Squats alternating with Front Squats. I don't have a picture of the Pin Squats but basically, you start in a squat position under the bar in a rack and push up. It was way harder than I expected--at one point, my quads were like, "um no way"! She also had me do some triceps dips alternating with core work using a medicine ball. We ended with kipping swings from the bars, which I love. Bootcamp was an EMOM of 7 activities: squats, plank KB taps, KB swings, slam ball cleans, atomic situps, single KB deadlifts, and hollow holds. We did 5 rounds. It was as hard as it sounds, but finishing was definitely a win! My reward was waking up on Friday not feeling like I overdid it.

Running and pin squats and tulips! Running down the week/via @oldrunningmom #runchat #running #curearthritis

How was your week? Is it rainy and cold by you? Are you able to get your runs in? Did you try my smoothie recipe? Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there! And the moms to be as well! (Laura, I'm looking at you!)

You know you want to...
I'm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Rundown.


  1. Bleh. Hopefully your new treatment regimen will yield some positive changes. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I hope the new med has you feeling like a new woman! Happy Mother's Day!

    1. I have to be patient...and you know that's not in my DNA. Fingers crossed too.

  3. Happy Mother's Day Wendy!

    Kudos to you for being armed with information and questions for you doctors appointment! Sometimes we have to be own advocates when it comes to our health. I hope that the new adjustments in medication will help you start t feel better.

    1. I was so frustrated with the lack of improvement. Thankfully, my doctor and I were on the same page. It's always good when that happens. Now to be patient for a little while longer while we wait for things to kick in.

  4. You're managing your condition and the information around it so well - what a star. And lovely to see Madison - I loved it when I visited though that was a long time ago. Lovely strong pics of you in that boot camp zone, too!

  5. I think being an advocate for your own healthcare is so empowering. Glad to hear that you have a new plan that you are optimistic about. I also think it's fun to run on college campuses. Hope you are having a fabulous mother's day~

  6. That is a beautiful pic of the WI capitol! Glad things are on the up-swing for you, and the adjusted meds work some magic. Thanks for linking with us ;-)

  7. I hope your new regimen works! It is very frustrating to continue along with the plan when it's clearly not helping. Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Good for you going into your appointment well-arms with info. Sometimes it is hard to even know the right questions to ask. I hope that this new plan has some positive results! Happy Mother's Day Wendy!

  9. I hope you see a positive swing in your feelings with the changes. It's frustrating but you keep on fighting. I love that you got to spend the day with your son. That sounds perfect!

  10. Happy Mothers' Day to you, Wendy! Sounds like a perfect day with your son. I hope this new regimen is the right fit for you. If you are optimistic, that is a good sign!

    1. I just have to be patient, which is something I am not good at!

  11. Great job Wendy and wishing you all the best with the new medication as well. Happy Mother's Day.

  12. Ah Picnic Point! That is my old running path! I miss running out there - that's where I fell in love with running and started training for my very first race (a half marathon). I did an EMOM style workout for the first time last week and loved the quick pace (although I had quite the DOMS case after). Hope you had a lovely Mothers Day!

    1. Madison is a great running town! Do you ever go back to do Crazylegs? I wanted to do it with my son but he didn't want to do it. Wah!

  13. Very rainy and cold.
    What gorgeous tulips, glad you had a good visit with your son even if you weren't feeling 100%
    Hope the tweaks to the meds h elp you

    1. It's a strange spring--so rainy and cold but everything is in full bloom!

  14. I really hope that your new medication makes a difference. You're such a warrior.

    1. I just keep moving, hoping that I'll find my footing again! It's got to be there, right?

  15. Happy Mother's Day! Hopefully the new medication helps you feel much better. So what do you think caused the tingling in your hands and arms?

    1. I have no idea? My doctor thinks I'm having some neurogenic pain and that may be related. The new medication is supposed to address that.

  16. I hope the new meds bring some relief! Good job on listening to your body. I kind of want to do a little ST today, but yesterday was very stressful, long & tiring & I have to run (the whole mentoring thing) -- most likely in the rain -- so I know it's just not in my best interest right now.

    Don't even get me started on the rain. :( And the fact that it's in the low 40s this morning . . . better weather is supposedly coming, though!

    1. My body isn't giving me any opportunities to push hard, so I have no choice but to heed the messages it is sending me.

  17. That's great news that you have a new plan to deal with the RA and a new medication to try. It sounds like you had a lot of rain last week, hope that changes soon!

  18. All of those pictures of you at the gym make me feel motivated to not be scared to try new equipment at the gym! :) Hope the new meds work well for you!

    1. As long as you have the proper technique, you should never be afraid! It's so fun!

  19. I'm so glad you have a new plan that you're optimistic about but just so pissed for you that you have to deal with SO many RA issues lately! I have never been to Madison, WI but it looks gorgeous and what a great way to spend a day. I truly hope you have a string of feel good runs this week. If anyone deserves it, it's YOU!

    1. I'm just hoping for some relief! Bummed that we're not going to have our meet up this week!

  20. Thank you for the shout out and happy Mother's Day to you! Madison is such a cool city, especially the terrace. I hope the new meds and new plans work out well for you - and that some nice weather finally comes our way for a boost!

    1. I'm just so excited for you! And I love that you're out there getting it done.

  21. Happy Mother's Day!

    I'm glad you are able to talk to your doctor about your concerns and have her listen and work with you on solutions. I'm also glad it's keeping you positive.

    It's hot and raining here - only May and already soup outside. Meh, what can you do?

    Those tulips are just stunning. I love them and wish I had access to seeing more gardens like that here.

    1. But you have other different yet beautiful blooms that we can't have here in the Midwest! I love all the different plants I see when I travel around the country.

      I don't want soupy weather but I'd sure love some warmth!

  22. Aww man, I hope the med combination works out for you. I can't even imagine the frustration you must be feeling. It sounds like you did enjoy time with your son though! Also, those pin squats sound hard. Heck, that whole workout sounds intense. Way to do it without taxing your body too much!

    1. I was so pleased that my day at CF didn't make me feel bad! I do love my strength training.

  23. Hoping your new treatment will help :(

    Madison really is a beautiful city! So clean and the campus is one of my favorites.

  24. It's for sure rainy down here but not cold! I really wish our love bugs would go away. They are horrible!

    I hope your new treatment regimen provides some quick relief for you!

    1. "Love bugs" aren't very lovable! This spring has been interesting, for everyone!
